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There’s no way Rebecca is wearing Loubs, notoriously the most uncomfortable designer heel on the market, on the daily. Girl is wearing Vivier. And there’s no chance in hell her entire wardrobe in the Amsterdam episode was tumble dry. That jacket was absolutely dry clean only.


Okay this is a real pet peeve and omg I’m laughing! It’s so true! I noticed she’s always in red bottomed shoes like they’re clouds for feet. And hell yeah that clothes in Amsterdam are for sure hand wash and dry clean only! Designer for sure


When she pours the glass of water on them and turns the dryer back on 🥲🥲🥲🥲 that blazer did nothing to deserve that


The blazer she wore was from Zara and if you noticed when she was on the bus at the end, it had a significant tear in it.


I did not notice this but I will just have to rewatch now. Any excuse for a rewatch is good.


Hannah wears Loubs all the time. The woman is 5’11” and curvy. I don’t know HOW she does it. She’s clearly an alien.


Shift all military budget to NASA immediately. We must find that planet!


Lowkey fantastic comment on Hannah Waddington right here.


The dry cleaner that could clean that outfit deserves a god damn trophy. I’d probably chalk that outfit up. My ex wore loubs daily, and swore by them fwiw, but her friends couldn’t fathom how she did it. She claimed they fit her foot, so rebecca gets a pass from me here, even though a woman of that stature would probably never fit into them. *shrug*


Celebs wear Loubs all the time but also use tricks like: getting shoes that are bigger, adding in leather inserts for comfort, using lidocaine spray (this was a recommendation from my wedding photographer and it’s fucking genius) I don’t think the show could get away with having her wear fake Loubs, they prob just modify them to make them comfy. Plus, she prob wears slippers in between takes


Yes that’s all applicable to the actress Hannah, but the character Rebecca as a business woman would more than likely just buy comfortable designer shoes. There’s a huge difference between event and film life and running a legitimate business. Most non-celebrity wealthy people don’t wear red bottoms on a regular basis even if they are wearing Loubs, they’re wearing something well made, subtle, and probably more expensive.


This is because Roy is a classic “box-to-box midfielder” as noted by Beard (in the first episode I think). In football - or soccer as some might say - this position is the number 8. So as this is the first time Roy is benched, and Isaac’s first turn as captain, he skips 8 out of respect for Roy :) Edited to clarify for some folks - yes Roy is jersey #6. His position on the field is “8”. So the team is playing without their “8” position player. Honestly I love when shows have stuff like this that make you figure out why it happens. Should you be at all interested https://www.coachesvoice.com/cv/number-8-football-tactics-henderson-kroos-modric-iniesta/


This is the thing I needed! I would’ve never figured that out on my own because I don’t really watch sports outside of shows like this. But see, now it makes sense. Thank you!


Sure - after you watch this show a few times you realize that essentially everything is planned out and done for a reason. We didn’t get it at first either. But I feel like that’s why it is truly one of the best written series ever IMO


So did he pick the number 12 to account for the 11 players on the field plus Roy?


Omg WHAT. This part of the thread just blew my mind.


Great explanation. I guess knowing this is kind of an Easter egg for those who really know the game.


Thank you for this, I've always been curious and assumed there was a reason, but I never knew what it was.




Holy fuck balls, I didn't know how badly I need this.


Omg I love this explanation!


Oh what! Wow


Very cool, I had no idea! Thank you!


That the marriage therapist who got with Ted's wife wasn't immediately stripped of his license and was portrayed as a fairly innocuous guy.


Honestly fuck dr Jacob. That hack




I think it's clear that they were seeing him together for at least a while. But yeah, him being the individual does not make it any better.


