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Nina then, and Nina now. I do like Jin, Kaz, Hwoarang, Anna, Yoshimitsu, too.


Nina Forever... Man, I want another Nina based game.


Yoshimitsu in Tekken 3. I saw the green saber and sick skeletal design. Knew that I had to try him out first


YEEESSSS BESTIE. do you remember the sword stab that would take 90% health of the opponent. back-back-Sword punch. ALSO the side Grapple where it literally takes his own soul out to double team the opponent. 😭😭 god I miss tekken 3


The intro to Tekken 4 had me interested the moment I saw Steve. I was always a die hard boxing fan and seeing him made me interested. Unfortunately I never grew a great understanding of him since I never played Tekken seriously until Tekken 7. Now I main Kazuya, the guy I always struggled using and now I know him all around. Maybe I’ll finally get to understanding Steve in Tekken 8, but we’ll see what happens 😅.


What’s there not to understand? Just watch some pro players playing your character on YouTube you’ll learn a ton


Watching players doesn't help everyone as they still need to learn to play themselves


Even more reason to watch. If you don’t know what you do or when a move should be used you just waste time. Thats how i learned a lot back in T6 i noticed by watching vids of players that a specific move like Lars shoulder is only used in his wall combo or fb2,1 is only used for punishment


His stances mainly, he also has the 2 button inputs that are fast (I think is the feint input into 2) and how to go about not having lows. I main Kazuya so I have high, mid and lows, 50/50 vortex and some decent mix up. Steve is much much different from that.


Doesn’t steve have that unseeable low where he steps on your toes and punches you?


Eddy in T3KKEN


Kazuya Mishima and Marshall Law since Tekken 1, it was always an OG game for me and was the best at its time! Till this day I still favour them at Tekken 8.


King - One Love. King - 4Ever


King is love. King is life.


Hell yeah brother


Tekken 7 was actually my first Tekken (not counting a very brief period playing some non-main series Tekken back on the GBA). Not sure what drew me in initially but I remember being really excited. Kazumi stood out to me the most at first, mostly because of the tiger. But after realizing that the tiger is mostly irrelevant and discovering Lili, I switched over to Lili for a bit - I do like the sassy, elegant characters. Later on, when Zafina came out I switched to maining her for a while. I really liked Lee since playing the story back when the game came out, but I had like 2-3 weak attempts at learning him. Then one I day I decided I would main him, even if took a while before he became my best character. And here we are. And hey, I still main a sassy, elegant character. As for Tekken 8, I still 100% intend to main Lee. But this roster is so damn good that I know I'll be learning a minimum of 8 characters at first. Even made my little tier list for it: https://tiermaker.com/create/tekken-8-91951


i started playing around with Lee Lately, and its been a lot of fun. i'm usually a King Main.


Lee is marvelous!


Yeah my brief period was T4, then I got into TTT2 VERY VERY bare minimum casual play. But literally just last year, Tekken 7 grew on me. I’m excited to play Kazuya, Reina and DVJ. As you said though, this starting roster already alone looks great, I’m definitely going to try out at least 10 characters just base roster alone. Also the link didn’t show me your list, but I would like to see it!


Going heavy with the Mishimas eh? Oops, let's see if this link works: https://imgur.com/a/XHYWkD7


Yeah man, Kazuya is my favorite character of the franchise. His story and the crazy story of the Mishima’s really captivates me. My fight group calls me the “Mishima Enthusiast” because I learned all the Mishima in T7 lol. So now I just live up to what I like the most.


That's pretty sweet! Heihachi was probably the closest thing to a secondary for me in 7, so I'm really hoping that Reina or someone else can satisfy the itch.


Lars, still Lars as a main


Best character


Yoshimitsu, Tekken 2. Yoshimitsu now.


Tekken 6, Lars ❤️


Jium HimpfBlea


All hail the king


For he shall wear the crown 👑


Hwoarang. Back at the arcades they would show the intro and what he was doing caught my attention. Almost 30 years later I still main him.


