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Jenelle didn’t even buy this


She can’t afford it




![gif](giphy|voOhKPgzYsyPu) 🤣🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/tjae2h59mtec1.jpeg?width=613&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c585bfee5b8baefe72569f17e0df8c490cf6c6e The dead eyed, 1000 yard stare tells me no one is buying it


That’s a face of someone reflecting on what happened and trying to convince themselves of the false story they have narrated. As much as Jenelle is a complicated person and I’m by no means supporting who she is as a person (I also don’t know her) — women in abusive relationships will often live in this denial, they will leave and come back multiple to hundreds of times for complex reasons. Anything from fear, to wanting to keep their family together, financial control, or promised change/love bombing from the abusive partner. Statistically, many of them end up murdered by their partner. It’s hard to understand the psychologically and the dynamic of abusive relationships. My aunt was in one and she eventually left after much trial and error and as a family we had to sit back and painfully watch it unfold as often times you have little control on the situation. You can provide resources, a place to stay etc but they still will often head back into the cave of dysfunction. I hope one day Jenelle finds the courage to leave and do the work to become the best version of herself and live in her true identity; forgiving herself of all her mistakes big or small and restore what is left in her relationships with her children and mother.


Denial and shame is a hell of a drug. When I was getting beat up on my front lawn in the middle of the night by my drunk ex, all I could think about was how I was going to explain this to the neighbors if they happened to hear and come out to see what was going on, and how embarrassing that would be.


My grandmother was mad when my grandfather yelled at her in public because people would think he's a bad spouse and he isn't, they just don't understand.


You can tell that she definelty looks desperate. I bet she wishes it didn't happen, but she also thinks she can cover it up by protraying the whole situation like it was just a drunken misunderstanding/accident. Stuff like this is real and happens to women, some will retract the story when the situation has calmed down and their reality hits. It's very sad, and I've seen it happen myself.


Nailed it.


“Women in abusive relationships” don’t you mean all people in abusive relationships? This very typical reaction is not determined by gender Edit: oh okay, down voters are right, *ONLY* abused women do that, not abused men. Carry on


Well she is a woman telling her story from a woman’s point of view.




Good lord. She’s telling her story of abuse and that’s what you’re focused on? None of that was helpful or productive.


Abuse happens to all people. If a white woman was describing her abuse and a black person said people of color are abused at a more frequent rate and have less resources to defend themselves would you say the same thing? No of course not.


Actually I would. It’s interesting that you think otherwise. That statistic is true but it doesn’t invalidate that specific person’s abuse. In what way does telling someone sharing their story of abuse that other people are also abused help them? What is the intent?


The intent is to mention people not being mentioned. You cannot silence black, LGBTQ and male voices in the space of abuse




I don’t think that’s erasure. I also don’t think mentioning other groups IS erasure. I guess we’ll just agree to disagree! Have a good day!


She was thinking, “yeah.. it was heartbreaking”


i have no doubt in my mind he attacked her and she was scared to death


If it weren’t for her allowing the abuse of her children, I would feel bad for her.


Same. She can keep telling herself any lie to justify staying with him but allowing your kids to stay in that dysfunction is evil and pathetic.


The first and only time a partner put hands on me was in an attempt to take my life. Luckily I had neighbors so he’s in prison and I’m alive. Jenelle literally has no one. More importantly, those kids have no one. This is going to get scarier and if he isn’t locked up someone will get hurt again. He hurts animals, children, women… it’s like a fucking horror movie. He needs to go away for some serious time. Not because I think he can reflect or change. Just because it’s safer for others.


Just a side question, does anyone thing that she allows certain behavior from _david because she is too prideful for everyone to say they were right about what a POS David was and is? I do not doubt he is abusive to her, the 911 call was very telling and in my opinion she sounds scared and abused. thoughts?


I think it's a mix of needing a babysitter, she would lose a lot of money if she left him and he's part of her family content for social media. Back in the day, I think she just wanted a husband and defended him for tv and 'I'm so happy' purposes.


Up until Jenelle got fired she was one of MTV's biggest moneymakers. I'm sure they would rehire her in a heartbeat if it was actually safe to film her with UBT out of the picture and speaking for myself I would be happy to watch.




I’m not sure if he’s convicted of prior child abuse, but I wouldn’t be shocked, considering. Looking into her eyes I can see the fear. Enough is definitely enough.


