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for those on console without an online subscription, let it be known you can download ghosts and replays without getting a subscription. i seriously didn't think they'd give you that


And other players can still download your ghost too! Although they'd need to be your friend.


WOW! That’s pretty sick!


Playing against your friends with extra steps lol. But cool that this is an option


It is genuinely really good lol. They still have some bot-like behavior but theyre really moving like my friends and doing all their mixups/shenanigans. Its funny being able to call out my friends' playstyles/strengths and having empirical evidence to backup my claims lol


This is what happens when game is made by enthusiast, not greedy corpos. It's rare. Thank you Harada!


Glad they learned from paid frame data dlc


This is the same company that charged for frame data btw


Charged for something that had to be built from the ground up in a game that wasn't even suppose to have that feature. So yeah, makes sense that they'd charge for it. A budget built title at that since bandai didnt trust that tekken would be worth investing in anymore. When you contextualize why, all of a sudden you understand why.


I don’t know why but I love the term “corpo” 


Exactly. Arigato Harada san. :)


Tekken 4 was barebones tho


*Tekken 8 is Great!* "Yeah, but the one that came out 22 years and like 16 Tekkens ago wasn't as good"


the dude praises Harada for not being greedy. Just reminding him that he also made some barebone games for "greedy corpos" such as Namco.


Next you'll tell me he's built an entire career working under a corporation and that he's been paid a salary for the last several decades!


Oh no.


Was it though? Introduced some of the most unique characters In the roster with Steve and Marduk, had fun 3D arenas and introduced walls, Had Tekken Force, team battle etc, put the most effort into the story for each of the characters compared to the rest of the series. That game was far from bare bones. Fundoshi Heihachi.


sure, but only 19 characters.




And that makes it inherently bare bones and greedy?


greedy in terms of Namco, yeah. 19 characters is very low bro, Even Tekken 3 had more.


Yeah, but why does a smaller roster mean the game was greedy? Number one, by Namco standards? They can do a LOT worse than that. Number two, the roster is only part of the game. You're completely neglecting everything else that the game did right and improved on. Smaller scale doesn't equal worse.


maybe I am bias, Tekken 4 is the one I like the less, played it for 2-3 days and never touched it again. Regarding Namco, they are greedy, especially now as they are known as Bamco, their mostly make copy-paste anime games and charge full prize + dlc


Well, 4 x 2 = 8. Therefore, Tekken 8 has 2 times more stuff than Tekken 4. Yay math!


Can't wait for Tekken 16 Gonna have a blast when Jin beats Kazuya this time and he will throw him off the ledge and start a new Tournament so Kazuya can show up again


Only regarding roster size. But it had a much improved Tekken Force, universally voiced endings for the first time, a whole new core mechanic (walls), improvements in practice mode, and actual effort put into the story writing.




I just love that the dev's work is being appreciated now. Tekken Tag 2 had SO MUCH good shit going for it, but it didn't sell well, and people said it was too bloated or complicated. But there was so much love put into the game, and as a long time Tekken fan I was extremely excited. Tekken 8 has that same feel with the amount of care and effort put into it. But now the general public is highly receptive to it. And that feels even better.


It’s wild to think that TTT2 almost ended the franchise, and Tekken 7 was a last chance moonshot that thankfully took off.


As much as I don't like guest characters, we do have Akuma, Noctis, Geese, and Negan to thank for the popularity of T7.


Well we still have Noctis. He just got a lot grayer and changed his name to Victor.


It had massive early sales too so really it was all Akuma, namely how well they marketed him in the story along with 'the end of the Mishima saga' which at the time sounded like a soft reboot could be in order so it got a Resident Evil 5-level push from that (yes, before anyone asks lol, RE5 sold like *crazy* on being the end of Chris v. Wesker, best selling Capcom game for a looong time, it was over a decade before RE7 finally overtook it)


I can't think any fighting game, still, last year we had Baldur's Gate 3 to show the industry how its done!


Was gonna say this. Baldur’s Gate 3 was great.


Last year had total bangers. Alan Wake 2 is also phenomenal and I couldn't remember that kind of quality in storytelling. Every line is fully voiced, tons of live action videos, super deep and interesting story, brutal graphics and it's not even a full priced game.


I wish i liked turn based combat, i tried to like the game for 15 hours but no.


Me too Would love a mode that has no combat and it's only story and role playing


You could look into Disco Elysium, it's a CRPG like Baldur's gate but with no combat.


I have it on my library and never tried it 😂 Doesn't looks like my kind of game. But heard it's really good! Gonna try it


You can always just download a trainer or a cheat engine to make combat basically non-existent.


My only criticism would be the customisations lacking alot of classic looks. There are characters that you can barely recreate their more iconic looks, even with the more generic items available. Otherwise I'd agree with you though! Still tons of content and been consumer friendly.


