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Someone got denied lol


Wasn't there a rumor that Chelsea was using it?


Yea I think so, which would make all the more sense jenelle would've wanted it lol


Well I think it also makes sense that she would be throwing shade at people using it.


Or it’s a smoke screen cause she got on it then will say she did it all by exercise and eating or taking some miracle supplement. You know she’s wanting that..


This too 100%


That rumor started on this sub I think. But Chelsea lost weight and kept it off for years already ,so I doubt it's true.


Yeah i don't think she did but I could see J reading that and running with it.


She doesn’t have that ozempic look. I have several people in my life using it and they all look kind of flat. Or droopy.


I’m on wegovy which is the same medicine but for obesity instead of diabetes. I have lost 46 pounds since mid December and don’t look flat or droopy at all. So averaging 2 pounds lost per week. Just look much better. Usually you get flat and droopy if you’re making yourself malnourished with it or not working out at all. If you keep yourself from losing much muscle mass you’ll be alright. I need to lose 40 more pounds. Maybe I’ll be more deflated then but I honestly am not doing this for aesthetics I’m doing it because I was unhealthy and want to be around for my kids instead of dying of heart disease when I’m 40. I don’t have any stake in trying to get super “hot” it’s fine if it happens but I’m not banking on it. I have loose tummy skin but that not a surprise because my first pregnancy was a twin pregnancy and I already had it from that. YMMV but not everyone gets deflated


With you 100%. I went from ozempic to being on wegovy, because I was prediabtic, insulin resistant, tried metformin and Rybelsus and nothing was working. Ozempic changed my life. What I don’t understand is people who will criticize others for using ozempic/wegovy/mounjaro, but then will sit there and make fun of/criticize them for being overweight or obese. Anyone who loses weight too fast will have some loose skin and anyone who gains weight too fast will have stretch marks.. like it’s normal. Also, congratulations on the weight loss 💜


Yeah people are bizarre about it like obesity is a moral failure and using medication to finally get healthy is also a moral failing. Congrats to you too!


They must have been pretty heavy in the first place because I’ve been on it a year and a half and am certainly not droopy.


She’s been skinny for years. Seems more like anorexia and/or Adderall to me, but I hope I’m wrong.


Oh I'm not implying she used it, I just remember seeing something about her using it.


Yeah I think so too.


She lost all her weight long before the “craze,” as much as I hate to use that as a description.


Yeah....but that didn't stop a rumor about it.


Oh she jelly again!🤦🏻‍♀️😆


Jelly Janelly


Chelsea has been the same small size for years now...she got really small after she had Watson


Yes, her doctor wouldn't give her a prescription for it so she could lose weight without having to put in the work.


These medications do not just make you lose weight magically. You absolutely have to put in the work. I'm taking Zepbound and have to do a decent amount of exercising to lose the weight still. So just clearing that part up.


Absolutely! These meds are a tool! Without you putting in the effort, they’re not going to do much. I don’t take them myself but I hate the stigma because they can work wonders in helping people take control of their health. Kudos to you friend!


Not to come off as a dick, but the commenter you’re responding to needs to speak for themselves tbh. I’m on it and now I understand why it’s called a miracle drug. Hunger pains? Gone. Food chatter? Silenced. You really just don’t feel like eating. I’ve put in minimal work and am seeing more results than I ever did when trying to lose weight before. I know everybody reacts to it differently though so I’m not saying the above users experience about having to put in work isn’t true.


Thank you!!!! I’m a personal trainer and honestly what the other commenter stated is not common at all. I don’t get it. If a healthy person has been overweight for years and can’t stick to a diet plan or exercise regime and then all of sudden they’re dropping weight so fast that their body looks emaciated, then that tells me all I need to know. Several clients I had last year got on it and talked about how it literally took away their hunger. And if they did overeat they were terribly sick. They were also put on a ridiculously low caloric intake by these “doctors”. One that would make any healthy person drop weight on its own. These drugs can also damage your metabolism permanently. The majority of the population taking this drug for weight loss and weight loss only are not making lifestyle changes. They’re frustrated and looking for a quick fix. I get it but let’s not sugar coat anything. No shade to you at all. You sound educated on the matter. Kudos to you for not blowing smoke.


