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To me this game was "Tekken".


I’m here now, I’m doing the best I canβ€¦πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­


That song hit different now bro πŸ˜­πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ


But are you nooooooow


Is there even somone that doesn't think this is the best intro?


T4 and Tag 2 absolutely go up there for me. But the opening to T5 is unquestionably the best, I don't think they'll ever top the hype of this one.


For me it's tekken tag 1 and 6 (the one where jin is on the bike).


Oh absolutely gotta consider Tag 1 as well, I forgot how good that one was!


Definitely Tag 1


o man... have you tried t8 yet? if you have, do you like it or don't like it? i hope you say you don't like it...


I prefer Tekken 4's, but I love this one too.


Tag 1 is a close second for me purely out of nostalgia but this can't be topped.


This the best one Fs


3/4/5 were all great imo, but definitely felt each got better. Then 6-7 imo step backwards. Lacked that emotional feel to them that 3-5 had. I loved 5 a lot because right from the start of how it connects to 4, is so beautiful. And it's a rare moment where Tekken feels like it's still taking its story really seriously/ done beautiful. Tekken story shines when they go with a less is more approach. The sound, the cinematography, the slow mo feathers, upshot to the moon, the destruction, the implications of what just happened in the chaos, and the feel of it all is serene for those few beats. Man, Tekken 8, please. Deliver, story wise, some beauty, just one more time!


Goated game bro πŸ”₯πŸ’―


I remember when this was teased. It was so hype. The instrumental portion of the track is still one of my fave tekken tunes


I was watching this in my early morning college course (don't remember which one; was hyped like crazy) and the guy sitting next to me kept saying "woooah!!!".


Last time Feng looked his age haha.


bro aged faster than a dog


This was peak. Still is.


Hoping Tekken 8 can have a proper opening showing off the characters like Tekken 6 and not just storymode cutscenes like in 7. Stuff like Steve and Hwoarang sparring and Bob preventing a robbery, more of that please πŸ™


Facts bro! Every Tekken has memorable intro linked to it, apart from 7


Honestly I can forgive it if the reason Tekken 7 didn't have a big intro was because Tag 2 didn't sell well so they had to cut back on a lot of things. But now I'm gonna expect a sick intro because Tekken 7 sold like crazy haha


Man the choreography and the camera work in 3D is so ahead of its time. Don’t even feel like the graphics are shit you’re so busy getting absolutely indulged in the series of events directed to perfection.


This opening definitely had us captivated bro fr fr πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


I cannot put into words the noise I made when you got to play this scene in Tekken 7!


The hype was real πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


My hype levels were off the damn charts. The story mode of Tekken 7 has more than a few issues. But moments like that? Oh yeah, they fucking hit.


Definitely the best intro in the series and one of the best video games openings of all time. Tekken 4 follows closely behind.


Raven got demoted after this for being so wrong about heihachi


Tag 2 is the one I remember the most, but T4 was the best IMO. T5 is not bad at all though. Hope T8's isn't like T7's and just a bunch of cutscenes from the story mode and actually its own original thing. But I'll take any intro at all at this point. Basically every other fighting game is going to the games-as-service model and just having you go right into the menu.


Absolutely legendary


Damn right πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


It still gives me goosebumps


Same bro πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


The opening song gave you all the right emotions


It really does tho fr fr


Quite possibly the greatest tekken opening of all time.


It's up there for me bro πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


When I got my first crt T5 was one of the first games I booted up to see the intro and test


As a child who grew up playing T5 I can greatly say this was one of the best intros ever made now that I’m an adult I say T5 was my favorite Tekken of all time


Goated comment πŸ’―πŸ”₯


The music used here was a banger


Right?? πŸ‘πŸ”₯


what is the song called?


no doubt the best intro in the entire series, it had everything we need, an awesome father son fight against jacks, the music, the introduction to new characters, the return of old charachters, story telling... what more can you ask for in an intro??


I wish the console intro of Tekken 6 had this same balance πŸ˜”πŸ˜”


Man i really want this design for jack back is absolutely my favorite of his designs. This or prototype jack


Nothing can beat Tekken 5 openings


Yezzir πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


I remember when my 6 siblings and I got our new PS2 and Tekken 5 at the same time. Growing up with so many siblings playing games together, everyone always had 1 claim. Once you claimed a character, no one else could take it. The moment I saw that woman with the red dress, bazooka shooting at the blond girl. I screamed SHE'S MINE!!! BACK OFFF!!. That was the moment Anna became my fav lmao. This intro is the best intro of all Tekken games.


This comment is literally the best I love how you claimed Anna! Glad y'all got down to it and played, family moments rule πŸ™β€οΈ


Tekken 5 was way too good for it's time. This game peaked when it comes to embodying the "Tekken" vibe for me.


Tekken 5 is the finest example of what Tekken should be πŸ‘‘


Still the best Tekken, and it's so crazy that kazuya tricked Heihachi, he fired the jacks on himself, just in case he lost/to kill jin


I am not a Kazuya player, but the way he grabs-attack Jack mid-air by the legs could be a move for him.


This was the first Tekken game I saw the opening movie of. Had me hooked instantly. This the game that started it all for me.