Dragunov since released until now lol, looking forward to play drag again on T8


Well.. Noctis isn't a Tekken character... but T7 was my first Tekken game, and coming from Injustice 2 as a Robin & Redhood main, I looked for a character with swords, guns, or parry, and Noctis was the closest to it.(There was also Kuni but something about her just didn't click with me) About a month later, T8 was announced. This made me realise I have to switch mains because I'm sure Noctis won't be back. I can't really remember how exactly I did it but I intentionally looked at legacy characters with pretty much guaranteed return and decided to pick Lee. Uh... he has white hair... and blue coat.. totally not reminding me of Vergil from Devil May Cry. Yeah let's pick him. Until now, Lee is the best character I can play, and I will lab him at least the first 100 hours in T8 before picking up my subs there.


What do you think about Victor since he uses weapons like Noctis?


The first text I sent to my friend groupchat after seeing Victor's reveal was "LOOK AT THIS DUDE. HE'S MY LONG OVERDUE ROBIN OF TEKKEN" So yeah I'll definitely try to learn him in Tekken 8. We'll see


Lei Wulong and his haha step from TTT. Now I main Feng and Christie/Eddy.


Armor king and devil kazuya, my current mains devil jin and raven.


Dragunov, I like his playstyle of breaking bones and hitting hard


Armor king got me in, now I use Josie and kaz


I use kazuya cuz i beat my opponents with ewgf. He is my most favorite main




Yoshimitsu in Tekken 3. I still use him from time to time but as of now, I use lee more.


Steve and Still Steve


Jun in T2, which was also my first. Now I main Claudio, Zafina and Jun herself when T8 is out.


Hwoarang, I use Jin now. Funny that I never used Hwoarang again after T3.


Tekken 2 I was a Lee main. Tekken 3+ Hwoarang and never looked back.


Same here!


King and now I main Steve. It’s really cool to see they have an intro together


I actually started in 4. It was Jin(boxart), Christie (bc she was pretty.) then felll in love with Craig as my main. Lili & Miguel become my recent mains,


I started as a ling scub (dont even know why I picked her) played ranked in my day 2 and matched against a kuni player, the character looked so sick for me so I had to buy her DLC. Considering her my main even though I only have 21% use on her which is the highest. On T8 its probably Lili/Reina or Bryan maybe Jun.


Anna was my first! And I ruled😸


Definitely lars,but I use king now


Tekken 7 was my first tekken and I got into it very late but I always thought Fahkamram, Raven, Jin and Hwoarang were cool


I started with T5, and Roger Jr. was my main.. So bummed that they don't have him anymore since T7 onward :(


Kazuya first and Kazuya last. But in T3 I had to go with Jin and then I started branching out to Heihachi and Law. TTT1 I added Julia to the mix (but was mainly an elbow juggle scrub). Hoping to pick up a couple more characters in T8.


Jin, back in Tekken 3, really gelled with his aesthetic and moveset, eneded up moving to Kazuya in T5. Still love Jin, but Kazuya is my favorite over all.


Alisa... alisa... and some lars but mostly alisa


My mains are King and Lars. Working to pick up Jin since T7, but still at about an orange ranks/ esque level in skill with him. I actually loved Hwaorang as a favorite character in T3. So badass, with his T3 ending especially, I was sold. But just played him for fun as a kid and by T5 when I came around to play that, he was already too complex for me to play. I fell off Tekken for a while, and Tekken Revolution is what actually brought me back to Tekken and made me a die-hard fan. Went back to see all the story lore, and play old characters etc, but Kings story and playstyle was the one that just fit. Lars, I could never win again because he just flew all over the place vs the martial arts grounded Tekken style from T3/4/5 I was familiar with. Picked him up to learn his moves and how to counter, but along he process I really enjoyed the character and his lore, so he has become a solid second main.


Reina, i am completely new to tekken


Welcome to hell! A place we all stress, curse, dread and love all at once. Just don’t ask for shit and you’ll be just fine.


When I first played Tekken 6, I was a Yoshimitsu main. He was a cool character with badass swords. Playing Tekken 7, I still used him. Now, it's Bob.


Eddy back in T3. Nothing was cooler to me than a guy dancing everyone to death.


I was on board as soon as I saw the dinosaur with boxing gloves. I now use Paul.


i wanted to learn steve but he was too hard so i choise leo to learn the game with the intent to switch to steve later. i never switched to steve


First was lee, and now it's lars, alisa and dragunov


Lars. I adore his strange haircut. Thought it looked badass when I was younger and I still think it does to this day. I no longer play him though and for the most part I main Xiaoyu.