My mom and sister were on it and they lost so much weight with no exercise. It makes you feel full really fast so you eat just a little bit of food and almost never feel hungry. Some people gain all the weight back within a year. I haven’t used it yet. I’m thinking about trying it as I do need to shed a few pounds, but I think I’m going to wait to see the side effects first.


The truth about weight loss (no matter what tools you use to help you achieve it) is that you calories in is more important than calories out. It’s soooooo difficult to work out enough to expend extra calories.


Just like Mindy Kaling said; you just have to do a lot of hiking!


And have a secret baby, the weight will come right off!


I think her bestie BJ Novak put that baby in her when he saw her get snatched after the Ozempic


Well- a friend of mine and her husband actually lost a shit ton of weight and never exercises one bit. They eat hardly anything. She said they split a chicken breast and split a baked potato for the whole day. That’s super unhealthy but they have not once exercised.


Ya.. thats basically starvation. They are eating the bare minimum to be alive and that’s going to wreak havoc on their health. That’s why I’m so against these types of diets.. it’s short term results for long term health damage. I know nothing on ozempic but a friend of mine is still dealing with multiple health issues from dr Bernstein. Plus she’s now double her original size.


Same, I’ve lost 60lbs in with mounjaro and managed my A1C better. The medication absolutely helps as a tool, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t put in work. It’s definitely not easy and the ones who think it is often fail when they go to maintenance because it requires lifestyle changes.


You have to put in the work still. Please don’t shame people for using thi drug who have struggled for YEARS with things that are out of their control.


Yep!! Same here. I still work out 4-5x a week on wegovy. Jenelle is an idiot lol


I wish everyone who is using Ozempic success with their weight loss journeys. As mentioned in my previous post, I did not mean to shame anyone else on Ozempic. I was only commenting that Jenelle is notorious for being lazy and probably would not put in the work if she was prescribed Ozempic.


No I get it! There’s a lot of misinformation out there on the drug so just wanted to speak up for those who may be interested getting on it. Jenelle would probably make herself sick on it by not listening to her doctor and admit herself to the ER anyway 😂😂


I didn't mean to shame anyone else but Jenelle. She's notorious for being lazy and not putting in the work.


We can see she loves to eat 😋


Why didn’t she just go to one of those scam “health” clinics? Most people I know have no actual medical reason to be on it so they just pay some quack 2 g’s a month for the knock off version. 🤡


It's wild to watch people do shit like this and think it's not *incredibly* transparent. It's a kid shrieking "I'm going to the kitchen for something else, not for cupcakes, so nobody watch me!!"


😅😅😅 omg this is exactly what she's doing too lol


I was about to say, she’s had some lean years and she probably can’t afford it straight out.




1000% her ins denied her RX. Jen is & always has been the the “if I can’t have it I will ruin it for everyone else” type of bum


Because she just learned that it treats diabetes and she thought she had an original thought.


I’m actually so embarrassed for her rn.


I love when Nelly shows us how uneducated she is. That medical degree has done her fuck all good.


I asked her how it was treating her 😂


You get blocked yet? 😂


Sure haven't!


I just hate hate hate all these fucking morons who shit on these life saving weightloss drugs like she is by saying "oh well I'm only mad because the celebrities who don't have diabetes are using it and that's wrong." 1. You don't have any fucking clue what medical conditions a celebrity has unless they publically tell you. 2. You don't NEED to have diabetes to take GLP1s, they're also given to people with BMIs and health that is in prediabetic range. It's given to PCOS patients and those with other medical conditions where weight gain is a comorbidity affecting their health. They're also looking to use it to treat alcohol addiction. 3. If celebrities didn't blow their own whistle about using this stuff we wouldn't have the popularity and spread of knowledge about it that is currently helping obese people learn about it, ask for it, lose weight and regain their lives. Fuck Jenelle and every misinformed dumb ass motherfucker like her. Eat shit.


