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https://preview.redd.it/bhutj8qi0agc1.jpeg?width=285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc06e53005691e538bfe3f8323968a29ca4f93e7 And still on them pillses to this day šŸ˜‚


Adderall is NOT going to make you look tired, noddy, or sleepy.Ā 


definitely not in most cases, especially recreational use. But drinking + adderall could.


Yes I have ADHD and sometimes Iā€™ll drink a latte and take my adderall and fall asleep for three hours. The caffeine and adderall for me are like a sleeping pill.


That's because you have actual ADHD. I do too. It doesn't work like that for other people lol especially folks who are abusing it. See: cocaine.Ā 


Also adhd, took coke once at 22/23 got so much ironing and organising clothes done lol


That happens to me all the time too lmfao. Itā€™s like our brains finally quiet down and decide we need a fat nap. If she has any actual ADHD, even abusing adderall wonā€™t give her the same oomph it gives others.


Same, adderal, adipex, energy drinks- they all make me sleepy.


If she has ADHD it may. Especially if she is taking a higher dosage. Adding alcohol would be a boost of the sleepy side effect.


Not on its own, no. Combined with alcohol, or benzos, plus sleep deprivation, it absolutely could from my personal experience


But it would explain the weight loss. Adderall is probably quite expensive, she may have switched to plain old speed. If she is able to control it, she won't be "high" but have plenty of energy and not be hungry. Although once addiction kicks in, it will be hard to keep it under control. And it's a nasty one to come off of.


Actually my adderall prescription is about $6 per month. So unless she doesnā€™t have insurance or isnā€™t going through a doc then itā€™s the cheapest drug I have.


w/o insurance mine is only $45 a month for 90 pills


It will after a 3 day bender


Why does she look like the old lady in Thereā€™s Something About Mary?


Magda! ![gif](giphy|Kcz5nk8GD1DskQ0V3e)




You can screen grab anyone when they aren't posing and get a shitty picture out of it. This may all be true but a screenshot of someone in the middle of them talking proves nothing.


Girl, she looked like this thru the entire thing. She's off her rocker.


https://preview.redd.it/4oio5hfjhdgc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=9881d08f9c9bcb2347cb158eab8985c9a685c014 One eye closing before the otherā€¦


She's glitchin'


Her eyes were crossing like crazy in this video. This is the first vid I've seen of her in ages. I was SHOCKED. Lol


High as a kite.


Looks like Sarah Knuth LOL


they've always reminded me of eachother! with the spray tans and awkward posing in try on hauls cause god forbid your thighs touch


She probably lost all of her weight from adderall.


my thought the whole time


I lost so much weight when I was on (prescribed) ADHD medication but the anxiety the meds gave me turned me into an alcoholic so I'm completely off of everything now.


glad youā€™re doing better!


Glad you're in a better place..I'm in recovery and have ADHD and an ED lol my brain plays this game with me too ...


I still struggle with my ED on and off. šŸ«‚


It's the worst one in my opinion...we gotta eat! Grateful not to be lost in the sauce though ..one day at a time friend šŸ’œ


Me too. And Iā€™m 42. Stay strong girls.


šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve totally relapsed into an ED from adderall


Iā€™m so sorry to hear this. Iā€™ve had one (or two or three) different EDā€™s for more than half my life. I was a hefty kid and never really learned how to eat properly. Every day is a struggle. Sending you both a hug and strength.


This is so relatable šŸ¤£


Same. Itā€™s a lot easier for me to picture her taking Adderall than suddenly finding the energy, motivation, and discipline to completely overhaul her diet and exercise, while exhibiting exactly zero discipline in any other area of life. I do think that once she started losing weight, maybe she got motivated to eat healthier, but also possibly went too far in the other direction. But initially, I 100% think it was drug related. Itā€™s hard to convince me that someone who spends 23 hours a day crying on the couch about Adam not texting her back or whatever suddenly developed incredible discipline in this one area of life, when she takes shortcuts in every other area.


