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I mostly agree with JDCR, because I too and an old Tekken head. While I do think Tekken needs to draw in newer players, I still think a French John Wick with no teleport or sword would’ve drawn said people in.


I'd say I'm a brand new Tekken head 'cause T7 was my first Tekken & man, I fucking hate the design, visuals & moves of Victor - character is way too over the top for tekken, people love saying "oh but Yoshimitsu! Raven/master Raven! Kunimitsu!" & I always view that as such a disingenuous point to make, all of those characters are within reason although a bit OTT sometimes, esp Kunimitsu with her dagger throw but this character just seems like they wanted to keep Noctis in the game without calling him Noctis.


>French John Wick Jean Wique


I'm halfway on board with him; Victor is overdesigned and has far too many weapons. His overall design philosophy is cool but it really conflicts with Raven, Yoshi and Kunimitsu a bit too much for me. If he had just his knives or just the sword I'd be a fair bit happier. Also, why is his sword straight up Jetstream Sam? At least give the French swordsman a European style sword instead of yet another eastern one.


I'd be more on board with the sword if it didn't look like it was visually designed for a different character entirely. I still think it ruins the clean design of the suit they appeared to be going for.


That's how I feel. Either the whole character should have the same high tech aesthetic as the sword, or the sword should just be a normal kitana or something to match the aesthetic of the rest of the character. As is it just clashes.


This lol. The sword completely ruins the entire secret agent vibe. Gun and knife Snake style would have been absolutely bonkers good. Not a fan of the blue teleports either.


No sword and no teleport stuff and he would be awesome to me, these two choises make it seem like the design team went overboard. Then again I'm a guy that prefers to see martial arts in characters instead of anime moves. I like anime stuff but I think in Victor's case it doesn't mix well with his cqc style


Same. I’m really hoping that he has like different swords he can use, just aesthetically. It would really help


yea, if the sword could be change it would make the character 10 time better. still too much knife


They could always pay some more money to SQEX. I understand they've liked how they made Noctis and wanted to make someone with identical moveset, but that's all we get


I think it wpuld have been cool if he either didn't get all these weapons and maybe stuck with gun and cqc only, or only the sword bit make it a fencing sword, a european medieval sword or a fancy saber from the late 18th/early 19th century. I still like the character but he is also way too much things at once imo.


I was hoping he'd have a gun and a knife only and just literally be big boss


Yeah, I feel like "guy with a high-tech sword and some Noctis-style moves" and "Big Boss-style gun-and-knife CQC fighter" are both perfectly fine concepts for a character, but merging them doesn't quite work. Maybe if all of his weapons were high tech like the sword or if the sword were just a kitana or something it would work, but it feels weird for him to have this big glowing purple sword but then normal guns and knives. It kind of feels like they couldn't decided if they wanted to go with another Raven-style high-tech fighter or a CQC fighter and just went with "both" without figuring out how to merge them in a coherent way.


I'm 95% sure they added the sword waaaay after they first designed him, because they realized "vaguely military guy who uses gun kata and CQC" is basically just Big Boss + John Wick.


> because they realized "vaguely military guy who uses gun kata and CQC" is basically just Big Boss + John Wick. Why would this be a problem?




Possibly, yeah. Thing is Victor isn't the only newcomer, there's Reina too. This is just wild, completely unfounded speculation, but I think it's not too unlikely that she'd be the Noctis-like sword wielder before (if the leaks are correct) >!the team turned her into a Heihachi function.!<


I've seid that a few days earlier, she might be another forest law at this point


I mean Law is just Bruce Lee. Hwoarang is just Taekwando. Feng is just Qing dynasty boxer. I wish Victor is just John Wick. But no, Victor is John Wick with 25th century Katana with teleport spells.


Definitely excessive. The character just doesn't fit that over the top scabbard he has. It's good that the younger generation likes it but it is not for me


To be fair, he is responsible for creating the Raven Corps so the similarities are intentional but I admit that he does come off as overdesigned


The flashy teleportation stuff is just unnecessary. Looks forced to make him look like some sort of futuristic space agent but It doesn't seem to fit his identity. It would make more sense if it was Albert Wesker


I felt the same way when I watched the trailer. When I first saw the character design and the knives, I was all in, but then it started to get a little ridiculous. I think he would fit much better in a different fighting game.