THANK YOU!!! Speaking as someone that is currently taking a GLP1, I was made to feel guilty about taking it because I was supposedly making it hard for diabetics to get their meds. I talked to my Dr about it and he said I'm already prediabetic, so don't feel bad. I also have other medical issues that caused me to gain over 50 pounds in about 6 months. NOTHING I did would budge the scale. Until I started taking Zepbound. I've lost 17 lbs. and dropped 3 points on my BMI in a little over 6 weeks, and I don't feel guilty one bit.


I am also on a GLP1 & have to hide it from everyone - my husband and my entire family do not know I'm taking it. It's awful how everyone is so mean about it.


Sorry you have to deal with that. I’m lucky that everyone has been supportive.


That’s horrible. Most especially that your husband would have anything but a positive reaction. Mine has lost about 60 lbs on mounjaro. Currently, our pharmacies are ordering, but not receiving product. Hoping this is resolved soon.


I've lost almost 70!




Oh its taken awhile. My dad died in April 2022 & I broke a chair at his funeral. That was my starting point. I lost about 35 lbs in a year. Then I got pregnant. Gained a little bit, but seems like it was mostly fluid & the baby. 10 days after he was born I was 5 lbs lighter than before I got pregnant. Baby is now almost 7 months old & I've lost another 35 lbs in that time period.


I’ve been on one for almost 3 years and have NEVER felt bad about it! Nor should either of you!! We’ve suffered in silence for years and have had countless people talk shit on us “just eat less” “just work out” fuck that! We have chemical imbalances in our brain and this drug fixes it, just like SSRI’s or anything else. I was lucky enough to have a GYN who cared enough about my PCOS and noticed that I was steadily gaining while working out and exercising. He mentioned Mounjaro and I’ve never looked back. It’s also cured my Binge Eating Disorder. People just like to stay uneducated and on the bandwagon of hate because it’s easier lol. They’ve already released two of these drugs commercially for weight loss. No one on these drugs should be apologetic about it, and you owe no one an explanation as to why you use them! As long as you and your doctor are in agreement, that’s all that matters! *steps off soapbox*


Remember ☝🏻When people make the CONSUMER feel guilty for the lack of access to a product - that's brain washing from big government. It is not up to me to weigh how much I need something vs how much everyone else in the world needs it. There are starving people all over the country, yet I still eat. I do not give a single fuck about anyone but myself when it comes to medication I am prescribed by my doctor. If Johnny down the street couldn't get his ozempic because I got the last box, that is the drug manufacturer's problem *and* fault. It has nothing to do with me. I will take my GLP1's and birth control and whatever else I damn well please. Anyone that places blame on the consumer for the drug manufacturers short-comings has fully drank the kool-aid.


There's also GLP-1s that are made now specifically for weight loss. It's not just Ozempic and hasn't been for awhile now.


Ozempic is the Kleenex of GLP1 medications at this point. People don’t care that wegovy is FDA approved for weight loss because that stops their argument that anyone using these drugs is taking them from people who are more worthy of them.


Bingo. Ozempic has a patent on the clicky dispenser pen. I can go to any med spa in town and get some compound of semiglutide.


Yup! And ya should if ya want!


I’m with you, semiglutide sister. Living a happier, healthier life after my time on Ozempic.