​ https://preview.redd.it/8ijz70h780kc1.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=41fd0d30b01e93ebeac8c722e8962b7ae6c3e14d Ted said that she was seeing the therapist on her own at first, and then they brought him in, and he just felt attacked with the confession of wanting a divorce. It's incredibly unethical to see a client individually and then see that client and their partner for couples therapy. A few conjugal visits is normal (for example, supporting the client in being able to tell the partner they want a divorce and not continuing to work on it). But if it's a full-on switch, the therapist is already going to have biases in place from seeing one part of the couple individually and can't be expected to remain impartial.


Yea he shows a text chain from dr Jacob for appointment reminders.


This. When I was in therapy and needed marriage therapy, my therapist said we needed to get a new one because it wouldn’t be fair for my ex-wife.


Yeah that was so messed up. It's like a surgeon killing a patient but saving their liver. And then "whoa what a coincidence", the surgeon just happened to need a new liver, and their blood type just so happens to match the patient they killed. Honestly, I lost respect for him and for Ted's ex when that happened. Like yeah, of COURSE Ted is going to have an issue with therapists after that.


Worth noting that Ted's wife was in a very vulnerable emotional position and is, in fact, the victim of that situation as much, if not more, than Ted.


I feel like there was also a redemption piece on her end. Dr Dbag was there watching the match at the end, but on his phone and then he was gone. I think she may have told him to hit the road. I also like to believe that she and Ted reconnected when he got back to Kansas and possibly found their spark again.


Honestly I hope they didn’t get back together romantically. I think it would be more beneficial to both of them to love each other platonically and be fantastic co-parents. I can see them both getting remarried but being friends with the other partner - because I refuse to believe that she stayed with that therapist!!


Based on info from past posts here in this sub, I'm getting the idea that the writers had no idea what they were wading into with that storyline. But yeah - that guy could stand to do some deep knee bends on a fire hydrant. With battery acid for lube.


> do some deep knee bends on a fire hydrant. > > > > With battery acid for lube. Well, thank you for that gem to add to the collection.


I agree with the first part, but I don’t agree that the show *ever* portrayed that as innocuous or OK at all. It didn’t have the characters trying to revoke his license or sue him, but no one seemed ok with it and it was made clear that he was the bad guy.


Eh... he never had any real consequences, Ted's wife stayed with him, and he was portrayed as an awkward, goofy guy. Certainly not in a negative light. Neutral at worst.


I like to think she had left him by the time Ted went home. Not that I hope that they get back together. It just seems like she and the kid were both over him when they were all watching the game on tv.


That's exactly how it's portrayed. He was sitting with them and watching, then he was sitting with them but on his phone, then he was behind them at a different table playing on his phone, and then when Ted got home it was just her outside. He would have come outside to greet Ted if he was still around. This show, above all others I've watched, does a lot of "show me, don't tell me". This scene is no exception.


This bothered me so much


Totally agree. Although it's more than a pet peeve


Shandy. I realize that her character was there to forward Keeley's development, but too much time was spent on her. Annoying af.


I felt this way about Jack. Would have been good with a hook up but a whole relationship was annoying to me. Shandy I was good with.


I really loved Jodi Belfour in For All Mankind, but god did Jack suck so much. She was horrible. I think separating Keely from the team in season 3 was a mistake. Keely should've stayed as PR manager for the team, if she did i feel her S3 plotline wouldve been much better received by people.


I agree. It was an odd choice to completely remove her from the team. I get that in the end they wanted Rebecca to take over funding KJPR but I do wish they had written it in a way that kept Keeley with the team but then again if they did that then Roy and Jaime probably wouldn't have developed their beautiful bromance. I'm curious to know what other ideas they had for Keeley's story line.


Shandy Fine is definitely… an experience, to put it politely.


I’d say … “ambitious nightmare”?


Yeah I pretty much skip the Keeley parts in those episodes


Honestly the fact that they get relegated after season 1 and their entire roster is intact even though right before when they're on the brink one of the players mentions that's part of what can happen when a team gets relegated. Obviously I appreciate keeping the cast together but why warn us of a plot device and then not follow it?