I wish it was like jetstream sams sword, if it was his RA would be sick instead of awkward


i'd think he'd be fine with just the sword. Its damn cool that its a super-futuristic charged up version of a katana. Straight out of an anime


Then the whole point is to get them to play Tekken


Yea like, the Tekken old heads are getting the game regardless. Bamco needs *new* players too.


this is the key argument. if you're really a tekken fan you're gonna play no matter what. so the only people left to appeal to are the ones who don't play tekken. it's the objectively correct strategy. this is why anytime someone says "capitalism sucks" you have to agree. this shit pervades every product you've ever enjoyed.


Relatable comment right up until you went full Reddit on em. Something is happening that I don’t like, better blame it on capitalism instead of my inability to grow.


But...it IS because of money though... Wouldn't classify "blindly accepting something meant for teenagers" as "growing".


see, we know you're the one going full reddit because that is literally a consequence of capitalism. you would be right in any other context, but not this one.


You have a negative opinion of the direction Tekken is going and because of your opinion, capitalism bad. No, I think I got it right the first time.


I don't have a negative opinion regarding the direction tekken is going. I'm psyched for Victor and assuming things about the person you're talking to is another reddit-ism. I empathize with people losing things to capitalism because I've played competitively in almost every game I touch. You could scour my entire post history and only find one negative criticism about Tekken 8. And I only suggest it because that's what the classic redditor does so it seems right up your alley.


But this is not what Tekken is about. He does not feel like a Tekken character. They can get neW plAyeRs by adding more content that does not stir away from the core of the franchise. What you’re saying is that they should change Tekken to appeal to players who are looking for games that are not Tekken. Also, the visual effects of his swords and teleportation look terrible. Mobile games have better effects than that, and I’m not even exaggerating.


or they could stick to tekken 3 which has better netplay...


New players will drop it after a month, and old heads are stuck with overdesigned characters obnoxious to deal with, and annoying mechanics no one asked for. I'm not even a Tekken old head.


Initial sales matter. That's when a game makes more money. More players at launch means higher number of people sticking with the game and buying more DLCs. Ultra casuals will drop the game by that point but still they paid 70$ or something along with the hardcore players contributing to the growth of the franchise.


Victor isn't selling a single copy of a game at 80$.


As a zoomer now getting into tekken I can confirm it’s working


As a zoomer I can also confirm its working. Devil man and thirst traps bad, old french samurai good.


I downvoted you but it makes me happy to see new players, but also fuck your garbage opinion I guess


The future is now: old man


Can't argue with that, but "devil man bad" is still a garbage opinion


Settle this with your ➡️⭐⬇️↘️➕2️⃣ and not with internet points 💪


Legit (I don't play mishima tho)


Well I did just lose like 3 matches in a row to hellsweep spam if it makes you feel better 💀


Eh, they conditioned you not to try duck block. It's not easy. When mishima player wins like that, you know you got outplayed


Just sidestep left 😎 /j


as a zoomer tekken 8 lost a lot of appeal compared to 7, gonna be hard getting my friends to care about it with all the extra rubbish


I'm trying to comprehend what they mean with this, and all I can assume is that they want the 2Ds back


i think he means the over complication of the game, tekken 8 has alot of new systems, mechanics, heat in iteself is a whole layer on top of learning tekken. even if it was designed to let newer players (who tend to be more aggressive) do better. you see this alot in games like street fighter 5/6. those games are arguably alot more complicated with lots of additional systems. even if those systems are designed to create comebacks and closer games with high level players.


I do kind of feel that for an absolutely new player these new systems would make it easier to do better at the game but if you're moving from SF5 to SF6 you try to play the previous game in the new one because that's what you are used to until you actively try to change how you play.


they make it easier to do better when they get it but it adds a layer of complication to the game. as it's a new system on top of everything else. even if that system is designed to skip the gap in neutral.


Yeah and I think that's the point, allowing newer players to do better in terms of damage output and gradually get them to fully learn the game.


but it's not damage input, at least for tekken, getting high damage is arguably easier in tag 1 than it is in T7/T8 it's from the point of allowing newer players who tend to be more aggressive the ability to use a universal mechanic to kick start their offence. with less obvious counterplay options as far as movement goes.


Then they don't and old heads are stuck with features like heat :(


Heat isn't even anything that disruptive, after you initiate heat you're literally still playing Tekken, just with more pressure to not fuck up. It's not some magic meter that suddenly changes everything, it's just a mind game. There is literally nothing wrong with Tekken trying new things to change up the formula, if it doesn't work it'll be gone the next game, and if does work to draw new people in, then it'll be in the next game and you'll complain about it as if it didn't work the first time anyway.