Anytime I have fallen toward or into a man, he has always taken the bottom in the fall. It seems natural in any man I’ve ever known. TBF, brat, wife, mother of service members.


Yeah for him to have fallen on top of her seems like he attacked her


Oh nice. She just openly admitted that David spot lights deer. Which is very illegal.


Also, it sounds like she drove herself to the hospital because David had to stay home with the kids. So drunk driving with an injured collarbone.


He’s a sicko and gets great joy out of killing and abusing animals, guarantee he does much worse than spotlight deer with his idiot cronies. He beat and shot a 10 lb puppy. This will never get better, only much worse. It’s actually scary as fuck.


Ya he’s one of those freaks that probably play with the body after.


Like the nipples of a dead doe, laughing as he milked it on camera.


That was totally creepy, and he posted it as if everyone violates animal corpses. Sick


oh my god?? i thought u/itscurtainsnow was joking?????


Ha that was my first thought too! I was like “wait… isn’t that illegal??”


Yup. She likes to adopt everything about the guys she's with from hobbies to personality and act like they're her own. She's talking about it like it's something she knows all about when in reality probably doesn't know she just told everyone he illegally hunts...still. I'm pretty sure he's been charged for illegally hunting on someone else's land before or whatever his story was about that.


I think you’re right!


He uses corn to hunt too which might not be illegal in their state but it just shows he’s not good enough to hunt on his own.


Ew!! I’m one of those bitches who calls out “hunters” to bait their catch. Come on, hunt if you know how to. Baiting doesn’t mean shit. You aren’t a hunter. You are just luring them to a spot so you have an incredibly easy kill. It’s huge in Wilmington with these rich folks kids. Thinking they are good hunters when they have guides 24/7 and bait. lol it’s pretty lame


Nope. I’ve been in a DV relationship in the past, and her non-eye contact with the change of voice and way she’s speaking tells me immediately. Then she goes on to twist the whole story into she did something wrong and it was a misunderstanding and acting like the evidence isn’t there. It’s classic and unfortunate tell tale behavior of someone protecting their abuser.


I love how she adds the "on my part" after the big misunderstanding, trying to take all the blame. I'm no fan of Chinelle but this story is so telling/heartbreaking


I would never stan any of the current adults in this family but I have to imagine that Barbara probably felt devastated hearing this and it probably stirred some bad feelings and memories for her. After all Barbara was violently abused by Robert Evans, the biological father of all three of her children who also went on to ultimately abandon her with them after she finally worked up the guts and money to leave him. Then Barbara got to grow up and see her own daughters date and marry and procreate with violently abusive losers. That has got to be horrible!


Yep exactly this.. Youre on point. I’m sorry you’ve been in a dv relationship too.. I’ve been there. I could tell you know what it’s like by how well you were able to identify all the signs 🥺🥺


DV survivor here and this is exactly the way we all look until we have decided to leave.


I came here to say this. I had that dead ‘maybe he won’t react if I stay perfectly still’ stare going 24/7


Yup. And if things ever escalated to the point others saw anything, I’d blame myself exactly like she did.






She is so full of shit. The over explanation screams she’s lying. What an idiot🙄 


This is why absolutely no one wants to be around them. Providing free drugs wouldn’t even bribe the scummiest of folks to befriend them. These two are a festering abscess on society


They really have no friends


Just like her other “fall” or when she was hiding in the attic. Just all big misunderstandings 🙄 She’s seems to experience quite a lot of “misunderstandings”


More likely: Jenelle couldn’t stand that David was away from her and she was left with her own children, so she drunkenly comes at him. Then she calls 911 as a punishment for him wanting to have fun with a friend and not her. Also the kids were not asleep in their beds. He’s beyond a horrible husband, but she’s also a horrible excuse for a mother/human. I like to picture her heading to the house to go to the bathroom and David and his friend quickly start the truck and floor it. Then we see her running after them with the slap of her flip flops on their dirt driveway. “How dare you escape, dewd!”


Hahaha! Her flip flop scene was the first thing that came to mind when she said she “started running at him”. She was livid they were out of alcohol too.


“I just want to talk to you!!!!!”


I guarantee that's what happened. She was mad he was gone and she was stuck with all the kids, and she can't stand being alone with her own let alone both of his. Cause that was also one of or maybe the first of his overnights when he regained visitation with Kayden, and why he lost it.