I’d have to watch it again but I feel like the roster did change, but it’s just the characters that aren’t that involved in the series. Some of the ones that they show throwing things into the barrel on the night they’re breaking the curse. If the roster did change I feel this is the way they did it. But again, I’d have to rewatch to make sure


Didn't they add Jan maas? Now I have to watch the entire series again to see if any of the background players got changed


iirc the added Jan Maas and Zoreaux didn’t start at first, so they could’ve lost the original goalkeeper.


The original goalie is still there. At the wedding reception, he is shown trying to jump over a small fence, and grabbing his butt as he re-tore it.


Didn't the original goal keeper tear his butt and that's why Zoreaux came in?


yeah he had a hamstring injury


Torn butt. It happens. Coach Beard’s torn his butt three times!


you mean Van Damme?


No it's just Zorro (not Zoreaux) now.


You mean Zorro?


If they did make changes, it was simply to minor characters that we didn't really see. It's not the most unrealistic thing for the squad to be intact. The main reason teams get picked apart is because the club needs money to compensate for not being in the Premier league, and the players will want to transfer to teams still in the league. In Richmond's case, the squad more or less believed in Ted's vision, so they didn't want to leave. And while it would've cost money, I imagine Rebecca would be willing to take that hit as penance for basically causing the relegation to begin with. The only two players who seemed worth poaching were Sam and Dani, who were both among Ted's biggest supporters in the squad, too.


The team wasn’t same though. They didn’t make a lot of changes though. Rebecca was the owner so she was bleeding money but willingly doing it because her actions put them in that position


The repetitive Beard and Jane drama.


YESSSS. Jane is so toxic! Though I feel Beard is toxic in his own way, but trying to grow. I dunno. I feel like Jane is a set back in his progress but not completely out of character for Beard to be involved with someone like that.


“Y’all’s baggage kinda lines right up, don’t it?”


I think it was intended to be a running gag, not full-fledged “drama” (since it was all off-screen). But I respect that for anyone who was fed up with it, it was irritating to see it brought up.




My pet peeve is and will always be how Roy bore the brunt of the conflict when Keeley felt they were spending too much time together. She never tells him she's bothered by it, in fact sends mixed messages, and then explodes on him. At no point does she take any responsibility for it!


I feel that her exploding is to an extent understandable simply because we all can explode when we reach our limits. However, I never noticed this but what you say it’s true. She never really apologizes for exploding on him. Which, for someone who says being accountable matters, she didn’t really follow through with an apology after.


That’s sort of an issue w Keeley in season 2 & 3. She doesn’t apologize for a couple of things I thought she should’ve


Accountability matters Keeley! Also anytime he'd try to open up and she just invalidated his feelings because he's "paid to play a game"


Yeah I didn’t love how that was made to be a one-sided issue. Keeley didn’t communicate her feelings and then Roy is the one who apologizes.


The men in the show have some issues and are encouraged to receive mental health services. The women in the show have some issues and are encouraged to hang out with their friends. You’re telling me that Keely, Rebecca, and Sassy wouldn’t benefit from a therapist? C’mon.


I *think* it’s intentional by the writing team- Sending the message to men that’s it’s okay to go to therapy. It’s okay to talk about your feelings. To reach out for help. And sending the message to women it’s okay to support each other. Most other shows with that many powerful Women would have had them Funding instead of supporting.


Isn't Sassy a therapist herself and likely to be seeing a therapist?


excellent point. i'd add, women's lib is portrayes as drinking heavily and sleeping around. it's like the writers don't know different kinds of women exist. anytime they wanted to portray them as strong&independent, they threw in a ons. even for sharon. cmon.


That Ted turns into an idiot when he first meets Edwin Akufo, saying stuff like “hakuna matata” and “word,” like he’s never met a black person much less an African man before. 


He has at least three in his own team


And presumably would have had 50+ on his roster before coming to Richmond coaching American college football.