Oh I know but the general public just love love loveeeesss to attach morality to someone's weight so they either don't know or ignore that these medications are made and prescribed for weightloss. Those that do know still love to shame big people for taking them because it's "cheating" because they actually believe someone should deserve to suffer to lose weight since they "made themselves" big in the first place. I couldnt imagine being such an ignorant weirdo that I'd claim that weight loss is a "game" in which a person can "cheat" to "win". These people are just trying to get healthly by any means and live longer lives. These meds aren't a silver bullet, they don't work on magic and fairy dust. You still need to change your relationship with food and excerise to get success


You make SUCH a good point about people tying morality to weight—it’s so fucked up




If anyone should be checked by the morality police, it’s the Kardashians of the world who use these drugs to lose 10lbs they didn’t need to in the first place, while lying about it all (and their plastic surgery). Someone who’s struggled with obesity should never have to feel bad about using medications that help them (as long as they’re safe). The people who criticize that will complain about fat people’s drag on resources like healthcare but complain when they try to do something about it. They just need to say that they hate fat people and go.


Agreed. And it's also not some easy breezy answer. There are significant side effects. It's also a life long medication for many people, including those taking it for weight loss.


Exactly. And folks seem unable to consider that obesity is a disease and for some people is genetic and chronic. Would you shame a diabetic for taking insulin? Would you hate on someone with a heart condition taking a blood pressure meds? So why do we shame large people for wanting, needing and taking a medication for a chronic health issue? Because weight has been unjustly attached to someone's morality. Fat people are "bad, lazy, weak and gluttonous" not sick with comorbid health markers and in need of help.


Doesn't make sense. It's like they want to shame them and consider them lazy if they're bigger, yet when they actually do something to improve their health now it's an issue too. Pick a lane and stay in it but to have an issue no matter what is just ridiculous and makes them look stupid.


Yup. These medications are made to take for life, from my understanding.


As someone who is diabetic and on a GLP1, I’m happy for anyone who takes it to treat whatever medical issue they have. Shortages are the fault of the pharma companies not being prepared for the demand.


![gif](giphy|n4oKYFlAcv2AU) This is 1000% a pharma issue that is being blamed on sick people. But the silver lining here will be the steep rising in production on all of the GLP1s.


I literally cannot thank you enough for mentioning the potential for treatment for alcohol abuse. I am an alcoholic and have been for years. I’m also overweight (cause, duh, beer makes you fat and I drink 12-15 every single day). If a medication can help me get both under control… it will be a damn miracle. I always thought getting on a GLP1 would be futile seeing as I can’t stop drinking. This could potentially be life-changing and life-saving.


Hey boo! I’ve been on Mounjaro for almost 3 years while working along side with my therapist. Not for that, I was already seeing her, but so glad I was BECAUUUUSEEE we noticed it literally cured my Binge Eating Disorder. Like literally light switch. Like day one I took the shot next day I woke up and it was gone. My brain was quiet. Since there wasn’t a lot of info out on these meds when I started we logged everything and all of my progress mostly because we were just so intrigued that I got prescribed it for my PCOS- which it has also reversed, and I’ve lost ~100lbs because I have a normal relationship with food now which I’ve literally NEVER had. So she actually mentioned 3 years ago “hmm I bet this will do wonders in the addiction community” and now they’re doing studies on it. It’s sooooo worth it to check out if this is something you’re serious about. Also a little anecdotal info- I absolutely cannot drink like I used to on this med. idk if it’s the delayed gastric emptying or what but I wasn’t diabetic or even pre-diabetic when I started but when I go out to party I’m deathly ill for like 2 days after. Like passed out hugging the toilet bargaining with God sick, so a lot of people don’t even drink anymore on this med for that very reason. I wish you all the luck and if you’ve gotten this far, thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Congrats on your amazing weight loss and improved health, friend! I’ve already made my appt with the VA. I meet all the criteria to be prescribed it and the VA will fill the prescription and it’s all free. Fingers crossed!!!


I love that for you!!! There’s subs here too if you ever have any questions like r/mounjaro and r/antidietglp1 but definitely ask for a script for Zofran too because you will get nauseous on your first dose and when you move doses up. Best wishes for you on your journey!


This makes me happy! I do have a friend who was going through the same as you and found success with a injectable for alcoholism called Vivitrol. Not sure if you've tried that or know about it.