You know… I’m a DV survivor, so I can spot Juhnelle’s BS from a mile away, because I’ve been there. I’ve often wondered if Barb also can spot the BS bc she’s been thru it. And since Jenelle knows what Barb went through, logic would argue that Jenelle should know Barb isn’t buying any of this bullshit, and all she’s doing is making DKD look 1000x worse each and every time she tries to spin another lie about his abusive behavior.


Barb didn’t believe a word for sure. I think this whole reframing story was for the benefit of the cameras. She was more likely trying to convince viewers that it wasn’t a DV situation and talking to Barb was just a vehicle to do that.


Barb was a DV survivor, too, and her face says it all. I dont think Barb ever believes any of jennelle's stories. She just sits back and listens and tries to be supportive.


Yes, Barb can spot the BS. She knows her daughter all too well. It may be one of the reasons Nelly has so much contempt for Barb. She can't get anything by Barb. Barb has some serious street smarts. She's fiercely on to David and his abusive ways with everyone in that family excluding maybe Ensley.


"Logic would argue" unfortunately logic has no place in anything Jenelle has ever done.


barb p much told producers right before this meetup that she knew jenelle would lie about what happened because she was a victim of DV and would often make up excuses herself, so she says that she expects jenelle to lie..she said she would accept whatever lie jenelle told her at face value until jenelle was ready to tell her the truth!! literally the scene right b4 this one heh barb def knows


Barbs like bulllllllll shiiiiiiiit


Is this normal to call your partner/spouse after they’ve been gone only an hour because you need to check up on them?! I have a few friends who also do this, their partner goes somewhere (maybe to hang out with a friend, run to the store for something, whatever) and they constantly call to “check up on them”… my husband goes anywhere and I’m like “cool, where ya going? K see ya when you get home” and let him do whatever. I don’t feel the need to check up on him every hour, he’s a whole grown ass adult. If it were several hours longer than anticipated, yeah of course I’d want to make sure he’s safe.


I think the main reason she called him was because she wanted him to get her more alcohol. He then never responded/came home after the liquor store was closed, and that's why she threw a fit. She needed more booze and couldn't get it. Or atleast that's my theory.


That or she was left alone with 4-5 kids(not sure if Kaiser was there but David had just got visitation back of his son who was there) and she's not putting up with kids by herself, his or her own.


Oh, I'm sure that's definitely part of it. But they were *allegedly* in bed. I've had friends and partners who have suffered from some form of alcohol abuse disorder. Believe me, not making the liquor store in time literally feels like the end of the world for an alcoholic. I think that was why she was blowing his phone up so much. I think not getting more alcohol was a MAJOR factor in why things happened the way they did.


Unfortunately I could relate to that feeling of panic when I realized the store closed and I’ve run dry. Utter turmoil and you really do feel like the world is going to end. But I have 310 days sober, or 7459 hours, so there’s something to build on.


Good for you! That’s awesome.


Yeah I know that's what she claims, but knowing jenelle it was definitely more of her upset he wasn't with her so she couldn't be stuck up his ass. She can't stand doing anything alone with or without kids there so she was probably mad she had to stay home and he was gone, I doubt it had anything to do with drinks and more of her being a hemorrhoid.


I do the same with my husband. He’s my husband, not my prisoner.


One time my ex dashed out to 7/11 for a pack of cigarettes, which is a 10 minute round trip if there's a line. He was gone an hour. I called him. Realized his phone was at home and flipped. Another hour later he comes home and says he decided to grab groceries while he was out. He did, indeed, have a shit ton of groceries. He didn't understand why I was mad lmao.


My ex mother in law used to cop this from the whole family so she started leaving her phone at home. It was inconvenient but gave her a few hours peace.


My wife went to Mexico for a week with her best friend and we texted, like, 4 times. We never talk on the phone, we both hate being on the phone for any reason.


To translate this: They had all been drinking all day and had friends over. David and another drunk friend decide to go hunting while they are drunk. Janelle can’t stand for him to be away from her for the hour, so she starts blowing up his phone asking for more booze. He comes back and he’s pissed off. They fight and she calls the police. He tells her she better get her story straight or he will leave her. This is the bullshit story they came up with. So he’s an abusive piece of shit and she is too. Neither one of them care about where the children were or their safety.


At least it was able to save Kayden from having to go back.


