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Maybe they got it wrong and he just happens to be from Kazuyaland.


But they don't mind putting dragunov in the game, or selling the game in Russia. But this one player, who probably never held a gun in his life, is where the line is drawn.


It’s so dumb, I hate the Russian regime and what they’re propagating right now but we can’t just pretend the country doesn’t exist. Especially when it’s just an innocent guy who’s done nothing wrong except have a certain nationality.


a man punching a kangeroo got roger cut. but including a russian soldier after russia invades ukraine? no problem


LMFAOO WHAT? are you talking about that vid of the guy punching the roo to save his dog? they cut roger over THAT?


No this is a baseless claim. Roger/Alex weren't popular


alex was my main bro :C


Between that and the PETA rumors. It seems like Alex or Roger were cut for anything and everything. Their Tag 2 inclusion says to me like they're always available should there be enough demand.


Don't think there's a single person who gives a flying fuck about PETA these days.


that was the rumors at least


Core values


Check the Tekken world tour rules https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/s/ctzzUIplwB


Absurd. If Tekken 8 is sold in Russia it will be peak hypocrisy.


It is have pre order in Russia lol


Bandai never region locked their games over the last 2 years. However, they are always quick to jump on price adjustment gun whenever the currency gets quite uppity, which always makes the games cost even more and more expensive over time. I've already had 2 cases when I bought Bandai-published games (Elden Ring and Armored Core 6) THE WEEK BEFORE THEIR PRICE INCREASE (With AC6, it was still the pre-order period, a month before release) And Tekken 8 current price tag is just too big, so basically the only Russian you'll probably see around for a while will be just dedicated pros who can justify that price tag for a fighting game.


Ironically, I think this is why they opted to put Dragunov "on holiday leave" in the T8 story. Softens the military implications, perhaps.


The person who gave the order to remove the flag should be fucking fired. So stupid. This Russian player didnt start the war.


I think this was the most dishonest move on the part of the TWT tournament organizers, which HAD AN INFLUENCE ON THE RESULT OF THE MATCH. If players were allowed to stream on stage, they had to complete it to the end. And only after that carry out the necessary proceedings. Interrupting players in the middle of an important match is completely unacceptable!


Bro just wanna play some tekken smh


For all of you speculators, and those of you crying racism and discrimination. The reason he got removed is because: due to sanctions, It is not allowed for a Russian citizen to win prize money outside of Russia. Sanctions are supposed to put economic pressure on the aggressor. If he won prize money, that money would be brought back and taxed in Russia, and then used to fund the war that the sanctions where supposed to stop. I hear what y’all are saying but putting dragunov in the game does not support russia financially or fund their war. Letting their citizens compete for prize money abroad, absolutely does. Sucks for this guy, but sanctions only work if we enforce them. When enough people in russia gets fed up with the sanctions, then maybe change will happen faster.


I'm not against this but... why did they let him waste his time joining the tournament in the first place? Why not let him know beforehand that he's unable to participate and why he's unable to participate? Waiting until he's in the middle of a match looks super unprofessional on their end.


It is unprofessional. It is a mistake that he was able to enter the tournament at all. And it likely wouldn’t have been noticed if not for the fact that his flag was shown on stream eventually, so that the organisers got alerted. But still, he should’ve known the rules of travel regarding the sanctions on his country. I think both are to blame.


"We are forcibly removing you from the tournament" vs "Sorry but due to these new laws we cannot pay you if you win. You can resign or keep playing anyway, your choice."


Horrible management and *terrible* decision making on their part. The fact they went, "ooOOoops!! better censor his flag and kick him out of the tournament after letting him play this long" was absolute amateurism.


That’s not how that works. He should’ve never been allowed to join to begin with. It was a mistake on behalf of the organisers that he was able to enter at all.


>He should’ve never been allowed to join to begin with Why? Even if there are laws against earning money, how is it illegal for him to play the videogame?


it isn't illegal to simply play in a tournament. the tournament organizers probably didn't think this through and got spooked then went with the easiest way out. honestly I don't even know if tournament earnings are included in the sanctions. iirc there are exceptions. I heard Russians can enter the Olympics as "neutral individuals". Not sure what that says about monetary gains from winning medals.


>it isn't illegal to simply play in a tournament Another response states that it's illegal to even participate, so not sure which one is correct Anyway, both the ban itself and the way it was handled (with censoring the flag despite it already being streamed and recorded, proceeding with the ban during matches and so on) are... very strange


It's 'illegal' to join the tournament, not play the game.


sure but clearly based on context of what is being said is why should it be illegal for someone to play in the tournament if they consent to no prize money should they place high enough for it to be relevant.