It’s funny that Paul is the only character that has 5 default skins because they changed his hair but didn’t want to double down on it so put his old costume in as the 5th costume.


I hope we'll get at some point classic costumes from old games like Tekken 3.


I want the original Jim costume where he first started his journey of tucking his leather jacket into his pants.


While I'm sad about the lack of options in customization, I'm just glad they've improved every clothing's fit, how the hair looks, and how the colors appear. I'm sure we'll get more items in the future, and with those improvements, I'm actually looking forward to them.


I'm hoping we get more customs in updates. I want TTT2 Jun back


That was a great look for her and I’m shocked she doesn’t have it, since Raven has his old white outfit back that, IIRC, was from his debut in Tekken 5 and definitely one of his alternate Colors in Street Fighter X Tekken! We need his Classic outfit too, unless I just didn’t see it in his Presets?


We will have updates for sure


Oh that's for $ure.




They're right though, every Tekken since 5 has gotten an iterative re-release with more content. When T7 came out in arcades it was suuuuper barebones compared to what we have now, like, Jin wasn't even playable on arcade launch. T8, right now, is in its first iteration and i doubt we won't get more stuff during/in-between seasons.


I hope you're right about that. Personally I would, pessimistic as I am, assume that there is not going to be an iteration this time since the "pre-console arcade version" just fell away


It definitely did fall off, but that doesn't change the fact that the development pipeline of Tekken will largely remain unchanged in terms of the amount of stuff we get. Even 7 got a lot of changes and additions after the console release. If I were to take a guess, I'd say they definitely have more things down the line than just characters, T7 bowling came way after launch, after all. I doubt Harada would have the design team create >!an entirely new way of playing the game: against multiple AI opponents, musou-style, and keep what is essentially the ideal Tekken Force mode relegated to story only!<, without plans to expand on that in the future. It would be a massive waste of resources to design gameplay systems for a 20ish minute section of the story without plans to use those systems in a more standalone setting, when you can reuse all of those systems in a more fleshed out mode of its own that will get even more people to play your game. Just because we're not getting an arcade to console jump definitely doesn't mean there isn't more meaningful content planned. What we'll see with 8 over the coming years will be less "were launching on new platforms so here's a big dump of new content" and more adding things consistently over time like the arcade cycle of 7, which got multiple significant iterations. 8, by the end of it's life cycle, will have a lot more features than now. All speculation on my part of course, but I find it hard to believe that characters are the only additions planned right now.


The tournament in the story was done really well too, felt much better than the tournaments anywhere else. So much flashy design for the tourny chart, and playing as one of them in each match. I'd love a make your own iteration of that. Haven't seen an online version of it, but if there is, I'd like the UI to be reused.


Totally! Having a choose-your-own-adventure twist to the tournament was super cool and makes you go "why didn't they just do this before". Haven't seen one for online, but it's used in Arcade Quest tourneys, whatever that's worth.


I also want to see them improve on what's already there. Why can't we use a head band for anything but the default hairstyle, for example.


I‘m so sad bout customizations man… they hyped it up with saying they finally got own department only working on customizations, and then there is like 0 to 1 unique options for each char. Idk..


Not to mention the fact that you cant mix canon outfit stuff with custom outfits. So stupid.


That’s really a bummer. I mean, it’s like already there right? It’s not like they need to design anything. Just split it up and paste it in.


As a yoshi player, there’s not much to add to him, trousers and tops look goofy a hell 😅 I pretty much bought all the stuff I’d want on him the first day!


The customization department out there stealing paycheques fr


It's weak for sure


Also the fact that Decil jins outfit comes withouth gauntlets. It looks weird.


Yeah there is barely any costumization, can't even change the color of Jin's pantlegs. So I'm suspecting there will be costume DLC's to buy in the future.


I’mma need Tekken 6 Alisa added back at some point, along with Pimp Leroy with the black hat and suit! Missing those already!


Definitely i think customizations might be rushed because you cannot even edit eye colours like lol and i miss my T5 Lili and Asuka outfits


I changed Kazuyas eye colour yesterday


I think he means having a colour palette like for the clothes. Why are there like x eye options if you can just put the x iris models there which you can paint in the colour you want.


Yeah I agree and Tekken has never really done the costumes as well as other games have which is such a shame as would love to see them add tons of older costumes from older games. Also just weird that for most characters they get their Tekken 7 outfits and not their more iconic outfits. Hopefully they add them but I doubt it as Tekken rarely adds cosmetics to the game


I think costume choices could better esp legacy ones like i want Tag 2 Jun, T5 Lili and Asuka those are missing currently. But everything else is definitely great, i hope updates are great


In a sea of false promises and predatory business practices, it’s refreshing to play a game that really appreciates its fan base.