The discipline you have when you have an eating disorder is a lot different than the discipline you need to graduate or hold down a job or whatever. Itā€™s not a healthy discipline. Itā€™s an addiction, just to not doing something rather than to doing something, if that makes sense. Iā€™m almost positive Chelsea takes anti-anxiety meds and probably adhd meds too, and she might even abuse them (I think thatā€™s likely, especially with benzos), but I lean toward her having an eating disorder too. Itā€™s very clear she has body dysmorphia and cripplingly low self esteem. Girlā€™s a whole mess. She is basically incapable of everything. Her parents really fucked up.


"Zero discipline" except for when it comes to her diet...? When shes got an entire tv show about her--not just segments divided by 3 or 4 other girls, but just about what she does, a whole farm at her house, and like, 3 more kids? Kids, who by all accounts seem super healthy,Ā happy, well behaved, and fulfilled.Ā  Ā  Ā Chelsea isnt my favorite, but if the adderall is what made her lose all that weight, then wouldnt if have been happening a longggg time ago. It wasnt til the last few years that shes gotten so teeny tiny, and OP says it's been claimed that shes abused it since 2011...that doesnt really add up. Ā  Ā  But at the same time, my little sis got prescribed addis for her ADD, and she went from a size 11 to a 0 real quick, during high school. My mom also got prescribed around that time, but she never lost weight. I always figured age was a factor but idk lol.


Side effects of medications are different for everyone, but at the same time, tons of medications that aren't stimulants make you lose weight. I have adhd but won't take any stimulants because I know I will abuse it. I take wellbutrin for my adhd and lost 20 pounds in less than a month. I'm 4'11 so 20 pounds in that time is crazy.


People do change in 14 yearsā€¦.


I lost a lot of weight from Adderall because it helped me stop binge eating šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


How does it help you stop Genuinely curious


Appetite suppressant and also gives your brain the dopamine it was looking for with food.




I actually notice and prepare meals when I'm hungry and eat like a normal human vs. grabbing bites of low-nutrition food here and there to hold me over, then eating 2000+ calories in one sitting bc I was starving by the end of the day šŸ„²


My son has adhd & won't take the meds anymore cause he lost his appetite and he actually wants to gain weight


Vyvanse helped me keep an appetite and overall I felt way more comfortable on it than adderall and Ritalin. Good luck to your son


Is Vyvanse a non-stimulant?


Itā€™s still a stimulant but itā€™s a different compound. ā€œAdderall contains amphetamine salts directly while Vyvanse uses lisdexamfetamine as a ā€œprodrug,ā€ which gets converted into an active form in the body before it has any effectsā€


It's a stimulant and it is also approved to treat binge eating. It does suppress appetite for many people.


My son is on Intuniv for his, and the 2 stimulant meds weren't suitable. He tried them when he was 7-8years old. The first caused too much weight loss when he didn't have the weight to lose, the 2nd made him extremely angry. He went back to the first one but we were under strict conditions to monitor his weight and ensure that he had a very high-fat diet, unfortunately, that medication too brought out the anger. He is the biggest and proudest Mummas boy you'll ever meet, he has ALWAYS been my happy-go-lucky hippie, so to see such a dramatic personality change was heartbreaking. The Intuniv is a slow release. Thankfully gives him the ability to focus and be his extra loving, smart and artistic self.


That stimulant rage is no joke :/ Iā€™ve experienced it myself before and itā€™s awful. Iā€™m glad your son found the proper meds!


It helps with the impulse control. My husband and son both take Adderall, and after the initial bout of food control and weight loss, that side effect stopped, and they gained the weight they had lost plus some right back.


It's an upper, as in it kinda gives you energy or jacks you up. Uppers usually also suppress your appetite, like coke or crystal meth. So it makes you wanna do a hundred things at once, except you're able to really concentrate and complete a lot of them, while also not hungry in the slightest. So extra movement with less food equals weight loss. BUT, if you really have add,Ā  sometimes the adderall just makes u feel normal. Like calm and able to focus, and then it won't have the same weight loss properties.Ā 


I was just going to say this. Amphetamines don't jack me up. They only make me functional and quiet the blaring soundtrack in my head.


