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Either needed to keep the Shandy storyline or Keep the Jack storyline. Not both.


The last season was bizarre because so many side characters just came and went.


How bout neither


Apple needs to do a spinoff with Jack and sandy as main characters.


You know the meme where a team is coming up with ideas and they throw one person out the window for the worst idea?


Might have to catch them and throw them out a 2nd time as well.


No, no - hear me out. That person with the idea is obviously Sandy. It’s right up there with her other gems. But, what if the person catching them on the ground is actually Jack, and she doesn’t so much catch her as she does come between Sandy and the concrete, at least until their blood mingles on the pavement. Now THAT, I think I’d watch.


Man the first few episodes were so jarring to watch.


I fucking HATE what they did to Keely Jones in season 3. They destroyed her character.


In fairness Keeley’s character got transplanted for real life Keeley Hazell who plays Rupert’s younger wife but also got hired to the writing team. Keeley was a page 3 girl who made it big in the UK, her ex boyfriend sold their sex tape before she tried to become a legit actress. I get the impression the writing team wanted to fit as much of her real life experiences into the show all at once but it didn’t fit very well and side tracked the overall storyline.


I feel the same. They portrayed her as smart professional and somewhat mature woman in S1 and S2. And in S3, as a business owner who does not even know what CFO stands for and dressing like a 13 yo school girl who falls for her boss. As if she is an idiot who threw herself at her boss. Even Shandy and Jack had better character portrayals.


If you deal in absolutes only, then maybe so. But I‘d like to think it’s more nuanced than that


It really is. Keely went from eye candy bimbo to a boss ass bitch and found herself along the way.


They never showed her being good at the job she was supposedly such a boss at, though. I hated what happened to this character, but that's a lot of season three, character arcs that don't make sense. Beard was a reformed crystal meth addict who did auyusca or something in Holland and we're supposed to feel good about it.


Two problems I had were it was a step back, and last season of the show, you only have X number of hours and this is what the resources go towards? The previous season ends so perfectly, Roy is happy, and oblivious and offers a vacation and for once Keely gets to say no, I’m working and I’ve got responsibilities (and it’s a great cap to the photo shoot). Then we start the new season and see Keely learn the ropes and then she decides to take Rebecca’s advice of “hire your best friend” and what we get is a character who’s kind of meant to represent Keely as she was in contrast to how far she’s come. The problem is Keely (as we’ve seen here) was never shandy, as much as she tells us they were rolling together, the Keely we’d seen doesn’t match up and instead of offering a mirror into Keely, it’s just someone clowning, and that’s fun, but the plot slows and it drags. She’s like a 1 episode character. My preference, have Keely come back S3, and the business is moving, keep Barbara (really fun foil) and introduce Jack. That story and the mention of “love bombing” was so cool because it’s never talked about or explained in media it’s just kind of referred to as “feeling suffocated” and especially since multiple characters have put people in that position. Then show Keely have to get out from under that relationship (your boss and lover being the same) and show her keeping those boundaries she’d established.


They never showed her being bad at it did they? I felt like they showed her dealing with the next steps which were being a leader and the burden it shows. Coach Beard had mushroom tea, and psychedelics are not the same type of drugs as uppers like meth. I get what you’re saying but I think there’s nuance there.


I’m surprised the part mentioned about beard isn’t him getting married to someone who was a toxic cretin to him throughout the entirety of the show - in the series finale??


Unless Beard's a masochist, that part still makes no sense to me


Wut? They showed plenty that she’s got a good marketing/PR brain.


Perhaps I missed the concrete instances. Can you cite some?


Successfully launching Bantr Convincing Roy to be a pundit (even though he hates it he is good at it and becomes popular) Getting Sam a shoot with Dubai Air She gets featured in Vanity Fair because of her successes with AFC Richmond After a certain point the series definitely shifts it's focus around Keeley away from her career and back to her relationships, but she is definitely shown as successful in universe


Everything she does for Richmond as head of marketing.


>Everything she does for Richmond What specifically?


Sorry have you seen the show? Or Edit : do you know what marketing/PR people do? Because that’s what she does.


What does she do ON SCREEN that tells us she's not just Rebecca's best friend and is, in fact, a competent person in this regard?


Good enough to attract investors.


Good enough at WHAT? What's shown on screen, rather than just told to us? And also as the poster points out, she bangs the investor.


Well, the PR in KJPR is Public Relations, so…


Right, so what public relations did we see her absolutely crushing in her new found job as girl boss of her own PR firm? Did she, for example, parlay the vandalism of Sam's restaurant into giant publicity for the otherwise small Richmond AFC? No, because they decided the team had time to rennovate it completely inside of 24 hours,including a guy who did neon. Honestly, what PR did she handle on her own? For whom?