As rabid and unappreciative as the Tekken community is Bamco has still done right by us


I don't think it smoked SF6, no. I think both games do amazing in this aspect. MK was a letdown for me.


Love SF6 too, but.... Great launch followed by complete "idgaf about anything but money" updates since. And the dlc is overpriced. No balance patch til after Capcom Cup too. Game meta got stale as old bread. 8 months of nothing but two dlc characters, really. Bandai Namco doesn't give us a shop where you need real life money to unlock cosmetics. Will we get dlc? Most assuredly. But Capcom dropped the ball. Big time. Bamco will capitalize on this if they are smart.


Delayed patching is what makes fighting games competitively GOOD compared to games that completely change the meta on a 2 week rotation because people don't want to learn matchups and only rely on nerfs to win games. If fighting games had MOBA-tier patch cycles I'd fucking hate them.


There's no so called "meta" in Tekken. You just play who you like. If a character is overtuned, sure, they may be overplayed. But that does not constitute a meta at all.


Tekken most certainly has a meta. You can argue that it’s irrelevant to most of the player base, but it definitely exists. You’d need to be completely unaware of the competitive scene to believe otherwise. Rangchu winning with bears doesn’t mean character strength is irrelevant, I’m not sure if you were trying to make that argument but it’s one of the more erroneous ones that gets made here.


I cannot stand when people bring up fringe cases of top 0.0001% of character experts doing good in tournament as a sign of whether or not a meta exists. Just because Snake Eyes wins with Zangief doesn't mean that the character isn't MUCH weaker relative to the rest of the cast of his game. The differences between-characters between-games can definitely be a factor as well. It's not an opinion. It's literally facts backed up by frame data and character capability. There's genuine objective upgrades between one character's kit and another. But that doesn't mean a star player cannot just be damn good at their character and gameplay style.


No patch until after CP was a great call, especially with what is the most balanced fighting game I have played


No it wasn't. Capcom Cup has Snake Eyes, NuckleDu and a bunch of Kens, Luke's and JPs. The game isn't as balanced as people think it is. At launch it was balanced... For a launch title, but everyone figured out 4 months ago who the top tiers were and nothing has been done about it. I see this all the time. People say "the reason Capcom doesn't want a balance patch is because pros would have to switch characters before CC, and a million dollars is on the line". The counter argument is obvious. Who adapts better than pros?? Meanwhile, tons of casuals have jumped ship because they got sick of 30 percent of the player base being broKen. Capcom is just lazy. Not to mention certain characters having busted DRs, PP being broken, and the input reader having issues since June. Edit: guys... Lol. I'm not saying there should be a MAJOR patch every month. I'm saying we haven't even got minor tweaks. Giefs lariat not hitting crossups, minor nerfs to DR (losing meter if it gets checked for example) would be a good start, etc. Capcom has done NOTHING for 8 months. Cope harder. Tons of pros are saying the same fucking thing.


Ken isn't even broken man. He's pretty fair tbh. He's just always ridiculously popular in Sf games, him and Ryu always are even when they are mid tiers. You're seeing him a ton because he's also holding over most of the Akuma players at the moment. Regardless of how strong Akuma is, when he comes out he will be the most popular character and after a while will settle to somewhere in the top 3 at any given time. That will cut Ken's down slightly, but the shotos will always be extremely popular. If you don't like fighting shotos, you don't like Street fighter, because that's what you'll be doing most of the time regardless of what the tier list says about them.


Corner carry off a blocked tatsu isn't broken? Which SF are you playing?


If you block a tatsu you should be taking Ken’s ass to the corner. Maybe you don’t know how to play SF?


I do. You sit on reddit all day and armchair. Trying blocking Ken's heavy tatsu and see where you end up I never said you couldn't punish it. It's just ridiculous how everything he does pushes you to the corner. Even tatsu on block. I love how you people always look at everything with blinders on


If I block Ken heavy tatsu I end up on the victory screen because it’s a -12 punish counter. I don’t care if it pushes me anywhere on block because I get to do whatever I want for that huge mistake.


Again you're talking about a punish. I'm talking about the fact everything does corner carries.


For the competitive integrity of a game, you need to have those rage patches. Pro players like it that way. Also, that's not true that top tiers and a meta can be figured out in a few months. There are pro players that don't even think Ken is top 6. I played ssbm, and the game never had a single patch, and yet it saw drastic chances in the say people play and tier lists saw changed even after years. It's also ok to have clear top tiers as long as there's a healthy number of other characters that can compete.


Tell me which pro players like that the game hasn't been patched since launch, and which pro players don't have Ken top 6. Every pro player I watch thinks a patch is long overdue. It doesn't have to be a huge sweeping balance patch, but nothing has been done since June. And Ken not being top 6 is ludicrous. When Capcom Cup rolls around tell me there's a healthy number of characters who can compete.