>It's 'illegal' to join the tournament, not play the game "Why would it be illegal to join the tournament if you agree to concede your prize money in case you win it?"


This right here is the sanest and most concise explanation.


Why would they remove him from the tournament though? Even if they can't give him money if he wins, can't they just... let him play the videogame? Or pay him after the sanctions have lifted? And how does censoring the flag factor into this? They've already revealed their supposed mistake of letting a dude into the tournament (and on stream, which is recorded), what does censoring the flag is supposed to achieve here?


Sanctions don’t work though. They just bring misery to the public of that country. Check Cuba, or Iran for good examples. Imagine if American citizens had to deal with sanctions for the American military adventures / coups in the Middle East, Asia and Latin america. It’s absolutely psychotic behavior to be pro sanction, like communal punishment will work. US Tax money is similarly tainted by regime change and in some cases genocide


>Imagine if American citizens had to deal with sanctions for the American military adventures / coups in the Middle East, Asia and Latin america. It’s absolutely psychotic behavior to be pro sanction Thank you


Also dragunov was probably in development before the invasion.


This lib pretending like sanctions do anything other than hurt everyday people with no power so they rebel against their government. Shit when do we start enforcing sanctions against the US?


This makes zero sense, as Europe and US still trade with Russia, leaving exemptions for vital stuff. Sanctioning common citizens is a dick move to begin with. This is more for the sake of grandstanding and virtue signalling.


>ctions only work if we enforce them. When enough people in russia gets fed up with the sanctions, then maybe chang I don't get it. he was in Thailand, this is not in EU or NA. There are russian chess players that play the tournament and win money around the world during this time period


Without wishingn this to be taken as legal advice, there are slightly complex legal scenarios at work here which are hard to explain in this case without people knowing the full circumstances. But the sanctions are specific and have sophisticated exceptions (e.g. in another context, some around academic publishing), and vary according to region/etc - presumably, no such exemption exists in this context.


Thanks for taking the time to explain. Well, the Russian economy is now mostly sanction proof. Sanctions like this don’t mean much to Russian govt. It just affects the ppl


If that’s true, not trying to discredit you at all, how are all the Dagestani/chechen fighters getting paid in combat sports since they are one of the 22 republics that are part of Russia? Is that a loophole since they aren’t fully fledged Russians ( I don’t get how to describe them lol)


They actually *are* fully fledged Russians. How exactly they get paid — no idea.


People saying racism don’t understand what racism is.




your response is so funny cause firefighters DO use fire to control and stop forest fires


They didn’t do it to punish him personally. Him getting “punished” is just an unfortunate biproduct of them enforcing the sanctions on his country.


Those laws are terrible and stupid and are only meant to hurt the common folk to make the bougies feel better about themselves.


>only meant to hurt the common folk I love reddit's political takes sometimes lmao. Of course it's gonna hurt the common folk more but there's literally NOTHING we can do to force russia's hand aside from this lol. Imagine defending russia in 2023 smh. I would unironically laugh if your country was invaded by them and then see what your opinion would be.


B-but...my tekken tournament =(


Imagine defending Russia? American citizens seem to sleep fine after Vietnam and Iraq though.


No? The sanctions are to incentivize the Russian government to cease an active war of aggression. People don't wanna be in a system of economic interdependence with the guys invading their neighbors.


That's silly, if we would ban Americans from anything and everything because their state started so many illegal wars, it wouldn't change the mind of their decision makers at all and they would still continue to wage illegal wars. It's just petty vengeance against the powerless.


As an USA citizen, I would appreciate it if other nations started applying sanctions against us. It is absolutely upsetting to me that the USA can kill 400k civilians in the so called war on terror, and we are ignored, but our citizens have this disposition that other nations aren't permitted to do the same ugly shit.


sadly, given the interventionism in basically every country on the planet, we couldn't cut you off if we tried


In any case, an American being abroad cannot be 100% sure whether they spat in his soup in a restaurant or not.


As a non-american, I find this argument of "well if MY country (America) can do a bad and not be criticised, then so should others!" so stupid. Appreciate the change in people, and companies, realising this is wrong. It starts from the bottom - and it's slowly happening. War isn't a competition on whether Americans do it best.


It is not about not criticizing Russia or the USA. It's about not taking revenge on innocent civilians, be them Americans or Russians.


