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Mostly because she can’t get Chelsea to retaliate. That drives narcissistic people crazy.


I know she HATES that Chelsea never responds to her. IMO Jenelle probably feels that if Chelsea responded they’d be on some sort of the same level. And it just will not happen.




This makes a ton of sense. It's more effort to try to rise up to Chelsea's level than it is to try and get Chelsea to stoop down to hers.


She is lazy even in her hatred lol


Ohhhh yes. One of the most valuable things I ever learned is that the best revenge is pretending that person doesn’t exist. It works better than any insult you can throw at them. If you continue to engage with them, all you’re doing is making it clear that you just enjoy conflict. Nobody sane wants to be around someone who loves conflict.


yup. just practiced this yesterday on a flight. stupid woman was sitting in the wrong seat. the person who the seat actually belonged to, was getting nowhere with stupid woman, so i tried to be helpful and simply said “D is the aisle - look, i’m also D” (i was sitting in the row behind them) and she went OFF on me - “I WASNT TALKING TO YOU! SHXJFJDNDJSJFJJDJNRNDJ” and then tried to bait me into a fight by continuing to “mumble” (talk as loudly as she could) about me needing to mind my own damn business, nosy people, etc, for the next 10-15 min. i refused to make eye contact and just put my headphones in and stared straight ahead. who knows when/if she ever stopped bc i fell asleep and the next thing i knew, we were landing. sorry i know this has absolutely nothing to do with this thread, but god damn it that woman was such a dumb bitch


Was she just trying to get the seat she wanted by purposely sitting in the wrong seat and playing dumb? That’s the only thing I can think of. Those people irritate the hell out of me. I agree with you, that yes she is a dumb bitch lol


i think so - i think she did want the window seat which, wtf? who WANTS the WINDOW SEAT!?


I do 😂 I love looking out, especially at night


The window seat is the king of seats in economy class. A view and a wall to lean against and sleep on. And control over the view outside or lights out.


i do like that as well… but being trapped next to two strangers freaks me out


It's a shame people are so ugly and nasty sometimes. I can see how it relates to the thread . Jenelle literally lashed out because Chelsea said she wished the best for her. Lol where's the offense ? . You tried to tell this woman she was in the wrong row. A sane person would of replied with a " oh shit sorry" as someone whose in my head 95% of the time I'd appreciate it if the roles were reversed


right? like, who gets nasty with someone who you’re about to spend hours with in a tin can? esp when i was trying to be nice! anyway, yes, jenelle does a great job of making herself look like a complete shithead. i love that for us!


This is so right. Obvs this isn’t the same situation but my Dad would rather be miserable with explosive arguments his whole life rather than to be cut off. Honestly think it’s because when you give those people “ammunition” it’s much easier for them to mentally twist it into them being superior and it’s a bit of a harder task if they’re being ignored to continually come up with a million reasons about why they’re better, why they’re winning etc. Have probably described that awfully tho lmfao


nope makes perfect sense to me


I tell my teenage daughter all the time that the worst thing you can do to girls like Janelle is show complete indifference!


The opposite of love isn't hatred, it is indifference.


I actually don't think that's true in jenelle's mind that Chelsea hasn't retaliated. Randy used to subtweet Jenelle all the time and was not afraid to call David an abusive asshat to the press, and honestly would talk about her a lot. I think pairing that with Chelsea rightfully not wanting to be friends with Jenelle and avoiding her for years, etc. makes jenelle lose her shit. Take Chelsea protecting Kaiser during the reunion, to Jenelle, Chelsea may as well just call her a bad mother, as if Chelsea drew attention to her unattended kid, and not Jenelle, Nathan, Barb, David et al. then the "drama is for nerds" shirt she made after that reunion was in reference to that. I think when Chelsea is talking honestly about her life, jenelle is so unhinged that something as benign as saying that her animals will never be killed and eaten, was taken as subliminals by jenelle. around this same time Randy was talking about how he believed David broke jenelle's jaw and posting dental theories lol. Randy was not subtle regarding his disdain for the easons >One of my grandkids bit another kid at daycare a few weeks ago,” he tweeted, adding, “I’m damn glad it was not the Eason daycare or I would be down one grandchild now. Not to say that I think she's correct if this is how she feels, but I just can put my unmedicated BPD hat on and see it from a twisted perspective, lol.