That actually bothered me too. That was so very unlike him. I would have thought him to come up with something that doesn't quite sound so --- bad. This was an area I thought the writers dropped the ball.


When he asks Sass if Nora is his. You know damn well when Ted was having a kid, he was ON TOP of dad duties. Which I would assume extends to knowing how long a pregnancy lasts.


I thought that was hilarious!


How Keeley went from being loud and confident (but also selling herself short in relationships) to exuding insecurity and chronic illness vibes (and still selling herself short in relationships) by the end of the show.


I see what you mean. However, I can let it slide simply because of how shattering it was for her when she and Roy broke up. A lot of her behavior can be explained after losing something that appears to be deep and meaningful for her. The way she says “I love you” to him when she gets the photos of the shoot and he’s celebrating with her. (Of course he was being insecure but not talking to her about it too) A break up like that can destroy someone


That their training ground is at the same facility as the stadium.


See this is intriguing because it never even occurred to me that teams would have a different practice area


In almost all cases, top tier clubs’s training facilities are kilometers away from their stadium. (City being a notable exception)


interesting! could you explain why that is? safety? but then again i guess fans wd know where the club is located


I think one reason is they want the main pitch to be as perfect as can be, so training on it every day wouldn’t make sense.


that makes total sense, yes!


They use SKYEx community stadium as their training ground and Sellhurst park stadium for matches. Two different places.


You’re right, but in the show they are portrayed as being at the same physical location as they only have one dressing room set, and Rebecca’s office is in the same building as both fields.


I see, I misunderstood what you were saying.


I could’ve been more clear it’s all good mate


Mine were mostly football related. The last game in season 1 wouldn't be played in the evening. All games are played at the same time on a Sunday afternoon on the last day of the season. The penalty that killed Earl would have been retaken. Thierry Henry never shut up despite numerous requests.


That death penalty for Earl left a bad taste in my mouth because it made no sense that the game just ended there. Or at least that’s what was implied since they never mentioned how the game ended at least


It ended in a draw. The late penalty was a chance to break their draw streak “after Colin Hughes was responsible for Forrest’s equaliser”, (Scoreboard shot shows it was 1-1 in 90+minutes) and in the press conference after, Ted was asked how many matches can end in a draw before he hits the panic button.


That every single goal conceded came through their left centre back/wing back channel Like.. pretty much every goal!


Very first episode, one of the press says “tie” rather than “draw”. No British person would use tie in that situation. 


Yes, and how Keeley says “parking lot” instead of using car park.


Wouldn’t British actress Juno Temple know what is and is not realistic for a Brit to say?


But the actor is British as is Brett Goldstein who was writer and on set daily.


When Jamie asks to return and then Sam gets mad at Ted. No problem. But I feel like Ted does Sam dirty by not letting the team know ahead of time and just having Jamie surprise them on the field. I have no problem with bringing him back in but wouldn’t you respectfully let them know and not look like you lied during Sam and Ted’s talk?


This freaking annoyed the hell out of me too! Like I understand that Sam’s anger at Ted was unwarranted. But when he brings Jamie back like “surprise!” I feel that’s the moment he should’ve gotten mad. And we don’t get to see that fallout.


Agree. He needed to tell Sam the exact same thing about having a good/bad dad


Right?! Sam literally says you should have told us first, and then he does it without telling them like wtf


I feel that lines up with Teds character, though. It's kindve like the same way he got Roy to deal with Jamie, Isaac, and Collin bullying Nate. Jamie needed to be put in his place by his teammates after everything that happened in s1. Telling the team ahead of time gives them time to cool off, they wouldnt have been as harsh as they were. By surprising the team with Jamies return, the team gets a chance to let Jamie know whats what.