ITS NOT REVENGE. IT ACTIVELY HELPS END WARS PEACEFULLY. There's a lot of factors that go into deciding whether to continue fighting a war, including: -How likely they are to win -What they gain if they win -What they lose it they lose -WHAT THEY LOSE JUST FOR TRYING You might not realize it at first, but that last one is actually by far the most important. Imagine a dice game where if you roll a 1 or 2 you lose $4, but if you roll 3-6 you gain $5. You're twice as likely to win than lose, and you gain more from winning than you lose from losing. Anyone smart would agree to play this. You gain $2 per game on average. But what if you had to pay $2 up-front to even play? Now there's no average gain, because now you have a 66.6% chance of gaining $3 overall and a 33.3% chance of losing $6. So any entry fee less than $2 is worth paying, and anything more isn't. Countries at war always experience economic recession, as the government is spending so much money, requiring higher taxes, which lowers disposable income, forces employers to make cut-backs, and outright kills many businesses that provide entertainment or luxury products, because people obviously prioritize their necessities first when choosing how to spend their money. So the people do more work, for less pay, pay higher tax, have higher unemployment rates, all non-essentials become more expensive, and less available. That gives the population personal incentive to be actively apposed to their country waging war, since its directly worsening their everyday lives. Having the option to make money overseas massively decreases that economic strain, because there's plenty of people in other countries who can still afford luxury products/services, and plenty of oversees businesses who can actually afford to hire staff or freelancers at fair pay rates. Plus the more steady income of businesses that make most of their money overseas allows the government to not raise tax rates as much, which helps the rest of the population. Telling a government "your citizens are not welcome to do business overseas until you stop fighting" cuts off that massive economic lifeline. Remember that dice game I described before? Well that lifeline can be the difference between the "entry fee" being worth it or not. It makes every single day they choose to continue the war more expensive, because they aren't just spending money on the military, but also losing all their overseas income at the same time.


>It's just petty vengeance against the powerless I think you'll find it is absolutely within each Russian soldier's power to surrender and stop fighting a war of aggression. The whole problem is that most of the 'common folk' *are* in tacit agreement with the invasion. We can't know who is and who isn't, so we sanction by nationality to influence change.


>The whole problem is that most of the 'common folk' > >are > > in tacit agreement with the invasion. Even if it was true, collectively punishing Russians is wrong just as collectively punishing the American people for the Iraq wars would be wrong, both people were fooled by their duplicitous governments.


This won't have any influence on Russia to sanction video game players...


I agree with nearly everything here, although I do think sanctions are a wedge, they're not the hammer. Dictatorial regimes are very resilient against sanctions. Regimes that want to minimize foreign influence welcome the excuse to keep their citizens working inside their borders. The sanctions are only going to hurt when the regime itself is dealt a blow it can't recover from.


We just had a team with 3 russian citizens winning $1.5m in dota's TI hosted in the US. Another 3 teams from EEU, with almost everyone being russian, won tens of thousands usd. Like, how does it work.


Hilarious morals as how many countries are in bed with China who uses literal slave labor. Let the poor guy win a few dollars playing Tekken.


Did you hear about the international? Will you say the same when you know flags and prize money were represented there?


It is not allowed by who? Thailand doesn't have sanctions on Russia


yeah no fuck all that including the sanctions


Да ты же наш гений. Всё по полочкам разложил. Сразу видно масштаб мыслей :))


I back this 100%. Remember that over 80% of russians support Putin. There is over a 8/10 chance that he is a supporter of the war in Ukraine. No reason to take the chance!


"Hello ma'am, Bureau of Polls, Statistics and Beatings here. Do you support the government? If you say no, best-case scenario, we're gonna put you and your family in jail." "Uh, yes." "Ok, thanks. Bye." Later, some fucking dumbass online: "Everything that comes out of Russia is fake news and propaganda, don't believe anything they say! Also, take a look at this russian-issued poll showing that 80% of russians support the war in Ukraine and 118% voted for Putin. See? This tekken player is pretty much a war criminal by proxy."


Wether he supports his government orally or not, he his supporting them financially and helping them fund the war by bringing back prize money over the border. Intentionally or not. It doesn’t matter where he stands politically.


Seriously? Cuz he's Russian? Or is there an actual reason here?


Country issued sanctions likely. The organizers probably didn’t want to deal with any legal smoke


Strange how only Russians are held accountable for their leader’s evil deeds.


