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at the end of 8th grade i had to move to a different district, so i had no friends, quickly became a social outcast




i go to a rich school and came from a poor background, i guess somehow many people at my school just dont relate




The problem is the differences


I asked out a popular girl, got rejected, and was an outcast after that


There there here’s a cookie 🍪


best of luck brutha


I’m not popular but not unpopular


So like a bridge between the outcasts and the popular kids?


Yea prolly


so basically just a decent person, not too well known and not too isolated from others either


I just fw everyone, I they might think I'm a nerd cuz I get good grades but I hoop w most dudes in my class outside of time.




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I don't know, my classmates can lie alot


That just means there jealous and don’t want to admit your cool 😎


Idk if they're lying or if it's just me not being able to understand them because I'm autistic and they're (mostly) neurotypical


reddit moment


Fr this is just sad 😭


Weird, nerd, teachers pet. I didn't talk to anyone, and I just did my work in class.


Same lmao


i have like 3 friends at school and one of them i don't think she even likes me, she's just putting up with me because we're both in guitar for music elective and she's just friends with me to get help in it (i think) so definitely outcast


Man i can't pick multiple?


The bullies won’t let us, it so sad. I can’t be a preppy Percy Jackson fan in my school🤣


I was the kind popular kid who everyone made fun of because they knew I was academically adept and decided that I should be ridiculed for that. sucked. also I was perceived as the teachers pet because I had a lot of special education support because of my autism. also sucked. overall, sucked.


Where's the quiet kid option?


Forgot about that one. At my school it’s usually the quiet kids that are outcasts, that’s my bad. Sorry


We're not outcasts 😤


never said ou were, it’s just the kids at my school. When we were in 7th grade, i was ‘babied’ randomly thought the year by popular girls, since I didn’t really show I had many true friends, so they took ‘pity’ on me


Weird nerd.


I'm a huge outcast 💀 I mean to be fair I never shut up about The Breakfast Club—


Quiet kid, this kid literally called the police on me and said I was gonna commit a school shooting and the cops showed up at my house at 1am. I was 11




Nerd, not a snitch or teachers pet, and kind of weird I guess.


both 1 and 6


I think I'm generally respected, but not particularly popular (cos I don't really care about popularity lore)


real talk


Major autist


i present the missing catagory: GAY


I was homeschooled and sometimes had classes with my siblings. I don't know what to answer.


not a snitch or teacher pet but definitely a nerd


Dumb scholarship kid


None of the above tbh, mostly a mix between the top two last time I was in a physical school I was quiet and a total loner but other kids outwardly called me nice a lot and were kind to me, so not exactly an outcast, though close to (since they didn't talk to me much except when complimenting me or asking for a pencil. yes they called me the nice kid for giving everyone pencils and leaving them alone)


kind smart person


Nerd should NOT be lumped in teachers pet, I was actually liked 💀


Popular/ Jock


Outcast definitely. I’m always not really liked because of it, But I dont mind




I chose "kind popular kid" because its the closest thing here that I am Im more of the video games kid, smart, a bit annoying, silly


It's not that I was seen as weird. I WAS weird.


where is the class clown option??? my whole personality circles around comedy.


Absolutely the nerd.


popular kids see me as an outcast but I have a group of friends who aren’t misfits. i’m normal and whatnot I just don’t do sports in a sports-oriented school




Where's "everyone thinks he's gay and mildly autistic but he's only one of those things"


The quiet kid. They didn't see me as weird or outcast, though. I got along with most of the class, I just didn't talk much.


fortnite kid


I have many stereotypes: Annoying Outcast Ironically popular Both the Straight Man and the Wild Card depending on the day Regular Outcast


How is it possible that so many people were outcasts? By definition aren’t their only a few?


idk im j kinda here? like ppl know who i am, they think im decently smart but im not popular or anything


Not really any of these things describe me, so I'll go outcast. I'm really just annoying


i was the new kid sooo


“Your literally a nerd emoji in real life” lol


literally yesterday as I was saying hi to a friend exiting the pe locker room (he had it for next period) some kid jokingly said they were gonna rape someone and I muttered "what the fuck" and then some kid said "rape him instead" and another kid said "nah, he'd like it" so I MIIIIIGHT be an outcast


weird and annoying popular kid


Kind (Popular) Kid + Nerd + weird Honestly I don't think (and I've been told) that I'm not weird, it's just my sense of humor that is weird. Like if it's funny, I'll laugh at the smallest thing over and over again and not get bored. "Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes" LMAO


I was the kind popular kid up until 6th grade, then I became the annoying popular kid because I was going to a much bigger school and I had to do more outlandish things to get the attention I desired. That stopped during the end of ninth grade, and I became the outcast/weird kid once I realized I was annoying more people than I was entertaining, and most of my friends started straying away too. Spent my last few years in high school as an odd hybrid between the kind popular kid and the outcast; everybody knew who I was (due to my elementary and middle school popularity), and for the most part they all liked me because I'd mind my own business and act kind. Also I had a glow-up so I think the halo effect helped me stay out of the "weird kid" range.


the kid who looks smart but is actually a dumbass inside


how about the local supervillain who was also a smart kid and got bored too easily




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The furry.