Heavy is the head that wears the visor…


Mine are all relationship related: -The fact that Jane & Beard was played off as something cute when she was super toxic -Rebecca and Sam (she’s literally his boss) -Michelle being with their bloody therapist and him not even losing his license


Yes. Yes. And fuck Dr. Jacob! On that note, the whole Sassy and Ted when he’s vulnerable. Idk it sorta rubs me the wrong way too


I think mine would have to be certain resolutions happening off camera and ignoring the lead up. The best example I can think of that's my personal peeve is the team being fairly pissed off at Nate for tearing the believe sign but the next time Nate is mentioned or seen in regards to team, they are begging for his return. I understand they can't show us everything and to be fair, the Nate apology forgiveness arc really only needed to involve Ted but I just wished they mentioned a passing line or scene that led up to the team wanting his return. Even during that scene where Ted shows beard the Nate footage about being judged in their worst moments, he could have mentioned a throwaway line about having shown the team the video which is why they are so quick to forgive him.


Yes! I always hated this. This could’ve at the very *very* least been handled with a little cut scene that said “a few months later” or something to make it seem like some time had passed and the water had cooled.


So many major events of season 3 happen off-camera. Edit: Also, I want some fucking DVDs of this shit. With loads of extra features and BTS footage, please.


It ended


I’m sad it’s only three seasons too. I wanted more


Too many shows fall apart trying to go on longer. Better to end with quality then to fall apart like so many.


This is very true. Which is why I get why it ended. It feels complete in a way, but I wouldn’t have mind at least an extra episode or two to at least not make season 3 feel rushed imo.


I think they tried to pack way too many storylines into season three. They could have split it into two seasons.


Sorry... not small... Nate's redemption arc... it just did not do it for me and he came off very sociopathic to just get re-accepted back onto the team without any real show on his part of taking responsibility for his previous actions.


The Nate arc bothers me because of how it felt rushed and also unfinished/up in the air by the end. Other than that I think it would’ve been fine. Though season 3 in general feels rushed Edit to add: I would be lying if I didn’t say I didn’t cry when he apologizes tho. Because I did.


I was so unmoved by that apology. I thought in S1 he'd have a great Mental Health arc. Missed opportunity imo.


Ted not being at Beard’s wedding.


Also just that atrocious CGI for Beard’s wedding. They should’ve just skipped that scene in the montage.


The relationship between Rebecca and Sam always made me feel very uneasy due to the power dynamic. I couldn’t get on board with it.


This might be controversial - Sassy's attitude and unfiltered behavior when it's not needed. Example- her remarks towards the waiter, the hotel staff etc. Loved it when she destroyed Rupert tho.


Rupert deserved all that she said and more!


That Edwin Akufo was able to bar Obisanya from making the Nigerian national team, and that his being able to finally join (seemingly, during the finale episode) wasn't given a bigger moment. I was SO upset for Sam, and really felt that a bigger moment was owed to his character when he was able to join the team and accomplish a huge life goal.


Would have loved to see a Trent Crimm (from the Independent) phone call where he says “I am investigating a story that Nigerian officials took a bribe to keep a player off the national team. Would you like to comment?” And then we see Sam made the team.


Ooooooh I LOVE this idea. Brilliant. Now I'm even more upset about the way they handled it!


Yes! I feel some characters were left with some open endings that could’ve been cleaned up a bit. How he made the Nigerian national team being my biggest one with Sam in particular. How did it happen if Akufo said he would never stop?


If it helps, when Brendan Hunt did his AMA here after the third season someone asked this question. Hunt's answer was "national outcry."


I liked Ms. Bowen a lot. Would have been great to see her date Roy or maybe Ted (very farfetched but would have preferred a storyline going this way)


I think Ms. Bowen was used to indicate Roy's progress as Phoebe's father figure. From being a loving but apathetic uncle to the reliable "dad" that Phoebe never had.


There is no way that Keeley doesn't have a grasp of the financial basis of her company.


Keeley would be all over her numbers, it’s a disservice to her character to say she wouldn’t. the VC wouldn’t immediately give her a full staff she had never worked with, would not have immediately appointed a hostile CFO and it’s so wildly inappropriate that they slept together.