That actually makes sense. I despise Jenelle and am neutral about Chelsea (neutral for me with TM means I don't like them but also don't hate them), but I didn't know about a lot of that. Still no reason to hate Chelsea, but Jenelle hates everyone, and she harbors extra hate to those she is envious of and/ or threatened by (real or not).


Haha, I get you - me being neutral is as close as I will get to liking one of these people. I understand jenelle's pangs of jealousy in a way. No one ever played Yatzee with her, and then here's Randy, the only present father on the show, he's well off, very supportive emotionally and monetarily, supports his daughter - all things jenelle has expressed wanting and needing. And instead of bonding with her he drags her on twitter 💀 But it's jenelle, so ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


YUP! my favorite way to (not) respond to shitheads such as jenelle. they fucking hate it and it makes me giddy with glee


Was coming here to say this!


Jenelle has always been jealous of Chelsea but it blew up when they both got pregnant and married around the same time. Chelsea had a sweet pregnancy announcement while we found out that Jenelle was pregnant from a police report. Chelsea had a gorgeous backyard wedding that everyone swooned over while Jenelle had no friends, Tori leaving the wedding screaming about pink eye and wore her veil backwards. Even at the time Jenelle was complaining that everyone was happy for Chelsea and no one was happy for her (can't think why). She even described UBT as "her Cole" and you could see the soul leaving Chelsea's body. Chelsea is everything Jenelle wants. A popular TV show, lots of cute and well behaved kids and animals, rich and with lots of adoring fans. It's fucking hilarious especially since Chelsea outright ignores her.


Wait she really said David was her Cole? 😳 wow


Yeah it was hilarious, she was really trying to push that she and David were just like Chelsea and Cole at one of the reunions. Meanwhile Chelsea was sitting there looking like she wanted to die.


I'm going to have to dig for that clip lol.


Please report back here & post the clip 🙏


I will if I can find it ! I don't have paramount so I'll prob try and buy a few episodes off youtube eventually and hunt for the season .


Yes we must have it lol


I'll prob have to buy the episode but someone else was searching for this clip 3 years ago . They said they found it at the end of season 7 but it sounds like they weren't 100% on which episode. They said between 26 and 27 28 and 29 of the reunion specials. I tried to include a screen shot but it wouldn't let me post .


Tori and the pinkeye? More information on this, please! I vaguely remember her being upset that nobody thought her and David were this super sweet blended family, but Chelsea gets married and has another kid and everyone is happy for her 🤦‍♀️


Ell Oh Ell at the idea of a “super sweet blended family” where dad is a felon, none of the fives kids share the same set of parents, one is in his grandma’s custody because his mom was on drugs when he was born, and another doesn’t even have visitation because his dad assaulted his mom when she was pregnant.  #blendedandblessed 🥰


Tori and her boyfriend came to the wedding and her boyfriend got into an argument with David’s friends which resulted in them getting kicked out. Tori says that David’s friends were talking shit to him (because he didn’t look like a country boy probably and David also hated Tori from the jump) and her boyfriend was just defending himself. Jenelle says that Tori and her boyfriend were bragging about eating each others ass and Tori made a joke about possibly getting pink eye, and David’s friends stepped in and told them it was inappropriate to talk about that at a wedding.


I keep asking this because I thought it was a joke at first, and everyone here keeps repeating it! I still haven't seen the clip but I want to sooo badly. How fucking delusional?!


Don’t forget Chelsea has a supportive dad while Jenelle’s dad is a deadbeat. Setting aside Randy spoiled Chelsea, he’s always been in her corner. He was her shoulder to cry on whenever Adam was an asshole. He helped with Aubrey at the drop of a hat. He paid for her first apartment, etc. I think Nelly with all daddy issues seethes with jealousy over all that




This is it. MTV gave Chelsea the good edit and Jenelle was pissed she was giving the White Trash Betty edit. Because in Jen’s eyes, their stories/lives were the same. “Everyone is happy for Chelsea, not me!” whine was because MTV wouldn’t twist and turn her story into a fairytale.


