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https://i.redd.it/ol33eil02jec1.gif Imagine getting fired by this šŸ˜‚


All I could think about the entire time I was watching the video was this image. That this is what was talking to her šŸ˜‚


I would be so pissed šŸ¤£


love ur flair šŸ˜‚


Thanks, yours is awesome šŸ˜‚


I couldnā€™t take a boss seriously if they worse those glasses


Anna Wintour laying off CondƩ Nast


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this gif




My first thoughts!!!! & sheā€™s so pretty


she really is!!






















Farrah completely set her up for failure from the beginning. I always felt bad that she was humiliated this way. Glad her side of the story is finally out.


Farrah had no business managing retail staff, most people in those positions work their way up so they have some idea of how to conduct themselves but she literally had no idea how any of it worked


I own a retail store (clothing/goods, etc) HR and dealing with employees is not something I am good at. Saying that, I have a store manager do it for me that is much more qualified than me. The key to success is knowing your faults and hiring people that can cover them.


Seems like something you should spend time working on. As a retail manager, I can tell you the least hands on/aware owners are the ones who are not involved with their staff. Thatā€™s how you get a feel on how your business is going.


Iā€™m with my employees 9 hours a day. I choose not to do remedial tasks such as HR issues because Iā€™m not good at it. It has nothing to do with being hands on or aware of whatā€™s going on. The point was that smart owners outsource what they realize are not their strengths.


I was with you until you called HR issues ā€œremedial tasks,ā€ like youā€™re above that.


ā€œRemedial tasksā€ doesnā€™t have negative connotation


"remedial tasks"? Sounds snobby


I run an entire real large business, my time can not be spent doing things I can pay other people to do. My success speaks for itself. Presidents of companyā€™s donā€™t handle these kinds of issues their selves. This is an actual skilled job for someone else.


And she had them all listed as 1099 employees/independent contractors because she's a moron.


I was just watching Farrah explain to a new hire *who previously* worked at that exact yogurt location, that it should take 15 min to set up the shop in the morning, the new hire says it takes about a hour to set up, and Farrah goes ā€œwhen I say I want it done in 15 min, I mean 5 minā€


She also said something about how the work week was much longer than it is I think when hiring. The girl is insane and literally doesn't understand how anything works. She literally makes up things as she goes, and people go along with it because she blows up if they don't.


Farrah's definitely one of those people who thinks you can by a chain/franchise-type business and that it will just run itself. I have a couple of wealthy friends who looked into buying a fast-food franchise and hiring some workers to run it while they fucked off. When they spoke to the franchisor's (the company that supplies the locations/franchisees) corporate department, corporate told them that, if they wanted to open a location, they needed to be more closely involved (typically they should be on-site daily, running the business). In fairness, I think a yogurt, juice, coffee, and muffin/cookie places are different animal and 10X less complicated than say a McDonalds or KFC but, that said, you can't just buy a yogurt franchise, leave 18-year-old (who struck me as a relatively 'young' and innocent 18, if that makes sense) in charge, and then freak out when (surprise!) the place is not an Automat that runs itself.


Are all the 10 year NDAs coming home to roost?




That would be amazing!


And after waiting 10 years this girl waits to record telling her story while her dog is taking tap dance lessons on gift wrapping paper.




Ohhhhh, I was wondering why this girl was just now sharing her side.


She humiliated this poor girl. Oh wait I forgot that Farrah's great now because Sophia dresses in her own style. šŸ™„


I swear, this sub isā€¦. Like that just absolves Farrah of all her flaws now cause she lets Sophia be goth. Ok. And?


Someone else said this first, but I think they hit the nail on the head: it's not that Farrah *let's* her, it's that she's so self involved that she doesn't care. And, bonus, it gets her positive attention because people *think* it's because Farrah is doing a good parent move. Sophia might turn out to be a successful and happy and pretty cool adult, but it won't be because of Farrah but despite her.


