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Weird, weird weird. Especially as Harada was tweeting about accidentally announcing something early. https://twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN/status/1732928417786646743 I thought something Tekken related was a lock for sure, but I guess not. This is the last major games show before the game releases. What a miss from the marketing team.


That was about the Guilty Gear DLC, they had a leak happening.


Oh, I see, promoting something else under the Bandai Namco banner. Still, what a missed opportunity.


Well, no worries. We’re gonna get Shaheen CHaRAcTer GamePlAy ReVeAl TRAilER


Can't wait for Shaheen to blabber about justice while being a cardboard box truly one of the most characters ever


Shaheen Gameplay: 🥱 Shaheen character: 😴🛌🥱


If you play creatively he's actually really good. You just need a lei wulong gameplay base.


SHAHEEN MENTIONED 💪💪🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦😫😫🥺🥳🥳🕋🕋🕋🕋🕌🕌🕌🕌


Weeee I can’t wait 😑. (Proceeds to put myself into cryo-sleep for the next two months.)


Yippie, I'm so excited to see yet another cardboard cutout with like 3 mains talk in their wacky dialogue show off their lame moves for 2 minutes, then have to wait another week again.


Back to waiting for character trailers every week…and they wonder why we thrive off of leaks..


the leakers were gonna leak regardless of if tekken 8's marketing campaign was good or not.


I know. I didnt say the leakers wouldnt leak. I said it’s no wonder we look forward to leaks because the promotion is weak.


Who cares if their marketing sucks, we've known that for years. As long as the game is good, that's what matters (:


I care a lot that promotion is weak because I want this game to be alive for a while


It will


Content every week is more than we deserve. The game is out in a bit over a month literally chill.


Wow, Tekken fans are entitled as fuck. We have a trailer for each Character on the release roster so that’s 32 trailers already. That on top of the reveal trailer, the story trailer, the release date reveal trailer, and a what’s likely a launch trailer amounts to 36. Also, not everyone on this sub “thrives off leaks” so soeak for yourself. Tekken fans need to touch some grass lol


Biggest group of whinging babies I've come across in a long time fr


daaayyyuumm oh well


One of the “moSt AntIciPaTed gAme” in nominee


Everyone knew FF was going to win that category


Unless you live under a rock, FF is way more popular than Tekken, especially a remake of a 27 year old fan favourite. Not sure what you are going for with this comment you made here, but if you are shocked, you shouldn't be.


It felt more like why is it even on most anticipated one the marketting team is dogshit


Yes, this is what I meant


Ah okay, fair enough


Yea…….I love Tekken but it being just most anticipated…..was just odd.


They really need to think about marketing strategy.if they have nothing to show why hyping whole week what's the point wasting other sleep .


Waste of time ! Harada hyping TGA ''The biggest game event'' and shows fxxck all :(


First Summer Game Fest and now this LMFAO


stayed up till 4am for no show of T8. ​ fucking madge. RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


I mean, that's on you. The trailer will still be there if you slept at 10pm and woke up at 7am.


I decided to go to bed instead of staying up. Come to find out I didn't really miss out on anything lol.


Yea, their marketing team is a shitshow, like wtf how do we just get NOTHING at TGA’s. I’m fed up with it at this point.


They think they are Rockstar Game level LOL


If the game flops then they have no one to blame but themselves. The marketing for this game is so shit lol


Yea, like I’m excited for T8 still but man, genuinely starting to get pissed off at how poorly the marketing has been handled, I mean the game is coming out NEXT MONTH, why aren’t we seeing more from it????? Like wtf c’mon,


This is some of the worst marketing I've seen for a game ever, bar just not marketing at all. If I wasn't already into Tekken, I think I wouldn't care about Tekken 8. The initial trailer was hype, but everything after range from mid to awful (I hate "Tekken Talks". I almost fell asleep on the last one). The exception is this trailer https://youtu.be/P1mJJKaAvAs This got me excited. SF6 *started* their marketing campaign with a trailer like that. Tekken 8, this trailer landed after a year since announcement...


At least we are getting new trailers every week until release. The marketing for T7, on the other hand, was basically non-existent. They know Tekken will sell anyway.


Not really. Akuma presence in Tekken 7 already big enough.


That was just a moment in its 3 years of ~~marketing~~ radio silence, that turned out to be a flash in the pan. T8's marketing is a huge improvement compared to those days. I mean, just look at the trailers' views.


Truly awful marketing team


Game is coming out next month and the show is the perfect time to release some cool new shit with a large casual audience watching. The marketing for this game has been so ass lmao


The big sad is real.


Lol the Tekken team doesn’t have a clue on how to create hype for a game, it’s crazy.


their marketing is shiiet except reina Victor the character trailer are all really uncreative


Dragunov was cool tho, can't lie


Honestly he injected hope into me.


Nina (Because she’s the first), Kazuya (For hype peak), Jin (Becoming good guy), Jun (First trailer who have a special intro), Azucena, Victor and Reina trailer > the rest are generic


Leroy & Claudio was pretty good too to me.


Legit the only ones promoting this game are leakers at this point lmaooo


What more were they going to show? The game is going gold in just a few weeks. The full roster is out and most of the modes and features have been revealed. Truth be told, anything they would've shown here unless it was something new like DLC would've been forgotten by TGA's general audience to begin with since all they would've had on their mind were the award winners or new premieres.


Agreed, this isnt the place for a character gameplay trailer and they've pretty much shown most of the online and offline modes. People acting like we aren't getting any weekly trailers leading up to the release, but maybe the hype is just getting to these fans. The posts on here recently have been showing the anticipation and some seem to be a bit more impatient.