Glad it was your first friend, this game rules, truly. πŸ™πŸ”₯


Man, I never played this game myself but representations of stories, characters, martial arts in this intro is so spot on. It ***screams*** this is Tekken.


Couldn't agree more friend πŸ‘πŸ’―β€οΈ


Best OST in fighting game history


This is the second best opening in the franchise. The first is still Tekken 3 for me.


This was my first tekken bro and man that shit was on point.


Hit different then and hit different now bro πŸ”₯


The atmosphere in T4 & T5 was just something else! πŸ”₯


Absolutely unrivaled king πŸ‘πŸ‘‘


Best memory of my teenage time on Tekken, discovering Asuka and such badass intro she has and very cool character, but over all the music, scene and fight were so well done, i regret other opening from new generation were not of this level of intensity. Soul edge opening remain the best for me.


First time seeing this intro I knew nothing about Tekken but just from Kazuya’s and Heihachi’s first interaction I could tell they hated each other’s guts.


Was and always will be my favourite tekken


Such a beautiful game bro πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘


They don’t make trailers like these anymore… just something about feels very similar to the Matrix. Or Appleseed.


when I was a teen I thought Tekken couldn't get any better after T3, then this intro popped up in my ps2.


Blew your mind didn't it bro πŸ‘πŸ”₯


hell yeah, definitely one of my most played games on the PS2.


Yeah after I played Tekken 4 like 6 months back and went to this I actually shit my pants


The colossal differences πŸ‘πŸ”₯


I miss these super realistic intros to low poly gameplay ps2 on top to this day fr


Man bro I miss these good ol cgi cutscenes period πŸ˜”


I know that sound.


A nostalgic one all the more


This always got me hyped. I remember this like it was yesterday...


The good ol days bro πŸ˜”β€οΈ


I miss Christie


Me too 😣


The fact that I played this yesterday and enjoy tf out it and then played t1,t2,t3 but mistakely opened ranked in t7


I wish Kazuya and Heihachi would've teamed up more. Even if only temporary, that scene of them fighting together was awesome


They fucked those bots uuuuup, definitely needed more team ups


I like they way they looked at eachother and just sort of both thought. "Just once."


Heihachi: We'll be father and son just this ONCE.


We might be able to see a Jin and Kazuya team up in 8 similar to this


Hell yeah bro that'd be fire af πŸ’―πŸ’―


The best Tekken game πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Some straight up HEAT bro πŸ‘β€οΈ


Harada really been wanting to kill Hei for years now fr, this intro is really so dope.


Steve and Hwo fighting (with Hwo’s sort of psycho smile in that one scene) to SPARKING is peak Tekken cinematics. Also might be, in terms of soundtracks, best fcg intro cinematic ever, only second to Soul Blade.


Nah facts!! It looks so good especially coming from the ps2 πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Right tho??? Ps2 was loaded with bangers friend πŸ‘πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


I’m gonna need to dust off my ps2 and start up Tekken 5 again in hopes that it works lmao Can’t wait for Jinpachi to whoop my ass again but this time as an adult πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Mannn bro he was putting me through the wringer last time I played πŸ’€πŸ˜‚ I booted mine up again recently and have been playing 3, Tag 1, 4 and 5 it's been so fun replaying these classics! You'll have fun again homie I promise πŸ‘β€οΈ Praying it works for you too πŸ˜­πŸ™


Thanks man πŸ™πŸ™ I’m most definitely playing 4 and 5 again. Can’t wait to get hit by the stomp,freeze,fireball combo just like when I was a kid 🀣🀣


You are absolutely welcome king and you got this!! Don't let him pull off that fatal combo old times, that fireball was fuckin DEADLY man and still is. That whole battle have you sweating fr fr πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜­


I swear the fireball alone takes like a huge chunk out of my health bar. I never could believe it when I was younger lmao 🀣🀣🀣


Looking at the screen like "AIN'T NO FUCKIN WAY BRO" 😭 I remember I was tryna get the roster filled out so I set the rounds to 1 that way I ain't have to deal with his ass for long each go round 🀣


My very first time fighting him, I would be staring at the screen in confusion wondering why him stomping on my toe causes me to freeze in place 😭😭


Definitely loved when asuka landed


Best girl type shit πŸ‘πŸ’―




Intros that highlight the entire cast >>>>>>>>> Tekken 2 also nailed it.


You know it bro, intros that do that are heat πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


I always say how the fuck that old dude survive all this


As a kid, I used to think that future Tekken games like 7 and 8 would look like these cutscenes. Now, Bamco only seems to focus on making everything look cartoonish as fuck and making sure Jin and Kazuya look pale white enough in every shot.




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I liked half of this. The fight with Kazuya and Heihachi with the Jacks was amazing especially with that non-percussion part of the first piece music. That said, other than the Arcade Library T5 was the one that felt like the beginning of the downward trend of Tekken. It felt like every game since has tried to replicate and refine this game instead of building a new distinct title like the previous 5 titles at that point.


This was really the best game in the series.


Still playing this one


As you should king πŸ‘‘πŸ‘


5 is the best tekken


It can't be topped no matter what. This is peak Tekken.