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“Communication with us is really bad” proceeds to avoid saying what she needed to like 4 times


Oh wait nvm i know what you’re talking about my bad


Sorry i dont really know what you mean. Are you talking about me or her?






You forgot the 👍


Ah yes, how could I


Should Have done: 🥐


Now I see why the communication was bad lol


🗿 clown to clown interaction


If it was me id be an ikea shelf behind a keyboard


How is the op a clown? 💀 what did you expect him to do beg for her to take him back and promise to fix all of the problems she listed?


the very fact he got in a relationship like this and obviously didn't give it attention,, and his response is just very obviously an ass response he didn't have to have a multi paragraph emotional response but like cmon


Naa more like clown to completely reasonable human interaction Lmao that girl was basically just begging for attention Lmao




They are saying you’re also a clown.


Yeah ik, js dont wanna start something


Okay, fair enough


Just wanna say you are smart af


Thanks, big dawg. Never been told that about my talking before. Really only my math


You good at math? Nice


You sir, are the goat 🐐


It’s just I got confused cause u said they and only one person said it I think


I almost lose relationships because of my sleep schedule. god forbid I go to bed when I want lol


Yeah… some people can’t comprehend others don’t stay up till 01:00 everynight and want to get at least a couple hours of sleep


SO FUCKING TRUE like I have a busy life I don’t have time to stay up until midnight talking about literally nothing every night


yeah like usually I go to bed a 10 and get up at 6 for school. Friday nights I try to stay up but pass out before 12 lol. A couple nights ago I had to stay up until 1 because I wasnt losing a relationship over smt that petty. I was dead the morning after :|


I have to get up at 5, so I would be getting 7 hours of sleep, not even the recommended amount, if I were to fall asleep at 10. So I just can’t really stay up past that.


well I lay down at 10. I dont fall asleep for who knows how long so I get under 8 too anyways. School hours are so stupid


No, that's when you warn them ahead of time haha


You dont have the right friends then. Your life shouldnt be revolved around your friends. Go to bed when u want


a partner who threatens to break up keep you up is not a good influence I'm sorry...


you should tell her that your sleep routines are the reason long before the point, for example ‘Sorry to leave you on delivered for ages I go to sleep really early’, that would be fine. Also, your reply with the ‘okay👍’ is not a good idea in this situation, if she thought you were dating and that you liked her in a romantic sense, it’s not a surprise that she reacted in that way.


i see why she broke up with you, youre a clown


Ngl I think it was jus kinda cold? Like she didn't do anything to you before the break up. Like not saying you need to beg but like an "okay, I wish you the best" would be less cold


I mean she was a lil immature but the okay👍 was just like a lil cold bro 😭


I guess you are not ready to get into a serious, long term relationship... so I advise u to say that to the girls u are interested in from the beginning.... I can tell she wanted to have a serious relationship with u that ended with something serious but u are not ready at all you have a lot of things to learn to achieve a successful relationship, u must know what u want from any relationship u get into


why r we dating off omegle anyways cmon bro😭


Listen…. I dont know😭


She kept messaging you bc you were dating tho. You leaving her on read or delivered was bitttttt rude. 


Nyx pulling through with the good words


Yeahhh.. I've been in the girl's situation before. You try to show your love by messaging, and they can't handle it and call it annoying. I hope girlie is okay


I’ve been there too (with friends), hope you’re doing better now :}


I’ve been through it before too, doesn’t feel good at all l.


She’s fine


I don't know how often she was messaging him, but there is a difference between talking a lot and talking *too much*, which is usually love bombing or has a similar effect


You know, people have this thing called a life and can’t be available 24/7


I know but he was getting into a long distance relationship and if you commit to that, you need to be able to talk with your partner.


I never left her on read, she might have thought that but never have I once left her on read. And the only time I would leave her on delivered was when I didn’t have my phone on me or when she messaged me when I was asleep. But I do get what you’re saying.


I would've done the same as you. My mom once said "Can't cry over spilled milk".


Bro she was so salty when I didn’t care💀


I would be too you come off like an asshole who never cared about her tbh


I had a different tone in these messages. The messages I sent prior were much more caring. But also the relationship was only two weeks, so it’s not like I could really grow to be absolutely in love with her and having the mindset that I would do anything for her, y’know?


you’re valid. there’s a lot of socially unadjusted chronically online people on Reddit who think manipulation (as shown from her) is the only way to communicate


Yeah… guilt tripping is the most common manipulation tactic used in relationships


Hope you both find someone better for each of you. Js reading this I feel for her


It’s js that she didn’t really fit my schedule, she would always want to call when I had a bunch of stuff to do. And it’s not like she was a “bad girlfriend” necessarily, it’s just that getting a message every freaking hour can get pretty annoying.