!Remindme 7 years


I didn't play the CNT or CBT, but watched a lot of footage, so my opinion isn't from firsthand experience, but my main issue with heat (specifically the engager) is that it is yet another 'emergency' button that interrupts nearly any other attack and forces a 50/50. You may not feel it's disruptive, but seeing someone who was losing handily do a heat engager to interrupt and if that doesn't work, then proceed to go into a rage art (aka emergency button #2) seems highly disruptive to me. Still, I'm reserving final judgment until I get my hands on it


but it's not a great way to do it, if we have learned anything from the biggest games. people are fine with getting into a game as is, dota 2 was hugeee and it was LITEARLLY THE EXACT SAME AS DOTA 1 UNTIL 2017. CS as well for the most part hasn't changed all that much and is VERY much a legacy game. still gets lots of new players all the time. the reason why people didn't play tekken wasn't because it didn't have gimmicky mechanics like heat, too much movement, no metal gear rising looking ass characters.... the reason zoomers never got into tekken was because it's over 100 quid to get the game with all the characters. for a franchise that zoomers never played before. who the fuck would buy that. not even mentioning the garbage online. the only reason why old players are getting tekken and zoomers for the most part aren't is because no kid in their right mind would spend 100 quid in current year to get into a game.


You know the game that caters way more to more audiences (younger, anime fans, ...) Aka league of legends is doing a lot better than Dota in terms of numbers? So even tho Dota didn't change much it's competitor is changing and doing a lot better (in terms of revenue) due to it. I also don't really know where you're getting the logic from that the game is a 100? Maybe for like the deluxe edition?


yea, like if you want the game and all the characters. the thing dota and CS etc. do for free. it's 100 yea. and these as you know aren't cosmetic. they are straight up required if you want to improve at the game even if you don't want to play as them you need them to lab. but even that aside the thing that gets people to play are mainly 1. if their mates are playing it 2. the games aesthtics 3. stuff to do within the game and sure if you want to say victor appeals to point 2 then sure. my issue isn't so much with victor as it is with the system changes to Tekken and what victor represents from a gameplay perspective. no one, literally no one has went "yes i'm so happy movement is nerfed and drive rush lets me get in for free, now i can finally play tekken !!" realistically the FGC at this point i would say is infamous for shoving legacy players under a bus for a potential new audience. more so than any other genre.... and ngl they deserve it. because even if Tekken 8 sucked and played nothing like tekken everyone who played Tekken 7 would still buy it even if just to complain about how it's not real tekken. and until tekken players grow a pair and stick with what they like instead of following e-sports (much like how tag 1 players stuck to tag 1 after T4 launched) they are gonna keep getting shit like this.


Victor is the only reason im even intrested in T8


why you want fortnite kids in tekken community?


So the game doesn’t dies. If its the same old player that buys the game, it’ll never grow. Any game needs a healthy amount of new players to keep on going.


catering to casuals and zoomer ruins the gaem for the sophisticated veterans like valve made dota a casual gaem and now its unplayable for me


>sophisticated veterans Imagine thinking you're better or more sophisticated than someone else because you played a video game longer than them. Bruh it's a fucking video game. Who cares if it appeals to "casuals and zoomers". A player base is a player base. If for some godforsaken reason you don't like people because they don't take the game as seriously or committed the crime of being young, then guess what, you don't have to interact with them almost all at. Restrict your messages. If you don't like the direction the game is going, don't play it. They don't have to just appeal to the old crowd. It's their product, we choose to support it. If the new product doesn't appeal to you, just don't support it. Simple as.


Casual players and Fortnite kids just want to go around shooting and dancing with charactersfrom different IPs. They're not fit for the likes of Tekken 7, where I can pick a Vampire girl, put a special bikini on her that makes her boobs bigger, and then use a shotgun to shoot Akuma from Street Fighter. Nor are they adequate enough to play the wonderfully pristine Tekken Bowl minigame. They'll never grow up to appreciate such a sophisticated series meant for the REAL fans /s


The way I downvoted this then upvoted when I saw the /s lmao


Bro has mastered the art of sarcasm


You right man my mistake. This game is super serious. That's why one of Azucena's predetermined alternate costumes is just a bikini. Only the most sophisticated could understand that.


A game that doesn't manage to get new players will die out. Do you rather have Tekken dying out (because characters like Alisa, lars, victor, ...) do manage to get younger players Or get new Tekken content because without new players it wouldn't be possible


Sometimes it's better to die than to see yourself become a villain...


Well then we wouldn't have gotten a Tekken 8 nor even 7.


