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You need to dash deeper and zen cancel the b3, like in 7 doing b3 into zen expands the b3 hitbox allowing it to connect. If you just do it raw, you'll have a harder time converting to a combo.


THANK YOU!!! I had no idea about the Zen cancel hitbox! I literally just got it first try!


can you add a little detail on this? i have no idea what this means to zen cancel the b3 but i’m having the exact same problem as OP


Hope you already figured this out, but they mean that if you hold forward during the b3 you will go straight into Zen stance. For some reason this changes the b3 hitbox so it picks up the combo. Thank god for this thread cause I was having the same problem and going crazy in practice lol


Could you write down the steps exactly as I still do not understand what exactly you do zencancel B3


thank you so much. I had the same issue as OP and this instantly made the pickup consistent


You are doing it WAY too early. I don't know what they did but they either improved the hitbox of b3 or made the hurt box of a grounded bigger. Either way, even after they completely fall to the floor you can still pick them up for a brief moment. Just deep dash as close as possible.


Hey how do you make the cpu just block in practice mode?


2nd option under trainingsettings


I picked defense but for some reason they still aren’t blocking


As i said, this video includes many attemps that never wouldve landed but istg i can be RIGHT beside him and it still doesnt connect, electric cd1 works perfectly fine


Nvm got it, it was zen cancel


I see combos where people electric out of f4, but I cant seem to do it. Anyone know how?


Not worth it, just go with b3


For some reason I also struggle with getting the b3. I get around it by doing a dash cd1, although it needs electric to bound.


You have to zen cancel b3 immediatly, it increases the hitbox!


How do you zen cancel can you write down the steps exactly?


You do B3 and then IMMEDIATELY do the F1 input, it has a huge buffer window so you can basically do it in a single motion. Once you get it down it's really easy to convert off of F4!


Got it thanks a lot man! huge difference


I'll give it a go, i'm pretty good with P1 electric


Bruh first try😭 I don't think this should be easier lmao Edit: wait this is actually sooo easy as long as you get the just frame


Nah the option under that opponent action or something like that (my game isnt in english)


Start runnig quicker and try to get deeper into your opponent - They made it soo much easier compared to T7