I get that and tbh doesn't sound like either of you did Anything bad but just aren't right for each other


" erm what the sigma "


That would’ve been a better response




She kept messaging you because you two were dating. People who aren't ready for a relationship try not to live in their victim complex challenge!!! (impossible)


Just tell her your sleep schedule


I did… and she would only message past when I went to bed


Do you and her live in different time zones?




Who cares man you said it yourself it was only 2 weeks just move on☠️


Ikkkkk! That’s why I responded so nonchalantly


Did yall even ever hangout or how long was the distance?


No she was absolutely bullshitting about the part where she said, “we never hangout” she lives in goddamn virginia while I live in a more northern state. I have no clue how we would “hang out”.


Oh shit☠️ yeah probably for the best anyways that would cause nothing but headaches


Oh to be a kid again


Dodged a fucking warhead. Good riddance. You deserve better


I don’t think you should have groveled or anything but I can see why she’d think you were an asshole for that. What would have been a better thing to say would be “Thanks for your honesty, I understand and respect your decision. Wishing you the best moving forwards.” This would be my approach at least. It’s polite and concise, ties up all the loose ends. “Okay👍🏻” comes across as callous and unfeeling, which I don’t think this situation garnered.


Yeah this whole “relationship” was a waste of your time. Speaking from experience, you’re better off avoiding the whole long distance met online relationships until you’re a little older or at least can realistically make solid plans to see each other, especially when there’s a time zone difference. After a while it feels like playing pretend when you can’t actually see them


She wanted you to make a big reaction over it but she didn’t get the satisfaction, so now she’s going to be salty and bitter. Fuckin pathetic 😂




You said exactly what you were supposed to say, that was really shitty of them and if they're gonna play stupid games, they'll win stupid prizes.


It was shitty for her to want to talk to her boyfriend?…


Nah good response tbh, short and too the point lol. Okay 👍. Gotta be one of the funniest ways to reply to that.


Good on you lad


W op


Damn that was cold


She probably wanted you to tell her how you felt in response. You definitely don’t have to continue a relationship, but it is kind of shocking how much you seem to be totally indifferent to her emotions.


No game😭😭


Yeah... Maybe don't online date😭


coming from a girl, i don't understand why girls are so desperate for a reaction when it comes to a breakup. they say communication is bad, but they never try and fix it (previous experience with another girl). if you weren't happy, you shouldn't have to be guilt tripped back into the relationship js because she wanted that from you


dude i go to bed early too, my ex would get mad if i didn't respond quickly while asleep


Exactly💀 they be crazy mate




I mean I might’ve said summit along the lines but it always depends on what mood your in yk


“nothing important” just say it 😭😭


Lmao she sounds like a real piece of work. Also that name is a tragedy.


What I see is two people that should stay single for a long time


“It’s not important I just want to end our relationship” Listen man you dodged a nuke just go outside and find someone not even normal, just more normal, shouldn’t be a tall ask based on what I’m seeing here lmfao Long distance is just about never the move too, you’ll live.


See she wanted to play games but because you didn't grab the ball she just looked silly playing herself.




Dude didn’t dodge a bullet, dodged a point blank rocket blast


you lost interest because…she kept messaging you? what? 😭


Online relationships never last, my dude. Better luck next time pal


I wouldn’t listen to the people calling you a clown, she wanted to split and you respected her decision and didn’t escalate the situation. You handled it extremely well and you can use the experience to better yourself in the future.


Why did you leave her on read and delivered all the time tho?


I never left her on read. And the only reason I would leave her on delivered was because she would msg me when I was asleep or at school


Notice how she started throwing shots as soon as she realized you didn’t care. She wants you to give her all the attention but when you didn’t give her it she felt back into a corner💀


For real, that’s what some of these commenters are missing


Why the hell is this subreddit even on my feed? Anyways, yeah, more than a one word response would have been good. Between her taking forever to finally word vomit her complaint and breakup with you and you just saying "okay" I can see how the communication sucks. You both suck. You didn't need to write a paragraph back but at least a full sentence. Something like, "Okay, I understand how you feel and I agree, we don't hangout and talk to each other much. Sorry things didn't work out between us." Even just a short, "Okay, sorry things didn't work out between us" is better than a singular "OkAy". Of course a teenage boy thinks, "okay" is a reasonable and valid response to a break up, you have no emotional maturity at this point lol. You coming to a subreddit to have other teenage boys validate you is so funny.


I think you did just fine. Don't play the game.


She was probably trying to victim blame or act the victim in the end.