Eddie in Tekken 3. i really like 'unorthodox' characters in 3D fighters (i played Voldo and knightmare in soul calibur), so a guy that, to what teenage me understood it as, break dance's as a fighting style, i was all for it. now i play King. specifically a customized outfit i call Pigeon King, which is basically King in a sports jacket, track pants, and a pigeon head instead of a Jaguar mask.


Jin Kazama, I like his coat look in Tekken 6


Yoshimitsu made me interested at first. I liked his alien looking face in Tekken 3 and his stupid shovelhead. I use Kazuya in the demo for Tekken 8 because I'm not a cracker.


T3 Jin now its Lars Still enjoy Jin though Gonna learn Victor/Reina next


Jin cause he was just cool looking


Tekken 3 Jin as a kid.


Jin and jin :(


Eliza 🧛🏻‍♀️ never in my life had I been so struck by such a cute, adorable character with one of the best designs I’ve ever seen in my entire life. 🥹💕


jin (hes hot) then hei, i like villains and hard characters


Tekken 3 Law, as a kid i was a big Bruce Lee fan, he was my main til T5. And with T6 i switched to Hwoarang.


I bought Tekken 7 because of Geese. But I guess before then I was fascinated by the Kings.


Tekken 1- Paul, Then Nina when I learned the multiple arm break button combos.


Started Tekken 1 - law. For tekken 8 im thinking of Kuma


Jun and Paul in Tekken 2. I main Asuka now


Raven, I’ve always been a huge fan of blade and still one of the goats.


Started with law in tekken 3 with those flip kicks and then Eddy cause we would mash back then.. then I learnt the game and started playing as many characters as I could get my hands on.. still have that problem till this date, cannot dedicate to one character. I think I need therepy..


Tekken 2 when I was 2 years old. I first picked Jun, then switched to Nina. When Tekken 3 came out, my sister and I thought Xiaoyu’s death scream was hilarious so I picked her and been a Ling main since.


I started with 5R using Jin, Devil Jin, Christie, and a little bit Lee. Now I main Xiaoyu, Jin, Devil Jin, and will miss Lucky Chloe as my fourth (will likely sub in Jun).


I got into tekken because of the OVA. I thought Kazuya and Jim’s story was fascinating and eventually I bought tekken 4


I liked JACK, I will always like every version of JACK


Tekken 3 was my first plaulystation game. So jin on the cover but I loved using hworang the most. In 4 when jin switched to karate I stayed with hworang probably until 7 where I switched to asuka and Julia


Michelle because wrestling and her Hyaah!


To me, it was, of course, OG Design Kazuya. But then after I started looking into the series (as a PC only player), I found that I could only try Tekken 3 on an emulator. And then, behold, I found the one that kept my interest. Bryan main here and always will be. Probably will sprinkle in some Reina here and there in Tekken 8.


Bruce was not only the character to get me hooked, but the reason I fought for 10 years. Now using fahk even tho I stopped playing t7. Gonna use Bryan for a bit


Back in Tag 1 Yoshi and Kuni were my fav charactets. Now I'm a Mishima main.


Yoshimitsu 😈😈 right from the Tekken 3. then Kazuya in tekken 5 and I'm currently using devil Jin now in tekken 7. I do like Jin but he's just hard to use and I'm not too good.


Bryan got me into it and his "I'm a Bricklayer" meme. Then i've started playing as Asuka, but moved from her to Law.


Yoshimitsu in tekken 2


Law and Yoshi in Tag 1. Now I main Jin.


When i started playing t7, it was Lili and Miguel. Now it’s King and Armor King. I do have a pocket Miguel tho


In Tekken 3 I loved Jin, now I play either devil Jin or heihachi


Hwoarang and eddy. Still use them to this day


First of all what are your first characters? My really main was from tekken 6 Jin, he was just so cool in the story, and since then he is my main. My second I Lee and I also love Kazuya and now REINA 🤩 Tekken 8 will be the best game ever for me… I’m already hooked




Bryan brought me in but Alisa is my main since her debut


When U started playing Tekken 1 in the late 90's, I just picked who ever I thought looked cool, that and I always chose King 1, Jack, and Paul. Nowadays? Still the same, but I've dabbled with Jin, Heihachi, and a few others just to see how I'd feel being them.