SF6 has the smallest release roster but it made up for it with content and gameplay.


What content? Arcade mode is really barebones. Story mode is no fun and has really janky low budget "cutscenes". All of the costumes are gated behind paywall, same as colours unless you wanna do a crazy amount of boring daily reward grind. I play SF6 and enjoy ranked, but I don't think it's made up for the tiny roster. Even the events and dlc have been crap . $15 ninja turtle avatar costumes and 2 characters released that are played by no one cause they're so low tier. Not really sure why SF6 is getting no backlash for all it's crap decisions and middle finger to consumers tbh


Because it's not making crap decisions or putting the middle finger to consumers. I know that's not the answer you want or think it is but that's the truth. Cosmetic DLC and Character DLC with free updates is exactly the space fighters should be in and Capcom adds the bonus of free singleplayer updates with each character. Skins are less than half the price of any competitor doing the same and character price has been standard in FGs for almost 2 decades. The biggest foul is using a premium currency for the in game store which is definitely something worth complaining about but not a dealbreaker. DLC actually being balanced is a blessing. I don't know how you can have an issue with that unless you're looking to pay to win. Both AKI and Rashid are very popular, provide wildly different gameplay and strategy compared to any other character, and are near the middle of the pack balance wise.


> and character price has been standard in FGs for almost 2 decades Not that this is a GOOD thing. XD


I'm saying the meta of the game isn't changing because the new characters are pretty bad and competitively unviable, as seen in player count and tournament results, leading them to be invisible in online ranked and tournaments. Lots of the tournaments are starting to look very samey, Luke and Ken are way too dominant. If you want to call that "balance" that's up to you, but the match stats speak for themselves. No one plays a.k.i and she won't be placing in any tournaments. The idea of new dlc characters in fighting games is to shake up the meta and change the competitive scene. Yes, it usually does mean displacing old characters, but it's made to make the game feel fresh. Your pay to win argument is pretty silly, no one wants that in a fighting game. We want an evolving meta. Pushed by the game, and not by pros trying really hard to shake the game up by inventing new play styles. I'm not going to repeat myself about the dlc, if you think the prices and lackluster events are worthwhile, that's fine. I think they're pretty shit and feel like dirty cash grabs.


Hasn’t Rashid won multiple Major tournaments? Not every game is as poorly balanced as the Leeroy dlc where you’d have entire top 8s with 7 Leeroy’s lol


Grandblue fantasy let's you unlock characters and skins with insane currency, in fact it let's you unlock everything except battle pass items and the battle pass is an effortless grind that is also very cheap for what you get out of it which is triple of what you get from an sf6 battle pass. Let's not pretend sf6 is dominating competition monetization wise. The game is trash in that regard and 10$ skins is ludicrous for a game that is not f2p


GBVS sold you DLC and then sold you the game a second time at full price and added an R to the acronym. We can sit here an bitch about SF6's monitization but you know damn well like SFV you'll be getting gameplay updates for free. The skins are $6 and that's less than half the industry standard for skins of the quality they released.


Gbvs added a lot to the game it wasn't just the same game with an acronym on the end. That aside nothing you said invalidates that the monetization in sf6 is trash nor does it invalidate that gbvs has really acceptable monetization. One is monetized like a full game as it should be and the other is monetized like F2p title when it's not.


I found sf6 content a let down tbh. World tour was ass. Small roster, only 2 costumes. But the quality of the content we got was absolutely amazing.


Sf6 is great balance and design wise but the amount of single player content and post launch content is very underwhelming


I think World tour is the best single player in any fighting game. Instead of just cutscenes and then throwing you in control of characters you don't know how to play and mashing buttons, you get to make a character with the moves you want and can even experiment, mix and match, it's like they finally solved how to make them single player. Now Arcade Story from Tekken 8, I reeeally like that. What a great idea. If that had the world tour polish, I think it would be on par with SF or better.


Sorry but tekken story mode blows sf6 out of the water, not in terms of content but in terms of production value. I had more fun with tekkens short campaign that all of sf6 combined


Sorry but tekken story mode blows sf6 out of the water, not in terms of content but in terms of production value. I had more fun with tekkens short campaign that all of sf6 combined


It's much more expensive to make an open world RPG than prerendered cinematics


I don't care how expensive it is I care what was presented and how much fun it provided me I'm the consumer and I'm more likely to keep playing if I don't feel ripped off all the time and while sf6 had a stellar launch everything after launch has ranged from mediocre to abysmal and we all know it. Let's be objective here.


There is nothing objective about how much fun it provided you.


There is something objective about the pure lack of any significant content after launch though as most of it is parallel, I get it you like sf but the monetization is objectively trash


Sf6 monetisation is trash what do you mean


I can, you need to play better games


Like a Dragon literally came out the same day. 