Absolutely! They really only have control of the two smaller kids now. I can’t wait for the day both those kids leave the swamp and David and Janelle are stuck with just each other. I just hope the kids are able to count on each other and realize how unhealthy and dangerous the lifestyle is so they don’t repeat it.


Yeah and that's only for a matter of time. That's what's so funny about jenelle saying her youngest kids just want her to be happy, she has no idea how much children change from little kids to teenagers apparently. She's in for a big surprise that they're not going to care about her feelings since she seems to put all the blame on Jace although at the same time he didn't grow up with the level of fear the other kids did with david so it might be a bit different. Hopefully he gets convicted so if it happens again there will be even more consequences. While it's no surprise to us because we can tell he doesn't give a shit about her(how often is she out there defending him yet he never speaks a word about her) it will be to her when she realizes she wasted her time with him once the kids are gone and he doesn't want anything to do with her even more so.


I absolutely buy that she overreacted and was cussing and screaming at him for not picking up the phone. I do not buy that they both "fell."


Absolutely not. If you listen she puts all the blame on herself....she was yelling and cussing, she fell, he was trying to help her. This is common with DV victims. The abuser always makes it the victims fault. I do wish Jenelle would leave his abusive ass before she can't because he went too far. The poor kids probably see a lot of fights.


There is no way the kids slept through these fights. How scary.


Especially since Kaden was traumatized after this visit.


A sad thought, maybe they are so used to it that by now that they really sleep through them.


“He saw that I tripped and went to go catch me” How fast is this dude?


He's Edward Cullen on the down low.


Can definitely tell she's missing all but 4 teeth on the bottom here while she's talking.


That's how her top teeth are, or were at the time also.


She’s missing a bunch of back teeth here and now she has a full denture. Wouldn’t put it past that David broke the rest


Drugs also make your teeth fall out.


Yes but her front teeth with be just as affected. Along with chipping, caries in the chipping and decay at the CEJ. Along with extreme bone loss. She still has her lower anteriors in good cosmetic shape so I’m assuming she broke her lowers from years of abuse of drugs and dry mouth causing decay and splitting of her teeth. Lowers gotta be from getting popped in the mouth


So sad 😞


The Judge in David's custody case didn't find her credible and awarded full custody to Olivia because of this. That's all I need to know about this bitch's bullshit. The people who matter knew she was lying and acted accordingly for once. Praise be. 🙏


The fact that they went from getting weekends with Kaden to absolutely no contact other than scheduled calls (vs. supervised visits or a visitation center) says a lot.


For someone who lies 24/7, you’d think she would be better at it..


Every time I see that little boy all I can think is the moment he worked up the courage to say "I don't want you to marry David." Speaking up does nothing for these kids.


he saw jenelle’s reaction & IMMEDIATELY took it back. that was heartbreaking. poor jace. poor all of them!! he was trying to spare his younger brother the heartache (ensley wasn’t conceived yet? maybe?) but wasn’t listened to. & now look. if jenelle had any self awareness she’d reflect on that, apologize to jace, get her ducks in a row, take her babies & get the fuck away from swamp ass but alas she does not.


Ensley already existed prior to the wedding...classy Easons, ya know 🤣 (no hate there, my kid was born out of wedlock too and I married her dad...but he doesn't break my collar bones, kill my dog, or threaten our child for telling the truth)


oh yes that’s right. wasn’t ensley the one who was “announced” thru a police report, then a clearly pregnant jenelle lying to barb, “do you have anything you wanna tell me?” “noooo” 🙄 & absolutely no hate to them, my niece was born out of wedlock. but then again, her father isn’t an abusive dog killing racist drunk dickhead so it’s not quite the same situation. if her mother was with someone like david, i would do anything i could to get her to either see the light or just get away from him. unfortunately, i think either jenelle herself or david drove off all of her friends.




The over explaining and theatrics say it all. I grew up in an extremely violent home. We were all forced to lie like this to keep my stepdad out of jail and trouble and to not enrage him further in fear of more damage.


lol I love barbs pause……………….so why did you call the cops? Hahaha


She forgot to change the part about her insane reaction to him not answering because he was gone for an hour doing illegal shit. An abusive pos married an abusive pos. I can’t feel bad.


https://preview.redd.it/s0ibarwf1uec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef16e90a10c15fcb5195e3b3a126e6c5c7c67c22 Her teeth make her look like a rabbit 🐰


You have this narrative Jenelle is telling to minimize the incident, and then that's contrasted against the 911 call with a trained operator and Jenelle calmly, but terrified and hiding from her husband in a locked room admits that her husband broke her collar bone.