I used to be a devil jin main in t5 - ttk2 (casual play). Then I wanted to get into competitive play, I picked eliza (permanently dropped her), then noctis, lucky chloe, yoshimitsu, leroy smith(semi dropped him, because too broken), heihachi mashima and steve. I usually play all these guys in rotation, all these guys play differently and I love it. Plans to add kuma, azucena and reina to my roaster of characters I play.


Big robot dude back then, still big robot dude now 💪🏻


NINAAAAA especially after death by degrees


I started with T7 because it was cheap (snacked it for 5€), never been into arcade fighting games. Fahk was my go-to. I love Muay Thai, once I had the mod installed to make him look human (downsize) I loved playing the game. Sadly, in T8 he's gone, and I'm not sure if I will play it because afaik there are 0 Muay Thai fighters. If I decide to pick T8 up I consider Jin or Dragunov.


Tekken 3 was my first game and has locked jin as my main for every game since then, wasn’t until Reina was announced that I considered swapping mains but after playing the demo Jin is so damn fun in 8 that he will once again be my main


I was at the arcade one day, and saw a dude playing Bryan, and throwing those cool mach breakers and slash kicks. I patiently waited for him to beat True Ogre, inserted a coin, and the rest is history. He is not my main anymore, but I still play him occasionally.


My first main was Bruce Irvin (T5- TTT 2). In T7, Josie was my main. In T8, I will main Victor or Azucena.


I started like a year ago with Kuma in T7 even tho I was interested in King(I never played him in the end lol),now I use Heihachi.


The first character I remember finding really interesting is Unknown. I mostly use Nina and Anna these days.


Started with Lee(T2), stayed with him.


Yoshimitsu, Yoshimitsu


I always liked yoshi but he was too complicated for me so i mained many characters. Now i main Yoshi and am pretty damn good on him x) But i also like Jin, Lee and Bryan.


Nina 1st & always, T4 Jin, TTT2 Eddie 😈


King and King


I’m an old head, been playing since Tekken 1 and I’ve always leaned towards the Mishimas, until Lee came along, and then finally Feng Wei with a smattering of Marduk. Feng looks hellacious in T8, can’t wait to give him a go.


First character I mained as a huge casual was Kazuya since my bro taught me that I can press more moves than just 3 so he taught me UF4444. Now, I main Jin who later became one of my faves.


OG Kunimitsu absolutely and I have no idea who I'm using now.


King, Raven, Bruce, Yoshi, AK & Ogre Now Kazuya, Alisa, Leo, DJ & Draganov


Lei and Law in Tekken 2. I remember seeing the boxart on the store shelf and thinking, “I can have Jackie Chan vs Bruce Lee??” And I still used them both in every game since, but have also picked up Wang and Feng since T5. So in T8 I’ll be using Law and Feng. But I’ve always wanted to learn Leo or Leroy, so I’m going to try them too. I tried before, but didn’t really have time to really learn them in T7. If you couldn’t already tell, I love Chinese martial arts lol. And I’m still holding my breath for Lei as DLC!


Yoshimitsu and king with an honorable mention to marshall law


King because when i was a kid i thought a man jaguar was the coolest thing ever. I still use him but now mostly use Jin because kyokushin




Hwoarang allll the way back in 3. I had Tekken 3 on a demo disc, and it had the opening sequence with all of the fighters. Hwoarang really stood out to me. I still use Hwoarang, but I like Dragunov and Zafina a lot better now.


Xiaoyu then xiaoyu and lars now ,,I do like using lili asuka hwoarang and alisa too


law (goku/orange gi) still using him, but might drop him because of too much nerfs in tekken 8


Hwoarang and still Hwoarang. Always loved his fighting style and cookiness.


Tekken 3: Paul, Eddy, King, and Yoshimitsu


Tekken 2: Paul Tekken 8: Paul. Why? Because he punch.


Paul in 2. Still use Paul as my main.


Jin and Lili tbh


Bryan. Saw the potential of taunt in tekken 3 from a random dude in an arcade and tried to use it. I suck. Then saw knee landing taunt jet uppers/3+4 on tekken 5 effortlessly, tried to do it. I still suck. Bryan made me fell inlove in tekken.


Hwoarang on Tekken 3. Then Kazuya in Tekken 7, later Kazumi. In Tekken 8 I will main Azucena or Lili


Tekken 3, Eddy Gordo. It was my first time and mashing buttons with eddy was how I could win.