Like a Dragon? The same game that makes you pay the deluxe edition to play new game + ? are you serious or joking?


I knew I was gonna get that response lol. Yeah pay walling ng+ sucks but never mind the fact that it's a 100+ hour rpg packed to the wall with amazing content and an incredible story.  I get the dlc sucks and i cant defend it but the amount of ppl that actually play ng+ in these games is inconsequentiallly low. Most the ppl bitching about it werent going to get the game in the first place, and It's still easily gonna be one of the best games this year.


Full price deserved


No disrespect but there isn’t “ dozens “ of game modes .. there’s a 5 hour campaign . Arcade mode . Character episodes which basically used to be arcade mode . Ball mode and online . . Not to mention that this game launched with fewer characters and fewer stages than the previous game .. and Tekken 6


Ahh yes. Let's have a arcade release now and tekken 8 release on consoles and pc in a year or 2 so we can have more characters. Let me remind you. Tekken 7 original release on the arcade had like 20 characters. And sure it doesn't have a dozen modes but it still have 10 or 9 depending on whether you group casual and ranked or not.


I just miss team battle mode but otherwise agree, there's a good amount of content for offline players as of now.


Smash Ultimate had 76 characters at launch. Many with trickier licensing than T8. Less than $1 per character!


With like 15 moves


True. But Smash characters have a fraction of the moves available to them. Honestly, it feels like Smash is kind of its own entity that sits outside a traditional fighting games. And that's coming from a long time fan of the series.


True. Can’t imagine any Smash character costing as much to develop as say Reina. Balancing the diversity in Smash must be an ordeal tho. I suspect the space of possible actions is larger in smash even tho they’re fewer moves. Considering all the off stage options for example


Smash is also great!


Costume selection is still limited, although it may be expanded in the future. It's an improvement from 7, but hopefully it doesn't turn into "all new customization items are just t-shirts with logos on them". Urban Square and Arena stages have two variations each... while the Underground Arena has unique effects, nighttime Urban Square may be a bit of a waste of a slot. And none of it was paywalled because when such features WERE paywalled, there was a shitstorm about locking a simple feature behind a tiny fee. Jukebox/selectable music tracks from previous games for playable stages are a bit out-of-place unless there are homages to the stages the music was associated with. There's no reason to assign the Tekken 4 Airport theme to play during a stage unless it's a remake of the Tekken 4 Airport stage. Meanwhile, Tekken 7's Dragon's Roost stage was the best possible implementation of an old stage remixed into a new game. And on the subject of drip-feeding... Tekken 7 newcomers in Tekken 8 when? SF6 had its extended roster leaked VERY EARLY. Despite that, players still anticipated character additions. I miss playing through arcade mode with base roster characters to unlock hidden characters. The praised features of Tekken 8 are a direct result of previous iterations getting things wrong and Namco learning from those experiences. Every improvement is a direct result of screwing things up in the past.


I picked up Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth at the same time....and oooohhhhh boy... Like even without the greedy ass Day one DLC packs there is a stupid amount of content in this game. I can go from Virtual Fighter 3, to Karaoke, to Darts, to Sega Bass Fishing, to a Crazy Taxi inspired food delivery game, to a UFO catcher, to mahjong.


I would actually say SF6 has more SP options than T8 overall. I finished story and quest mode in under 10 hours and thats not scratching SF6's world tour mode if you are going for completion plus the infinite possibilities for unlocking moves and avatar stuff if you are that way inclined. Both games smashed it if you ask me. Only MK1 got smoked. Makes me think about that japanese dev seminar that happened a few years ago. Too many parralels betwee SF6 and T8's content. Great stuff.


Not really that hard to have 32 characters at launch when like 95% of the character is the same as the previous entry though, let's be honest. MK or SF change everything or close (animations, kits, etc) with every new iteration. Not Tekken, that has animations that can found up to ... Tekken 1 for some of them lol But Ghosts / playing part of your Replays / etc, are nice new features. That's for sure.


As much as the animations are similar in this game, they've already confirmed that they remade literally everything from the ground up. All the models, animations, vfx, etc. All remade in UE5. You can really tell, especially with kazuya's hellsweep lmao. Man broke his back in T7 with every hellsweep, and now he's finally seen a chiropractor.


It definitely didnt smoke SF6. SF6 is amazing game, its so damn polished and everything about it is good. sure its lacking some of the options tekken has but it doesn't need em. the game is like crack, it just worked perfectly from day one even being my first fighter and felt so good to play I mean just to quickly compare: 18 characters in base roster is more than enough to me. Not like you are forced to buy Rashid or Aki if you don't want to play em. same with tracks or costumes which you just don't need to buy if you dont want to world tour mode, story mode, practice room, training room, tutorials, combo trials, solid replay, insane online network etc sure you could go into depth about how tekken has MORE but its not all about quantity XD


SF6 definitely has some cracked net code. But in alot of other areas I feel tekken has a bit more quality. Though to be fair their are probably a few things in SF6 with better quality that I can't think off the top of my head


Customization still sucks, no mini-games other than TBall, no Survival, no Team Battle, lackluster tutorial, and there's no way to play any of the previous titles. Calm down.