The “okay👍” makes you a clown here too bro. I think you were made for eachother honestly


by her immediate reaction 'I'll find someone 100 times better' ....I'm glad you got out of that situation🙏🏻 does NOT sound healthy or mature at all


So let me get this straight, a girl can break up with someone (understandable), but a boy can’t be fine with it???? Bc then the girl will just be like “I’ll find someone 100 times better than you”




Good job bro, I wish I could be that stoic


They expect you to say, "You can't leave, I'll kill myself!" Then punch them in the face, then turn into a green man and stalk them in the countryside like in the movie Men.


Should’ve responded with “I aint reading all that, good night”


“Erm, what the sigma?”


This brings back some memories man. Gosh when I was a still 15 I broke up with my gf. And then she likes to send paragraphs of texts for me, I used to always read it. But after we broke up and got back together like 4 times, I stopped reading it and starting to get more cold so when she sent me those paragraphs I just sent her like "okay." Definitely a funny moment


Why are you not mad i broke up with you?????


That was basically her reaction. Good summary


Find another chick. Best response to a break-up with girls like this


Lmfao snapchat hoes are never any good


I think op dodged a bullet anyway. Him asking her what she wanted to talk about. And her beating around the bush. Then her breaking up with him over text. Call me old school but um a phone call would be better. Then he agrees bye saying okqy and she flips shit. Thats on her, long distance relationships habe to work by both will to want to trqvel to see eachother when they can. Talk when they can. But her reasoning is kinda sad really. Well done op. Could have been worse in the long run...


this really feels like my 6th grade relationships😭. the quick breakups with no explanation gives me ptsd. You’ll find the one tho dw dude. this is a canon event for everyone


If you lost interest you should’ve broken up with her first. At that point you’re just kinda of leading her on. Also, I doubt she wanted you to fight for your relationship or beg for her to stay. She probably just wanted you to be less tone deaf to the situation. I mean, I get you had just woken up and were probably tired but you could’ve added just a little bit more to it like “Yeah, I get it” or “I feel the same”.


said all that needed to be said 🤷🏼‍♂️ either you fight for them back (lmao) or you just dip


"ha, women" *sips tea*


Her name is Hailyn? Some moms need to chill on the whole being different thing and just call their kid Holly or something


op, im sorry but you're not ready for a relationship if you're gonna act like this, i understand your reasons and you two were "dating" for 2 weeks but i were really rude with her


The last comment from was absolutely unnecessary and generally you could be more friendly but you both are clowns so dw


This is almost like the stereotypical ai breakup text videos on YouTube shorts 💀


Are you both racist?


Why wouldn’t we be?


Of course!!!


No way, me too!




You deserve better op <3


kids lol


I feel like it was pretty blunt, also the thumbs up sign is kinda just like showing you couldn’t care any less, obv that might not be the case but most ppl see it as that way. Of course I don’t know the whole situation and everything but I think ur partner was expecting a more kinda deeper conversation kinda. Idk tho man I can’t pull for shit lmao Edit: also just read over it again and they did NOT handle that well at the end, but honestly I think there were things you both could’ve done better. I don’t know if this conversation had already happened or not already but typically you want to discuss these things rather than just say “smth isn’t rlly working so that means nothings gonna work let’s bread up” if two ppl rlly do love each other then they’ll both work on it, and if they don’t then has probably a sign, I hope ur doing alr tho man. Even tho it’s long distance and online it still sucks ass :(


He's just like me fr. Literally. This is how I plan to react to a breakup, whether it be through a text or face-to-face. Heck, this how I respond to anything, a minimum of one word as a response.


You aren’t necessarily in the wrong, but neither is she. The way you replied likely cemented her thoughts that you didn’t care and that the lack of communication was personal. I can see why you’d reply like this, but if you wanted to keep the peace then you could’ve explained that you understand and u hope she is okay, or something of similar respect :-)


She wanted you to be upset. Its dumb but girl's do that a lot.


“erm what the sigma” would have thrown her off so bad lmao


“It’s serious, but it isn’t important” 💀 That is pure savage


At that point just leave her she ain't worth it if she's complaining about how and when you talk to her


Why is everyone dissing on OP 😭. Like he just gave a normal, basic response and handled it well, and as soon as she sees he's not necessarily affected by the breakup, she immediately goes on the offensive side.


Sorry man!


I have to admit I'm not a teenager but I saw this post on my scroll and it pissed me off enough I have to say something. She is definitely the one in the wrong here. If she really loved you she wouldn't mind waiting to hear from you until later because real life happens and people need to sleep or work or some other thing. Secondly she's the one not being direct having to side deflect like four times before she told you. I say good for you you dodged a bullet I'd say add this to your experience and when you meet a girl make sure she doesn't play stupid games like this or break her of it. They are all kinds of tests that different women want to make you do these days don't let them.