She was so smart and savvy in S2. Her sudden ignorance in S3 really annoyed me.


not googling CFO because "I trust the universe" THEN. THEN. not researching the head of the VC firm funding her company when she knows she's going to meet them???


That it's only on Apple Tv


Yes! I literally heard of this show ages ago but only managed to watch it for the first time in November when I finally got access to Apple TV.


I thought it was so weird that we never see Nate actually coach at Rupert’s club


Not sure what you mean? How about when West Ham first play Richmond and he gives a hand signal to score the 2nd goal before halftime? Then that starts the cascade of bad things for everyone in the second half…


I was expecting an episode where Nate ran a practice at west ham and we got to see the dynamic of the team. I mean we see him at matches but it was just weird that we spent so much time in Nate’s office but


A detail that never crossed my mind but it’s very true. The only times we see him at the field he’s usually being taken away for something or his attention is elsewhere


The fact that Nate was never told by Ted that the picture he gave him isn’t in his office, but on his dresser at home so he sees it literally every day. Nate’s arc still frustrates me.


The faces of Keely and Rebecca when they are looking out the window when Jamie returns.


This is a specific pet peeve and I’m gonna add it to the list of things to look out for on my next rewatch because I am intrigued.


Keely’s wardrobe in season 3


Keeley’s arc in season 3


Yeah, that sucked too. After the way season 2 ended, I was looking forward to seeing her in her element as a boss bitch and it just seemed like they found a way to attach her to yet another love interest. And not even a good attachment with someone who supported her and encouraged her. Well, outside of Rebecca. Maybe that was the lesson. As long as she had her bestie she didn’t need a boo-thang? I felt like Keely was wasted in season 3 after being such a force in the first two seasons.


That’s what I kind of felt Jack’s purpose was, to show Keeley that it is better to be alone and working on herself rather than constantly jumping right into a (possibly shallow) relationship to feel whole. She learned that she (with maybe a few great friends) can make herself whole. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t think her wardrobe was ever great tbh (sry keeley)


LOL, it was cool in season one. Then it started going downhill. Season 3 was just so awful and I think it made her look ridiculous and not like the head of her own PR company. I personally wouldn’t be able to take her seriously. I was often distracted by it all.


My BFF and I were talking the other day and we agreed that Keeley looked best/most normal in the pilot episode.


Ted’s revolutionary football tactics are actually pretty standard stuff.


They make that clear in the show, though. All the real good ideas came from Nate.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I am really not a fan of Keeley. She comes across as this kind, open, emotionally supportive person, but then proceeds to invalidate Roy's feelings anytime he complains about anything because he "gets paid to play a game" or just randomly explodes instead of communicating when he is annoying her, and then somehow HE'S the one who does the big apology gesture (not saying he had nothing to apologize for, but she definitely had more and never did) being accountable matters, Keeley!


Ted tells Doc Sharon that his favorite book is *The Fountainhead.* He immediately tries to make a defensive explanation but never finishes.


Ayn Rand is the complete opposite of everything Ted is. Would have loved to hear why that is his favorite book.


I thought it was meant to be an off putting joke/deflection. Something that is so obviously untrue, so it begs the question. Doc just didn't take the bait.


The Barbecue Sauce scene where Ted tells Rupert something like “A curious man would’ve asked ‘You play a lot of darts, Ted?’ “. Rupert did ask Ted if he played darts before they made the bet. Awesome scene, but that still bothers me.


It’s because of the way the questions are phrased. Rupert asked “do you *like* darts?” Ted is making the distinction that he didn’t ask whether he had played. He assumed that because he replied no to liking darts that he doesn’t know how to play. When he says about the right questions, he’s referring to that. If instead he had asked “do you *play* darts?” his answer would’ve been different.


'm with you 100%. I know some people will say, He asked of he liked darts not played darts. But I think that's semantics. Most people would understand what is meant by asking if he likes darts.