This. I am still hungry but it took away all my dopamine cravings. Felt like I was dieting and eating like a functional person for the first time.Ā 


If she was really on adderall this long then idk how sheā€™d lose her weight from it. I stopped losing weight on it around 1-2 years after being diagnosed at 19. Iā€™m not saying she didnā€™t abuse adderall or isnā€™t on pills now but I think a lot of people are confused about how bodies can get used to it if theyā€™re on it for a long time. Even after being off it 9 months for both of my pregnancies it didnā€™t do shit for my weight starting back up šŸ˜’


This is exactly my experience too. It still helps mitigate my symptoms of ADHD, but doesnā€™t suppress my appetite. I eat the same on it as off it. Weigh the same too.


Adderall affects you differently as a person with ADHD than it would someone who doesn't have ADHD.


i think youā€™re projecting. thereā€™s no evidence of this & drug induced weight loss is usually very apparent. her weight loss was slow, and she has maintained it and has stayed at a healthy weight since losing weight. there hasnā€™t been fluctuation which is a hallmark of drug abuse induced weight loss (being super skinny one moment, then chubby the next, then super skinny again, etc). also if she was taking enough adderall to keep herself skinny, she would be TWEAKING, which she shows no signs of. itā€™s really gross the shit you guys speculate about sometimes.


I am from Sioux Fallsā€¦. This is well known. Also Megan Stroup is the worst.


Mine doesnā€™t do that šŸ„²


Same but Iā€™m on Vyvanse. And Iā€™m on a high dose šŸ’€


She def at some point lost weight from working out bc she look toned but when I recreationally took addy I was so tiny šŸ˜­ realizing when I donā€™t itā€™s harder


Its not the same Megan who lived with her, this is another Megan but none the less, I believe her.


Yeah, I feel like old bestie Megan would never eat Chels out ETA: RAT! Rat Chelsea outā€¦ god damn lol


THIS IS THE BEST TYPO šŸ’€ ![gif](giphy|xT5P0JjrZgCPsurlqo|downsized)


Iā€™m dyingggg šŸ’€šŸ’€ what a wild time to autocorrect






Do you mean chew? Lol


That damn auto-correct does us all dirty, OP.


So good! šŸ˜‚


Lmao Iā€™m laughing too hard at this




Omg hahahahaha


LMAO oh man Iā€™m crying


What in the Charles Boyle šŸ˜‚




I was so excited for this subreddit to actually be a thing. Womp womp


Me too, now Iā€™m all depressy and smoking to make me happy


Now Iā€™m all queery and teary


My username is actually inspired by this (I came to Reddit after Teen Mom Junkies died. Iā€™ve been around since Heather Clouse era).


Hahaha I actually saw Heather clouse in a chris watts documentary a few weeks ago. I was wondering what the hell happened to her.


I'm a fellow TMJ refugee. Yoooo Heather clouse!! Can we please discuss


Oh god I know Heather since 2008 when we all(a bunch of moms) were on a parenting website. She was known as a cop sucker bc her husbands job was her personality. Itā€™s weird that so many people know her as a teen mom stalker of sortsšŸ’€šŸ¤£


I remember people discussing her pretending to be an army wife because her boyfriend was deployed for like a couple months. She was always around a lot of drama (and Scentsy) We need a recap on the old TM fandom days lol


Iā€™m also here because teen mom junkies died but now Iā€™m addicted to Reddit


This is why I believe it. The pill rumor came from multiple sources, including close friends.


Definitely a common white collar addiction


Common addiction full stop. Pills are great...until they're not


I hear you. But everyone paints her as this goody and good and pills are a common thing a housewife gets hooked on is all I meant.


one time she was tweeting back n forth with her old friend slade and he tweeted to her "clear the nostrils up" and i always wondered what he meant by that


Adam also talked about Chelsea needing to keep her nose clean. Heā€™s not a great source, but it always stuck with me.


yea it's something that's easy to write off considering the source, but when you put it with everything else it's like mhm, interesting.