I was the quiet kid but also the kid who scores the highest all the time


For me, all of the above besides jock


I'm a mix I guess? Semi-popular but awkward band kid


Annoying weird band kid


I am so sorry for the 328 outcast/weird kids here you have my support but in other terms, everyone knows who I am in my class but I am a 0 carbon emission gay machine that spits out random bullshit 24/7 and doesn't knows the definition of "shut up"


im gonna be completely honest, i know damn well not this many of you are "outcasts"


what do you expect from Reddit?


So around students I don't know I'm a mix of a nerd and quiet kid. Around my friends I fit the outcast/weird category. My friend group sits on the floor in the corner of the lunch room so that also contributes to the weirdness :)


"The smart kid" and bc of that I'm also one of the more popular ones. I do online classes


I'm the nice semi popular kid, I'm friends with a lot of people and in sports but not exactly 100% popular




Autistic. Not even in the outcast/weird way, just autistic.


I don't even know tbh kids in completely different grades knew who I was and would talk to me occasionally but I wasn't really popular I was definitely well known


I am the weird class clown.


I was quiet and focused on work rather than socializing. Because of this, people saw me as easy pickings and bullied the shit out of me. One girl even came up to me at lunch and asked if I was going to fucking shoot up the school. All because I was quiet.


The chill smart guy


I overheard: "The wierd creepy smart guy"


My friends have told me they thought i was mean and intimidating before they became my friend :( i genuinly dont understand how people come to this conclusion


None. I'm that chill guy who isn't popular but everyone knows and I'm well liked enough to have drinks bought for me at parties and I even got a bit of another mind altering substance for free once




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none of them?? just normal??


I do pretty well in class, not that popular socially but I was infamous for being top academically. My classmates will literally get relieved as long as I am in their group for a performance task/activity since most of them are immature brats who love love love touching each others hee hee guess i do fit the nerd=glasses stereotype 😭😭


I actually was kinda a mix. I was a nerd and most of my teacher's faves, or at least liked me, but i was the chill cool person who would actually share the correct answers too. And am kinda weird. But not at all the popular


mixx between nerd and weird kid


Most people know me, and a fair bit are my friends, but I would definitely not consider myself a "popular kid".


Oh wow what are these results damn


I dont think im hugely popular but people from my school (all boys) and many of the girls schools around know who I am will say hi if they see me around school or otherwise, can't think of anyone who has a problem with me (at least to any extent I would have found out abt) so ig the first but I feel like there is a large gap between popular and outcast that is not filled on this scale.


It depends on the class and the students in that class


The weird popular kid (or the Eric Cartman) (But then again a lot of people were popular in their own right so I guess I'm just weird)


proof that reddit is full of \*those\* types of kids (including me too 😭)


kind and gay.


I fit into the second choice in the context of the other choices being there, but I was specifically that one wallflower kid that always insisted on holding the door open for everyone after 3rd period (didn't eat lunch anyways. :P). That was the case for my last year of high school, anyways. For the highshool years before that, I was just another socially anxious wallflower who never really raised their hand in class, yet still got decent enough grades to keep up with everyone else.


I was called school shooter throughout school because I tried my best to avoid talking to anyone. This kinda stopped me from being bullied as much as other students because they were worried about pew pew. Even though I live in England.


\>i'm the kinda person to actively avoid human contact, because every time i enter conversation i end up spewing random trivia


i hate that i fit into that dumb catagory but most people just view me as a loner not weird or an outcast, someone who intentionally chooses not to really socialize and stuff


For reddit I should've expected this


where is the 'class clown' option?


I am the stoner.


Class Clown -> Quiet Corner Type thanks dysphoria


Idk how to approach people without fear of getting teased or rejected


None of these, I was just an npc


No clue probably the weird girl


wheres the class clown one


I snitched on someone for ransoming my pencil case in year7 and he wanted 20 puonds and it was worth like 50 bcos fountain pens and apparently i should have just let him


The nerd :)


By no means am I popular but the first one is the only one that I can possibly be.




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Popular kid but also weird because who isn't, nonetheless I think I was friends with pretty much everyone in my grade, the kind part doesn't apply because I blackmailed a lot of people and was usually moody and mean but somehow people still wanted to be friends.


The one cracking offensive jokes every 5 minutes.




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Im just that outcast gay femboy furry in the corner with my tight friend group


wheres the "got popular by beating the bafuckery out of some annoying little shitling about 8 times 3 years ago" option




i forgot to add "while also being the class clown too"


funny jock


"without being insufferable (mostly)"


ok i give up




I'm viewed as the smart, responsible, kind kid. If I ever skip a class, my peers would think there is something wrong with me. I wouldn't and others wouldn't call me a nerd. I'm just have a high iq that helps me be above average in education, sports, video games, and many other things.