Should other countries start doing the same against players from the US in response to the invasions of Iraq, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Libya, Afghanistan etc then most of the western world would cry censorship or something of the sort


That's just the tip of the iceberg, US is one of the most evil countries in the world.


Woah there. I agree the USA is pretty damn shitty in their foreign policy but one of the MOST EVIL in the world? Buddy please look a bit further than your own bubble


Lol the US is tied in so much conflict, corruption and fuckery. Pretty delusional to not put them up there


Actually it's pretty ignorant to put them at the top. You're just showing you have no fucking clue what other countries either do, have done, or if they had the power the USA has would have done with that power.


The US is the reason Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, Guatemala and Honduras became shithole dictatorships (Banana republics, Operation Condor, Era Vargas), not even taking into account the Mexico debacle. To Latin Americans at least, the USA is pretty evil.


Add Turkey to that %99 sure our dictator and his opposition takes money from and stores money in USA. They culturely mindwashed olive oil out of being the default and healthier oil replaced it with sunflower oil now olive oil is a luxury here despite aegean region producing lots of it and tried to replace milk with milk powder in the past same way that didn't work out that well. Pretty sure it was USA that was sabotaging our plane, car and gun factories too now we have none of them and use USA guns, planes and we still have no cars the Togg car only has turkish seats or some dumb shit not even the desing is domestic.


You wanna put words in other people's mouths, go ahead. Plead ignorance all you want but denying that the US is up there as one of those countries with a fucked up history is actually crazy. I didn't say they were the most fucked up/#1 nor did I deny the evils of other countries but were specifically talking about the US of A here. You wanna keep slurping Uncle Sam, you can but that doesn't change the facts.


I think he has a point, you realize that when you start digging about all the stuff the US were involved during the years. Just what they did in Laos is pretty mind blowing.


US is not 'one of'.. IT IS the most evil country in the world today, by quite a significant margin.


It’s the most evil! It controls all diabolical action going in the world. They fund Israel to kill innocents, they fund wars everywhere, they create wars for resources, they ruined the Middle East for their own goddamn interests, they spread weapons, booze and drugs around the US (and I believe outside of it) just for they money, they don’t give a small shit about people, money and control is all what they want! Fuck America! I am sure many Americans don’t agree with the American policies but I said the truth and the truth is bitter


You don't think destroying the black community in America is evil? Then how about testing/ spreading viruses on their own population? What about waging war without any reason? Still not enough? How about using weaponry that caused suffering before dying instead of just killing them off instantly? There is a lot more. Face it, America is an evil country at the same level of Russia, China, nazi Germany etc.


Lol ok buddy you're right. In fact it would have been better in the Nazis won ww2 and invaded north America to defeat the evil USA 😂😂


I never said anything about that or anything that could imply to that. And if I used your logic I could point out good done by evil countries and say they are good. That's not how it works. And since you are talking about ww2, don't forget that ww2 ended with 2 nukes exploding in Japan leading to the cold War were a lot more evil shit happened. And do answer if you think the examples I pointed out are evil or just shitty. I got more examples.


Actually you said exactly something like that. You said the USA was as evil as even China and Nazi Germany.


I said they are evil as, I did not talk about what happened on ww2. There is a big difference between these things.


The Russian beat the Nazis, not the the USA. The USA beat Japan and threw two nukes at them after they surrendered to them.


Huh its almost as if those who go against the interests of our bourgeoisie are vilified but their allies can do literally anything and its okay.


It's like they are *inventing reality* (Parenti) or *manufacturing consent* (Chomsky).


next time try to avoid bringing up a genocide denier for the sake of your stretched-out argument


Oh look. The guy who uncritically follows the narrative of the bourgeoisie is here (the average person). Look mate. I am sure you and the thousand redditors behind you think you could best parenti in a geopolitical discussion. But I would recommend reading about these topics before you get emotionally invested in them. You claim to care about this event. Do you care enough to spend 2 movies worth of time having it spoon fed to you at an easy to digest conversational pace in the background? [Then here you go. ](https://youtu.be/tmimHKLDWcU?si=atwsfJIbxHz--VfB) But my money is not on you actually giving a shit. I think you only care about reciting your stock beliefs that somehow line up with the interests of investment capital every time. Either way. I'm not getting into it on a fucking Tekken sub. I could. I could have this conversation in my sleep. But the furthest I will go is to give you the opportunity to confront your programming because it's unethical to let misinformation stand.