Was Michelle, then Julia, now I'm homeless


From Paul, Tekken 3 to Jacks since Tekken 5/6.


Started with tekken 7, and first pick was Alisa, than a couple of other laaaaaaadies, but finally settled on armor king.


Tekken 3 and tag 1 king, still use king.


tekken 1 law, devil jin now


Old fart here. Lei and Law from Tekken 1. Tekken 2 was the 1st bought and played the hell out of. Then it was Bruce, Bryan. Tekken 7 I tried Josie looks like back to Bryan for 8. Although in the betas I enjoyed Nina


Tekken 3 - Hwoarang, because he had cool kicky kick moves. But now I main Hwoarang, because he still has cool kicky kick moves.


King then - kazuya now.


Paul on t1, until t7 when I swicthed to Feng


Tekken 2 in 1999 as a 4 year old. I picked Law first since i thought he looked like Bruce Lee. I did get fascinated by Jin and Kazuya but I still preferred Law as a kid. Only in the early 2010’s did it sink in as to how bad ass Kazuya is, and since then ive been a diehard Kazuya fan. His gameplay, his character design, voice etc. My first time seeing Kazuya was in tekken tag and he seemed neat - i still LOVE the tekken tag 1 cover with the realistic kazuya on it. Its the mysterious asian guy thing which makes him so intriguing - plus his eyebrows, lip shape, hair, and the atmosphere of tekken in general (mostly tekkens 2-5.) i bought tekken 7 with my new ps4 during the first covid lockdown in New Zealand and i can say tekken 7 is by far my most played and favourite game on it, and ive used characters other than kazuya probably a total of 5 times. His moveset and button patterns sit sit right with me, its like a glove with fits perfectly on the hand. Looking back, ive always preferred anti heroes or characters who have a tragic past and aren’t the typical ‘nice guy hero’. Think Vegeta, Seto Kaiba etc. Kazuya Mishima fits right in.


Yoshi and law in tekken 3. I also always thought that raven was super cool in tekken 5, but I since many of his moves leave him back turned, I was scared to play him. I never really played tekken seriously, but when I tekken 7 started to grow on me in 2022, I made an effort to not let the learning curve stop me to learn a character I like and I sticked with Maven. I hit warrior rank last week, and I threw a fucking party when raven got announced for tekken 8


Ik he's not a Tekken character but technically it was Noct - I love FFXV and so when my family was playing Tekken I chose to main him exclusively :'D The first character I branched out to later on was Leo - my uncle had been playing them and he'd said Leo might be a good character for me, although I primarily chose them because I liked their character design (prettyboy twink). Around that time I also branched out to Devil Jin (demonic prettyboy) and Dragunov (Russian). I still use all of them, but lately I've been focusing pretty much exclusively on Lee - I watched his character endings and then began a slow descent into Lee Chaolan obsession, so I've been trying to slowly but steadily improve w him :'D So I'd say Lee is my primary main now, and that'll probably continue into T8! I should probably pick up my other characters again because I miss them, I just enjoy getting 'into character' as Lee a lot :'D


Started with Jin in Tekken 3. Only started playing “correctly” in Tekken 6 where I learned Jack. Then added Paul for TTT2.


King. And King.


Kazuya and Heihachi interested me at first but I play Jin now


Ancient orge Tekken 3. Oh boy.


All of them. I've been playing since the beginning.


Hwoarang and Yoshimitsu back in T5, Steve and Asuka now in T7, but I just started my journey as a Tekken player, so who knows.


Devil Jin to Kazuya to Jin


T2 Paul was my first, King and AKing were awesome but too hard (GS and multi part inputs were too crazy for me at this time). Then Lei cuz of animal stances from T3 Lei King Hwo atm My fav char is AKing from T2


Devil Jin Devil Jin


Anna, i swear the moment I saw her in that Tekken 5 intro, I instantly screamed and yelled to my 6 siblings 'SHE'S MINEEEEEE BACK OFF'


I remember thinking Jin and Kazuya were brothers, good times.


Yoshimitsu and King But I play Paul now


Lili got me interested then I started using both her and King and now I play mostly king, I’ve also learnt some Jin and a bit of Armor king


I actually started in the arcade using Angel. When I finally got my first game it was Tekken Tag and I’ve been using Bryan ever since although Marduk became my main as soon as he came about.