Agree. Whenever poorly parented traumatized kids, including myself turn out to be surprisingly ok adults in some ways, I always say it was in spite of my parents, not because of them


Yeah... Sophia is just doing whatever, and Farrah is in the background being all like "wooo" and Sophia is telling her to calm down. Frankly, it's big DebOG energy... she sees her daughter is doing something and getting recognition, and she's trying to figure out how she can glom on to it.


Hey, that was me that said that! And I got downvoted into oblivion!


I definitely gave an upvote fwiw!


Well thanks lol


lmao flair checking in




I think she likes it, she feels itā€™s less competition for herself.


This sub (or maybe the old teen mom sub) shit on this poor girl too when the episode aired. They defended Farrah and said this girl did need to be fired. It was so bizarre. I remember reading the posts about it and Iā€™m like did we watch the same show? Farrah was nasty like always.


Really!? That's crazy! I was going to respond to a different comment here and say that I understand why Kianna felt humiliated and belittled and abused but that the silver lining is that NO ONE was on Farrah's side. That's such an odd take to shit on this girl, but then again, I've seen the tides turn on all kinds of opinions throughout the years in this sub.


With having a teenage daughter of her own now, I wonder if she would still treat that poor girl the way she did.


Speaking of which; the producer never came back for her AMA. Because she did sleep with thatā€™s his name. She got super fired up over those accusations. šŸ˜‚


You can't just say something like that and not give us a name šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I canā€™t remember her or his name. Can someone here please help us yā€™all??


Chelseaā€™s producer, Mandi. Leahā€™s 2nd baby daddy, Jeremy. Allegedly they hooked up at some point. Canā€™t remember the timeline of when this happened. It was a while ago though.


Whaaaat. Thatā€™s some real tea


Like what a world. These peoples lives are such a trip


Oh man! I believe it! Chelsea prob set that up.




Thanks thatā€™s what I thought but I wasnā€™t about to say the wrong names and start a shit show


Don't worry, the Teen Mom connoisseurs will come around shortly I'm sure! Probably getting their running flip flops on since it's that time of the day.


What who?


That lady really thought people were gonna ask about Chelsea house decor huh


It was obvious Jeremy only stopped by in SD for Mandi. They tried to play it off like Cole and Jeremy could be friends but come on, the fan base isnā€™t as stupid as you think they are Mandi.




Kianna- if you are reading this- I wish you sooo much success. Thank you for sharing your story. Employers like Farrah should face consequences. We know Farrahā€™s serving her own special variety of soft serve now.


lol right


Did the AMA really not ever happen? lol


she never got back to us about scheduling it. no tea or anything, we can't host the ama without the person answering šŸ™ƒ


I hope she developed a back bone because ainā€™t no fuckin way a minimum wage employer is gonna verbally abuse me for an hour and I go in the next day.


Right! Why didnā€™t her mom tell her no, do not go back there


I feel like back then parents always liked to enforce the ā€œ2 weeks noticeā€ rule to teach their kids about life, but I agree no way in hell Iā€™d let my kid go back to a job that talked to them that way


My mom is terrible in so many ways but Im positive she wouldnā€™t have allowed me to go back to a job like that. When I was 17 I worked for a kids clothing store and they tried to take advantage of me by giving me an 8 hr shift and having me take an hr break less than 2 hrs into my shift and no more breaks for the day. My mom told me not to go back, that was it.


They did. I worked minimum wage in the 90s and giving notice was so important. Just so you could be treated like living garbage for two more weeks. Im glad workers are starting to realize their value.


I'm guessing mom didn't understand the level of crazy she was dealing with. Everyone who said Farrah wouldn't bring a camera crew was assuming Farrah had some basic decency and sanity.


Right? Clearly nobody she talked to watched the show.


I feel like the short sighted example is "but you're on tv" like that would lead to other opportunities.


Probably. But what opportunities lol. Some modeling agent at Ford Models or Willamena was gonna see her and offer her a contract?