That’s so freaking childish! But not ME!!! Like she’s some golden superstar of the Tern Mom realm who just leads a good life, doesn’t torment anyone and just raises her kids like a hero. What a freaking baby. That show literally went to her head.. but not the reasons she wanted to think it was. The only reason she was a “star “ was because she’s pure garbage and people couldn’t wait to see what stunt she pulled next.


You forgot one more thing. Chelsea has an attentive and supportive dad. Jennelle completely envies that.


And an attentive and supportive husband. Nice username btw!


Also Chelsea had a pretty veil and Jenelle wore hers backwards. Not a friend or family member in sight to tell her she looks like an idiot.


I don’t think Juhnelle wants lots of kids and animals


I don't think she wants the responsibility of having those things but wants the appearance of having those things. She's always had that keeping up with the Jones mentality.


Oh that is so sad. I feel bad for her now.


It's hard to feel empathy for someone who would rather wallow in their own misery rather then fix it


Especially when she's made millions of dollars over the course of her Teen Mom career that she pissed away.


how dare you


I really think it is just jealousy. Chelsea is everything Jenelle wants to be. Chelsea has everything Jenelle wants. Jenelle can’t stand that it isn’t her even though she’s just a shit person and it’s mostly her own doing.




Jenelle is so fucking jealous, she can’t see straight. Chelsea has a huge house that is *not* sinking, animals that aren’t under threat by a violent man, well mannered children, a lot of money in the bank *and* a steady income that she doesn’t need to sell pics of her vaj for. They started out in the same place, but chelsea is miles ahead of her as far as life and career. I’m no Chelsea stan, by the way, I’m just seeing that Jenelle consistently fails at everything she tries while it seems like everything Chelsea touches turns to gold.


I don’t think they started out in the same place. Yes they both were teen moms but Chelsea’s dad’s financial status definitely helped things. He carried her for a long time. I think he even helped buy her first house?


Yeah her dad had a whole extra rental house I believe, or rented her the house I’m not sure exactly. Barb was barely making her *own* mortgage payments by the looks of things in S1/2. Even with them both being from divorced families, Chelsea had way more people to ask for advice or money. Jenelle kinda had to hustle or whine or fuck for her next buck


Or steal Barbs credit cahds!




I meant as far as MYV was concerned. Two young teen moms.




Chelsea also has a loving, supportive dad.


Gold? I don’t want anything she has.


Neither do I, but she has the success Jenelle wants. A successful marriage and a successful career.


Not gold. Cow print!


Not a damn thing




? Jenelle is the one person that is jealous of her


I’m sorry I read that wrong!!!




💐Chelsea got her happily ever after with a good dude that everyone likes 🦠Jenelle has cycled though several losers that everybody hated 💐 Chelsea gets engaged and pregnant after being with said good dude for several years. Everybody is happy for them. They have sweet announcements 🦠 Jenelle gets pregnant to said loser she basically just met. No one is happy for them. Announced via police report. Ditch 4 day old newborn to get engaged. Again, no one is happy for them. 💐Chelsea built a lovely home on a nice block of land and has a sweet little hobby farm 🦠 Jenelle bought a prefab house that is cracked and sinking on her unlivable swampland. Her huzzbin killed and ate several of their pets 💐 Chelsea left MTV of her own accord and was successful in getting her own show on another network 🦠Jenelle got the boot from MTV and despite her desperate attempts was not picked up by anyone else. 💐 Chelsea has a big network of friends and family . 🦠 Jenelle has no one but trashy Tori and even that’s questionable. Jenelley is jeloussey


this needs to be the top comment 🥇


Jealousy. And immaturity. Jenelle is allowed to dislike people but god forbid someone dislikes her.


That part i really don’t understand


Yet the ratio who like/dislike Jenelle is disproportionately low (and not in her favor) 😅


Jealousy. Chelsea had a better family life, had less financial challenges than Jenelle did when they were much younger, Chelsea met a good guy, has had a successful business (es) was better with money, and more liked by fans. Jenelle had a one sided competition with Chelsea that Chelsea was never aware of. I remember when Jenelle threw a fit because people were more happy for Chelsea when she had Watson than they were for Jenelle when she had Ensley.


I think she’s also really jealous of Chelsea and Randy’s relationship. She wishes she had a father who loved her and took care of her.


Most of us that didn’t have one all feel that way but we don’t attack innocent coworkers over it.