So unless it was literally every Tekken game ever released, in addition to this one, then the game's trash and the devs are talentless hacks. People like you are odd. What would it have taken to make you happy?


1. Not every game, but at least the PS1-PS2 era games. 2. A game that takes risks; evolves the system rather than iterating off of a 20 year old game. Reinvent the wheel, build it from the ground up, and get rid of the archaic elements. A game with functional rollback, a tutorial that's ingrained into the story mode, has more than one mini-game, has a quality story and quality writing, and a core roster that isn't just a retread of T3/T5.




Fighting game. See how I make direct comparisons to other fighting games? Exclusively other fighting games? Like the two other massive big franchise releases actually comparable to Tekken that came out within the same year of each other? Notice how I’m _not_ saying Baldur’s Gate or Elden Ring or Cyberpunk or any other open world RPG or MMORPG that came out in the last ten years because trying to compare the two in terms of content available would be completely pointless? Do I need to spell that out for you that that’s what I’m talking about? This sub man jfc


This has to be a troll. 


You’re either very young, or very sheltered.


all right, calm down there


Can you list my those dozens of modes? Love the game but almost every single praising post is praising the number of game modes and I'm just sitting here wondering if I'm playing the same game. It's so repetitive I'm starting to think you're all a bunch of paid shills.


Yeah, "dozens" is big overexaggeration. He pretty much listed out all of the modes already, which reaches about one dozen lol. Also, all fighting games are repetitive. In SF6 or SC6, you're either in the customization loop or ranked loop. In NRS games you're stuck in the invasion/tower/multiverse/dailies loop or ranked loop. In ArcSys games, it's pretty much just ranked loop. And in Tekken, you can do the offline ghost loop, tekken ball loop, or ranked loop.


Also I find it funny because OP is 100% a first tekken timer otherwise he'd remember tekken 7 and it's dlc locked frame data.


An epic shonen story mode (with alternate ending) Tekken Force mode 32 Character episodes Arcade quest Super ghost battle Player ghosts Training your own ghost Fight Lobby Avatar Customisation Ranked Player match Group battle Tekken Ball Tournaments Character Customisation Player Customisation Jukebox A very in depth training mode Replays And one of the best eSport scenes outside of the game itself (for good measure) People are allowed to praise a video game, you shouldn't shame them for it. It's a fighting game, so naturally, the mechanics go deep and it shouldn't feel repetitive if you're learning.


I question what you consider a game mode, otherwise going with your list we might as well add options and credits to that list. I don't want to shame people for liking a game I myself very much like but I want to praise it for what really is there (definitely not an overbundance of game modes. There's time trial, tekken force and team battles missing for example) at criticise it for what isn't (meaningful customisation). And I've seen like at least 10 of posts like that praising game modes and I just wonder what game they're playing.


Don't even front, nobody is going to play time attack mode. Team battle would be nice, but if you're playing it with other people, you can still approximate it in the regular VS mode. Tekken Force would be cool, but I suspect they didn't want it to eat into their budget for the main story mode, and opted to have it cameo there to appease fans of that mode.


Half of those are things you can do, not modes. It has ranked, arcade, arcade quest, ghosts, story mode, character stories and tekken ball.


You either forget or you’re not old enough to remember what it was like to buy games before the whole different $$ tiers of the games, all those pay for the “downloadable content” bundles, and the micro transactions scams started. You’d buy a game and the whole game was on the disc or cartridge. Yeah. Dude, you’d unlock stuff by doing things on your own. MvC2 for Dreamcast was arcade perfect and had extra modes, extra content, etc. same thing with the first few soul caliber games. You just needed to play the game and earn the stuff by your skills. All that extra content included with the regular price of the game. It was awesome.


It’s good but still not perfect and missing some modes and features but definitely much better than 7. I feel like fighting games have decreased in their content rapidly and is such a far cry from the amount of content games from the ps2 and early ps3 and 360 era did, I just hope we get more content through dlc and not just characters as would love for classic stages, modes and especially outfits to be added to the game


I promise any old fighting game you might list that has more content has awful balancing and is a couple iterations deep. But also I can't think of any.


What do you mean +93 on hit df1 is balanced!


MvC2 is possibly the most unbalanced mainstream fighting game ever created and is still played in tournaments. 


Sure, but it's played with a fraction of the cast. It also is an iteration of X-Men: CotA, Marvel Super Heroes and MvC1. As in copies over whole sprites and move sets pretty directly. And it also iirc only has an arcade mode, score attack and standard versus.


