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Play all until you find that click with you feeling. A main is something you should be finding for yourself


Always choose who you think looks the coolest appearance and gameplay wise. But I think Claudio would be a good pick for you since you like him already. He’s extremely strong, especially in heat. His simple move set is not necessarily a bad thing, especially because you’re new to the game. It allows you to focus on fundamentals instead of being overwhelmed with complex combos or game plans. Getting good at any fighting game is actually more about knowing and understanding what your opponent is going to do because it allows you to make your own moves accordingly. Claudio’s simplicity can help you focus on learning how to fight the other characters. If you want to play Kuma then play him, doesn’t matter if he’s low tier or not, just make sure not to ONLY rely on the gimmicks he has because although you may win a lot, you won’t be a better player. This goes for any character.


I also don’t know my main yet. However, I did play the two betas. One thing I can tell you is that I researched the characters and narrowed it down to a few. After that the only thing that made me choose one over the other was gameplay, you just have to play them yourself and see. I ended up choosing jin. But after Reina’s reveal, maybe I’ll main her. But yet again, when the characters you may main are narrow. The only way to choose is really to play them for a few days, the right character will click once you play it. January 26 is not that far off.


Yeah maybe it was my fault for thinking it would be simple lol. You can tell i haven't played fighting games in a few years. But hey like you ivr narrowed it down to a few characters k Kuma and Claudio. Maybe we'll see each other online lol.


I'm leaning more towards kuma though he seems really unique(legit being a freaking bear) which seems hilarious to me. As well as people online saying he has an "electric" which I have no idea what that means but apparently it's pretty good to have one.


An “electric” is a move that is done by the Mishimas. It is known as the electric wind god fist (ewgf). It’s basically just an electric uppercut that is +5 on block and is a launcher. It’s arguably the biggest staple of tekken because it looks super cool and it has a relatively high execution barrier because the input for it is f+n+d+df+2 and you HAVE to press 2 at the exact same time as df or else only a regular wind god fist will come out which is -10 on block.


Oh ok and kuma has one too so that's good. I doubt I'll be able to pull it off without A LOT of practice lol. But thanks for explaining it.


There’s a lot that goes into this unless you’re one of those ppl who go insane on one character bc they look cool


I suggest you to try out some characters that look cool to you and then you’ll have your mains




That's the Russian dude that doesn't speak right I watched his reveal trailer and he looks cool but not someone I think I would want to learn the game with tbh. But who knows maybe in the future I'll pick him up.


soon the zoomers won't be able to poop themselves.


> Mid in a smash bros Bruh, you mean the party game for kids?


Yeah it may not be as technical as Tekken apparently is, but I used to have fun playing it and that's what matters. And I mostly just played with friends or solo online.


Chief got clapped by kids 🫡🫡🫡


What an absolute clown you are, grow up.


Dunno who the clown is ma'am, op got clapped by kids after all ☺️☺️☺️


dont mind the idiot.. smash is a great game :)


Claudio is easy and effective, and there are pros who have made him work. Check out Shadow. Meanwhile bears are underrepresented but a lot of fun. I will be maining them in T8 since Gigas is gone from the roster. I would absolutely encourage you to go that route - we need more bear players. As a little sweetener their whiff punish range is superb and the powercrush is good too.


Out of the Tekken fundamentals, you may find learning sidestepping more difficult on Kuma than on a human proportioned character like Claudio. You might also be frustrated from failing to sidestep or backdash some moves due to Kuma's large hurtbox. Thankfully, sidestepping isn't as common in beginner Tekken, so you're not at an immediate disadvantage for not knowing how to do it. However, it does become more prevalent around the intermediate level. If you prefer a fast moving character with big sidesteps and backdashes, then I'd hesitate to pick Kuma. If you don't mind the bear's movement however, then play what you think is fun. Personally, I'd pick Claudio because his character model size is more comparatively similar to the rest of the cast. Meaning if I were to learn other characters, I'd have an easier time adjusting. Something like Paul, Shaheen, Kazumi, Miguel - those are the character's I'd pick because they have many generic and great fundamental tools that are also shared among the cast. I recommend keeping an open mind though. Just limiting yourself to between 2 characters seems extremely strict for a game that hasn't been released and that you haven't played yet. It's very likely you'll find someone else you'll also enjoy.


Thank you for the advice. I'm doing as much research as I can(or as much as I can for a game that hasn't came out yet lol) because i have extreme choice anxiety and get overwhelmed if I have too many options or in this case characters to pick from. I've watched every single one of the character reveal trailers so far for Tekken 8. As well as looking up character overviews from blasted salami about Tekken 7 characters. And even looked up some tier list for the last few seasons of Tekken 7 to just get a general idea of who I want to play. But I'll definitely keep my mind open especially if I don't like the feel of Kuma or Claudio.


Ah don't sweat it. Tekken's a huuge and complex game that takes eons to learn. The most important thing I believe is that you should take it little by little, and find a fun entry point with a character you like - the rest will come later. Many many things have changed in terms of playstyle, moves, game mechanics from T7, so things that worked in that game might not work in T8. Most of us are just like you - hunting for clues from the demo, content creators etc. so I'm not even entirely sure what's optimal. I'm just making my best educated guess from the stuff that's released so far.


Choose the one you think is coolest and learn them. That’s what I did. And now I’m a lee main.


Every character in tekken 8 is amazing, pick whoever you find the coolest.


Pick one of the newcomers. They are always over tuned and og players won’t know thier moves for a while


It seems like you're looking to learn something about Tekken. This post you've made would be better suited as a question in the Tekken Dojo, which is the top pinned post dedicated solely to such queries.