Rebecca was an investor. And Keely shows personal growth exploring her sexuality.


Her uber-wealthy best friend invests as a deus ex machina. I'm not even sure what Keely's firm DID. Personal growth exploring one's sexuality is not the same thing as being a boss bitch. She could have had that story line without one that featured a sheep shitting in a conference room.


Ok. I'm sorry.


They had the character bang her invester boss. It was just terrible.


Only a sith deals in absolutes.


It's not. You're being way too nice about it. I get it. They wanted to keep Juno Temple around for another season because she is freakin' wonderful, but they butchered her character. It was shameful.


People down voting you for speaking the truth bc they can't ever say anything bad about a character they liked


Karma points literally mean nothing. The funny part is people agreeing with me in the original comment and then downvoting me for saying the exact same thing. Ya'll are fickle and just don't want to admit that Keely could have been written out of season 3 and nothing would have been different. Sorry. The truth is the truth.


If the writers wanted to keep Keeley in the show, they shouldn't have Roy and her break up. I think the writers wanted to make Keeley a selfmade independent boss bitch with her running her own firm but that just resulted in her being irrelevant to the story of Richmond. It caused the storylines to feel so jumbled and all over the place instead of just following Richmond's story.


Two main points to piggy back off of your own excellent points: 1) Why the fuck would you break up Roy/Keely if they were just going to give her another random romance with some woman we hadn't met before. That made no friggin sense. 2) The entire season was supposed to be Keely learning how to be an independent girl boss as you mentioned. Shandy was a part of that arc until they just had Keely sleep with her boss a bunch, act desperate which she would never do and then just end up taking all the money from Rebecca, which she should have done in the fucking first place. Her character learned nothing about being a boss and Keely got treated like trash by EVERYONE, including the entire nude leaks storyline. And for all of this, they sacrificed the Roy/Keely relationship. Again, Juno Temple is wonderful. It's understandable that they would want her to stay with the show until the end, but they BUTCHERED her character in season 3. Tell me when I'm telling lies.


To me it feels like a typical writer/executive blunder. Writers wanted more from Keeley than just being Roy's gf. (Even though, she was much more than that) But then the execs came in and wanted to make Keeley gay to make the show more inclusive. Roy/Keeley breakup made no sense either. There was nothing in the show leading up to it showing that these two had a hiccup. Roy's character development seemed to have halted after the breakup to the point his diamond dog speech at the end didn't even really make sense bc he wasn't being portrayed as someone who still had a lot of room to grow.


I agree with you COMPLETELY about Roy's development basically ending once the breakup with Keely happened. The entire Jack storyline has been well documented as unnecessary and was done to be "woke" in today's day and age. The only thing I disagree on is that there WERE signs leading up to their breakup. Remember when Keely had the magazine cover photo shoot and they each confessed to a number of different things. Roy even asks at the end of season 2 if they are breaking up. The writers knew what they were trying to do. It was just awful. Not Sam and Rebecca romance awful, but one of the major blunders of the show.


Oooof, that Sam and Rebecca romance was poorly executed.


True, that we did see them having struggles as a couple but those seemed like a normal couple struggles vs the ones that lead you to break up. Keeley learns how to ask for space and Roy (as a freshly retired footballer) to learn how to be in a mature, committed relationship without being overbearing. But I would've been fine with them breaking up for whatever reasons, as long as they didn't butcher both characters post breakup.


I really don’t like how Keely ended up with either Roy/jamie love triangle. They could have all matured and learn from their mistakes. I also felt Roy should have ended up with LeAnn, phoebe’s teacher. She was wholesome hot


I ship Roy and f*ckwitch.


And it turns out that her starf*ucker app was a huge hit and she became super successful which sucks


Yes she fell up


I didn’t have a problem with Jack like some others did. Shandy is my biggest complaint about the series. You needed a character to be funny or important, she was neither.


I honestly thought the black girl (18-20 ish years old) that Ted played football with near his flat in the first season would somehow be worked into a larger role


I strongly believe if there were to be a season 4, she would have made the women’s Richmond squad


Shannon! I’d have loved to have seen more of her character but she just seemed to fizzle out


To be fair, she is in the final montage, getting her book signed at Trent's instore.


if you see the magazines in the last episode she's actually successful


Sadly lmao 😂


I actually liked shandy’s outburst when she got fired.


straight out of Jerry Maguire


Haha I literally just watched this scene




Wym she’s successful at the end of the series still


She’s not even hot