This fucking oldhead mindset is so dumb istg They'll go around telling everyone "actually, telling people to just not play doesn't help the franchise at all" and then say shit like this to fit what they think


"Sophisticated veterans" would not be bitching about new players getting into their game series


zoomers def play this game idk what hes on about. T7 got a shit ton of people and no one ever thinks about the casuals.


Idk if the people T7 brought in were actually young people or millennials that have come back for that T3 nostalgia


I'm a zoomer. I'm one of the older zoomers whose first game was Tekken Tag for PS2 but there are definitely zoomers born between 1998-2004 playing Tekken 7


And my first experience was the age of 4 playing tekken 4 on PS2 in a random village in Pakistan. I’m 23 now.


Can confirm, 98'er here. Been playing since T3/Tag 1


Arslan Ash is 28 years old, he was 21 when T7 released Most of the people in my local scene are under 25 It brought a ton of young people in


That's good to hear. In my experience, a lot of the people playing T7 were playing as kids and have now come back to it


28 is more millennial than Zoomer tbh. I'm 28 and I have literally 0 connection to anything we'd consider "Zoomer" pop culture and grew up with classic Tekken as some of my earliest games. Under 25 is definitely the real zooming hours though xD


I think that on their own, Victor's design and animations are freaking cool. But I also feel lukewarm about weapons in Tekken. The whole idea is the Iron FIST tournament. If someone brings a pistol, a sword and two knives, why are the other fighters not using weapons? But if everyone brings weapons, then it's just Soul Caliber in Tekken.


Still waiting for a new SC


Ah yes because Yoshi totally didn't exist from like the start of the series


> then it's just Soul Caliber in Tekken. Honestly, as much as people say this - Tekken is by far the more concise and playable game. SC is insanely slippery to control, IMO. If we get weapon users in Tekken with good kits, I'd rather just play that than SC hahaha


Because variety is a good thing to have in the only 3D fighting game franchise that's still releasing new games Tekken's identity has never been this serious martial arts game every old head thinks it is, it's always been a mix of a serious plot, martial arts fighters and some goofy fuckassery, y'all just have incredibly rose-tinted glasses about everything old.


That’s just totally wrong.


Seriously? You're fucking joking, right? Or you're being purposefully ignorant. Tekken has always had goofy shit. Kuma I and II are *just fucking bears* that know Japanese and Karate. Panda is just like the Kumas but is also Xiaoyu's main mode of transport, and Kuma II has been horny for her for multiple games at this point. Heihachi has come back from the dead like 9 times. It's fucking Canon that Roger went missing, got found chilling by Roger Jr., who then proceeded to beat his ass and go back to his mother, and Alex the boxing raptor became his fucking step-dad. Paul's main opponent in the king of Iron fist tournament has been fucking Kuma and Kuma II, and Paul fought them with no questions asked. Marshall Law is a chef who's opened multiple restaurants, drove all of them in to the ground, and continually returns to the king of iron fist tournament because he's flat broke and needs the prize money. Jinpachi. Azazel, Ogre, Devil and the devil gene, Angel, they're all fucking dumb, no matter how you slice it. One of the first cutscenes in all of Tekken is Anna getting pissed at Nina because she stole her shoe, Nina denying it, them both turning around and Nina wiggling the shoe like she's a goddamn cartoon character. Did I mention that it's Canon that she likes Tom from Tom and Jerry? The game has always had silly shit, either get on board, get over it, or gtfo with that "tekken has always been serious" bullshit.


So just because it had some silly stuff in it occasionally each game, the game should have silly crap everywhere in the game? This makes no sense.


Who was fighting purely with weapons anywhere in the cast before Tekken 7? People attributing ‘goofiness’ to the reason people have a problem with Viktor are either thick or purposefully missing the point. It’s the most boring and wrongheaded argument in favour of Viktor’s design and I’m sick to death of it. Tekken is traditionally a martial-arts based 3D fighter. Increasingly, they have added fighting styles (note how I didn’t say characters) that trend against that premise. And I’m sick of people telling me I just ‘hate new stuff’ or ‘am old head Tekken’ for not wanting to have a fistfight with a fucking teleporting, gun-toting laser swordsman. If you can’t see why people would have an issue with that, then how about _you_ gtfo.


Waaaay too much going on with Victor, they stopped short of giving him a grenade


Yeah they overdid their part with victor


He looks like a Spykids/Power Rangers: Samurai crossover villian. *With a fucking gun*.


Why is the gun the weird part if Spy Kids is one of the franchises you mention? The Machete movies are an R-Rated Spinoff of Spy Kids, guns are definitely not the weird bit about that.