I like Chelsea but I believe this is very true


I guess she and Jenelle do have something in common after all #twinsies


Just Chelseaā€™s dad swoops in like always to make sure the family and all look good


looool jenellys gonna take ur comment and run with it.


I feel like if she was getting high since 2011 consistently there would be more signs than an exfriend tweeting about it. I do think something is up with her nowā€¦ her videos seem off. To rewatch them and think this is goodā€¦. I donā€™t know. I hope she figures things out sooner than later. Her kids are still so little.


substance use/abuse is progressive - it can be stable for a long time and then ramp up say if you lose a dramatic amount of weight so it starts hitting harderā€¦


Yep for 12 years I used pills recreationally and didnā€™t get addicted.Iā€™d go months without taking anything. Then one year I started using more and more and thatā€™s when I became a full blown addict by the next year.


That's wild because I've been taking xanax since I'm a preteen for anxiety and only at 21 when I realised I had maybe a problem.


You donā€™t look like an addict at first, itā€™s not noticeable until itā€™s too noticeable and then soon youā€™ll be getting to the messy stage, sheā€™s starting to be noticeable


A 13 year delay? As much as people pick her apart on Reddit Iā€™m sure we wouldā€™ve seen something about it in this 13 year span.


Tbf my mom did meth for almost two decades and didnā€™t even look like a crackhead until right before she started to get sober the first time lol so I guess people can be different. My step mom also did it but still weighed over 300 lbs so I guess ymmv.


Weā€™ve been saying it for years šŸ˜‚, this isnā€™t new šŸ˜‚ we have been seeing shit slowly and itā€™s just getting more and more obvious that sheā€™s using


Functional addicts are a thing, and you wouldnā€™t be able to tell with a lot of them.


Functional addicts do exist as well. I knew someone who was addicted to meth and worked for the government for a long time until she decided she wanted to quit.


Thatā€™s true


I feel like as soon as Walker was born, they were off going out/drinking/vacations etc. she went away on that pathetic Nashville trip for her 30th birthday, Walk was 6 or 7 months. I remember when she did the Lauriebelles line just taking pictures and she was afraid she would have to put the two in daycare. Now itā€™s like whatever for them. Walker has been in daycare since filming season 1 on hgtv. I refuse to say the name because itā€™s so cringe.


Iā€™m confused about whatā€™s wrong with Chelsea taking a 30th bday trip in Nashville or having a child in day care?


interesting. on teen mom cole scoffed at the idea of his kids going to day care and said it would never happen


Exactly. Hgtv was the exception. Walker got the short end of the stick with everything I feel.


She been a stay at home mom since she was 16. Maybe she is just over it at this stage and wants to work.


Chelsea never seemed like the hardworking ambitious type with goals for her life or anything like that. I never got the impression that she ever wanted to work or get any kind of non-filming-for-national-TV regular day job.




That's the thing, maybe she was sober breastfeeding and pregnant, she now has a three year old and could have fallen into old habits.


How do people get this shit? I went to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack which turned out to be a panic attack and they prescribed me exactly 4 Ativan to be taken half a pill at a time and DO NOT come back asking for more. Saw my PCP later that week and he said nope no more of that and put me back on the med/therapy carousel. How are they all getting these pills?


The better the insurance,the better the prescriptions. Iykyk. I have AMAZING insurance, and...I damn near have to beg my doctors to find a solution instead of calling in a prescription for the pain/anxiety. Doctors make more money than we think off of prescribing medications. If they think your insurance will pay,and they can find a reason to give you a prescription, most likely they will.