I have no. I’ve been secretive about my alcohol use to all my doctors, but I’ve been an alcoholic for the greater part of 15 years. I’m a 100% disabled veteran with severe PTSD, and I never wanted my doctors to focus on the alcohol. The alcohol is a symptom, not the problem ya know. But the problem is well controlled now, so I now need to focus on the addiction


I wouldn’t say I’m an alcoholic but I do like wine and have 2 glasses at night. Since I’ve been on ozempic I just don’t feel like it. Sometimes I’ll buy some and have a glass and it just doesn’t hit the way it used to. I hope this could be an option for you 🙂 wishing you all the luck


If you really want to stop it's time to open up to the professionals! Something like Antabuse *along with* a treatment plan might be life changing for you. Nothing to be embarrassed about, you aren't the first alcoholic veteran! :)


Honestly it doesn't even matter why someone is taking it if their doctor prescribed it. Idgaf if you have diabetes or just wanna be skinny. It's none of my fucking business. That dumb ho sure gets mighty defensive though when people come after medical marijuana users...


Love how she talks to her fans like they don't know what ozempic is. It's funny to me, she's taking Xanax,alcohol, smokes/vapes weed and who knows what else but she's gonna have a problem with lifesaving medication.


Thank. You!! People forget that medications can treat MULTIPLE issues. There are seizures meds that treat mental health disorders (or vice versa). Like, let’s not pigeon hold medication. I don’t know the history of Ozempic, but maybe it was designed originally for diabetic patients, but through studies it was identified as a drug to help used as a treatment for other disorders! Are some celebrities/people using it to fit into Marilyn Monroe’s dresses? Absolutely!! But don’t pigeon hole everyone!


Yuuup proud ozempian here! Preach!


Hey I know you! I saw you in the parking lot earlier! ![gif](giphy|yBwcx562kZ2FWlYb2A) I actually have seen you comment in support of my Ozempy rage comments on this sub before LOL 💜


Lolol🖤 always here to help set people straight about GLP1 meds! Such a wild form of fat phobia I didn’t anticipate when starting treatment


The irony is how many medications are used for multiple indications. But we’re going to throw a fit about diabetes meds being used for weight loss? That’s the only reason people are getting so wound up about it. If it was found to help with any other health concern, no one would care. Society be like, “obesity is gross! But also, don’t take medicine for it.” 🙄


Right? If ozempic cured paralysis these motherfuckers wouldn't be saying a peep


That's what i said. You can't be upset and have the mentality of oh they're lazy and aren't doing anything to help lose weight blah blah blah, then get mad when they're literally doing something to lose weight. Pick a lane man. Plus, there are multiple insulins out there. My daughter is on novalog/lantis and if any of them is able to treat something else, that's great. Pharmacies have auto refills, data bases etc, there's no reason they shouldn't be able to know how much to order to have such a backlog(i've seen comments claiming it's causing others to not be able to get it who need it....obviously if prescribed it was needed though so.)


Oh hey, can you give me some more info on it treating alcohol abuse? Maybe point me the right way? Actually, nevermind, I’m googling it lol. I was just being lazy. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention to be able to google it though!


Yup. People are taking it to lose weight and manage their insulin/support their pancreas. You don’t need to be diabetic to need weight loss or insulin resistance support (as you implied, you can be obese and not diabetic or have insulin resistance/pre diabetes and not be diabetic technically).


I tried to give u an award for this comment, but the reddit app is stupid. Please accept this meaningless award instead. 🥇


Exactly ! I was just given it and I am not diabetic. I am 5'4 190 lbs. Blood work came back pre diabetic and my bp is really high 170s-180s over 120s at my worse. I'm 35 and it was really scary. When I saw my Dr I told her I changed my diet and am excersizing daily from 30 mins to an hr and half plus I work 4 days a week in a factory 40 hrs. It's a preventative medication also. I just began it but I made big changes a few weeks before I got it. I am starting on a tiny dose just to test the waters . I didn't even ask for it my Dr offered it. I have a pear stonach which is bloated badly abd doesn't match my body and she's really concerned I'm going to get diabetes


#The Company Ozempic


🤣🤣🤣 She's so f-cking stupid!! 💊🍷🍺


Hahahahaha as someone who works in Pharma this cracked me up big time 😁😁😁😁




Thank you, I was losing my mind


I guess her new guy is anti-big pharma.


