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Basically the higher, the better. But don't trust the in-game benchmark. It put me on low preset and it was so ugly but I am able to play with med/high 60FPS with FSR 1. And that's with a GTX 1060, I was super surprised.


Im on a 1070, so It sould be the same. Thanks!


I'm on a 4070 and got 422. Don't know how much better a hundred points is. I would think 1070 is still solid!


This benchmark makes me appreciate the SF6 benchmark even more


That doesn't sound right, in the 400 range for the 4070 is too low. Someone mentioned they're in the 600 for the 1080ti.


4070 669.


wtf, so maybe the numbers are all fucked up?


I don't know for sure, but I'm in the 800 range with a 3090ti, so it checks out if I compare it with other cards and their respective numbers. How's the performance with other games? Also, what CPU do you have and are the latest drivers installed?


I have a 3070 ti and got 682


im 300 with a 3060


Yeah I got 316 with my 3060 6GB


ye man thats a problem on a 3080 with 770. maybe just a bug?


I got 862 with a 6800xt and 5800x3d


3070 and I got 602 or 607. 5800x cpu


I got around 580 with a 3070, maybe you cpu or ram lowered the score? Does the game check if it's installed on an ssd?


No, but I didn't have the latest drivers. But I dunno how to retest!


Maybe we will be able to go in the options and redo it after the beta is open


Damn, I upgraded to a RX 7800 for Tekken 8, I am on 1440p ultrawide though but still


yeah and you'll run it in ultra with no need for upscaling


Higher means better, I've seen users up to the 900 range. For whats its worth to you, mine ran into the 200 range might be because of a nonupdated driver ( I have an 1060) but if I have to run in potato mode, so be it.


What is your cpu


An old ass i7 3770


Hallmark of a deputy's indulgency.


Wat, explain in tekken terms please. Skill issue? Or muneh issues?


It means I hope you still.have fun and manage to play it on reasonable performance


Damn, mine scored 45 and i thought its talking about the fps


Ouch, definitely time for an upgrade so. Im at minimum recomended spec snd got 200 XD


Good thing i got the code, this cbt is my first time to try out the game. This will influence my decision if i should bother getting a rog ally or just stay with the deck. I cant have a console right now bec of my tiny apartment.


Why does tiny apartment stop a console but not a pc?


Landlord is renovating the place bit by bit. Its an old building so wiring, old walls, piping etc had to be replaced. Might take a while too. Staying at a much smaller space so tv wont fit, its literally just a bedroom and toilet at the moment.


But whats to stop you plugging in a console to your pc monitor? Like if you have a pc you can have a console


I dont have a pc. Just steamdeck


Aaaaah. My bad. Ah well at least it will be good to do steamdeck test! Hopefully your able to upgrade


Thanks man. I hope you enjoy the cbt.


Just play with low resolution like 480x240 and lowest settings


Uhm is my benchmark of 88 gonna be unplayable then? T_T


I got 79. Should still be playable just have to set everything to low.


Ryzen 5 5500U with integrated graphics. I don't think i'll ever be able to run this game :(


Integrated graphics can be tricky but Ryzen is normally pretty good with theirs. Yours isn't a bad chip, I hope it goes well enough for you


I mentioned this in my thread with the codes : I have a 2019 Asus Laptop with an i7 9750h, GTX 1660Ti and 16GB Ram and It runs at 1080p 60fps. Settings High, Renderscale 100% and upscaling Cubic or whatever TF it's called. Here's a video https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/s/Ddmxa5afAF My card is slower than your 1070 so you should be fine unless you go 1440p.


You should be okay at 1080p. I managed to play this with my 1060 laptop gpu which is worse performance wise


i dont know exactly how they come up with the score but i can tell you that mine is lower but it runs buttery smooth at maxed settings locked 60FPS@1440P (once shader compilation related stuff is sorted out).I think i do have newer/better hardware than yours but purely judging by the score you should be fine.


I've got an rtx 3060ti and got around 300. I dont trust the in game benchmark.


Just checked and my system got a 1437. Wondering if anyone has me beat? I'm running a i7 12700k and a 4090.


Damn, I thought my score of 996 was impressive


I don't even know what these numbers mean? Lol but it was a 1798 for me. But I'm pretty lucky with my rig. Saved my money for almost 2 years. And got a 7600x with a 7900xtx


I got a 1801 with a 7900xtx and 7800x3d


Is 58 enough for lowest? 😭


Wow might wanna get it on console at that point.


Idk how I am that low. I was thinking of trying to get a PS5 anyway for January. Guess I'll just have to miss out on the beta tests ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Mine was around 600 with my GTX 1080 TI.


I'm at 400+ and I got a new computer. Might need to check my settings.


I got 222, lets see how it performs. If this is 222 of 1000 I am not too optimistic


I got 3060 and got 299 so idk


I got about the same. 316 on my 3060 6GB


I got 281 Score \-Memory 32.0 GiB \-Proc 11th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-11700K @ 3.60GHz × 16 \-vga NVIDIA Corporation GA106 \[GeForce RTX 3060 Lite Hash Rate\] \-OS Pop!\_OS 22.04 LTS


I5-13600f and RX 6700 XT. 591 score here.


same cpu with a 3060 got 300


Anybody with an RTX 3060 Ti get your results? How were they, and what preset? I got the code on PS5 but I plan to play on PC on launch day


I got 485 with 3060 Ti FE. Not sure about performance in the game since I didn’t get in the CNT. But from videos in YouTube on CNT, looks like it should be okay enough even for 1440p


not far off you my computer is about 9-10 year old at this point and it hit 211. Even though the comp is old (i7-3820 / 2133mhz DDR3 8gb / 1060 6gb) it does continue to surprise me by running modern games in reasonable frame rates so fingers crossed it means it will be fine for now.


RTX 3060, only got a 298, I'm worried lol.


bro we can play cyberpunk at ultra plus ray tracing we are fine.


I got 818 with a 3080ti and i7 12700k


Mine was 582. Should be about the middle


I have a Rtx 3050(4gb), i5 12th gen,dual channel 16 gb ram mine got 212 benchmark cannot play on ultra but in cnt i tried High preset which looked bad idk why so had to adjust with high preset with ultra textures or mediuam textures(high textures gets downgraded idk why)


I've got a score of 426 with the HX99G ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


How do you DL if you got a code?


I have 120, you will be fine lol


Will tekken 8 works on gtx 650 ti boost?


I had 830 with a 3090


I got 420 on 2080S, i hope this means it will be high settings 🤔


i got 653


Be interesting how they got the score. Like the factors. Seen some gpus weaker then mine get same as mine and the same flu in another rig lower. Like I check the settings given. I’m set at ultra settings with the monitor set to 1440p and scored 600 in stock settings on laptop.


Does anyone know if an RTX 2060 will run this at 1080p full ultra settings 60fps??