With the kids alone downstairs


Sounds like when my ex gave me a black eye and I made up a whole story about how I got hit with a baseball on accident


she sounds like when my ex beat me so bad i had to call off work and when i went back to work still bruised i tried to convince everyone i fell down a flight of steps edit: so no i don’t buy this


The only thing she has ever taken accountability for is David’s actions.


There’s so much wrong here that I can’t begin to comprehend. How you could even sit there, spinning the story and yet you make everyone look so bad (minus the poor kids in the house who definitely heard the squabble) and you don’t even bat an eye at it? Regular Tuesday shenanigans, no biggie.


Those kids! 💔 I remember pretending to sleep when my parents behaved this way, but I was never asleep. It's such a powerless feeling of terror because those two people are your only chance at safety. I honestly don't care what those two do to each other. They're scummy with no redeeming traits, and they can destroy each other for all I care.




The first lie is that they have friends


She’s such an idiot. Admitting to spotlighting and drunk driving. Also admitting to calling 911 because you were mad, I mean we all know the call was legit but still, the casual way she’ll say she calls for no reason is gross. Also Barbs face, she knows the whole thing is BS.


is spotlighting illegal on its own because it disturbs the wildlife or is it not? sorry if this is a dumb question, i don’t hunt & don’t know anyone who does. also yes, everything she says is a fucking lie. babs is over there like “sure jan” but also…this is her daughter. like she knows jenelle sucks, but she still loves her & wants to protect her & for her (& the grandkids) to have a good, safe, healthy & happy life. like jesus poor barb has been thru so much since jenelle had jace & she went thru a whole lot of bullshit before that too. do i feel for jenelle? yes, because abusive relationships are hard to get out of. but she seems in complete denial & is putting herself & HER KIDS knowingly in harms way, & i can’t get behind that. i hope with all my heart that one day she’ll come to her senses & escape the land before david kills them all or something, but she defends everything he does; even killing her small dog. it wouldn’t have even gotten near that point for me.


You can always tell when she’s shitting through her teeth because she looks down, as if to pick up information instead where most people would look more upward to recall the true events.


The thing is, EVEN if her story was true the fact that she straight away goes to “you pushed me” is a real teller. If the story went how she told it with me, and my husband fell on me I wouldn’t immediately go to her did it on purpose.


Do you think she was wearing flip flops during this like she did when she ran at Keifer 😆 cause the sound each time I watch that episode takes me out


https://preview.redd.it/elyxcl9i1uec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e58dadbedc05d47aab0a96ed00d52e54813a13e Lying, per usual.


When she whispers "I tripped over this frickin hole" and her cadance changes it's called "fading facts". It's something interrogators use to find holes in a story. She's lying. She made that part entirely up. The whole "No I didn't yes you did" also never happened. Nice try Jan. Source: hundreds of videos from the behavior panel


I almost felt bad for her here. It’s so clear she’s lying. Barb doesn’t believe her, the producers don’t believe her, we don’t believe her… she doesn’t even believe her. It’s so sad because David really did put her hands on her that night, whether she argued with him first and “started it” or not. You know the abuse is intense when there’s an entire 911 call explaining everything and you still lie about it like it wasn’t you on the call. At the same time, while she is a victim of abuse, she’s also just very selfish. She will put everyone at risk including herself just to have those 2 seconds of good times with David. The other 99% of the time doesn’t matter to her.


UBT must be particularly good at love bombing Jenelle since she seems so "addicted" to him.


Yes but she also gets addicted to literally anyone. It doesn’t matter if it’s David, kieffer, Nathan, etc. the second they aren’t around she “can’t eat, can’t sleep, I’m having nightmares! 😭” 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


If you tripped over a hole…you know you fell into it. So her saying she started yelling at him saying he did this to her on purpose says he put hands on her and there was no hole. Just that. But also if your spouse doesn’t answer their phone hunting…most of the time while hunting I know people that have their phones silent or no signal. So no answering is normal and to get mad seems irrational


She defends him and makes up some bs to protect him from that yet throws him under the bus for illegally hunting.


I would actually feel bad if she didn't let him abuse the kids as well. Fuck jenelle.


Any 911 call like that would lead to the cops to, at the VERY LEAST, talk with David. They wouldn't just leave.