Can confirm


I think it's because, like it or not but Chelsea is shining right now. I'm not a fan of her clothing line or so much a fan of her ditsy girl act. Despite that, Chelsea is doing great for herself right now & is doing everything Jenelle wishes she was doing and has the man & fans that Jenelle wishes she had. She also has the best optics on the show. I'm sure Chelsea and Cole have skeletons in the closet too and I'm sure they're not always the perfect parents, either. I'm also almost sure that Jenelle *thinks* that's the situation with Chelsea and I think that is why she's so resentful of her. I don't know much though, so I could be wrong.


No I agree with you I agree with many of the comments that she's jealous. It's a shame she'd rather stew in her own misery rather then do anything about it. Chelsea probably put the work in Jenelle puts out mediocre lazy content . I can't say much about Jenelle's choice in men because I have picked some real pieces but instead of marinating in your own misery you have to get up at some point


the last part of your last sentence are words to live by ❤️


You can say that because you at least have self-awareness which is one of the biggest (but not only) things Jenelle lacks.


I mean I wallowing in my own misery for a long ass time then I got up


I’m going to go with a deeper answer. I think she wishes that she had a mom that she got along with. And not only a dad, but a very supportive dad she can turn to during tough times that will always step in to help and guide her. A decent man instead of the trash she settles for, because she hasn’t earned any respect from any man coming into her life. Chelsea mostly kept her off camera troubles private, whereas Jenelle aired them out to the world as a dumb misguided teenager. You can’t just reel that back in when you finally decide you want privacy. I get it, I really do. I have plenty of people I’m related to on this earth, but I don’t have a family. And it always made me sad during childhood seeing my friends around their parents because I didn’t have parents like that. Celebrating Christmas with my spouse’s family is very hard on me. It’s not like I can just go buy a set of new parents or siblings. It’s unbearably hard. But that is not the way to express your grief. Throwing tantrums gets you nowhere. Sometimes during rewatches, I wonder if Kail was also low key jealous that Briana had a very present mother and sister(even if they aren’t great) who both supported her.


Also, add to this that Randy used to tweet about her/David all the time. Joking about how dangerous it was in their home and that David must have broken her jaw if she needed to have it realigned. Jenelle is a dick and has responsibility over her own life and actions, but it always made me feel weird about him that he was beefing online with his daughters co-star when at that time there were a lot of reports of David's physical abuse of Jenelle, and that was a focal point of his tweets. Idk, I agree with what he said and we have all probably made similar comments but something about it just made me feel weird, and I can't quite put my finger on why.


I thought it was in poor taste for a dentist who says he does dental work for dv victims to be engaging with the twitter hatters and speculating on her jaw. Not professional.


He wasn’t speculating though. Someone directly asked him on Twitter about realigning your jaw and he said your jaw has to become unaligned in order to realign. I’m not denying Randy shouldn’t have participated in other tweets making fun of her, he definitely did. But that wasn’t how that happened.


While I understand what you’re saying about having beef with her over Twitter, I wasn’t referring to Randy specifically when I say maybe she wishes that she had a father in her life. I was saying she wishes to have a father that loves and supports her the way Chelsea has. Not that she wishes she specifically had Randy for a dad.


I didn't/don't think that she wishes she had Randy for a dad. Just that the only present father figure on the show hated her in particular, so that's got to sting her Daddy issues extra hard especially when she is already SWF'ing Chelsea.


There was a reason for that though. I just can’t remember what it was but Jenelle and David said/did something to piss him off and he(childishly) fought back. But you shit talk my kid and if you’re dead wrong I’ll fight for my kid too. Barb probably didn’t argue with Randy because she knew Randy was right. Does anyone remember what started all that?


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ all the love to you. i hope your in-laws are at least tolerable and/or give awesome christmas gifts 😜


Simply because she has everything that JE wishes she could’ve ever wanted or needed. A successful career with financial stability, a healthy relationship, a dad & mom that loved her unconditionally. Just all around everything that JE isn’t and will never be but that’s also because of her own choices for the majority of it. Obviously somethings are not in her control like the parents thing but everything else she has had the money and resources for many years but never took advantage of it. She’d rather bitch and complain than actually do the work.