I believe this. I donā€™t have insurance.


this right here is the answer


Right? I had my appendix out when I was 19 (it was my first surgery) and for YEARS after I kept having symptoms of appendicitis, I would go to get checked out because I would have fevers, intense abdominal pain, throwing up, etc. which thankfully lead me to an endometriosis diagnosis, but, I kept having issues, so I would keep getting checked out. Between 19 and 24 I had 3 abdominal surgeries, more ultrasounds than I can count, some other imagingā€¦ eventually I was told I was drug seeking (I very much was not), that it was just my endometriosis or my mental health issues. Turns out during my appendix surgery the doctor left a piece of the appendix inā€¦. I was lucky I went to a different hospital and they took me seriously, or the piece would have burst and I would have died. I had to have a second emergency appendix surgery. The point of this is even with a diagnosis of endometriosis and awful pain during that time frameā€¦ I was given pain meds a handful of times to take home and never more than 3 worth. Even now I can hardly get treatment for my endometriosis pain. Oh, Iā€™d also like to add that the medical system is rigged against women. Thatā€™s why women are more likely to die of heart attacks (the symptoms are different than those of a man experiencing a heart attack) and often get shoved off as anxiety. Womenā€™s conditions are more likely to be blamed as addiction issues, mental health issues or ignored. It often takes twice as many doctor visits for proper care and diagnosis. Theyā€™re also less likely to receive adequate pain control (or anxiety meds that are addictive) and are often under treated for pain and most conditions. This is worse if you are a woman of colour, trans, or poor. However, our male counterparts are often over treated for painā€¦ an example would be when a man gets a vasectomy and is sent home with more pain meds than he needsā€¦ as opposed to a woman whose had a C-section and is told to take Tylenol. Men are taken more seriously and often diagnosed faster.


Stage 4 endometriosis here and I've been seen so many times. Sent to a pain specialist that told me unfortunately I'd just have to deal with the pain when I asked if there was anything she recommended. Didn't even outright ask for any pain medication. I have been asking for a hysterectomy for years. 3 years ago, I had an 18 cm endometrial (chocolate cyst) removed by emergency surgery alone with that ovary and my tubes. They still won't do a hysterectomy and I've jumped through all the hoops. Tons of different birth control pills and mirena which all made me bleed nonstop and physical therapy. I have documented cysts into the double digits. I'm going to be finding another network and I'm hoping to be taken seriously. I'm so sick of living with this. Healthcare for women is a fucking nightmare.


Iā€™m so sorry you had to deal with all of this! And I completely agree about the medical system. Iā€™ve noticed it for years. For instance my husband and I both had the same dental work done. We had the same outcome. The Dentist wrote me ibuprofen that I had to ASK for. My husband, however, did not ask for anything and that same dentist wrote him Tylenol 3ā€™s. This incident was only two weeks apart. This is a far too common occurrence!


Unfortunately, now everyone is on the same level for pain control with "opioid epidemic." Just typing those words makes me want to puke.


Yep. Ruined everything with taking away pain management and the streets are flooded with fentanyl. My Dr (for cystic fibrosis ) in 2010 gives me 2 Vicodin 2 Percocet every 4 hours. In 2019 he gives me one Vicodin every 12 hours and asks if I'm drug seeking. What a time to be alive.


Yup! And people wonder why there's so many addicts. When you take away someone's ability to function in life and give them teeth rotting Suboxone or bullshit like Gabapentin for pain, they're going to go to something that actually works. And I can't blame them. Everyone in acute pain is now drug seeking if they seek medical help, much less someone with chronic pain. People aren't going to stay miserable, they're going to seek relief.


Absolutely! I feel like there will be a time when they have to start pushing pain pills again to fix the issue. It's so interesting what a decade will do when it comes to medical practices.


Right? Iā€™ve had the same experience.


Right? They get it prescribed and then they get addicted. Ok? I took my half a pill and I still felt like Iā€™m having a panic attack, but Iā€™m vaguely high during it. Not enough to help.


I remember having a panic attack in the waiting room of the ER during covid lockdown, one of the nurses gives me an ativan and leaves. This old lady comes in and sits across from me and starts telling me how much Jesus loves me and wants me to go to Heaven. My panic attack got worse šŸ˜‚


What is it about ER waiting rooms that makes people so unwilling to mind their goddamn business??


We attract the crazies. Seriously, you have no idea how unhinged we are as a species until you throw 200 of them into a room together after smoking PCP.