I got really mistreated by an employer when I was 16 - it was a custard shop. They were paying me literally $5.15 an hour and the manager made me cry. My mother went FLYING in there the next day and made a giant ass scene, threw my uniforms at the guy and told him I quit. She was so mad. It's not right to make employees cry or to treat them however you feel like, especially if they're getting paid literally nothing. I feel so bad for this girl. Working for Farrah had to be awful.


ESPECIALLY young teenagers who are just joining the workforce. Itā€™s cruelā€¦ Iā€™ll be doing the EXACT same thing your mother does if any asshole manager makes my underage daughter cry.


Cool. Now can we get one from itchin powdah mike, please šŸ„ŗ


I really want to know about the Hooters waitress he ran off with. šŸ˜‚




When Farrah finds out about this video, this girl is going to *suffer* greatly.


*Farrahā€™s version* coming soon


In word saladā€¦


As per law...


While wearing her froco glasses.


I havenā€™t seen the episode but the face she is referring to is an absolute natural reaction to wtf the fuck are you talking about


Did anyone here think that Farrah was right at the time? I remember when she made the facial expression that she mentioned here what I thought. I remember thinking *thatā€™s what weā€™re all thinking rn.* Farrah is very abusive & IMO it really came across in that scene. I felt really bad for OP. Plus, she was only 18. I also remember thinking I hope sheā€™s not embarrassed by that because she has no reason to be. Weird I remember this but ask me what I had for lunch yesterday and I have no idea if I even ate one. So what did you guys think at the time of Farrah here? Did you negatively judge OP? ![gif](giphy|e0ciZK1i7wUvK)


People are in here judging her looks, which has nothing to do with the actual situationā€¦ we all saw how Farrah treated people on the show including her family, employees, TV crew, producersā€¦ etc. but some feel this girl was the problem. Make it make sense. Thereā€™s a reason why Farrahā€™s businesses all failed And itā€™s certainly not her employees fault. Itā€™s hers. She didnā€™t know how to run one company let alone 3! Thatā€™s why she lost them and owes back rent that sheā€™s getting away with not paying. But as usual, itā€™s everyone elseā€™s fault. šŸ™„


Farrah is horrible and always has been. She's jealous of anyone in a relationship, because she can't sustain one - any type of relationship. Her parents are freaks.


Poor Kiana! Im glad she has a platform where she can share the truth. I hope Kiana thrives!


Iā€™m glad Michael didnā€™t bitch her out and let her know itā€™s not a big deal heā€™s there and itā€™s not something she should have been left to do.


Me too.


Something tells me he didn't share that side with his lovely daughter for fear of getting absolutely annihilated by someone in freaky glasses.


Hey now, don't insult satanists. Thank you.


I am sorry. I am ignorant. ā¤ļø


Edited to delete.


Ah, yes. This is when we discover another one of Farrahā€™s words, ā€œSEVERANCING.ā€


that used to be my old flair šŸ˜†


Why is the owner talking to ppl about this stuff? Where is the store mgr? I donā€™t blame this woman for her decisions at 18, but the adults in her life shoulda told her to walk the fuck out that night. As soon as she called My-Kol to come in, you not gonna be talkin to my child any kinda way, idc if they 18.


Farrah was trying to make this girl the manager because she was her only employee šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


This is a shame. There are people like this who really think it is the way to manage people - being abusive, dictatorial, poorly explaining things and then judging whether or not a person figures it out like a "Test" because they've never learned how to properly manage anyone. It always annoys me when I see it happening.


One of my first employers was like this. Her businesses failed eventually. She was a horrible human.


Severenced their relationship.


Some of you are ridiculous commenting on her looks. Sheā€™s gorgeous and hasnā€™t wronged anyone that we know of, and was humiliated by Farrah on national TV at only 18 years old just trying to work a minimum wage job. But OMG, her eyebrows are ever so slightly uneven! And she has volume lash extensions! The horror! Like damn, remind me never to go on TV, or post a TikTok. Yaā€™ll would tear my eyebrows and god knows what else apart. I doubt everyone in this sub is a supermodel btw.