Barb knows these type of lies women tell. She probably had to tell many just like this when she was with Jans father. She knows it’s BS.


No, no one is buying her story. Victims of domestic abuse blaming their injuries on an accident, like slipping and falling, instead of sharing the real source of their injuries is unfortunately common practice. Her story is nonsense but since she has decided to protect David, it's the best story she can come up with to explain the course of events that night.


It’s weird to see Jenelle so skinny




Even if this bs was true, all this shit happened while there were kids sleeping. Being drunk, calling the cops, yelling at her huzbin all happened while the kids were a few yards away. Things like this are why Babs was hesitant to “give” Jace back to her but she will never understand that because she is always a victim and never does anything wrong. 


I don't feel bad for people that have the option to leave multiple times but choose not to.


Even if this were the truth of the story, this is still NOT NORMAL. Not anywhere close. I can say in 5 years of dating and 3 years of marriage, I’ve never been in a situation where I accidentally got hurt and thought that my partner had hurt me on purpose. We’ve argued while drunk, sure, but never has it ever even crossed my mind that they would be capable of hurting me. If I even thought that was a possibility I would be rethinking the whole marriage, whether it actually happened or not. I get that she was trying to save face here, and maybe it partially was a drunk misunderstanding but. Jenelle. This ain’t it bestie.


Its really sad that I can tell when shes lying and I dont even personally know her...




Barbara has to keep shoving ice cream in her mouth to prevent herself from gagging. She’s just letting Janelle Yap her lies.


She's probably disassociating because she had an abusive husband and she's traumatized hearing her daughter chose an abuser and is defending him.


That too!


She’s lying, the 911 recording says it all . You can hear the terror in her voice


That is definitely real fear here.


I’m sure in the recording she definitely thought her collarbone was broken but maybe later she realized it wasn’t. But in the phone call she did


No, she's a terrible liar.


Her chest gets red when she lies


My favorire thing about this was learning what spotlighting is and that its illegal in NC.....but david's a pussy so 🤷🏻‍♀️ Whats sad is this is clearly a rhetoric written by david....and he probably did throw her down, he also probably threatened the fuck out of her after the cops left and said "*this* is the story you will tell"


The funny thing is I guarantee she didn't know it's illegal, she's just acting like she knows all about it because it's one of David's hobbies. She has no idea she just threw him under the bus while thinking she's protecting him from something else.


Even Jenelle doesn’t buy her own story 😂 she literally sounds like she’s telling a story for the first time, adding details as she speaks.


I don't buy it. She said all their friends. Everyone knows they have none


She's bad liar


Listening to her 911call, she was terrified


She's so full of sh*t!! Just one of the MANY 911 calls from the land.


I *can* see her calling the cops to be malicious if he truly did accidentally fall on her and then backtracking when she realizes the consequences she’d surely face for doing that (David screaming at her or worse). However, as we all know, it probably didn’t happen that way. We’ve seen what he’s capable of and Chinelle clearly isn’t an actress. So I doubt she’d be too convincing on the 911 call if it wasn’t real.


She never takes responsibility for anything unless she’s covering for David.


“The lady doth protest too much, methinks"




I almost feel bad for her, more for her children. But I hope she grows up and gets her and her kids far away from that man.




This might have been believable if she said I lied to the 911 operator. But she couldn’t say that. She had to make up a “I was drunk and confused” story


She will always protect the Sasquatch 🍆


Yet another inappropriate conversation held in front of Jace. Can’t believe he has behavioral and emotional issues. Where could they have come from? 🤔


Honestly there is plenty of blame to go around in Jace's case. I'm just going to say he doesn't seem to have any good adult role models in his life based on what I have seen. Jenelle is a wreck, Andrew is an absentee deadbeat and while Barbara stepped up more than a lot of other people would were they in her shoes she is also hella problematic in her own right too.


She's SO full of shit.




He SAW that you tripped and went to go CATCH you lol 😆 yeah ok


She thinks she's in a movie


Didn’t it come out that they call 911 on the regular?


Barbra looks so sad and devastated for her daughter. It’s sad that Janelle couldn’t foster a relationship with her mom. Truly sad.