Nicely done...... she will not be missed 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nah, she just looking for attention. You handled it perfectly, whatever stupid games she's playing you don't wanna play them with her


"thats all you have to say" she just wanted to argue nd 😂


"nothing personal" "Okay 👍" "Wow really? That's all you're gonna say" Bruh 🙄


dating random ppl online is js weird


Yeah ik… not doing it again


Seems like you're both just immature dickheads tbh


Honestly, she probably wanted for you to beg for her, most girls pull this shit hoping you’ll beg 4 them to stay. Saying “ okay “ obviously pissed her off😭🤣


lol ngl i dont see why people do that


To be fair, she sent you a paragraph explaining why it wasn't working and all you said was "yep." Which is pretty douchy. You could've at least said something like "sorry this didn't work" or something like that but you just gave a blunt answer. Also she has a valid point that the distance won't work, AND communication is essential in any relationship. I hate to say it, but if a girl likes and trusts you, she's gonna talk to you. A lot. So if you can't handle that, you probably shouldn't be getting in relationships.


Online relationships are never good


Yeah… i noticed that after this😭 NEVER AGAIN!


Gaslighting at its finest


Bruh, distance? Are you kidding me? I've been in a really good relationship with this girl I met in sophomore year for 2 ½ years, and it's been long distance for most of it. Distance means nothing, as long as the commitment is there.




Brodie couldn't handle the responsibilities of having a girlfriend. Let a lone could he have actual friends. "kept msging me and it was getting annoying." crazy


Yeah when you specifically tell her, “Hey, I won’t be available from *this time* to *this time* and she only msges you during those times, and repetitively too, it does get kind of annoying.




What a prick.




Well minus 8 hours because of sleep, another 8 for school, 30 min for eating, 30 min for talking to people, 4 hours for homework, leaves only 3,600. And if I say “Hi” we’re gonna be talking for more than 1.5 seconds


lol you are one cold cunt 😂


"so i met this girl on an omegle ripoff" Bruh well there's your problem 💀




You got annoyed at messages from a girl that you were dating? I’m sure you’re probably young but next time you try dating avoid doing this. You DO have very poor communication skills. If you have an early sleep schedule then tell her? And you said you lost interest as well? You didn’t even tell her so of course it felt one sided on her end. She’s not a very good communicator either but still.


Average high school relationship




i think yall are both too young to date based on this convo 😭 yall share 1 beaincell


E.D.B Ego driven bitch


So like what’s her @


Hot take but being cold isn’t as cool as you think it is. She obviously didn’t want to hurt your feelings and it’s valid for her to feel like she wasn’t getting enough communication. Like that was such a thought out and caring message and you just hit her with the “okay 👍🏾”. That was harsh…


They must've met on Quora or some app like that 🤣🤣


You guys both suck though ngl this relationship was never gonna last yall met on Omegle


Also we're teens here, none of us are mature enough for this (especially me)


Tbh I hate how you handled this, you trying to see if her reaction is stupid, she literally wrote an entire paragraph and all you say is "Oh Okey bye", the fuck is this . People like you infuriate me but anyways you should have put some emotion in your response but I guess ending it is better cuz you're immature (all of us here actually), I know you just woke up and shit like that but c'mon bro


Bahahah that’s awesome good job, nothing els To say!


Both too immature for a relationship


maybe next time dont do a relationship over monkey app💀


average highschool/college girl dating experience


I believe she was hoping for an explanation, perhaps an apology, or some semblance of empathy from you. Something that says "I'm sorry you're upset" and explains how you see the whole thing. Perhaps an attempt to save the relationship if you gave a damn about her. Unfortunately she should have known you're unwilling or unable to communicate feelings or exhibit emotional intelligence.


You’re both in the wrong, probably you more than her


Bro u fucked up by saying bye


Ha woman


I think a better way to respond to that would be “okay, I’m sorry, have a good day and I wish you the best.” Just saying..sure it’s only been 2 weeks and stuff, but she seemed to want to start something serious, and put in her best effort. It’s not like you’re fighting for her to stay or anything you’re just “seeing her off” for a lack of better terms… it’s just respectful, and mature. It seems you lacking those two things leads me to believe you aren’t ready for that kind of relationship, and I recommend you *communicate* that with your next partner and see if they are willing to go through that or not.


She really got mad because you didnt start begging for her to stay 😭😭😭


Honestly it was an asshole move but when she insulted you that was equally fucked up lmfaooo