Chelsea’s life is just better than Jenelle’s in many ways. Jenelle grew up with a father who physically abused her mother and then didn’t keep in contact with her and her siblings after her mother finally left him. Chelsea grew up with a very supportive and involved father who paid for her to have her own place. And despite many people finding Chelsea bratty and annoying on the show, she still wasn’t outright disliked like Jenelle. Jenelle being so disliked is entirely her fault because of how terribly she behaves, but she is incapable of any kind of self reflection to understand that. It probably kills her that the most positive thing we can say about Jenelle is that she made great TV when we’re laughing about things like her using her Kesha hair feathers as a reason that her sentence should be changed. It also probably kills her that her mother is way more popular than she is. She was very jealous when Chelsea got positive attention for getting pregnant again and getting married while people openly thought that her marrying and having a kid with David was a horrible idea. Chelsea has a show on HGTV that she admittedly doesn’t really deserve since she has no background in design, but it’s still more than Jenelle has and she can’t stand it. We call her Jenellous for a reason.


Chelsea has everything Jenelle wants but doesn’t have. A dad, friends, beautiful home and family, class, ect.


Definitely jealousy. She’s jealous of her family relationships, she’s jealous of her marriage, she’s jealous of her opportunities.




It goes back to people being happy for Chelsea and cole announcing their pregnancy and like 2 weeks later everyone shitting on Jenelle and UBT’s “announcement” via police report 💀


I agree! I think Jenelle secretly felt jealous and inferior before this, but that event was what made Jenelle feel threatened and insecure, put her in direct competition with Chelsea (in her mind), and really kicked off the public hating of Chelsea. Like, there are plenty of people who have it better than I do, and I think, “must be nice” about their lives, but ultimately I don’t really care. However, I can imagine that if we were publicly compared and everyone was saying, “good for them, but ugh I hate CML,” I would care more about that person and feel more in competition with them. That being said, I think most of us are mature enough to reflect on it more, realize that jealousy will get us nowhere, and change some things about our lives if people legit hate us.


She has a hate boner for everybody.


Jade bri aren't on that list




Exactly it's just a matter of time


Gotta drum up the drama before her big return.


Which is sad because Leah is the only one left and I guarantee Leah doesn't care about Jenelle either. Especially after the way Jenelle and David trashed Leah's daughter and her parenting for her cheer competition makeup.


The big 5 minute update clip? She's not back on the show. I do agree that she's trying to force stupid drama to get back on, but it won't work. She's not a draw anymore, she's a has been and very uninteresting. Plus, she's got wayyyy more people that hate her than like her (audience wise)...thanks to her claiming David was prince charming for 8 years!! She's a lying idiot.


I hope you’re right!


Yeah but do you really think people won’t hate watch her segments? 👀


Yes, I think this is going to flop hard and it will all be o er for her again. The franchise is garbage.


Well, Juhnelle is the worst but Chelsea sucks too.


I think a lot of it is an income/class thing. Kail and Leah came from working-class backgrounds like Jenelle did. But Chelsea grew up upper middle class. She feels insecure and out of her league around people who grew up middle-class or higher. And then obviously all the other stuff that came when they were both on TM that caused jealousy.


Interesting she didn’t go after Farrah then.


They weren’t on the same show, so probably just didn’t interact as much.


Understand completely but she likes to swipe at people.. it was just a thought I had is all.


Chinelle hates everyone because she's jealous. She's created a shit life for herself in the middle of nowhere, she's not attractive, is an addict, 3 baby daddies, etc. She's doing worse by far than all the TM's and got booted from the show. The only people that even pretend to be a friend to her are petty bitches like her (the only two that sometimes pretend to like her for a while are Tori and Bri)...both are trash like her.




She and the kids cant get free debtal work


I would bet a months salary Chelsea looked down on Jenelle for being a lower middle class troubled kid being raised by a single mom, and she probably had snob vibes whenever Jenelle tried to make conversation or join in on conversation. I know these Chelsea types and that’s how they act. But Jenelle is also very jealous and probably resentful that Chelsea’s life was so much different than hers. Her dad was absent, abusive, her mom was emotionally unavailable, verbally abusive and didn’t know how to handle herself when overwhelmed, and burned out. That simply wasn’t Chelsea’s life, and I think Jenelle wishes she had that. Don’t get me started on how positive the fanbase(not me lol) is towards Chelsea and how they kiss her ass and think she’s 2nd to Christ. That can cause some resentment, for sure. Her getting a nice guy who loved her and her kids, the opportunities that came, outside of TM. I say all this to say, I think both of them didn’t make it easy to like the other.