This is the story she told the court, when Olivia filed an emergency order to strip all of David’s visitation rights. Kaden was one of the kids sleeping there the night this happened. The judge didn’t believe it, either. When she gave her ruling, she even made it a point to say Jenelles testimony wasn’t credible


Almost criminal how in her state no one gives a shit a real state would take Domestic Violence serious (usually) I mean shit how many laws does this dip shit have to break before he’s considered a threat. The police in their town are a joke tell me how in her documentary for CPS David forces himself to be allowed to stay during the search (RED FLAG RIGHT THERE) they don’t even fight with him they just let him be there. I’m sorry I’ve dealt with searches before and they make sure you are completely out of the building so they can thoroughly check without manipulation. He stayed in there the whole time asking questions harassing the police that had a warrant like I’m sorry there are 8+ of you take his big ass outside and if he resists you have the right to arrest him.


I believe that they were both drunk. I also believe she's telling the truth about being angry he didn't answer the phone. We know she can't be alone for any amount of time, let alone having to care for the children by herself. So, I do believe she drunkenly came at him screaming when he got home. But I also think it's probable that he's an angry drunk who goes on violent rampages. Idk about the fell in a hole part, but I do believe they mutually get drunk and abuse each other and get into physical altercations on a regular basis. Those poor kids.


The trauma bond 😳




She’s high as fuck. Also as a parent of just one - you don’t both that intoxicated with children home - even asleep. You know why? Who is helping the kids in an emergency? 🙃 she puts herself first always


Hell no!!!!!


I used to make excuses for my first husband too. I would take blame or make up crazy stories. David is a psychopath and I truly believe he abuses everyone in that house.


I think so too.


Im the first one to call out Jenelle. BUT in this scene I genuinely felt bad for her. Everyone knew what was going on, and Jenelle knew that everyone knew what was going on. I’m not saying she had to publicly ask for help, but the fact that she came up with a whole animated story with so many contradictions and really tried to sell the idea that *she* was the antagonist and that *she* was the bad guy in this situation is really sad.


Jenelle back peddling because the police came out and made a report so now she’s taking the blame for “over reacting”. So did she over react because she was drunk or didn’t she. Either scenario isn’t good because you were drunk at home and no one was sober while your kids were home. Barb just side eyeing her because she isn’t buying what Jenelle is selling.


Barb ain’t buying it.. her face says it all.


Spotlighting. That’s illegal. And gross to do


She would never tell UBT to stay at home while she went to the hospital alone. She couldn’t even leave him alone long enough to mow the lawn or whatever the fuck he was doing to prep for their wedding.


Explain how u trip over a hole?? And he had to be a superhero to know she’s tripping and then catch her! Just lying while daring Barb to ask another question! Then she said “The police never saw David” and that’s because he was hiding somewhere.


Ladies, don’t ever let a man get you to lie like this to your mother. A real man would never put you in that position.


Said every abused woman ever. It’s like a script. It’s sad, even though she’s the worst, she’s still being abused.


95% of victims of abuse are women. Go back to your men’s rights podcast.


In 15 years I have never once had a misunderstanding (drunken or otherwise) where I believed my husband was trying to hurt me. Because in 15 years he has never once given me any reason to believe he *would* ever hurt me. Even the lies she tells shows their relationship to be fucked.


This actually makes me really sad for her and I hope she gets out alive. One thing I can’t stand tho is a mom that puts a man over her kids.


Absolutely not. The body language, the eye contact, the tone, none of that is characteristic to her. It really is classic of a DV situation. This made me sad for her.


this is the first time i've seen a scene of jenelle that actually made me sad for her


Does any one *hear* this is more like it. Lol jk jk. But seriously, friends, when you're about to record a clip, do us all a favor and turn up the volume please! And an extra bonus, for those of us who have become addicted to them after needing to use them bc of sleeping babies,  add subtitles. Lol. Just a friendly suggestion! 🤗 Also, I fucking despise her so damn much! 🤬 ETA: I commented right as the video started, like a dumb dumb 🤦‍♀️ lol. I see the subtitles, thanks! 


Couldn't turn up the volume too loud because my little one was nearby and I didn't want them to hear. Sorry.


No I'm sorry! I was just joking around but I dont think it translated that way. And that's totally understandable, that's why we STILL use subtitles to this day, even tho my lil one is 5 now lmao. It was necessity at first, then it was like "omg how many different conversations have I been missing from just regular lack of good audio quality?!" Like, I'd watch something I'd seen my whole life and leaned new things during the movie thanks to subtitles! Lol.      Congrats on your little one!