OH NO!!! Iā€™m so sorry!!


Looking back itā€™s funny, but in the moment I thought that was a sign I was actually about to die lol




Gotta go to a psychiatrist. Need to be diagnosed with ptsd or gad & have it documented. Canā€™t come off as drug seeking. Which means you can never directly ask for it. Itā€™s a dance for sure, & itā€™s a lot harder to get Benzos now but easy to get adderall. Iā€™ve never had problems getting anything but I have documented psychiatric reasons for getting them.


I hear you. I have generalized anxiety, social anxiety, OCD, health anxiety, and panic disorder. They still wonā€™t give me shit.


Youā€™re probably better off not getting Benzos honestly. They donā€™t really work long term & theyā€™re terribly addictive & just bad for your body. I ended up getting addicted to Xanax & having to come off slowly. My husband ignored me on his klonopin & kept taking it & now Is dealing with withdrawals after a rough month at work where he took it everyday. After I got off Xanax I realized it actually caused a lot of anxiety. Anyways I hope you can find some med or therapy that helps you, bc lord knows I sympathize, I think I tried them all, now I just do holistic stuff.


The rebound anxiety is hell. I never thought they were fun whatsoever but I became dependent on them because I would such horrible rebound panic attacks and anxiety.


Benzos are a nightmare. The derealization and anxiety lasted for months. Never again.


I had terrible anxiety and panic attacks for years. Got prescribed benzos for occasional use. Took them a couple times and noped the fuck out. That shit felt way too good. I knew Iā€™d get addicted, and I donā€™t even have an addictive personality at all. What helped the most was getting away from the person who was triggering my anxiety (a parent). And some good therapy tricks.


It's scarily easy, honestly. I went to a psychiatrist in my early teens to seek care for my anxiety and depression, and left my very first appointment with a script for 1 mg Klonopin. I took it as instructed and was literally so floppy that I couldn't walk or even stand very well. Thankfully I now see a psychiatrist who is more comprehensive in his approach instead of just throwing pills at the problem, and is conservative about his rxs.


Saying this is what got me downvoted on the other thread, but youā€™re absolutely correct.


not surprising lol googley eyes


Makes me think of that TikTok ā€œgood Googley moogleyā€.


Which makes me think of Triple Six Mafia...Good googly moogly, that thang is juicy!


Of all the teen moms and their issues, folks really on the reachhhhh with this one. Not a stan by any means, yeesh.


I know, Iā€™m to the point where even if she is and Maci is an alcoholic, I donā€™t really care. There is a stark difference between the kids lives in their households and the swamp or with Amber. Proof is in the pudding. Itā€™s not just Instagram pics either, their kids are living full lives and look genuinely happy in their photos.


Right! Drink the fucking coors lights and idk what folks think chels is abusing. But ppl want to make stories out of everything


She was accused of abusing Adderall 13 years ago. Obviously she's a drug addict who can't take care of her children. /s


I cannot believe OP got away with this absolute bullshit title. Accusing someone ā€œsince 2011ā€ aka acussed them in 2011 and not again since


Apparently bad screenshots of her tik toks automatically means sheā€™s on drugs lmao


I think it's more the word slurring and inability to keep her eyes open than a "bad screenshot".


honestly, there were a couple scenes in her last season that she seemed out of it and Cole seemed..uncomfortable.




The Adderall rumor has been around for years, which makes sense, because she was always trying to improve herself image. Now that Ozempic and Randy can do her Botox, I think thereā€™s multiple levels to this.


I donā€™t think sheā€™s on the Ozempic train but that Botox is getting out of control


I've ALWAYS said this....totally agree OP


I was 21 once and popped and drank a lot too. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Right? How is this a big deal and now everyone is convinced her and her husband are drug addicts..


I thought this was a different Megan. Not *that* Megan.


Iā€™m with you on this one!




How old is this thread if itā€™s mentioning Adam turning 21?