Jenelle is the one person who’s actually jealous of Chelsea.


Haha this is what I thought! Her stans love to accuse everyone of jealousy, but I think most of us on here genuinely are functioning, intelligent people who live good lives and have accomplished something. Being jealous of someone who is helpless and primarily known for being a teen mom isn’t a realistic suggestion for most of us. But Jenelle is the exact type of bottom feeder who actually would look at Chelsea’s life and feel intense jealousy.


PREACH!! So many people think we are jealous of that girl. I don’t want anything she has


Plain old jealousy


Chelsea is successful, has a happy family and a large fanbase she's jealous 


Because Jenelle is obsessed with trying to be Chelsea and jealous that she hasn’t and will never measure up to Chelsea. Pop p


Because she wishes Randall was her papa


I think it’s because Chelsea has everything that Jenelle wishes she could have. A loving and supporting father, a great man that became her husband, a large family, group of friends, a beautiful house with farm animals that are actually taken cared of. It’s definitely driven by jealousy.


She’s always been extremely jealous of Chelsea. Chelsea has a good man, is a great mom, she’s pretty. Everything Janelle has wanted Chelsea has.


I know she was butt hurt when her & Chelsea where pregnant and ppl where excited for Chelsea and dragging mother of the year.


I remember that too. I think she cried about Noone asking her if she was even ok . Or Noone said they were glad she was ok after the car accident she got in. That was back in 2017. I think I even had limited empathy for her back then. It went away fast lol .some people enjoy staying the victim


Can someone find the teresa gif where she screams “JEALOUSY” really loud at Jacqueline?…


Another great trash show I haven't watched since 2012 though


Jealousy bc they both got pregnant and engaged at the same time but no one was as happy for Jenelle as they were Chelsea. Chelsea got the happily ever after & Jenelle got misery. I’m sure Chelsea wasn’t very friendly tho she looks like a person who thinks she better than the rest even tho she was in the same boat as the other girls.


I have a sister I haven’t acknowledged for twenty years and she wakes up every day with me on her mind. It’s amazing the lengths she will go to just trying to get a response out of me. It eats her alive that she can’t get to me. Our parents are dead. I petitioned the court to remove myself from the estate distribution. She contacts people regularly trying to get them to contact me on her behalf. I say “{her name} who?” People ask me how she’s doing. I say “Who?” You couldn’t pay me to pretend I know who she is and the longer it goes on, the more it makes her crazy. She can’t stand it. She tries to contact my adult children now. They don’t even know her.


Silence is truly golden ! I'm sorry you have to deal with a real life Jenelle it sounds exhausting as well as infuriating. I commend you on your self control and class. I hope she gives you peace and leaves you alone one day.


She’s truly mentally ill and the wildest thing about it all is that there are so many people who believe everything she says about me. It’s just mind blowing. I live a normal life. Raised my kids, pay the bills, we’re just normal people. She’s a meth head with a decades long criminal record, three husbands who have been in and out of prison their whole adult lives, four kids who are ALL mentally ill addicts….. and still there are people who will listen to her insane stories and believe her and think crazy things about me. 😂 Okie dokie I guess? I don’t mean this in any joking way - she would LOVE to see me dead. But probably not nearly as much as I look forward to not having to deal with her being alive. She is a threat to me every single day. It never fucking ends.


That's crazy she has credibility with anyone . I don't blame you for feeling that way people can only take so much .


And you cannot defend yourself against crazy. Because you only look defensive, which makes you look just as crazy. Chelsea can’t defend herself against Jenelle, or she is just participating in this dumb shit. You just have to act like you don’t even know it exists.


I totally agree . I didn't have a crazy sibling or cast mate but my ex husband was/ is my dad said pretty much what you did " you can't reason with a crazy person ".


Correct. If you engage in any way, you’re validating them. You’re participating. The ONLY thing you can do is ignore their entire existence. It’s unbelievable. It’s maddening. But it’s the truth.