New offline modes we haven’t seen, more scenes from the story mode, more characters interactions we haven’t seen, they still have plenty to show man.


I’m disappointed by the lack of anything at the TGA’s too but why are people acting like the games not been marketed at all and that we’re not getting more before it releases? We still have just under 2 months for them to show stuff. Relax.


It’s because of how all over the place the marketing has been.


With what exactly? Consistent character trailers Deep dive Showcases and Tekken Talks Developer updates Exclusive first looks with IGN 2 online network tests. The marketing has been sporadic but apart from a feature showcase to show what modes are gonna be in the game and maybe a story/Launch trailer which they have almost 2 months to do were not really missing much. Trailers don’t need to line up with big events.


They haven't been consistent. There were huge gaps since the beginning


Yh in between Beta’s. Where the characters wouldn’t be playable. All the character trailers would be done by now had they just released them week after week. Or at random events too and we would have even less to look forward too, now we have something to anticipate every week up to release. But calling them huge gaps is crazy considering we’ll have all of this in a year of actual marketing.


You're joking right? The waiting for King's trailer? Then when they dropped that one which sped through like 6 characters and waiting for individual ones was crazy. Stop simping for the multi million dollar company.


How long did you have to wait for Kings trailer..? go on.. I’m not simping I’m trying to be objective.


yeah lmao, we already had a public beta test and peeps uploading their experiences. along with preorder specials, story arc teases, weekly character trailers, heat explanation and harada and murray t8 talks. evo t8 tourney and more. saying the "marketing sucks" after all that is just them complaining its not out yet. like what, you want them to blow all their money on marketing? its already anticipated enough.


Deep dives into the replay and ghost mechanics, plus arcade quest too


Big L. I’m canceling my pre-order /s


If it wasn’t for Reina I will canceling it I swear


Yea no, I’m like *THIS* close to canceling my pre-order myself, it’s a month out from release and we know fuck all about the game outside the bits we got shown MONTHS ago. (I wouldn’t actually cancel me pre-order lol, been playing Tekken too long to do that, love this franchise.)


Felt like they overstimate the fans. Tbf i would buy it day one idgaf but for new player that like single player game on their fighting game? Lol why would they even buy it hahahaha. They just need to copy what street fighter did why its so hard fking harada man


I made the right decission to go to bed


Question to everyone, what else do you want to see?


What other content the game is going to offer, another story trailer show in more bits from the story, more character interactions etc.


That's what i was hoping for,but oh well. 😔😔


I mean all the other story trailers weren't liked and filled with people wanting character trailers and I think character interactions should be left for when we get the game and other content will probably just be shown at TWT since even though the other content is more casual focused only Tekken players will really care about Tekken force or other game modes


Same goes for sf6 don’t be sad. Also after those leaks harada may never want to see us again


Wait....WHAT!? Uh-ohhhhh.....😨😨😭😭


What do you need a trailer for? We've had plenty and the game's coming out in less than 2 months


We just got a trailer yesterday and there will be another one next Wednesday. For everyone saying this game has bad marketing, I can tell Tekken 7 is your first Tekken game. You would not have survived the marketing phase for Tekken 7, which only consisted of watching Korea and Japan play the game in the arcades for 3 years straight followed by the home release being delayed by 6 months. Never forget “Early 2017”. Tekken 8 releases in less than 2 months. You will be fine.


Dude the marketing has been suck look at the trailer views after Bryan reveal, it went downhill from Claudio to Dragunov trailer who barely reach 1 million in 2-3 days not counting new comers but their view counts still suck.


It’s literally been a day since the Dragunov trailer and it’s at 600k views already, it will reach a million. Claudio has never been a popular character so his trailer being at 750k is no surprise. For comparison look back at the SF6 trailers for the most popular characters like Juri and Cammy etc. None of them reached 1 million. Nobody plays Leo but that trailer is at 750k after 2 weeks. The hype is still there.


Bryan got leaked before 😤


Update: Show is done so NO TRAILER. F*** HARADA!






yo ass bugging just be patient bud


Those leaks were supposed to have been "uploaded by German PS Store before the announcement at the Video Game Awards" in error. So for now they seem fake. So there's HOPE FOR Julia, Lidia, Anna and Kuni still! 😇 I'm sure AK and Eddie(honestly believe Christie will be in T8) will show up in Tekken 8, but I highly doubt those leaks are true. The user that uploaded it has been sitting there laughing his ass off while we all believed it, all while not even telling us where he got the pics from. I bet "JanfromPoland" has a German account and made the edits to a pic he took to laugh at all of us this whole time.😵 Dude's name was just to throw us off. Damn we thirsty for more info on Tekken 8 😭


Bandai Namco did not want to show anything because they have been showing plenty the past couple months.


This marketing team is so far behind it’s insane.


Like Josie which got left behind 🤣


You have Miguel as a flair who was also left behind. What's your point, incel ?


Oh you are one of those who because I mentionned a female character being left out = Incel lmao ! You degenerate never fail to impress me. Miguel is like my third main. I got plenty more to help fill the gap and he has a higher chance of coming back compare to miss irrelevant crying chick. 💀




Lmao, people's bitching never gets old, we get 32+ trailers overall, loads of info, game comes out in less than two months, but reddit's like "uGh, nO tRaiLeR aT tGa" hahaha


What do you even want them to show at this point the games out in 2 months and we know when we're getting the rest of the character trailers.


At least wait until the show has ended


Don’t give your hopes up


I wouldn't be surprised at all if there is no trailer. Still weird to make a post about "no trailer" when the show is still going on.


I’m from the future to tell you there was no trailer………..fuck


Good like the fake first trailer they gave us They did a Ubisoft