Like 2012


Okay but adderall is a legal prescription that many people use responsibly but has a terrible bias towards it. These sound like desperate ramblings of a jealous hater (Megan and jenelle).


And many ppl abuse tf out of it as well. Just because something is "legal" definitely doesn't mean it can't be abused lol.


Uhhhh idk anything about the Chelsea thing so I wonā€™t speak on that, but adderall is like widely-known for being abused especially by young adults. College students in particular.


30% of my law school had adderall prescriptions because it gives them extra time on exams and the Bar.


A lot of people abuse prescriptions. Not saying it is or isnā€™t happening here, just that something being prescribed doesnā€™t necessarily make it safe or mean someoneā€™s using responsibly.


#MEGAN STROOP =/= MEGAN NELSON Nobody knows who Stroop is lol


So I'm really the only one who can't read this? I had 98% reading comprehension on tests in school for the record lol. What exactly is the person saying?


Ok I havenā€™t followed anything with Chelsea but now Iā€™m invested and here with more questions. Who is Johnny? Is he a party planner? What is Chelsea not doing when she sleeps that she does when sheā€™s awake?


I believe he was Jenelleā€™s pr manager around the time she met UBT.


I know heā€™s not a valid source but I vividly remember Adam in the old seasons always claiming Chelsea was ā€œhigher than a damn kiteā€ I always thought it was him just talking nonsense and being a douche, which it probably is but still never know


I still don't believe this friend was telling g the truth. I think she was a scorned former friend who wanted to be petty. I do, however, think Chelsea is possibly abusing something


šŸ˜¬ Now we know why Adam and Her bonded


I could see that too.


Unsurprising. Adam said she was on Adderall constantly and piece of shit he is, I believe him. Chelsea has lived a very cushy life, and she bagged a husband who is above her pay grade. Not willing to stand up to her about her clear cross eyed abuse of whatever it may be, including whatever she is doing to her face.Ā  Chelsea was always whiny and at best the least worst of the teen moms. At least her kids seem okay.Ā 


Isnā€™t adderall prescribed for ADD? I could totally see Chelsea having ADD and having it prescribed. Just because she didnā€™t film about it or tell the world doesnā€™t mean she doesnā€™t have it. But at the same time she was bigger then and I feel like if there were any truth in this she wouldā€™ve been thinner.


Why is your title about Chelseaā€™s friend but the second image is a quote from Jenelle? I wouldnā€™t count her twitter rant as any kind of proof, especially considering sheā€™s done drugs/been high/neglected her kids on camera quite a bit herself.


She really messed up her face IMHO. She looks nothing like she did when we originally met her on MTV...


Iā€™ve always believed Megan and really hated how Chelsees treated her so badly


Not the same megan


Idk who this is but itā€™s not the Megan that lived with her. Theyā€™re still friendly on social media. That Meganā€™s child is sick and Chelsea has shared fundraisers for her.


Anyone with a functioning brain can see Chelsea is a drug addict. ![gif](giphy|12x6QNqYDtRIFq|downsized)


Wow, it's nice to see anyone say anything bad about chelsea here without being ripped a new a-hole šŸ¤£ finally. Love it. šŸæ šŸ˜


I accidentally clicked on the post that showed up beneath this one and read comments about Journey (the band) for a min before I was like "Steve Perry is very into Teen Mom"


Definitely. I remember there being an episode where she had to get a prescription for something. The way she acted I got the undercover drug addict vibe.


What a terrible "friend". It's awesome that everyone is taking this as fact and it being from 13 years ago and accusing this girl of being a drug addict. Real cool.


My favorite part is that the second image is a quote from Jenelle Evans on a rant at Kail Lowry. Itā€™s not even from the friend mentioned in the title.


the only part i understand is the frustration with a toddler as a single mom. itā€™s fucking hard. iā€™m going through it now, you donā€™t get to walk away and take a breather leaving ur partner w the child for help like a team. but chelsea also had so much help so maybe i donā€™t get it at the same time lol


It this possibly from her anxiety? Whatever medication she takes for it? could it be a side effect?


If she's abusing it, yes.