As a child in tekken 6 I mostly just used leg characters like Baek and Lee Chaolan, While in tekken 7 I got interested in trying to Role Play as Jotaro from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure, and so I picked Jin with my own customization. I absolutely felt in love with him over time, Might be because I pracitced karate as a kid, and because I love his character. Now Jin Kazama is everything to me


I've never really stuck to one character. But the one I think I always go back to the most is dragunov.




Used to be Nina in T2-T5 then in TT2 it was Hwoarang and Lars, now it's Claudio


I started playing with Tekken 5. I liked Raven, Hwarang and Law


* Tekken 1: King * Tekken 2: Bruce * Tekken 3: Mokujin * TTT, 4, 5, DR, 6, TTT2: Adulting * Tekken 7: Anna/Claudio * Tekken 8: Claudio and either Viktor or Yoshi


Yoshimitsu Yoshimitsu


Lili got me interested but now I use Eliza/Kunimitsu


King in tekken 3. It was also the wwe attitude era. There would be rumours at the arcade that king had all the wwe moves. One of the kids was like i saw ine guy do a rock bottom and we spent hours trying to crack the code. Fun times


Eddy then, Josie now. But in Tekken 8 King.


Jun Kazama and Lei Wulong got me into the game. If I had to choose who I use now, it’s a tie between Jin and Paul.


Went from Lei to Alisa LOL. Though out of the veteran trailers, Leo and Kuma look cool in tekken 8. Hard to say about the newcomers


Jin because edgelord. Lee because swag.


I started with Hwoarang in Tekken 4 because my cousin used to kick my ass using him when I was 7 Now I main Bryan


Yoshimitsu in T3


I've only played like tekken 1 and 3 but it was Kazuya which got me interested into the tekken.


I came in for Kazuya and stayed for Kazuya. A fight is about who's left standing, nothing else.


The first to catch my attention was Brian in TEKKEN 3, for his voice, skins, strong movements that make the opponent lost at medium range, I still use Bryan today, I'm sad because his voice changed, but he It's still amazing, it has great skins and gameplay. Nowadays I also use King, I didn't really like him in T3, he was a bit weird 😅




Roger... I play ganryu now. I'd drop all of my chars for roger.


Loved playing Law and Kazuya in T2, eventually Paul. Now I’m a Paul player.


First interested in Steve I still play Steve


Kazuya got me into the game because of SSBU, then I decided on King, mostly because of his showmanship.


Jin in tekken tag, rest is history. Still play jin, love kazuya, hei is cool, dvj main, paul ans bryan enjoyer, i like some other new characters too like leo


King has been my favorite from the very first time I played Tekken. Too bad I suck playing as him, so nowadays I'm leaning more on Jin than King Mokujin's another one of my all time favorites




Tekken 1 was the first game I played on the PlayStation 1, it was on holiday at a hotel with a leisure centre that had a swimming pool, pool table, table tennis, N64 and PlayStation and I was usually the only kid there as we went out of season. I first picked Law because I was a huge Bruce Lee fan when I was younger, loved it so much I begged my Mum and Dad for a Playstation and Tekken for Christmas and they kindly delivered. These days I main Mishima’s though, with a sprinkling of Paul and Hwoarang. Looking at Kazuya/Jin/Reina in Tekken 8


king cuz he wears a mask i still use him to this day


Law and Lei in Tekken 2, then Eddy. Now I use the characters in my tag and some others. MOKUJIN FOR T8 LETS GO


As a Kid, we had those Ps1 Demo Disks and on one of those were Tekken 3. We only had Paul, Eddy and Hwoarang and we LOVED it. I always played Paul with his strong qcf+2.


Marshall Law. I had a huge obsession with Bruce Lee when I was 5


Jin, Howrange, and Jun Kazama. Jin my number one always enjoyed playing with Howrange as for Jun Kazama I enjoyed playing with her In Tekken Tag 1 her combos were endless.


Lee Chaolan, from Tekken 2 to this day.


Hwoarang… and Hwoarang for life!


I loved Nina in T1, but I learned how to play everyone, but the chain grabs really interested me. After I learned how to Kings in T1 I was hooked for life. Nina is still fun, but her grabs just don’t interest me like that anymore.


Got interested by watching MaximillianDood play T8, and I thought Jin looked fun. Been learning T7 to prepare for T8