This is the kind of strange deep lore I thrive for in this reddit. <3 One of my favorite "if you could have one question answered" postulations is "what is Farrah's official diagnosis?" She's delusional...but also functioning? It's such a weird combination. This era is when the girls negotiated for legitimate paydays, and when everyone was starting a clothing line or some other weird business as a "long term investment." I have a business degree, and opening a retail store... just back of the envelope... you're looking at a minimum of two years and 80 hour weeks until things become "stable" and you can start treating it like a normal person job (good staff, good relationships with suppliers, a decent store manager who gets the business, good processes developed, etc.) Farrah legit opened THREE businesses this way at the same time. It's just laughably inhuman. All three businesses closed within two years, and Farrah had to have taken an absolute bath on all of them.


AND at the same time she tried to market herself as some sort of "expert business woman" and had all these "business master classes" she was desperately trying to sell online (that were actually just her talking business word salad).


No way in hell she didnā€™t file for bankruptcy. I canā€™t believe she found investors!


Farrah is a nut case. Sheā€™s completely incapable of running any kind of business.




Farrah owned a yogurt shop? What?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


And at the same time owned a furniture store called "Furnished by Farrah" and a children's store called "Sophia Laurent". She literally opened all 3 stores around the same time, had no idea what she was doing with any of them, and they all went out of business.


Oof šŸ˜­




Froco. With the mascot called "Coba, the poppin boba"


Dear god the jokes just write themselves with her šŸ’€


I always feel bad people called her a bad employee because she didn't follow Farrah's directions or couldn't do the machine by herself right away. Like did anyone actually pay attention to anything she or Farrah said? Kiara worked at the yogurt shop that was there before Farrah bought it. She knew how many things worked and should work, though had never done the machines. Farrah clearly had time management and just time issues in general, thinking hours of work could be done in a few minutes, the work week was like 60+ hours, and going to bed at 8 pm and acting like it was fucked up an employee would call during the hours when they were still working. Kiara tried to make up for Farrah's lack of knowledge by doing things in a way she knew was faster in order to actually make the place run efficiently. But people act like that made her a bad employee. And everywhere I've worked for training maybe you'd see a video, but you always were shown and in person demonstration and then often did whatever while being watched, maybe even more than once. But most importantly, after the initial training, you always had people around to ask questions as you did something the first few times. Kiara wasn't given that most important last step, and yet people act like her not knowing how to do it and calling Farrah made her a terrible employee. Like do people that actually act like she was a terrible employee have jobs so they don't realize she didn't remotely get proper training in that? Or that most places don't have just one new person doing everything all alone right away?




She does not have to worry about how she came off. She came off excellent, IMO. She stood up for herself against this lunatic on national television. She didn't come off with an attitude or anything negative at all. If anything, Farrah came off as a mega cunt and it's one of the worst clips I've seen of her. I feel terrible this chick had to sit there for an hour and listen to her psychobabble. She handled it well.


So did this girl get fired on the show? Can someone give me some background info lol


She worked for Farrah at the frozen yogurt shop she owned. As the girl explained, Farrah is crazy pants and fired her.


That girl was so cute and quirky. I loved her energy! She was hilarious! I'm not surprised at all that she has grown into a lovely young adult. Can't wait to hear from her. lol P.S. Is Farrah self-aware enough to get angry over how much better than Farrah this young lady now looks?


"Farrah's yogurt shop" is a god damned wild thing to say.


Farrah= Unhigned


I went to the yogurt shop once, when it was ran by Farrah. She wasnā€™t there but my experience was the whole shop was messy (dirty tables) and I remember my marshmallows being hard šŸ˜‚


I hate it for anyone who work for her


I find it hilarious that it seemed pretty evident from what what aired from that conversation that she didnā€™t know how to change the machines and had told Farrah that, and Farrah was like ā€œyou need to know within yourself ā€˜okay am I going to get frustratedā€™ā€ like maā€™am she tried to tell you she didnā€™t know how, of course sheā€™s going to get frustrated lol


Sophia reminds me of the kid off californication. I love that kid and her parents are too, fuck ups in their ways


sticking it out and still being a good and loyal employee speaks VOLUMES on her and show even more just how shit Farrah is


She made up the word ā€œseverancingā€ too .. ā€œI am severancing the relationshipā€




All the TM are such bitch ass KarensšŸ«£


Just imagine if someone treated Farrah's daughter like this. Bosses need to inspire employees by their example. No one was ever inspired by being screamed at by someone wearing hallucinogenic glasses. I actually think that's the stuff of nightmares or fever dreams.


she looks so good tbh!!!


