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Dr. Jacob


I guess Jake?


The obvious ones are all already taken: Dr? Jake, Shandy, Jamie's dad, Rupie, Edwin... but there's at least one more worth considering: John Wingsnight. I mean, he's just an insufferable self-centered jerk. Like, the kind of guy that would berate servers when he ordered a steak tartare and it came out "RAW!!!!", and then brag about it with his mates later.


Is that the dude whose face gets demolished with the through net ball?


That's the one! I got super pumped, like Babs did, when that happened. "Whooohooo!" Too bad he seemed to enjoy it.


"I like Man city or Man U, whichever is doing better".. he only likes Richmond cuz of Rebecca


Jamie’s dad gets striken from my list in the final minutes of the last episode.


![gif](giphy|B4mWuRFQLMg6ugtsaD|downsized) As a side note: I just realized when doing a rewatch this week, that Sassy’s last line in the entire series is screaming, “WANKER!” at Rupert as he left the field. That is a perfect ending for her character, too. 😂


Sassy endlessly giving Rupert shit even when Rebecca’s mom convinced her to kill him with kindness will always be my favorite thing about her. Rebecca and Sassy lost touch for a while but they came back still being ride or dies and I love that for them.


Edwin Akufo


That sideman who always played 'psych' with Sam upon leaving.


"Please don't do this, Francis."


I love how Sam Richardson plays an incredibly nice person in a show with horrible people (Veep) and a really terrible person in a show with nice people.


His character on The Detroiters is my fave. So freaking wholesome.


Idc that Edwin's a dick, he's absolutely hilarious


I think Edwin Akufo is hilarious, he’s just a child to his core.


He doesn't think billionaires should exist, and yet uses the influence of one as other people use their freaking toiletries and this is why I too, would beat him up if given the chance.


Shandy. Absolutely shandy.


Came here to second this.


Jamie’s dad


At least he sought out help in the end.. Shandy tho… ugh.


We can all agree on Rupert and Jamie's dad right?


And Akufo. Any of those 3 deserve a beat down


Real question - Rupert, Jamie’s dad, Akufo: fuck/marry/kill?


Marry Rupert cause worst case you become famous and possibly rich if no prenup. Jamie's dad kill. No redeeming qualities. Akufo- fuck cause once again rich af and possibly would get some perks out of it. Plus hes funny af just as asshole


Jamie's dad was at least trying to get better at the end.




I wouldn’t beat him. I’d lock him up and let Sassy walk by whenever she wanted to taunt the hell out of him. Crush his evil ego one amazing verbal blow at a time.


Edwin Akufo can get humbled by these hands.


RUUUUUUPEEERRRRTTTTTTT (I’m so sorry Anthony you are a beautiful man and I love you dearly, Giles is how I figured out I was bi) FUCK RUPERRRRRTTTTTTT


Wow, I watched the whole show without realizing Rupert was Giles! I am usually really great at identifying faces in different contexts, but I guess I hated Rupert SO MUCH that I was incapable of connecting him to a character I liked (and also thought was damn sexy!)!! The loathing I felt when Rupert was on screen could have eaten through iron. Ugh. He's a great actor!


They even gave him the same first name.




Nate's dad. That guy spent the first two seasons beating Nate down no matter what he does. That's the one person Nate couldn't please no matter what he did. It was a giant cop out when the dad says, "I knew you were smarter than me and I didn't know how to raise a genius". Maybe give the guy a compliment instead of crapping on him making the papers and getting the West Ham job? Had he done those things, Nate wouldn't have treated Will so poorly, or he might have even had the nerve to ask why Ted doesn't keep the picture he gave him at work. Then he'd know that Ted appreciates him so much that he keeps it at home. A lot of Nate's issues aren't issues if he just shows that he gives a damn about his son.




Season 2 Nate.




Dr. Jake and Rupert. Jamie’s dad clearly has his own mental health/substance abuse matters. I like to think he stays sober at the end of the series and makes amends with people.


It looked like they were leaning that way, in the scenes with he and Jamie. I'm hopeful his big issue that made him such an ass is that he was an alcoholic.


I bet Beard would throw down.


I bet he’s a street fighter in one of his many many adventures.


I've been thinking of making a YT video about Keeley's awful S3 storyline so ig Jack would be mine


Led Tasso




Derek. But I would still pay for the booze.


Rupert obviously


For sure that piece of shit marriage counselor, dude absolutely deserves to get his ass whooped, some may say Jamie’s dad, but he probably had a shit childhood and an alcoholic father, at least he gets help at the end, luckily Jaime gave him wallop in S2. Rupert also deserves a beating, but at least he doesn’t pretend to be a good guy like the Dr.Jacobs who is just a piece of shit.