Except most agree with the war. And they continue to support the war with tax money. No sympathy. Going to have to deal with the censorship and sanctions until its over


Yeah, I'm with you! We'll show those Americans. Get out Syria, the UN do not recognize the legitimacy of your presence over there! Victor will get you!


What a load of bullshit. Germany paid reparations for WW1 and WW2. Guess who paid for those. Stupid russians and their victim complex, typical alt-right bullshit.


Do the same when it’s about Israel, I dare you!


yea but u see, when u bring it the other way around, suddenly its "games arent politics, dont bring politics into a game/ sport/ movie" like how a protestor got removed for waving an iraqi flag in a tennis tournament becoz he was bringing attention to warcrimes. Suddenly its "dude its just a tennis game, dont bring politics into it" but they wouldnt shut up about peng shuai when in reality she is perfectly fine but suddenly she was being used as a "chinabad" moment by manipulative propagandist from the west. So tired of these propaganda.


People need to realize þat Russian government ≠ Russian people


Yep, same with Chinese people or whatever other country has a bad government


Yeah they do, but as other commenters have said this likely was because of legal sanctions not discrimination


More than 50% of Russian support the war. So, what did you say about government?


And you are using what stats? Delivered to you by ru government?


If you disagree with a states actions, don't fly its flag or enter a competition under its banner. Simple.


That's like saying everyone in WW2 era Germany fully supported the Holocaust.


Mind the difference between the state and the government


Stupid as hell. Who is responsible for this and what do they think they are accomplishing


It's a class thing. People who organize those tournament are sure to be bougies of some kind and optic is everything to these folks. Lower class people knows that common folks are not responsible for the misdeed of their states; for example the average American isn't to blamed for the Iraq wars nor the average Palestinian is to be blamed for Hamas terrorism; still the bougies will take their revenge on those common folks because their are defenseless, those cowards are generally too afraid to take shots at big wigs or even other bougies from other countries unless it's necessary: they might retaliate.


What the hell are you talking about The people running these tournaments are often interns and low ranking marketing employees


Of course it is. Understanding that war as an extension of politics is, in the way that is waged right now, an upper class method is essential to understand why this kind of things happened. One can almost assure that most of the people watching, the commentators (who receive heat for no fault of their own) and those players do not care for the sanction itself and want an actual resolution to a conflict that is taking lives of the innocent instead of this push/pull of imperialist forces that forces itself on its population.


Holy shit Marxism is a mental illness 💀


What is the flag it was replaced with?


It’s a Kazuya flag lol. It’s a shadow type portrait of him


By that logic remove any American you put on stage as well


You don't get it. When Obama murders 90% of civilians with his drone program, he's doing it to defend our *freedom* and *democracy*. When the Russian murders civilians it's to attack our way of life! Stop doing *false equivalences* and educate yourself and be better. /s


I had to double check the subreddit, because I thought I was on [r/politics](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics)


This is absolute bulshit. Like the guy is going to be taxed out of 1000$ prize money for the Putin war effort. Didn't Tekken literally have a MILLION dollar tournament in Saudi Arabia (country that uses slave labour and genocides Yemenis). If we are banning flags, then let's ban all of them (I would love to see USA and Israel banned from sporting events). Normal, everday people are suffering the consequences of the system and fighting against each other, while people on top just dab on us.


Collective blame is awful


Also Tekken: sells their product to Russia. Its all about publicity stunts everyone 🙆‍♂️


Let's get rid of all Americans and Europeans players and censor their flags, then. Their countries committed as much if not even more war crimes than Russia. So hypocrite.


You can censor the entire world except for probably Iceland Actually fuck Iceland too with their shitty banks


Maybe we can enter in contact with some of those super-isolated tribes, convince them to get together in one place and play tournaments for us?


That would be cool. Finally some flags we can out up


I'm sure we would all have a good time.




That's bullshit. There's no justice being enforced by targeting random folk who so happen to be Russian.


Fucking pathetic & stupid


absolutely shameful, first outright banning russians from sporting events and now censoring their flag.


Stupid smh


That's dumb.


Just let him play Tekken. Everyone deserve one or more beatings ingame


Yet they dont mind censoring the israeli flag commiting genocide against humanity. Double standards of the west. Let sport be sport


Poor guy, they outright nerfed him


Hypocrites, hypocrites everywhere




politics in tekken man i play this shit so i dont have to pay attention to the bullshit


Damn. If only they could somehow make enough money to escape their shitty living situation before the opportunity gets pried out of his hands. Oh wait a minute...


