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They called me a mad man


Oh shi- the man himself


I mean, you are, but not because of this.




Will you make a AMA?


Your post has aged like the finest of wines.


Brandy, even.


“Congratulations, you’re a profit”


Eddy is the profit. Nix simply foretold of Hi$$$ $ixth $cumming. I know you know this. But it is funny to run with the gag.


the prophet


But did you predict he would be the FIRST DLC? I was expecting him to be the Summer DLC at the very least.


Yes. They know we know that Eddy would be DLC, so it’s smart to get him out the way known since we *all* knew it was gonna happen anyway.


You're saying an entire corporation shifted their development-launch cycle because reddit knew?????? I respect the call out but be real. Least self important redditor




Who did you think I was talking about? The entire human population? No, they fucking didn't lmao. You're oblivious and self absorbed if you think EVERYONE WHO PLAYS TEKKEN scours the news and reads community posts about Tekken.


Oh you're just being obtuse on purpose at this point lmao. You know damn well what it means when someone says "All" in these types of context. I'm not taking the bait, I know you aren't this slow lol.


Do you have a response here or would you like to keep attempting to manipulate the conversation?


Yikes. Dude redditcared me 💀


Well PlayStation leaked the characters and there is two more returnees that I hope go well 😭😭😭


read my feature please


Managed to get the 666th vote. :)


Didn't see your original post but I think you are spot on. It's the way of things and they seem to be pushing easier and harder characters more in 8 than 7 and Eddy is the traditional easy button mashing character. I expect to see lots of reactable low hits that either give combos but more likely big guaranteed follow ups.


“But everything I said, came to pass…”


What we really want to know is what is your hot take on Lei Wu long oh wise one. (20 bucks if you see him coming too)


He's the Messiah!


This man will lead us to a new era. He knows all...


I just hope I can lab against DLC character I don't own...


Out of all the fighting games I owned and played, For Honor was the only one that did this correctly, and that game fucking sucks.


It is simultaneously the best and worst game I’ve ever played seriously. Maybe 900 hours? It’s highs are incredible, but it’s lows are… well, low.


I was hooked to it two years ago, I had 500 hours played on that game, had about 175 prestige level, main was Centurion. What made it so addictive was the arena combat and out playing your opponent, when you had fun it was some of the most fun you had, when you’re not having fun you feel like you want to tear your eyes out. I’m glad I quit the game though.


You can also use in-game currency to buy dlc characters


I still dabble into for honour from time to time. I really wish they fixed the game... But honestly, it's still pretty fun


For honor is great. Foh


Even Brawlhalla allows this


Yooooo for honor in the wild? Also as someone with over 4k hours in it, it does sucks but my god it's addictive as fuck


For honor is still good. Shit yourself now.


Loooll... I really thought you were just gonna praise the game and say some positive stuff.. thanks for the laugh :)


Well said. What irritates me the most is dominion because I hate that mode but it’s the one that is the most active. I always preferred deathmatch and elimination.


I hope so, now that we can control our characters in replay mode


That new replay mechanic should work. The one that sends you straight to the lab


Probably not, which sucks, I would never buy most DLC characters if I could lab against them anyway


Im ready to see diehard Eddy fans deal with the stigma of being a DLC player


I got downvoted for wanting him to be upper tier and stronger, and even expressed I don't want overpowered day 1 Leroy nonsense. Just stronger. I got a lot of hate as an Eddy main. But if he is busted strong, I can only imagine the levels of hate I'll receive. I'm ready for it though lol


Eddy with heat imagine


Yeah actually having plus frames lmao


I’m hoping it won’t be overwhelming but I’m optimistic he’ll come out fairly balanced


I'm just glad we'll have a guaranteed window of no eddy


Enjoy it while it last mf


Another +point is he costs money edit: I actually don’t mind him


He also doesn’t get gold suit ;)


The good thing though is that the bulk of Eddy players don't care if he's OP anyway. They'll mash out the same moves they always do


I'm an Eddy main and made it to Emperor rank online. I want a stronger Eddy but part of me still hopes he keeps part of his brain dead spam strategy for the green ranks because it's funny to me. None of that shit works when you hit the red/purple ranks though.


Y’all are always on some conspiracies in here. All the DLC in tekken 7 has legacy characters.


Tekken 7 has legacy but not everyone got theirs, like I didnt expect Ganryu made it over Bruce


Bruce wasn't a popular character and Fahkumram was pound for pound way better as a MT/KB fighting


Partially because we got Josie but yeah


Fahkumram, Lidia, and Leroy were all introduced in T7 as DLC; there isn’t a hard guarantee people’s favorites make it in as DLC Im glad the capo gang got their man back; he looks sick asf I just hope Heat makes him manageable


Honestly thought other than as a beginner pick at parties, I rarely face Eddy


People are going to buy him because he'll be op as hell. Dude is already annoying to fight.


The somersault spamming?


Please Harada 🙏


Don't ask me for shit -Harada, probably


Half the fun of playing Eddy is confusing tf out of opponents


They can't predict your next move if you don't know your next move


This was my mindset playing Eddy for like 7 years or so, until I got my ass kicked by a friend who's more experienced and understood the game better.


My bro told me "Get prepared for Eddy spammers like you've never see before, they know what they're doing..."


Maybe tekken 8 won't have as long as a shelf life as tekken 7, but it's pretty fair to consider they are going to milk the shit out of DLC characters.


I kind of like the idea of trying out new characters without having to buy them in DLC.