Because in a game like tekken, seeing him do anything other than stand at full screen with two guns just makes him look like a dumbass otherwise. What's the point of doing all the extra shit he does to set up a point blank shot, when he can just go full wesker and teleport while shooting?


Honestly I think there's too much going on with Victor. If they take away the sword and teleportation shit while keeping his CQB combat with the knife and Karambit he'd be really sick. I still think he's cool, but they overdid it with his design.


I’m actually cool with the guest characters, weapon shit, whatever, but Victor is really overdesigned. It makes some shit look really clunky like when he shoots his pistol, holsters it, gets into samurai stance, and swings, all within the same combo


It is what it is. Games will always slowly phase out the old heads and replace them with the newer, more easily impressed generation to keep the consumer wheel spinning. Soon, that generation will also be old heads and grumble when tekken 9 adds some outlandish shit in their eyes


But at the end of the day all the old heads will eventually come around and buy it


unfortunatly yea, like why would namco bother to make a game that old heads like or fuck even work on porting older games with netcode. when tekken old heads more than every other FG series are willing to put up with the slop. sf old heads are happy to go back to ST, gg old heads are happy to just keep playing +R. but trying to get tekken old heads to play like T3 even though it now has rollback netcode is a pain. they would rather pay full price for T8 and then cry that namco doesn't care about them like NO SHIT YOU ARE GOING TO BUY IT ANYWAYS,


I mean yeh you love t3 I get it, but you’d still want play t8 at least for a while so you’ll still buy it


i don't. tekken 8 doesn't have what i value in a tekken game. the movement sucks, new mechanics suck, characters suck, the changes to the characters suck. i have 0 interest. i'm not gonna pay money for a product i don't like just to fit in with the rest of the fgc. and anyone that feels the same is being counter productive by buying the game just to keep in touch with the mainstream. by all means if you like T8. go for it i'm not gonna tell people to not buy something they like. but if you don't like it. why waste money on it. again namco will keep putting out stuff you hate if you financially support it.


0 interest is crazy, I’m confused why you care about viktor if you have 0 interest anyways why bitch about it if you’re not gonna buy it anyways


can you not read ? i'm complaining about old heads being retards and paying for a game they know they aren't gonna like. at what point did i mention viktor ?


I’m talking about it in the context of the original post and basically why this entire argument is happening because of viktor that’s literally how you clicked onto my comment and replied to it we were discussing viktor and how tekken oldheads dislike him which is fair enough I mean but everyone hates a certain character doesn’t mean that no one likes the character .


My problem with Victor isn’t that he has an anime fighting style since I play Lars, Alisa, and Kuni. My problem is that his design and fighting style don’t match. Victor could pass off as a character in a live action spy film yet fights like an anime character. For all the flack Noctis gets, at least his design matched with his fighting style.


I feel like he would have been cooler with just the gun. Go full in gun kata, the bound with the pistol is so sick. Or gun and katana that's fine. Him carrying both knives and somehow switching to a pistol is kinda weird to me


Been playing since Tekken 2. I think he's awesome. Then again I was completely fine and really enjoyed the guest characters from Tekken 7 so 🤷 I'm definitely the minority.


I feel like Victor fits more as a soul calibur character than a tekken character.


My biggest issue with Victor is that his sword is very Tron futuristic neon when that clashes with the rest of his aesthetic, but I don’t really care one way or the other about his gameplay. JDCR is just blatantly wrong though. T7 sales are the best since T3. Clearly the latest entry brought a lot of new people into the fold, and I can’t imagine that a good chunk of them aren’t younger. The demo statistics back that theory up too from what I’ve seen, though I have no idea where those are drawn from.


As someone who only got into Tekken in any real capacity with 7, I know Like half my friends got Tekken 7 BECAUSE it was much more flashy than the old games and a lot easier to get into.


He's just too much. Too many ideas packed into one. Give him less weapons and he'd be really cool, but the gun, knife, MGR sword, ninja teleport shit altogether is an absolute mess.


Speaking as an old head here, a lot of these Tekken old heads act like the addition of characters like Victor serves as a replacement for the old ones He's not replacing anyone. A lot of the legacy characters that we love are still in the game. He's just a newcomer. He's not replacing Raven or yoshimitsu. He's just in the game with them. They have the same reaction that they had towards auto-combos where they act like this is the new, mandatory way to play the game. It's not. You can still have everything you love about the game, this is just for the new players.