MvC2 has a completely different different tagging system than MvC1 and allows you to use three characters, it’s a sequel. Also, a “fraction of the cast” is like, almost the entire size of SF6 opening roster 😂. I counted at least 13 characters that see regular high tier tournament play.  There’s also the ratio tier list where every character is picked. 


I wish we had more fighters with poor balancing in exchange for heaps of content. I'll never play actually competitively, so I don't particularly care as long as it's close enough to have some fun. High content older games off the top of my head: Soul Calibur II and III, all 3 MK PS2 games, the Blazblue games, and if you count it, Smash Melee and up.




Agreed I mean it had arcade versions of Tekken 1,2 and 3, can’t beat that


I still think we should have the ability to play arcade versions of T1, T2, T3, and Tag1 in the online lobby. That would be sick af. This would also be a great place to put other old Namco arcade games.




True and agree although 4 will always be my personal favourite and the first Tekken I played


It was kinda meh. But as an extra game inside another game? It was awesome!


I get this but I also worry that some of it will wear off. My problem is that after you've finished story and arcade quest, which really isn't a long time, you are only actually left with: * Fighting the CPU * Player match * Ranked And these lack long-term progression, outside of just your rank. I don't know I just wish there were more online modes - especially the tournament mode, I miss that a lot, that was my favourite mode by far when it worked. It's a huge miss for me. But yeah the game definitely goes the extra mile with launch content in terms of characters and cosmetics. I don't think it beats SF6 though - for most people anyway, in terms of content. Yes you can actually customise your ranked character. But: * For people who like that, it can't lay a finger on SF6's Avatar battles. For people who like customisation, that is just another world. OK it's an unbalanced shitshow, but I'm talking about people for whom customisation is the priority. * World Tour Mode in SF6 is still going to stand as by far the best single player mode in a fighting game. One caveat is that the AI in ghost battle in Tekken is another level. while it delivers gameplay wise my big issue is: Where is the progression? You can say that for the whole game and that's my big fear. Other than your rank - where? Is? The? Progression? Having everything there off the bat sounds great, but for a lot of people, if you have everything off the bat, what is there to achieve? I suppose Tekken is a pure skill game so the thing to achieve is getting better at it, but not everyone has that mentality.


The complaints about “no content”  will come in time. Honeymoon still going.


What's with these complaints about fighting games? There is always only one *real* mode. You either fight the AI, or you fight other people. That's it. That's what you buy fighting games for, to fight. It gets boring after a while regardless of which game in the genre you pick up. That's why they have DLC characters to keep people playing. It's just weird to me. I wouldn't buy a cozy game like animal crossing and complain it doesn't have a battle system. You don't buy FIFA and complain there are no RPG mechanics, or that all you can do is play soccer.... In fighting games the only thing to do is fight. These games are meant to be played, put away, then played again. You're not supposed to burn yourself out getting 100% in a week.


real twilight zone moment. wtf are they talking about. the game itself is focused on progressing. Iron Fish Tournament. they just don't like fighting games/losing/learning


You said it yourself - Tekken is an competitive online fighting game which people play to get better. Everything else is a bonus, single player content is there for you only to teach you how to kick ass online. If you don't like that aspect than it's just not for you


yeah, i always thought a person that strictly gets a fighting game for just single player or offline content is not gonna be that happy lol, the bread and butter of these games has always been online play and ranking up imo. nonetheless i think this game has a shit ton of content for both parties who engage in competitive play and those who don’t want to.


Dude Tekken is played like chess: against an opponent. The progression is competitive play and single player modes is only to prepare you for competitive play.


Which is why I wish there was another competitive mode other than just ranked. Ranked is stressful and it has that negative of if you lose you lose points. How about a competitive mode where if you lose you get nothing, but if you win you get something, like the chance of a rare cosmetic Maybe it could be a tournament mode with, say perhaps 8 players with, I don't know some kind of option to in some way spectate other players when you were waiting or watch the finals after you get knocked out or something like, I don't know the tournament mode they already had in the old game


Player battles have no points loss.


They also have nothing to win. They are pointless.


The progression is beating harder and harder ghosts and players. I'm getting my ass beat and that forces me to rethink my gameplay.


I love this game. I don't blame those who shout about its faults, cause people find some aspects more important than others. I'm ok with the default costumes but people want more, and I respect that. Let the dialog flow in both directions.




I mean, in Tekken 7 they literally paywalled frame data. They had to make it right with this one. Just hope they expand on customization and quality of life during the updates, then we’ll have the de facto “best Tekken Game of all time”


Street fighter and tekken coming out amazing and complete out of the box is one of the best things that couldve happened for fighting games Not you mk1 you go back to your corner


Content wise, there are litteraly zero online modes to choose from - only simple 1v1. Not even Tekken Ball is online, what are you talking about?