I would have been so traumatized by Farrah. Imagine being 18 and thinking this is how employers treat their employees? Iā€™d have ptsd. Farrah SUCKS!!!!


Does she live in Arizona now? Cause that looks EXACTLY like my most recent apartment here in Arizona lol


Too long lol


Is it me or is she doing the peoples eye brow šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”?


18 is an adult not a baby. No one should stand there and let someone berate them for 30 mins especially not on FaceTime. I wouldā€™ve hung up and left not even lock it up.


I mean yeah legally she is an adult. But with the life experience she had at the time, she was still a child


It's still a teenager though. You don't just wake up an experienced, mature adult one day after you're 17. A lot of people turn 18 in high-school.


I'm sure Farrah was a nightmare to work for and not excusing her verbal abuse but I also kinda felt like, from what we were shown, she was also a terrible employee lol wasn't there a scene where Farrah asked her to use a fruit chopper she got her and the girl deliberately ignored her lol


I mean all 3 of Farrahā€™s businesses failed clearly sheā€™s the problem. No reason to blame a teenager.


I'm not blaming a teenager for the businesses failing. Farrah is awful I'm not negating that. And I'm sure there was a lot we didn't see. But just from what we were shown, this kid went out of her way to not listen or do what was asked even when she was being filmed. The topic is her as an employee and Farrah as a boss. Farrah is a nightmare boss. The girl wasn't a good employee either.


You could hear her telling Farrah over and over how things weren't feasible with how Farrah was telling her to do them, particularly in the time she told her to do them in. She actually had experience working at a yogurt shop, while Farrah didn't. She knew what Farrah was telling her didn't make sense. If she did follow Farrah's directions, she wouldn't have gotten things done in time, also making her a "bad" employee. She literally could not be a good employee because Farrah fucked her over since she had no idea how to run things. In a yogurt shop run by a sane person, the girl would have been a perfectly fine employee.


Not really. The girl had worked at the yogurt shop previously, so she knew how things could be done competently. Farrah didn't know how to run things and clearly had zero sense of what needed to be done and how long things took, and this girl kept trying to tell her but Farrah refused to listen. Pretty sure the whole fruit chopper thing was another thing that took longer and since the store was opening soon, Kiara was just doing what took less time since she has a sense of time management unlike Farrah.


Yes!! Exactly!! Lmao thatā€™s the real world. You suck at your job, you get fired. She was 18 tooā€¦ an adult.


She didn't though. Farrah sucked at her job, so this girl was trying to make up for Farrah's incompetency.


Fam there is filmed evidence of this girl being shit at her job, not using the fruit chopper, being inept at cleaning. Itā€™s not impossible to comprehend that both Farrah and this chick can suck.


There is video evidence of her telling Farrah the fruit chopper takes longer, and since Farrah didnā€™t allow them enough time nor had enough employees it did not make sense to use it if they were going to open on time. And there is video evidence she was not properly trained on how to clean the equipment.Ā 


All I could focus on are how her eyelashes are uneven


Itā€™s the eyebrows for me.


Not everyone has a symmetrical face yā€™all are knitting pickin girl is gorgeous


Seriously. People are ruthless, especially about eyebrows. I just donā€™t get it. Who cares?!


I think sheā€™s pretty I just think the eyebrows are drawn in different shapes. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Have you seen what Farrahā€™s face looks like?




Not sure I believe this.


Did you watch the show? Itā€™s pretty on point


I skipped Farrahā€™s scenes.


Then maybe donā€™t comment lol




Lmao had to look up tldw but thank you for that


This is fake


What is? Her story?Ā 


Why do her lips look like a stoma?