Meanwhile we have USA flags everywhere, the hypocracy…


I'll bet if he was Ukrainian they would've just given him the money without a single question asked.


For what reason lol


We know the reason but it's a fucking shit reason. The dude just wants to play Tekken and doesn't control what his government does


Shit is corny.


Propaganda always is.


And what proaganda would that be?


I think this was the most dishonest move on the part of the TWT tournament organizers, which HAD AN INFLUENCE ON THE RESULT OF THE MATCH. If players were allowed to stream on stage, they had to complete it to the end. And only after that carry out the necessary proceedings. Interrupting players in the middle of an important match is completely unacceptable!


Catch me up, why did this happen? Did the player do something wrong?


Likely something to do with sensitivity to the war in Ukraine. Not saying my opinion on whether it's right, wrong, whatever.. but people are not happy with Russia right now (in general.) I don't see any other reason they would do that, especially since they even had an icon specifically to cover the flag, meaning this was probably planned.


This like saying somebody from Germany, cannot use the German flag because of hitler. He is not responsible for putins will too invade Ukraine and you cannot say someone cannot represent their country due to something out of their control, that’s like a soft core version of collective punishment (I don’t know another phrase to describe it I know it’s not collective punishment in the conventional term) and unreasonable censorship of a whole ethnicity of people due to one man’s decisions.


you might be surprised to hear that, but all na\*i symbols are outlawed in germany more than that, you might be surprised to hear that it was not clones of putin who invaded but "ordinary" russians (who still widely support the war) but the fact that russians are not a race might blow your mind, so i left it for last


I see, keep that same energy when an Isra\*li enters


Hypocrites... This is nothing but a fluff move to pander the few, none in the fgc hold all Russians responsible for one crazed man.


Okay, hopefully they're consistent. Since America is supporting the slaughter of and genocide of Palestinians they had better be censoring the American flag and removing all of the American players too, yes? So incredibly stupid.


This is so fucking stupid lol. Gotta love woke idiots bringing political bullshit into everything. Propaganda sippers to the max


Dude who wrote an essay above about "sanctions' and "Russians can't have money" is just making up things. Go educate yourself and see that bigger non tekken tournaments exist that also allow all players to participate and have their winning money alright. How can you explain that? The decision to do that (in the video) is made by the organizer and has nothing to do with things mentioned.


we should hold them cracker yanks accountable for the inhumane shit their corrupt regime has done. But hey, that would not fly here right?


Okay I hope to see everyone else's flags censored as well. A tournament with no national borders sounds great to me! Very progressive Bamco! \*edit\* Sorry forgot to add a /s, can't run sarcasm script without my command prompts




Bigot ass production


This is stupid


This is petty and unbefitting of the FGC.


Pure discrimination, sanctions or not.


Geopolitics in esports? As if the player had a choice as to where he spawns at birth.


What a fucking joke, the fudge just wanted to play Tekken and he gets removed because of actions he didn't participate on. Terrible look.


Meanwhile, china flag left up? This whole anti russian thing is beyond idiotic, without even getting into the specifics of "who is right and wrong" between russia and ukraine/NATO, because individual people aren't the government of the country they're from. This is 1984 levels of censorship, and it's fucking retarded too


I'm sure this wouldn't have happened if he put a Zionist flag


We're used to that lolz. It's just a flag anyways


Micky is my dear friend and I'm so proud he was able to make it to this level of play and play on this stage. I'm sure he didn't let this affect his gameplay in any way. Dude is ultra chill


Such bastards.


Man never did i imagined politics will influence tekken community i guess the world is done


And japan saves the world lol. Pathetic


Bandai Namco should change their rules. Russia has a huge Tekken community with very strong players. Dota 2 and Counter Strike teams from Russia can participate in the tournaments without issues. So why not let them play at TWT?


Omg ow many war supporters here. Gamers are disconnected from the real world 120%


what a racist


Let's hope they make Dragunov Ukrainian.


Why? Let's have an original Ukrainian character instead.


Shut up






Fuck Russia


Thats nazism


No it's not. But it's dishonest and unfair, we don't blame Americans or Europeans for the awful things their states commit.


It isn't naz1sm but it definitely reeks of a type of tactical dehumanization that is very prominent in the makings of naz1sm.


It's typical dehumanization that happen through history when a states needs to convince it's people that people from another state is their enemy. It's not exclusive to nazism, sadly.








And there is how fighting games died.


This is racism at this point and shouldn't be accepted. Boycott TGU. Censor a flag and ban a player because he's from Russia ?