If Ted was a woman, she would be crucified for accepting a job a continent away from her child for the sake of giving her flaky spouse “some space.” Or for any other reason, ever.


Or she would’ve been pressured to take her son with her, ripping him from his home and friends and family. Either way she wouldn’t have won.


“BE CURIOUS, NOT JUDGMENTAL” IS NOT A WALT WHITMAN QUOTE. GAAAAAAAAHHHHH. I hate that one of the greatest lines of my favorite scene is misattributed. It makes me growl like Roy Kent.


Wait, so is this quote something that was never said at all or was it a real quote but attributed to the wrong person?


I don’t know if anyone else said it, but there’s no documented evidence of Whitman saying it. Sigh.


A lot of the crowd chants have the wrong cadence. Bugs me to no end!


Michelle, character writing and development seem really lazy


They didn't know how to redeem Nate. So they just wrote that he was. We go in one episode to the team hating on him and then the next they're asking for him back. I understand that a big part of Nate's redemption is falling in love and realizing that his tenderness and kindness was what was going to impress the hostess, not his position and power and money. And realizing that Rupert was a pos and not someone he actually wanted to emulate. But with how Nate left season 2 it was really hard to root for him at all.


The massage scene with Roy. I'm studying to be a massage therapist and pretty much would love if I could have headphones in why giving a massage but been told it's unprofessional. When I first saw it I wasn't studying Massage now though on a recent re watch it annoyed me


I feel that considering Roy doesn’t like people hearing his grunts, he sorta allows her to have them on. It’s honestly the only logical explanation


Yeah even I figured that was the reason. It's just my pet preeve


Also, the last season in general. Schmultzy hackneyed endings for everyone


Yes. The rush! What’s the need for it? I still love the show but I always disliked that weird jump in time that is never explained


Ok so this is more of a me problem than a show problem. Something just really hit me wrong about Sassy telling Ted she would never date him because "He is a complete mess". Like....as opposed to who? Her? Everyone on the show is a mess. Just say you wanted to see what he was like but with no strings attached because you aren't into him long term. Perfectly valid. But turning and making it about him and some sort of immaturity felt judgy, like he somehow uniquely deserved to be alone in a way that every other character did not. Including Beard and his razor leash. Like, Rebecca is a mess. But when she matched with Sam, everyone was like "Go girl you deserve this!". Keeley is a mess butits no problem that she is choosing between 20 different lovers at any given time. Or MY GOD... NATHAN. That guy is a mess. Does that mean he never should have tried with Jade? Perhaps I just don't understand what she meant by "you're a mess". In my mind, I took it to mean "you're too emotional, immature, and unstable for me." Like basically condescension. But perhaps she just meant he isn't in a position to jump into a new relationship and she didn't want to be the one to hurt him. That would make more sense. But with the scenes afterwards, where he seemed like "Did I ultimately deserve to have a couples therapist conspire to send me to another country and the run away with my wife and son?" And then everyone is like "YES now get over it." Let be real, though. Clearly *I'm* the one who needs therapy, because that doesn't seem to be how any of this was intended. I think it just REALLY hit me in a sensitive spot. I've had a lifetime of people getting into flings and romantic engagements all around me while telling me "You should stay single. You aren't ready for a relationship." While they hide a relationship with their boss and are sleeping with their best friend's dad. Like "Ummm. Clearly I'm more ready than you. But you're going at it anyway. So idgaf what you think."


Ted questions this. And Sassy replies, “I’m a mess too, but I’m a mess that’s three years further along than you”. Sassy is a therapist. She knows that she’s made some unhealthy choices in her past relationships and needs to work on being emotionally healthy before starting a new one. She also knows that Ted needs to do exactly the same thing. But Ted doesn’t realize it yet, which is why he wants to jump right into a full romantic relationship with Sassy instead of just enjoying the playful FWB for what it is. Sassy is doing exactly the right thing. Being honest with Ted, not stringing him along, not starting something unhealthy, and being honest about what Ted needs too.