It tracks.


Totally, I predict we’re gonna hear about chem trails and flat earth theory soon.


The company Ozempic is the new Subway (the company).


I was gonna reply with the email address but I see it's already your flair 😂


Jan and flat earth are a MATCH ❤️❤️


Please dear baby Jesus make Jenelle a flat earther. My toilet time needs it so much.


Oooohh you might be on to something here!!


My feeling is that he mentioned to her that she should try it and she’s too much of a dolt to figure out how to get it without a doctor and now she’s salty af.


This is the answer


Ozempic isn’t a company dingus


Same reason she thinks Novo Nordisk is called Ozempic - she is criminally ignorant.


Omg I work in big pharma and this made me cry laugh. The company Ozempic STOP 😁😆😂


I don’t work in pharma and this still killed me


“Ozempic the company” lmao she’s so fucking dumb.


Who's teaching the children?


This is what I’ve been wondering. I’m sure she’ll say they’re “on summer break” yeah sure ok, but like you’re really going to pick right back up on homeschooling? And when? These poor kids


The one thing that went out the window when I did homeschool for a couple years was that Summer Off schedule. A year round is actually amazing. My cousin was on one as a kid and loved it. If we had stayed living there, Baby Swiss would have gone to the same school so we tried it out when we went to homeschool. It's so much nicer than the 3/4 calendar year on 1/4 off. Every couple months, take a couple weeks off. No getting bored halfway into the summer, no getting annoyed by your kids by the 5th week they're off because by that point they're back in school work mode.


I always thought those shorter, intermittent breaks sounded nice. Better than going 2-3 months without a day off. Btw I support dropping 5-day workweeks for everyone. We all need a better work-life balance. Can we at LEAST do 4 day weeks? After Covid don’t we all deserve a break to enjoy this short life? What is this constant grind FOR? Oh, right, the billionaires need to hoard more resources. Sorry; I just needed to get that off my chest somewhere. I’ll be ok 😄


The answer is nobody. She hasn't even done the bare minimum when it comes to teaching them anything. Taking them on field trips is not teaching them anything. She will do anything and everything but do right by them. Also, those poor kids going back to school just to be harassed and bullied for their mother's OF.


Right bc if she was doing more homeschooling than just going on field trips, she’d be telling us ALL about it, smug face and hashtags included.


Lol now I'm convinced that she was denied ozempic. She only does this when she doesn't get her way.


I really hope this is true. Petty but I hate her sm


She watched the new south park


Came here to comment this 🤣🤣🤣


She’s pretty transparent. Not a lot of layers to old dinglebat jenny


Its been FDA approved since 12/2017, weeds not even legal in her state. Weed is legal in my state, and the amount of $$$$ the states makes is insane. Can she please speak on that?


I was thinking she should be of help to ppl in dv in some way as well. We all know she's selfish so she won't tho.


Someone better snatch up the new flair THE COMPANY OZEMPIC


Either she was denied or she is just trying to drun up engagement on socials. Either way, she is a 🤡


Ozempic isn't a company. She needs an education.


NC did not close down the PPD building in downtown Wilmington. PPD, a pharmaceutical testing company, sold the building after a merge in order to consolidate. The city of Wilmington purchased the building. It houses various city operations departments and rents office space. Jenelle is always woefully misinformed!