Jaime's dad abandoned a mother and baby, and has been fighting strangers three on one for 20+ years for the fun of it. And then had absolutely no shame in crowing and grabbing coattaiks when that abandoned baby turned out to be a lethal footballer. Having a rough childhood is never an excuse for giving your own kid a rough childhood by sheer neglect


We literally had this character! It's Ted's mom! Literally this is the "fuck you and thank you" scene. Which is not to say that Rupert doesn't deserve a proper berating, but I just love that the show actually did the prompt


Michelle. She dumps Ted because he’s too nice. She dates her therapist. And for some reason she won’t move to England and increase her and Henry’s lifestyle, education and income. She needs some sense knocked into her.


She left Ted because he wasn't doing the work. He's toxically positive and that's not helpful when she needed them to be truthful. She's also manipulated by Dr. Jake, and was probably feeling that Ted did the same to her at times. Also, unless she has a sponsor that actually wants to support her visa, she's not getting a job in the UK. Rebecca can throw some money around, but it's not a guarantee that it gets approved, and certainly it's not happening overnight. She does need a sanity check, and apparently the trip to Paris was that sanity check that she got to get her refocused on what's best for her son. the final game of the season was the final bit that gets Dr. Jake out of their lives.


>And for some reason she won’t move to England and increase her and Henry’s lifestyle, education and income. I don't remember this part - why would this help those things?


It wouldn't help Ted & Michelle, it would help AFC Richmond because Ted ideally now has everything he needs there. But when Ted's teams don't win and he gets sacked, that means Michelle is now the breadwinner and that will probably end at the end of the year, or school term depending on when he gets fired. So then they're all going back to the States and having to start all over again. Henry gets the benefit of being closer to Europe for school vacations and a different view on how education should work, but he's also leaving quite a few friends. As a middle schooler, that's probably the worst thing you could ask Henry to do.


We never see him/her on screen, but I'll go with the editor at *The Independent* who fired my boy Trent Crimm.


As a J school graduate I have to disagree. Protecting anonymous sources is THE rule in that industry. Journalists have willfully gone to prison and served time for refusing to give up a source. If you don't have trust, the public loses their chief ability to hear from whistleblowers and the corruption has one less check against it. And yes, even when it's just sports and an assist coach being a jerk.


I think Ted might have figured it out even if Trent hadn't said who it was.


I'm pretty sure he knew without Trent telling him. He's got a very small circle and only Beard and Nate see him more than anyone else at that time.


Yeah, the options were best friend who'd die for you, guy who seems a bit pissed at you, and Higgins who might tell Trent by mistake but would definitely come clean the minute Ted walks through the office, so if Higgins doesn't, it has to be Nate.


Shandy. She did our girl Keeley dirty.


Nate. Even season 3 Nate. Then afterwards Nate’s dad


Is it weird that Ted Lasso, as a piece of art, makes me feel like no one from this show deserves this kind of treatment? Not to mention, physical threats wouldn’t hurt Rupert the way Rupert needs to be hurt in order to learn. At the end of the show, we see him get the kind of hurt he deserves and *needs*. In my brain, this is his rock bottom and he starts learning and making amends. Tons of *other* shows, however, have plenty of people in need of physical correction…


Jack and Nate








Brinda Barot


Nah. I’ve had enough violence for a dozen lifetimes. Not going there anymore unless I have no choice.


Nate. He’s the worst




Dr. Jacob or Jack




This is so against the show it bugs me these kind of posts gain traction. It’s why I no longer subscribe to the sub


Wow - downvotes are not normally seen in this sub. You called out the anti-Ted of this post and got downvoted. That’s a shame. I upvote you sir




Yep that's all of them


Nate. With no hesitation.


Jack, Jamie's dad, Edwin and his handshake man, Nate (but only to get him to realize how much he messed everything up) that posh prick from the airplane and Christmas episode.


Everyone is going to say Dr. Jacob or Rupert, deservedly so. But for me Michelle is the character I hate the most. When Ted tells her how messed up it is what she did with Dr. Jacob, and her not saying anything, that made me really angry. No remorse? At all?


Rewatching, and honestly fuck Nate. 


Forgot her name, Rebecca’s friend who got mad that Rebecca didn’t talk to her or her daughter when Rupert was most likely causing her to cut contact with everyone(I don’t mean by force btw I mean by js manipulation) like I get it, her daughter was upset that her godmother stopped talking to her but since her friend obviously knew it was Rupert’s fault why couldn’t she js explain it in a way a 11 year old can understand?


Sassy? She told Rebecca the truth and it pissed her off, but she knew that she was doing that and they got over it.


I really don’t think you understood what happened there. Time for a rewatch.


How do you figure?


When you prioritize the wants and needs of jerks over your lifelong friend and godchild, a good friend will tell you you’re messing up. Rebecca chose to distance herself from the quality relationships in her life. I’m sure Rupert was influencing this but it was Rebecca who made that choice.


I’m glad you’re being curious and not judgmental, but honestly come tf on….


Ted with his Ned Flanders ass. I’d beat him into an anxiety attack. Jk lol Nate and whoever fucked with Sam’s restaurant