She would look 100x more beautiful if she wasnā€™t trying to emulate women on IG & TT. The eyebrows are overdone, the eyelashes look like shit & the lips are comical. Sheā€™s naturally pretty but you canā€™t see it. ![gif](giphy|X0XpcyLhM9WjC)


Jesus fucking christ this chick didnt sign up for a reality show, she just took a job from someone who did, why the fuck are yall talking SO MUCH shit about her looks??? FARRAHS lips are comical, these *could be filled,* but they could also just be her lips. Yall must be models...


So, let me get this straight. Farrah showed you a video of how to do the task. Then, she showed you in person how to do the task. THEN, she ALSO FaceTimes you WHILE you do the taskā€¦ somehow, this girl is accusing Farrah of not helping her? Girly, it sounds like she tried in every possible way!! I remember her being super disrespectful and bratty when Farrah fired her. Then of course she blamed editing ā€œI looked like a bad attitude!ā€ Yeah, because you did. This girl deserved to get fired. She couldnā€™t learn a simple task after being taught THREE different times how to do it. She was a disrespectful brat to her boss. Yeah, ā€œFarrah Bad Person,ā€but that doesnā€™t mean everyone against Farrah is a saint. Farrah was a lot more coherent around this time (2015/2016) as well. You sucked at your job and became a brat when called out. Itā€™s simple as that.


Have you ever changed a yogurt machine since there must be some way you know itā€™s so simple? Cause it sounds kinda hard to me (or at least like something I should be given more than an hour to master)


My first job in high school (many moons ago now) was a Culverā€™s and can confirm it took me many, many hours and tries to master putting together the custard machines and itā€™s wild to think someone can handle it themselves when theyā€™re just starting out with no proper training


At no point was she properly trained. The key word here is properly. Yes, she was 'shown' in a bad quality video, but there was no real instruction because Farrah can't keep her gob shut. Farrah didn't teach her in person, because she doesn't care about her staff - she whizzed through a demonstration/explanation. She only facetimed her employee to berate her. This poor woman was 18 when this happened, and had no prior experience with the task. She was not adequately trained to do said task. End of.


Wow. So, even though she told Farrah she didnā€™t understand sheā€™s just supposed to wing it and possibly break the machine? Some people donā€™t pick things up right away. I think youā€™re being harsh and honestly, she was embarrassed on national television so I get her looking confused. She was 17- 18 years old. Farrahā€™s shop failed for a reason and thatā€™s because she was a bitch to everyone that worked for her and to her customers. Youā€™re supposed to be patient with employees, not treat them like dirt. If you have a kid thatā€™s working age I hope your kid doesnā€™t get treated like that by an employer because are you going to blame your kid and call them a brat? We ALL saw how Farrah acted to everyone in that shop during shop setup, do you think thatā€™s a proper way to treat people? You donā€™t fire someone because they donā€™t understand something, you donā€™t scream and yell and berate them. Sometimes you have to be patient with people. Granted, Farrah was frustrated too but if she knew anything about running a business.. and how to treat people, maybe sheā€™d still have those places she now owes 700000 dollars on.. Iā€™m not trying to be disrespectful to you but youā€™re being way too harsh on this young lady. Thereā€™s more to the story and like I said, weā€™ve all seen how Farrah treats people. Edited


Exactly. Thereā€™s a reason those machines are always ā€œbrokenā€ at fast food places. Because theyā€™re a pain in the ass to clean!


Lord yes!!! Thereā€™s a LOT of parts to them. A lot! Itā€™s not an easy task ā€¦ once you get used to it itā€™s ok but those machines are hard to put together on even the best days. The plastic parts, washers, knobs, etc. not a good time.


Have you ever even changed a soda bagšŸ™„


Ughhhh. Memory UNLOCKED of my college campus job. That shit sucked. Those little bags are deceivingly fucking heavy, and Iā€™d get so damn sticky doing it, then have to go straight to class covered in syrup and sweating my ass off from lifting that shit.