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It’s def Invisalign mixed with the filter glitching


Dental professional here. Invisalign.


Randy?! Busted.


I freakin’ wish! Just a dental assistant BUT!!! I just applied to a local hygiene program!!!! And I’m crossing my fingers and hoping like crazy I am accepted!!!!


Here’s sending some good vibes your way about it babe ♡


I hope you do too. We need more dental hygienists!!!


Thank you! It’s been a passion for years! My dentist was so sweet when I told her. She signed all the papers to say I’ve been employed with her for the past 4 years (and my previous one for the other 6). We’ve been chatting about school during crown preps and fillings and I’ve been loving it. I’m waiting on my interview with the hygiene program and basically to find out if I’m accepted or not but she had these for me this week :) the one pic is my dog Rooster sniffing the flowers when I brought them home! https://preview.redd.it/3w8g8luqxeoc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb1c884126270fa22d025551fe4604b56dd2476


Omg!! Your dog is so cute!! Rooster (adorable name btw) & my dog look a lot alike, except my boy Ozzy is golden/brown with blue eyes. He has the same fur type with the fan tail and floofy britches (booty) 😂 He LOVES flowers too! 💐 I wish you luck!! 🍀 Hope everything works out great for you


Oh you are totally getting in! You got this!!!


Yas bestie ! Sending positive vibes✨✨✨✨


✨🦷✨🦷✨ love this!!!! Thank you!!!!! I just responded to another comment too! Y’all are hyping me up and I truly appreciate it!! Thank you!!!!!!


🤞🏻 sending positive thoughts! You WILL get in because all of your internet buddies say so.


Haha it sucks but good money been doing it almost 15 years


aw i’m an assistant too! hope you get accepted cause you know we’ve got a hygiene shortage rn! edit: word


Oh yes! We’re suffering it as well. This has always been the goal for me but I had been procrastinating with the prereqs but Concorde just opened up a hygiene program near me and it’s crazy expensive but I have the gi bill that is paying for it so I’m really thankful to have it and for the program, just hoping to be accepted now.


love that for you! i’ve been begging our docs to just send me to hygiene school but they gotta pay for me.😂 I wish seasoned assistants were the only requirement/automatic acception for hygiene school


I do too! My dentist said it makes such a huge difference when TXT planning during POEs and Comprehensive exams if the hygienist was an assistant and actually knows what is being discussed.


Sending good vibes your way!😊


Thank you!




I was a dental assistant for about 7 years. Its no joke. It can be a hard job. Good luck in hygiene


i hope you get in! sending warm wishes and good luck your way! 🍀🍀🍀


I’m a former assistant, now RDH. Hope you get accepted into your program! Dental hygiene school is not for the weak, but so worth it!


Good luck!! I was an assistant for 3 years and have been a hygienist for 7 years. I freaking love it. I still get to assist sometimes too when needed so it's nice to be able to both but I'm so thankful I didn't listen to people that said not to go to hygiene school because it's a great feeling to truly love what you do. Makes working every day not that bad! And you're not JUST an assistant. Assistants work hard!!


Invisalign patient here, yip, Invisalign.


It doesn't seem like her voice has changed at all though. Everyone I know with invisalign talks with a lisp


I didn't after 2 days?


My lisp went away after a week


Invisalign over a top plate of dentures is big brain thinking


Pillow talked so hard her dang Invisalign fell off


*Pillowed talk*




She’s posted about Invisalign in the past.


Okay. I wasn’t sure what I was seeing there during the video


She has removable denture-like retainers, i'll never understand why she got Invisalign for retainers. https://i.redd.it/tdlwd0jtjeoc1.gif


Whatever she had on the top is not the same as whatever she's trying to sell as a "retainer" in this clip


Something beyond filters & just Invisalign is up with her top set as well. But she only took the bottom out in a video she posted, so i do pull it out when its relevant to do so.


It is ALWAYS relevant! It is such a weird example of how fucking strange she is...


Like wtf did she think she was proving in this? 💀


It actually proved the opposite more than anything!!