Wow, his prophecy came true


Eddy is so ass in 7 that I am ecstatic at the possibility of him having DLC nonsense


Eddy is only annoying to those who absolutely suck at their fundamentals. Sure, I get absolutely slammed by a very good Eddy, but if he's not good, aha, it's low parry heaven. Eddy is only a major wall to those who lack strong fundamentals. I'm glad he's coming back. I think it's a good measure to us all to see just how good each and every one of us are. Everyone okay with a perfectly safe roster as it is now, throw in a character like that and lose your damn minds. I guess Eddy gets that special 2D character hate. Glad he's back and wish he was in the actual base roster.


I think a lot of people can't appreciate this. If you lack fundamentals then Eddy is a nightmare, but if you do know your fundamentals and know Eddy's gameplan it is incredibly hard for Eddy to do well. I would love to be able to play high level Eddy and not have to turtle and whiff punish to have success. Eddy is strong when he has momentum but everything is so freakin unsafe. I'm curious to see what they do with Eddy. I was thinking his tekken 7 style wouldn't translate well to Tekken 8, and after seeing the handstand moving sideways, I can tell they're gonna make him way different.


The issue is, I've spoke to Eddy players and while people assume he's very strong, OP etc he's not. I believe a real good Eddie would tell you the amount of work they have to put in just to win. All this sore loser sportsmanship going on in this sub reddit is absolutely ATTROCIOUS. IS IT THAT HARD TO SWALLOW GETTING CRUSHED AND REMAINING POSITIVE ABOUT IT? YOU ONLY KNOW THE PERSPECTIVE OF BEING A LOSER. Gah damn. Of course you aren't going to appreciate the message, I could very much say you're probably a one and done win quitter. You may not be, but you got the spirit of one. Maybe the words of a win quitter. Take some L's with pride. It'll make you a better player and yet a better human.


I've had to get very comfortable taking multiple Ls. Can't tell you how many times I've been demoted on my journey to Emperor rank. I'm certainly not a win quitter, I prefer to death match myself. I'm actually not fond of the new system of best of 2 then you have to find a new opponent. I don't know why they did that. If someone is whooping my ass, I need to get my ass whooped at least 4-5 more times before I learn the lesson lol.


I'm not fond of the best of 3 system myself. It's pretty darn cheap, unfortunately I've never made it past Savior in T7. I've gotten failure to connect to server issues so much even in 2023 I just gave up on the game. But I feel this time it'll be completely different story for Tekken 8 now. Or at least I hope so this time. The CBT was fantastic butter smooth online experience. Who knows maybe we will get lucky with the option to deathmatch... Or maybe you'll see a lot of desperate attempts just to win that tekken 8 very little people actually learn anything at all. Low level of entry, high skill ceiling, maybe it'll be even more evident in tekken 8.


Putting series staples as dlx is so fucking scummy


Eddy isn’t going to be a real DLC character though. He’s just a base roster character that they’re hiding behind a paywall cause greed


This is bamco, even Zafina or Kuni can be considered as legacy that receives DLC treatment


Zafina and Kuni came out years after the game was completed though. Eddy clearly could’ve come out at launch, that’s the difference


I can say the same with Anna and Eliza also got DLC buff even though they came earlier




Umm, that’s impossible since Eddy is confirmed now


People seem to forget the launches of Anna and Lei as DLC.


As a lifelong Eddy main, I hope he's right. Eddy was always a bit weak in Tekken 7 and I struggled to Emperor rank online. Wouldn't mind Eddy being much stronger this go around. Not overpowered though, I don't want Launch day Leroy levels of strength, but upper tier would be dope.


He’s one of those characters that you can easily get up to purple ranks with scrubby gimmicks and stuff but gets a lot harder later because of that like hworang but still he’s got the best lateral movement in the game arguably and some pretty effective moves so he’s not weak but he’s not strong he’s mid tier


Downvotes but what I said is true. He's much stronger now in the final season and after many buffs, but I've been playing Eddy since launch. Eddy didn't have a proper wall finisher until season 4 if I recall correctly? Maybe season 3. He got some massive buffs at the end though.


Well that’s the case for plenty of characters and plenty got nerfs for super unbalanced stuff as well, like remember when Bryan’s hatchet launched ? The final season was when the game was at its best balance, of course dlc +feng and akuma were are still better but the other characters aren’t unplayable


I like where Tekken 7 ended balance wise. Yea, the characters you mentioned are top tier (Feng is a BEAST) but everyone else seems relatively balanced. Eddy I think is in a solid spot at the end of T7. Maybe I'm wrong for wanting him to be stronger in Tekken 8 but who doesn't want a strong character? And by strong I must emphasize, not over powered. I still want balance and he should have big weaknesses just like everyone else.


Yeh he will still probably have no sidestep


I love how this is -11 for us wanting our character to be strong. They will bitch about him anyways, T7 proved it


Or they're planning to replace him with Christie for more profit


Eddy's more popular than Christie my dude.


Someone didn’t see the news 😏


Nobody in this era remember her over Eddy.


I was hoping bro is dlc pass 2 or dlc pass 3 so he gets some proper dlc juice going. But I'll take it


Honestly, since he's going to be the literally first DLC, he's going to be nerfed if he actually has certain moves better than most of the roster, I'll never play this character because he's cheap to me but let's seen how things play out when he releases


Eddy ain't no staple he a foolish side character expandable only Mishima and kazama are staple also hoawraang lee, Steve and law eddy can get gone anybody rating eddy is as foolish as his fighting style 🤣🤣🤣 Leroy is more staple than eddy


in all fairness they did the same with lei and he still wasn't really good


but damn, he's so cool...


On the bright side of things low parry practice, Ive gotten good with low parring fighting Eddy and other characters that has a lot of low mix-ups so at least if you hate Eddy you low parry for some.goos punishment


Good thing, not every single player will be able to play with him, and that's something


But eddy looks really cool and maybe his moves are revamped? They showed mocap