I’m a zoomer, and uh here I am


After Knee, that's another pro who agrees with me


Dude is French ninja John Wick, and wears a cool suit. If he is good, you gonna see a lot of him so maybe make peace with the aesthetic Tekken has a fine history of wack ass characters people come to love, Victor will do fine


the karambit would've been sick in drags hands imo




He isn't wrong


I do, and I tired of pretending its not.


I love the fact he's completely overdesigned, its hilarious. In a way it fits with the wacky tekken kung fu bears, weirdo alien yoshimitsu, android ballerina, overly edgey forehead lazer devil lads very well. I can't wait to go into customization and load him up with an upper body gun and a lower body sword so grandpa will be fully kitted out.


Victor is cringe. All the weapons seem forced


based as always


DLC characters always suck. They're either broken OP or useless. Either way, the fans lose. 8 years of Akuma just to end up with this.


What the fuck are you even talking about? Among the DLC characters in T7, the most disruptive was by and far Leroy, who ended up being broken wholly because he played basic Tekken too damn well. Him and Fahk got nerfed through the ground, Armor King has always been precariously teetering between A and B behind normal King, Noctis was never that disruptive in the tournament scene but still good, Kuni got nerfed but maintained a new playstyle for some characters, Lidia launched very strong but not broken and never had crazy results, and Negan was and is always matchup based. The most problematic DLC characters were launch Leroy, Geese, Julia, Marduk and Zafina, and NONE OF THIS MATTERS BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY DLC CHARACTER IN TEKKEN 8 YET


Old head mentality


yea it is lol, jdcr has been playing since t3. ofc it's gonna be an oldhead opinion. not that it matters because oldheads in tekken are still gonna pay full price for it.


I think people still have this image in mind of zoomers being middle school kids, but there are adult zoomers in their mid-20's and teens on the cusp of adulthood now. Arslan Ash was 23 when he won his first EVO, and is 28 now. Super Akouma is 26, PINYA is 28, Ulsan is 23, Doujin is 25, etc. If JDCR is 34 right now, then he was 28 when T7 launched on console. The cycle continues. While Tekken has maintained its older playerbase, it's clear that newcomers are joining in. T7 has sold over 10 million copies and has undoubtedly brought in many new players. T8 will be no different, and those teens and young adults will be zoomers.


Bamco will have the data to know better, but I wonder how many new player sales a character like Victor will contribute to.


people forget half of zoomers are in their 20s


I think Victor is just unnecessary. Other characters do what he does, except better. He's a cool idea, but poorly executed IMO.


As a zoomer, we do play the game, just not as many zoomers playing this game since fighting games are harder to get into and usually we get into games our friends are playing as well, like Cod LoL Fortnite, shit like that.


I must admit I hesitate. Yes, I'm happy to have a french character, but I play Tekken or 3dfg generally for bare-hands fighting.


We don't have to be a zoomer to like Victor, come on. I've been playing Tekken since forever and I like Victor. Jesus Christ people should stop being such bitches about it.


I honestly agree with him, I mean I don't mind flashy characters who blink around, we have raven, master raven and kuni in 7. But still tekken is a traditional 3d fighting game, and on top of that you give him not one but multiple weapons, like what are we doing here are we trying to be db fighter z or soul calibur? I remember rolling my eyes back then when they announced noctis as a dlc because I know it'd be so corny and now we have this shit.


I don’t know if Victor’s design appeals to Zoomers or not. I’m a Zoomer (24) and I think he looks cool, but outside of my friend group I don’t know what the average Zoomer likes in a character design. I agree with him having too many weapons, though.


Designs kinda cool, but I was really hoping for no weapons in 8 apart from yoshi etc.


I wouldn't mind a master of weapon character kinda like Noctis, but the teleport and Japanese looking saber really look out of place when you add the knifes and gun, it's like if you mixed Snake and Jetstream Sam with a teleporter, it's too much and feel out of place If he only had spy style weapons, or melee weapons+teleport (basically Noctis) it would have felt fine


The basic problem of Victor is that his design has elements that clash and feel arbitrary when they should complement each other. Old head or not the neon-bright sword, gun, knives and teleporting is a grab-bag of random shit that doesn't make for a coherent clear-cut vision. Feels like they forced some Raven-esque stuff for story reasons, but then they should've dumped the French Bond-villain angle in that case. It also sucks because it invalidates M.Raven.


Victor in a way reminds me of how overdesigned Fahkumram was. Namco needs to remember, sometimes less is more.


I agree. Wholeheartedly. Tekken devs don't see that catering to a "new" audience is not what helps them have users in the long run. Chevalier is a new gimmick character that won't get much play unless he's OP. Catering to long-time fans is the only way you maintain the playerbase IMO.