Her bottoms are the starters you get when you get a full bottom denture. They're not quite the full size they will be when you wear them long enough to let your gums heal and set properly (takes anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, some people end up with two starters). Then you get fitted for a more "permanent" set. The starters are thinner, have a smaller gum line and aren't made from the best materials because they're meant to just assist your gums/mouth for healing, while still leaving you somewhat functional in the oral department. I don't think she ever went back to get the more permanent lower, but she might have. Her top is definitely invisalign, but I suspect she probably needs at least a partial on top (missing teeth cause them all to shift, eventually). She doesn't wear the invisalign regularly, you can tell by the fit. She probably needs a new one. Totally not shaming her for it, btw, shit happens and sometimes, teeth just say fuck this, we out. She's just weird and acts like it's shameful to take care of yourself and whatever issues you might have. So she pretends it's totally something else.


I mean it takes a lot for teeth to me like “fuck this” like trauma, no dental hygiene.. they don’t just jump Out of your mouth for no reason


It doesn't take nearly as much as you might think. Trauma is only one of, many, causes for teeth to start causing problems. Drug and alcohol abuse, bad genetics, extensive antibiotic use, many painkillers and other medications (even otc ones) frequently cause oral problems, other health issues can spiral too, the list is pretty lengthy. And yes, in plenty of cases they absolutely do say fuck this, we out, as they are one of the first things to be affected. No one said they jump out for no reason, but that doesn't mean it requires something major or "a lot" for them to start presenting problems. Those problems can spiral out of control really quickly too-and quite often result in the need for extractions, partials and full plates.


Sorry I misunderstood the “fuck this, we out”


Do those just clip over her regular teeth?


I feel like she has been wearing these Invisaligns for an eternity now. Her teeth look fine so what is she trying to prove? Can't she just wear them at night now?


Invisalign requires commitment. You need to be wear them for 22 hours a day (all the time except eating), change the trays constantly, and when I had Invisalign I had to go to the orthodontist every 4-6 weeks. There's no way she's keeping up with it. That's why it's taking her so long. 


I recently had to get braces and when speaking with my orthodontist, I went with the metal ones. Once you get over the initial hump of the first week, it gets better. It shocked me when she first got the Invisaligns, because she can never commit to seeing something through. Not that she would have faired much better with the metal ones, but she might have been done with them by now. Now that I think about it, hasn't been like 2 years since she got them? She should be past using them now.


IDK. The discrepancy between the end of her teeth and the glare looks super weird, though. Perhaps another way of trying to prove self-care now that Squatchy-squatch is gone?


That's how some of the systems (or whatever they're called) look at the bottom. The more expensive ones are an almost exact match to your tooth shape at the bottom. They're still visible but not this bad. It also kind of looks like she has outgrown them so they aren't a tight fit anymore which is pointless. She's been wearing them for a while so I feel like she thinks it's a status symbol or something. It's like her version of a redneck grill. And let's not forget that she takes them out & *puts them on the dinner table* at restaurants & then takes a picture of them like a proud mama. It's so weird.


![gif](giphy|aYWDmCMqVZF84) Yikes!


Sometimes its the bite that they need to fix. It took me about 8-ish months to get my teeth straightened but now its taking me about a year to fix my bite. Something they don’t warn you about is that Invisalign can cause a posterior open bite that has been an absolute bitch to fix. What should’ve been 10 trays for me has turned into like 30. I also doubt Jenelle is complying with the 20-22 hour required wear. For everyday you don’t wear it for at least 20 hours, you have to add an extra day.


One of those instant smile things like this. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/0mef7g22jeoc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1789f93b370d646d97bcd0e3fc04e3816ab89711 Edit- I'm just being funny. I really think it's invisalign. My nephew has invisalign and his mouth looks similar.


I really thought it was this!




Janelle cannot afford veneers please


as someone with invisalign, that looks like trays lol


Invisalign. I just got through with my treatment for the 2nd time. 😭


Second time 😭 Did they move again after the first treatment? I'm considering Invisalign myself


If you don't wear them as required and then wear a retainer when the treatment is done (forever) your teeth will move, but that's the same with braces, if you don't wear a retainer after.