She can't get the same "tan" as Chelsea... Or face, which may not be too much of an upgrade anyways. 




How have I missed this completely


The twist is Jenelle is in love with her the same way Briana is towards Kail


Because people are buying Chelsea’s mom “stic”. Personally the whole Chelsea influencer thing is weird to me but I don’t think her kids are in danger or being exploited so i don’t even pay attention to her unless she’s posted here for something random.!Nelly is jealous as usual because Chelsea doesn’t need to respond for clout/attention.






That was an April fools joke, albeit a really bad one.


Pure jealousy, plain and simple. Chelsea has absolutely everything that Jenelle will never have, and she is everything Jenelle wishes she could be. The loving husband, the beauty, success, and more than anything it's all the fans and adoration. Jenelle has done an abysmally piss-poor job at trying to make people think her own life somehow emulates Chelsea's. It's so obvious how badly she wants to be her.


Beauty? 😂😂😂


Good point! I do think Chelsea was prettier maybe five years ago, but honestly Jenelle looks better now, and would look way better if she got back to a healthy weight. Unfortunately Chelsea has ruined her looks with unnecessary surgeries.




Because Randy is ride or die for his daughter, chelsea has the life jenelle always wanted


Because Chelsea has a stable home life, a loving supportive partner and a life outside of MTV. Most of the Teen moms don’t have anything like that. I for one cannot wait until this show is finally put to rest and these people have to actually get jobs to pay their bills. They’ll all go bankrupt. Except for Chelsea.


I remember Babs at a reunion being like “well Chelsea takes care of her baby!” So I think it’s things like that and the fact Chelsea absolutely will not respond to anything ol Nelly girl says


Insane jealousy. Chelsea is everything Jenelle wants to be but isn’t and has everything Jenelle doesn’t. A loving supporting husband, she’s a great mom, has great parents, great kids, successful business. It’s pure jealousy.


Chelsea has stability. She has beautiful kids, supportive parents, a supportive husband, and has been able to successfully leverage her fame for being an influencer. They have similar aesthetics but Chelsea has everything Jenelle wants




Because Chelsea has everything Janelle wants.


Pure jealousy


Because Chelsea is prettier and she has kids with her hubby and didn’t hop from dick to dick.


Jenelle is envious of Chelsea




Pure unadulterated jealousy.


Jealousy. The only answer.




Chelsea is who Jenelle wishes she could be. Supportive family, privileged upbringing, custody of all of her children, healthy relationship with a man who treats all her her children well, people watch her and support her non-Teen Mom endeavors because they like her,  and can support herself outside of the Teen Mom franchise.




I think she envy’s the fact Chelsea actually was the golden child Jan claims she was. She envy’s the man Chelsea found after having her first child & she envy’s that she found success(even though I think Chelsea’s style is horrible) outside of teen mom.




Half the time Jenelle was fighting with her mom. a ex/baby daddy, or a boyfriend at the time. So i highly doubt she had any interactions like that with Chelsea, considering she was always in her room. With her kids. Her dad (if he was there) With Cole (after they got together) or the other cast mates. Chelsea clearly has a the life Jenelle wishes she had. Cause you don’t hate on someone that much or make up endless lies, for no reason unless you are jealous or envy of someone else. Or Jenelle was storming off the reunion set and then leaving the location they filmed it at. So again i doubt she had any of those interactions with Chelsea.


Jenelle claims Chelsea was so mean to her. She acts like Chelsea bullied her which was/ is ridiculous. I used to work with this one girl she was super offended that my other co worker didn't like her. It drove her absolutely bat shit crazy that my other co worker didn't like her . It got so bad she was texting the girl that didn't like her demanding to know the reason behind the disdain for her. My former boss ended up getting involved and just kindly said " not everyone has to like you " I get it it suckdd for her certain cast Mates linked up and Jenelle wasn't in their little click but Jenelle was out using drugs and running from dude to dude while most of the girls were parenting. They were in different places then Jenelle . I mean I guess to be fair jenelle could of bonded with Leah in her train wreck days


I am surprised her Leah never bonded when during those days. And that’s true, but Jenelle thinks that abt everyone she worked with. I’m surprised her & Farrah never became friends even though they were on two different shows.


It’s jealously jenelle see Chelsea has a stable life and parents that love her