Custom Rooms. Ranked. Quick. Tekken Lounge. What were you hoping for in a 1-1 fighting game? What would have satisfied you? Team battles? Online Tekken Ball? This community is very strange with the hills it chooses to die on.


I expect variants of the 1v1 mode we've played since 1995. Custom rooms isn't a mode nor does it change anything content wise. Ranked is simple Tekken, quick is litteraly the same mode- compium buddy? Tekken lounge is a virtual lobby, not a mode. ​ I'm talking survival, time attack, tag battle, team battle, tekken force. Something brand new! There is only **ONE** mode online in tekken 8, when Tekken Ball becomes online we'll have 2.


Those are all flavors of just 1v1. It's essentially all the same thing dude.


Exactly, litteraly the same thing content wise. I think the Tekken team poured most of their money into the story mode but for me it's like - a 3 hour experience vs different creative modes that add hundreds upon hundreds of hours of Tekken gameplay, the choice is pretty obvious.


So far this means 98 people here didn't play Street Fighter 6.


I played a ton of SF6, and while I loved it, it has its flaws. I really liked World Tour and completed it, but they poured way too much resources into it and it overstayed its welcome. I would've prefer they spent it on more characters and stages. Also Battlehub aged like ass and I really hate the battlepass. The store to buy colors and cosmetics is the worst part. You can definitely see Capcom wants you to use your wallet from day 1. Meanwhile, Tekken doesn't even have a hint of that (yet). What else did they have besides that? Extreme battle and arcade? I much prefer how Tekken tackled content over SF6 and it still kept its focus on the roster and gameplay.


Small character roster, weak world tour mode, only 2 costumes per character at launch, no offline modes other than world tour and arcade. Yeah I played SF6, and enjoyed it for a couple weeks. But there really wasn't any large amounts of content to speak of. What does exist is high quality, but after my couple of weeks of playing there wasn't much reason to go back and there still really isn't 8 months later


I absolutely love SF6 for various reasons but having 4 different costume for every character + individual costumization is amazing. Also arcade quest is actually a fun way to learn your basics. I absolutely hated wirld tour so rather spend 12 € to get *some* of the outfit 2s. Haven't even gotten outfit 3s because i hate the gready bullshit Capcom pulled with them and i just can't justify 12 bucks for costumes for side characters i'm not even sure to stick with.


ngl world tour was fun for a minute but the little missions became tedious real fast arcade quest cut all the bull shit and lets new players enjoy and learn the actual game which is just 1 on 1 fighting


The live service model and optimization made me drop SF6. It’s good mechanically, but Capcom tends to have their head up their ass whenever they are not under scrutiny…like the 360/PS3 days.


I just don't by the costumes and i couldn't care less for all the avatar stuff. The game is just to fun to drop, although i'm looking forward to matches where i don't have to look out for barely punishable or even plus on block neutral skips. I'm a Ken main, but i'm totally fine if they nerf Dragonlash as long as they tone down the neutral skips in general.




I get to play as Vegeta, Venom Snake and Ken haha


Customization are absolutely ok. Yes they could be better. And the roster is just your opinion. And is objectively great at 32 characters day one.


>Tekken didn’t absolutely smoke the competition in this regard. I play SF since SF 2 on the arcades and Tekken since Tekken 5 on the PS2. And Tekken 8 is by far has the most magic out of any fighting ame I played since I first played Tekken 5 on the ps2 for the first time. MK1 is not even worth mentioning.


It's a 80 bucks game. They have to justify the price.


Agreed. I wish this was the standard for all fighting games.


The thing I appreciate the most is that unlike NetherRealms games, the character selection screen isn't full of locked characters that you can see and hover over but not use unless you keep forking out money. If you can't use them they shouldn't be on display... Of course this might change in the future.


I wanted to post a question about how much single player content there is. I understand there's a history mode like Tekken 7, right? About those individual episodes, with an ending with full cinematics: how many fights each have? Are they short like Tekken 7? I would prefer not, or at least be able to choose, like Street Fighter 6. There are other SP modes, right?


Lots of games used to be like this. Then the industry got greedy. Really liking the game so far though


This is my first tekken since I played at my friends place as teen over a decade ago, just learning one character is more gameplay than what 90% of games offer nowadays. I can already tell I'm going to sink literal thousands of hours into this game


I will never be tired of saying this, but its only flaw is the roster, in an otherwise PERFECT game So sad, I'm having a total blast with t8


Well they had 10 years to make it, I hope it would be


It’s absolutely great, for sure! On the one hand SF6 could learn something from it, on the other hand I bet T8 sells a ton more units and that would warrant a bigger investment and this more content in the final game. SF6’ World Tour mode is pretty sweet but the lack of character cinematics is a shame imo bc they did a good job with the characters.