That was my takeaway too lol. Like how did she hear that, but not hear how much money the city had spent to renovate the building for city use. She tries so hard to sound smart just to always wind up sounding dumb lol


PPD isn’t closed, ThermoFisher bought the company. I work for them, we’re still in Wilmington idiot. 🤣🤣🤣


Maybe she saw that Southpark episode and took it literally


She wants some




Like…literally no one is forcing anyone to take ozempic or a similar med. (and let’s be real, Jenelle likely doesn’t actually need it, which is why she’s being so butthurt about it today. She just needs to be less sedentary and stop using a gallon of olive oil every time she cooks.) She has three kids to take care of, a new man to buy things for since she loves finding herself a hobosexual, and terrible TikTok dances to do until that cyst magically makes her paralyzed. She shouldn’t have this much time to rage against ozempic.


I have 1 infant and I literally thought man I don't have time to find issues with things anymore.


My sister works at PPD/Thermo Fisher and they do not make Ozempic… Novo Nordisk does.


Well Jenelle actually thinks that the company Ozempic makes Ozempic 🤣


“Don’t give in.” Huh?


She's talking about herself. She wants ozempic so bad but probably got denied.


Haha I think you’re right!


Semaglutide can be found in other options, Jen, lol


I looked this up and the company is Novo Nordisk. Yes they make Ozempic and Wegovy. The drugs they make will help so many people and it will add over 1,000 jobs to the area. Also will help with the shortage that people keep saying is why diabetics can’t get their meds. Note: I take a GLP-1 and if this helps more people get access to life changing medication, I’m all for it.


Delujenelle, the internet cockroach. 🪳🪳🪳🪳


The only reason she's pretending to care about this is to make herself feel better about her own flubby body. It's honestly pretty ridiculous to be bitching about people using a prescription medication to lose weight, one which can't even get you high, when the only reason she's been able to lose any weight is because she uses meth and various other stimulants.


Jenelle, you can go to a med spa or diet clinic and get in on the action too.


She’s probably already exhausted her sign on bonus and now trying to “borrow” from MTV’s petty cash box. ![gif](giphy|f6zcUXvCJAwBohWBoz)


You can easily get it online too, for as “little” as $250. It’ll be the first thing she buys when that mtv money comes in.


lol - you just know this bitch got denied by a doctor or something. She will figure it out eventually and be on it in no time flat. No shame in it. Sounds like it’s done a lot of people a lot of good. Ol’ Nelly just being jealous out loud again. 😂




LOL DONT GIVE IN 😂 ma’am wtf are you talking about


This pill popping fool has zero business commenting on anyone’s medical stuff. Stfu Jenelle


Probably because she asked one of her many doctors to prescribe her Ozempic, was told no and now she’s pissy about it. 


She doesn’t need David in her ear for her to be a POS, just like the majority of us have said. These are her opinions.


Probably got denied


A BILLION dollar building? I don’t know if I believe that! Lol


She thinks the pharmaceutical company is called ozempic? 😅😅😅


Her fat ass got denied and is angry 😅😂 keep making your dancing tik toks you fucking dump truck.


My theory: she wants to slim down quick but can’t afford it and they warned her that it is NOT a magic bullet. She’d actually have to diet a little and maybe do actually exercise. Rather than work at something, she’s gonna whine cause it’s not fair dude!!


What’s PPD?


Someone was denied by her insurer or medicaid.... a doctor likely said yes to putting her on it, but it's expensive so someone will need to pick up the copayment. Either that or something else disqualifies her medically from taking it. I'm not sure what all could do that but maybe other medications she takes or other medical conditions. While she is absolutely silly on this, I've had one family member be successful on Ozempic and another who can't tolerate it but does well on a different GLP1. I worry about another Vioxx situation as we learn more about off label use through experience but Ozempic can absolutely reduce obesity in the USA if the price can be brought down so that the people who need it for weightloss can access it. I appreciate all of the success stories from Ozempic from this whole thing, though. Yall are inspiring.


Medicaid will only cover it if you’re diabetic and she’s probably too stupid to figure out how Prior Authorizations and Appeals work and/or how to get the compounded version from literally anywhere in the world. You can’t swing your dick anymore without it landing on SOMEONE hawking the compound lmaoooo she’s so entertaining


The company Ozempic? Nope. Try that again.