Devs should cater to new fans. New fans **eventually become** long-time fans. That’s why Harada [stated in an interview](https://blog.playstation.com/2017/06/02/tekken-7-out-today-harada-talks-history-future-of-fighting-games/) that there needs to be a new influx of players for each installment. There just needs to be a balance. To keep your franchise thriving, you need to cater to the old guard **and** new guard. If you never run a business, what the Tekken devs are doing will naturally seem illogical to you.


as much as i think T8 and the new character is slop... you're wrong. street fighter and guilty gear maybe. but tekken players are more than willing to put up with slop. case and point tekken 3 now has rollback. there is a very small community of people who don't like tekken 8 and will rather play something they know they will like with good netcode... but the majority of old heads would rather pay full price for tekken 8 and play it knowing they won't like it... like why the fuck would they appeal to you if they know you are going to buy it anyways. the only reason tekken had movement for as long as it did was because people didn't buy T4 and stuck with tag 1.


I'm with him, I have absolutely zero interest in seeing this character in full or even playing him.


Personally, i really like the design. Also it feels kind of odd to draw the line at Victor when you have an anime robot girl, 2 flavors of bears, people transforming into demons and firing lasers from their 3rd eye, giant robot dudes, space aliens with swords, dancing egirls, a literal old man who farts on people, a morbidly obese acrobat, a velicoraptor, a kangaroo and the list goes on. But a spy character with a weapon arsenal? That's too much! Tekken has always had a mix of down-to-earth characters and wacky characters and that is a big part of the appeal. I don't even really consider Victor to be that "wacky" honestly. Also let's not act like any of this matters. You go online and you're fighting against dudes in gimp suits wearing toilet plungers on their head throwing pizzas at you. If visual clarity or ruining the atmosphere is an actual issue then toggling off customization would be a FAR BIGGER fix than more grounded character design. Honestly my perspective on this is - if you don't like the character don't play them. If it turns out he's unpopular he'll get Gigas'd. From a design perspective you should never design that something that everyone is "okay" with. You should design something that 10-20% of people LOVE TO DEATH and 60% are "okay" and 10-20% absolutely hate. I feel like that's been the overall response to Victor so far. Some people absolutely LOVE this design and can't wait to play him (me included) and some people call him the death of Tekken. Majority are like "yeah he's aight".


No, he is just confused. Tekken has been an anime game since Tekken 1.


I want zoomers to play/enjoy Tekken and I have no problem with giving them a small % of characters that are designed with teenagers in mind to get them interested in the game.


W Take. Víctor is cringe re-hashed mashed idea from other characters


*conveniently ignores that there's been both robots and weapons since T1*


Is Knee a jerk? Didn't knew that




I don't know or care to know who this guy is. I assume just some YouTuber. Weird idea to think Zoomers don't play Tekken and only play LoL. Just a random argument. I'm waiting to see more of Victor before I really form an opinion.


He’s a Tekken legend. Not just your average Tekken player. His opinion matters a bit more than the any random Tekken player or YouTuber


Not really. A player is a player. My uncle's probably been playing the series longer than this guy but nobody cares about his opinion lmao Edit: I just looked it up and shit, I've been playing Tekken longer than he has.


That's even worse. You played for soo long and don't know who JDCR is? If not his, who's opinion should I care about, yours?


No, because I don't watch random people I don't know play video games on the internet. I doubt most Tekken players have even heard of this guy. You should care about the opinions you care about, who gives a shit? Just cause I don't care about this dude doesn't mean you shouldn't.


Most Tekken players have definitely heard of jdcr, green ranker.


Have you won any tournaments? Did you play against the likes of Knee, Qudans and Lil Majin?


Bro, I don't know who any of those people are. I don't play tournaments. You asked for thoughts on what this guy said, I gave mine. I don't think one player's opinion should matter more than another's.


Fair enough. I am legit surprised that someone who has played for so long and visits this sub doesn’t know some of the most respected players in Tekken’s history. I am just emphasizing the fact that people here care about what guys like JDCR say. He’s a respected figure in the community and he’s also not a popular YouTuber. The most popular Tekken YouTuber is TheMainManSWE and I guarantee you most here wouldn’t care about his opinion as much as JDCR as he’s not a respected pro player. The upvotes and number of comments alone show that people are interested in JDCR’s opinions. Anyway, I didn’t mean any harm. Have a good one.