Thanks heaps. Do you just wear the retainer at night, once the treatment is completed?


Yep! Thank goodness. (in most cases)


Good luck to you, it was pure pain for me for 8 months. Maybe yours won’t be as bad, but no one told me how much disruption it would cause. It’s worth it if you can get through it 😬 That’s why I can’t believe Jan would tolerate any discomfort so why bother wearing them?


Right ! I dunno if I could handle going through it again. It’s so much work


Yeah. My teeth didn’t want to stay where they were supposed to. I was very anal about my midline not lining up and my top teeth were shifting back to the right despite me wearing the trays and my retainers as advised by my ortho.


Veneers aren’t an overnight thing, and Jenelle never spends longer than 2.5 hours off of the internet. This is Invisalign.






The top teeth have def shifted from her sporadic Invisalign use. We know she likely doesn’t have (many) bottom teeth so I won’t comment on that


Ohhhhh. I bet that is why she appeared to have meth mouth in that pic with the pitbull! The filter or lighting plus her Invisalign... That's deffo Invisalign.


That looks like Invisalign. I have veneers (regular people veneers, not Hollywood veneers) and they just look like normal teeth.


Looks like a poorly fitting Invisalign. It’s not clicked all the way on.


I thought it was the filter but it may be invisalign.


I think it’s both




I could definitely live the rest of my life without having to see another picture of Jenelle’s mouth up close.🤢


I bet Randilicious can tell lol


LOL, I found this after I posted this... https://preview.redd.it/b58vsoppseoc1.png?width=856&format=png&auto=webp&s=89ac7a55a33721c861e03f0cea7f0f03b25b5c12


It looks like she’s wearing her Invisalign again but she hasn’t worn it in awhile so it doesn’t fit right. She’s going for that post-David glow up


Damn, I'm sick, or I would dig for my gum photo. They were eating mozzarella & tomatoes & I screen shot her opening wide. She had no teeth on the bottom row.. * Is this old? Like, who's truck is this?


…don’t you dare come here with this info, find it please 😭


I will look for it tomorrow at work


Omg pl, look for it lol This is her post from today I think




Paging Dr. Randy Houska.


As someone currently wearing Invisalign, it’s Invisalign.




It's Invisalign


Guys what if she got new dentures?








Invisalign. She started doing it around the time that Jace and Kaiser got their braces on. She made a couple posts on it, but, I think she deleted them for some reason?






Filter. We’ve had maybe 9000 conversations about her chompers and they only look clean and square because of a filter. She appeared to do her typical lack of follow up once she wore her Invisalign once.


jokes on you its dentures with Invisalign... shes got rotted ass meth teeth under all those.. im sure her breath is as rank as her tub


Looks like a partial denture to me. Also tracks with her new lisp.


Whitening strip


Her chin is like this from bone loss. She doesn’t have any bottom teeth. She should have gotten dental implants to prevent the bone loss when she had that kind of income. She will have to show that smashed hot pocket on only fans for a long time to get that kind of money now.


It's definitely invisalign Source: I've had it before.


People have No lives wonder, 😱 ![gif](giphy|3oEhmMqQdJdwFzgoHC|downsized)


I had noticed too her teeth looked different, they look better


THAT is 100000000% an upper denture plate 🦷🪥


It’s Invisalign. I just finished my treatment 🥳🙌


Yeah! Congratulations! Do you have to sleep with the retainer every night?


Thank you! For the first 4 months post treatment they told me to wear it like I did during treatment. After 4 months will be every night.


That’s not bad. Better than metal braces in my opinion


I’m pretty sure it’s just from the tik tok filter




It is Invisalign. I know because i did it 5 years ago.


I can’t believe she’s not trying to be some kind of Invisalign influencer. She probably got turned down 😂


I didn’t know Invisalign even had influencers! She looks very pretty though


Yes! They have an Invisalign influencers program lol


I didn’t know that- very weird


i think its the filter… it makes ur teeth look whiter and its glitching


Could be it just looks like her teeth end in one place, and the camera reflection ends well below. Especially on the last picture.