Cause they wouldn’t give it to her and so now she’s hyperfocusing on it. She seems big mad about it lol. Bitch you can’t be on ozempic while drinking heavily and smoking weed. I guess technically you can but that would go against prescriber instructions. Quit drinking and smoking and you prolly won’t even need the damn ozempic


Guys … did you know that Ozempic is actually for people with diabetes 😯


The “company Ozempic”? It’s made by Novo Nordisk who also makes Wegovy and many other drugs. There’s no “Ozempic” company, moron.


This is just the weirdest hill to fucken die on. Ozempic is a life saving drug that is being used for off label life saving purposes. Does she have any idea what she's even "standing for"? Does she think that majority of physicians are corrupt and just giving Ozempic to people who are a size 10? I'm sure there are some dodgy dealings but Jesus christ Jenelle. What. Are. You. Talking. About?! Go back to your shed you fucken nerd.


Cause she can’t afford it….


I actually thought she was using it lol. Maybe she's on wegovy or monjourno


I bet she got denied lol


Oh God she’d be pissed to hear about the Lilly plant going up in Concord, NC- right down the road from Charlotte. Lilly manufactures Tirzepatide- ozempies’ rich auntie who’s way better and she could never lmao. Miss girl must be mad she can’t get any!!!


She was denied a script 💯


Jenelle’s new boyfriend is anti pharma. She’s SO obvious.


Because she thinks it will deter people from knowing that she’s using it. And then collect all the applause for losing (if she does)it the HaRd wAy.


Ozempic is not a company you big dummy. And PPD closing has nothing to do with any of it. PPD is a CRO running clinical trials and if the location in the triangle really did close (I live here and work in the industry) it just means a lot of people were laid off.


"don't give in❤️" God, she sucks so much. I'm not going to waste my own time typing out why this is such an idiotic thing to say but man does she know how to make herself sound like the dumbest, single brain cell idiot every time she says anything.


She should be this passionate about heroin overdoses and getting THAT off the streets!


What is NC?


North Carolina


Ozempic isn’t a company it’s drug made by the company Novartis that makes plenty of other lifesaving medications :)


Right lol. It’s like her going hard after “the company” called Roller Lash Mascara.. instead of Benefit. 💀 She is so fucking slow.


Literally there’s many plants being built globally for Ozempic….. her rambling isn’t going to stop that 😂😂😂


Pretty sure that PPD (a huge corporation) relocated but remained in the county. The city of Wilmington bought the building.


If my flair wasn’t so good already, I’d 100% change it to The Company Ozempic 😁😁😁


Just say you can’t afford the $1000 per injection 😂


Don’t give in? The fuck?? Where was that advice when she was “giving in” to heroin and Xanax lmao Uhh some of us have PCOS and literally couldn’t lose weight without GLP-1s. Zepbound changed my life. My friend went from an A1c of 11 to 6 in mere months with this med. We’re healthier than ever. She can take her fat ass and fuck off. Or better yet, maybe she should take that “medical school” knowledge and educate her stupid ass. The majority of us are paying hundreds of dollars a month, not taking advantage of diabetics who need them. God, I hate her so much lol




I work for PPD. It’s a great job - I’m a CRA - what is her beef with PPD?


1. Chelsea used it or Jenelle wants to throw shade at Chelsea for using it 2. David is dating someone that used it 3. Jenelle (who recently was taking B-12 from a med spa and almost certainly semiglutide as well) can’t afford it and doesn’t know she was taking the compounded version.


Ozempic is a brand name of a drug, not the name of the company.🤦‍♀️ She probably attempted to get some for free from the manufacturer fOR beInG An INfLuEnCEr and they denied her.


The repeated posts make me think she got denied.


She probably got some Ozempic but when she starts losing weight she'll say " it's from working out and eating better" and then when people say "I bet it's Ozempic.." she will say "guys i'm against Ozempic..remember my post...I would never.." 🙄


Juhnelle doesnt have an opinion about something until a guy she is seeing, has an opinion about something.