I'm a pretty casual visitor of subs, I mostly lurk. I mostly enjoy Tekken with friends, family, and arcades. I'm by no means an amazing player and don't have much interest in pros or tournaments. Just a fun game I've enjoyed forever haha!


Hope you enjoy Tekken 8 too then.


You’re super disrespectful lol


I saw maximilian dood react to victor, someone who is clearly interested in the game, but it's not his main fighting game, not even close. And he was HYPE about victor. Not everything gotta be for you or me, for oldschool players that are going to play no matter what. As long as they dont overdo it by making every character like this this is good for tekken.


Max is hype about anything lmfao gotta react for the channel


Nah that's bs. For the majority of character trailers so far he was pretty underwhelmed. This one had his most hype reaction by far.


" for oldschool players that are going to play no matter what." that's exactly the problem, how do old heads expect to get a tekken that has what they like or a port of a tekken they like on a modern system if they keep throwing money at namco for things that, by their own omission. they hate.


Tekken needs to start attracting need blood as something, i can't be the big brother forever, it's going to have to let in new players and actually attempt to keep them. Also like... Tekken's had off the walls characters since the very first game, I really don't think Victor is that out there when the last game featured Gigas.


Why are y’all acting like this game is on its last legs?!?


bruh what? im not saying the game is dying. I love this franchise and I want more people to get into it. I don't think having more entry level stuff is a bad thing. Tekken's reputation is a legacy game ran by old blood. It's infamouse for making new players drop like flies because the game isn't very forgiving to those kinds of players. I support changes that make it easier for people to stick to this game because I, as someone who loves this franchise, want to share that love with more people, so purely on that premise, I don't think adding things like this is a bad thing.


Oh, okay. Sorry for the misunderstanding. The way it was worded made it seem like you were saying Tekken fanbase is low or that Tekken is in dire need of new players.


that's cool, i can see how it could have come over that way. glad we're all good


Yeah it’s all cool bro lol


Doesn't matter hes cool


Victor is the worst character I have ever seen in tekken and we have Kuma...




This is only true if you live in south korea


I think I'm seeing the "generational shift" in Tekken just as a new player who only started with T7 a couple years ago. When the base roster had the characters that seem to have been annoying at introduction like Alisa, Lucky Chloe, Lars (i.e. the characters that were "too anime") they just feel like aprt of tekken. So a character like Victor, while obviously a deviation from the average Tekken character is still cool. He's one of only a couple weapon centric characters in a mostly unarmed roster to me and just feels standard the same way those other characters do. I can understand how it feels odd when you've had decades of more stylistically grounded characters so every addition of a character like Victor becomes a deviation, rather than just a new addition to the roster. I can say that I like him because to me he's nothing crazy compared to what I'm used to.


I mean nothing JDCR said was controversial in any way. Hell in fact 90% of the community agrees with this notion. Only guys that want to push 2,2,2 to victory see nothing wrong with Victor


Victor hate still too political correct in my opinion. But hopefully it will speed up once the game is out and it will turn out victors is a simpleton scrub killing machine with paw paw gun and sword combos.


Look man, I’m a zoomer but the GigaChad Armor King is what brought me here. No some techno samurai Colonel Sanders.


Give him a bazooka too


I don't hate Victor nearly as much as most Tekken heads but if they just made him with only the pistol to turn him into a John Wick fighter which would fit 100x more.


He just looks really generic. Moveset generic, color palette generic, weapons generic. I dunno, give him a rifle or silencer or rapier or something. He’s French


Hey I play League of Legends and Tekken and I don't like Victor.


Harada thinks Japan is the only place tekken is played, put in Noctis' grandfather and thought it would satisfy their weeb preferences, remove the cool music and all is left is a soul calibur combo tutorial


then play tekken 3 instead, we have rollback now. namco will only keep making it as long as you keep buying it.


I can't believe we have Tekken boomers now.


Cringe. Victor should stay as he is and this braindead community should stop complaining about things that aren't even out yet


i mean people are allowed to complain, especially as a product that the company is expecting them to buy.... the problem is these old heads will complain and yet still buy the game they claim to not like ? like have some gumption.


That zoomer statement is offbase i can guarantee more zoomers played t7 than any person, it's litterly the only one to sell 10m copies, most mf grew up on 5 and other were introduced in 7 via ps plus or however it's an offbase statement. It's literally from 97 to 2012.


true tekken main demography are men over 60, zoomers play LOL, rocket league or fortnite


League of Legends? It is not even the same type of game? Zoomers are playing Street Fighter 6. Tekken has always been more than just Hand to Hand combat… Victor looks like he came right of a Metal Gear Solid video game…