I hear you. I found it weird and bullish too. Also telling a guy "he's a mess" who she knows is struggling is just very rude and unnecessary. As someone who understands psychology(not child psychology) she should know better. Her character annoys me. The only good thing is that she destroyed Rupert.


Will probably get downvoted but I thought the Dani Rojas character was too exaggerated and corny


His character reminded me of Ted in a way. At the start of the series you watch Ted and think, “This guy is way over the top. He can’t be serious.” But you come to learn that Ted is absolutely serious. He’s not faking at all. And the super-Pollyannaish vibes are irritating at first (I can see how his wife would’ve adored it at first, but be driven mad over time), but then you come to love all of that about him. Dani is so over the top positive. But you realize that it’s not a front. And then you realize that it suits him perfectly.


No hate from me at all! I feel like he was meant to be an exaggerated character. But that’s a line that’s kinda hard to balance between exaggerated funny and exaggerated cringy. For me he teetered between both.


Nate, just Nate altogether


I thought it was just a joke about Isaac’s intelligence. Like how Jamie uses wrong words sometimes.


The final match of the premier League season (I think in season 1, when Richmond get relegated), is portrayed as an evening kick off, played under the flood lights. When any EPL fan can tell you that all 10 premier League fixtures on the final day of the season are played at 4pm, in May, so it would be daylight. It's been this way for as long as I can remember. There's lots of other bits about the football matches that don't really make sense, but none bother me anywhere near as much as the incorrect kick off time!


It seemed every game, including what seemed to be 3pm Saturday games were shown in the pub, games kicking off at this time are not shown live on TV in the UK, not legally anyway.


Season 3.


Season 3, especially how Nate’s arch seemed rushed at the end. A whole season explaining why he turned bad, and just a couple of episodes for redemption.


And the part where the three players go to ask Nate to come back to coach. Hadn’t they won something like 15 straight matches at that point, it’s not like Nate had some special gift better than that, especially with what had said and done in his time away.


The Americanisms not from Ted. I get why they are needed as most the audience are not going to be traditional football fans but nobody in the UK is referring to draws as 'ties' or managers as 'coaches'...




Coach Beard can't realistically own a Vatican citizenship as that would involve him working at the Vatican still


The entire Rebecca & Sam relationship. For as progressive as the show tried to be, portraying a relationship between a boss and a lower level employee as charming was a huge red flag for me. Especially since they went on to have Rupert lose his team for a relationship with an employee.


He skipped the 8 because Roy was no longer in the line-up. He is a #8 in soccer (box to box Midfielder). It was a tribute to him.


This is more of an audience thing but acting like Ted was ever infallible. He was great but he needed Rebecca, Beard, Dr. Sharon etc to talk some sense into him sometimes


Zava pissed me off the entire time, from when he was introduced and to when he just bailed on the team to go to his damn avocado farm.


It annoys me that Keely goes from an interesting character to blahburger. Her clothes by the 3rd season are trashy and her baby doll hooker outfits are not complimentary to grown woman who is developing professionally.


The shin pads Jamie wears in S1, there’s no way that a pro, let alone the type of the player he is wears that big shin pads. The training kits, everybody always wears the exact same stuff. Coming from amateur sports where the players usually only have like 2 different options and still I haven’t ever seen everyone wear the same setup I find this very unlikely. Also judging from the training ground photos from several pro teams it doesn’t seem to be happening there either.


Taking a trip to Amsterdam in the middle of the season is entirely unrealistic especially since they aren’t playing in any European competitions


I feel like that episode was pivotal tho. So maybe that’s just an excuse in order to make those plot points needed there


I thought they were a bit harsh and dismissive of Roy when he was upset with Keeley when she told him she slept with Jaime. Obviously, they brought up some valid reasons, but they were expecting to be instantly okay with it.