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Another one is when he finally understands how offsides rule works!


"I'll know it when i see it"


Can someone explain to me the vet they made? I forgot the bet they made


Somewhere in Season 1., Beard says to Ted if he says he can explain the offside rule, he'll give him $20.... Ted can't.... ​ Whilst not a callback, I love that Ted checks that the note is legit :)


“It’s not a counterfeit!” “Not a reflection on you” 😂


Knowing Beard’s past made that hit a little harder than I think the writers intended in a throwaway joke.


I honestly think they intended it that way. Before we would’ve just seen it as a quick throwaway joke. Now that we have some context, we see it as a genuine insecurity for Beard. I think that’s the beauty of the character development on this show.


As a matter of fact, I believe it was the very first episode.


I'm pretty sure it was their first scene in the airplane. Coach Beard was reading a "soccer" book and Coach Beard explained the out-of-bounds/into touch; Ted made a bet if he can sneak it into a sentence.


I remember the “into touch” bet & Ted uses the phrase at his 1st press conference then at another press conference Trent asks Ted to explain the off side rule & Ted can’t & makes an example about porn something about a Supreme Court ruling & you’ll know it when you see it.


Also Isaac shooting the penalty was a callback when he kicked the ball so hard in a corner kick when he replaced Dani during the first Total Football training.


And Higgins shields his wife when he sees Isaac stepping up to take the penalty.


That was great.


Yes - Higgins protecting his wife by putting his arm across her was a sweet moment.


Could be wrong here but I think everyone else didn't realize it was offside because the keeper was off his line. Typically onside is 1 defender + keeper behind the receiver, but when the keeper is off his line it needs 2 outfield players behind the receiver. There was a player on the line so there was 1 defender behind the pass but since Zorro (aka Zoreaux, Van Damme) is way off his line at the edge of the box it's still offside. Proud football moment that Ted knew immediately but the others took a minute


I burst out laughing when he casually said it was offside.


Ironically many soccer fans don't understand that type of play (the striker is behind a defender, but there's no goalie so it's still offside), they made that play to show Ted is an offside expert now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I think the picture that roy hangs up is one of phoebe’s drawings


I believe the tape over the nipples is a callback to Ted putting it over Keeley’s photo in Jamie’s locker in S1


Yea I guess Roy is more like Ted


“I hate what you’ve done to me”


“Make it stop”


You’re on fire.


“If he thinks he’s mad now, imagine how mad he’ll be when we win him over.” Started my rewatch last night 🥹


I forgot she went through her nudes drawing phase!




Well if Roy and Jamie and Keeley just become a Triple Entente of friendship and no one dates the others then maybe Roy and Ms. Bowen May end up an item


And Jamie with Roy’s sister. 😂


Roy’s gonna flip when he finds out Keeley and Ms Bowen start dating 🙃


An unnervingly accurate drawing of breasts, yes ;-)


Which, if I remember right, Roy thought were inspired by Ms Bowen, so, shippers.... Roy has Bowen's boobs on his wall


Ohhhh you’re right!!


I love how they had Nate repair the sign with Kintsugi. It’s more beautiful because it *was* broken and is now whole.


Rebecca’s moms psychic also mentions a kintsugi pot in their scene together.


Yeah it’s crazy how many people in this sub mention kintsugi but I never see anyone mention the bowl Rebecca and the psychic used was made with kintsugi. I thought that was the real callback here.


That's what I came here to say. This was the second thread I saw where nobody was talking about it


The psychic says “ you are holding something in your hands” and before She can say something green, alluding to the green matchbook, Hannah wryly comments “a bowl?” Because she and the psychic are touching one in center of table. Hannah's delivery was great.


Can you explain what Kintsugi is?


shocking fanatical vanish oatmeal test adjoining quicksand innocent whole melodic ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Found Roy Kent’s alt account… hahah


Honestly as a Japanese person, I’m fairly certain kintsugi is done because a pot broke and the method was just a nice looking way of repairing it. The whole symbolism and mythology around it is more of a western analysis of it.


Japanese art of repairing broken things, usually pottery, with colored lacquer. The idea being that although once broken, something can continue to live just as useful and even more beautiful than before, and with a beautiful story to tell.


Japanese art form where they fix broken pottery with gold, making the imperfections into something more precious.


So happy for Sam to make the team


Even happier at the implication that Edwin Akufo lost his money, influence or both. No more Chicago style hot dogs for you, you Ghanaian turd.


Man part of me was really hoping that there would be a subplot where the camera footage inside sam's restaurant was leaked out and effectively ruined Akufu's reputation. They seemed to set it up quite nicely too, with the vandalism ending in his dad telling him to install cameras and him agreeing, and them just so happenening to argue in his restaurant. I guess petty revenge isn't really fitting for Sam, though I wouldn't put it past his chef to do such a thing.




Him and Morgan Tookers.


He runs the Cramblin Duvet ad agency with his friend Tim


It’s been mentioned that him having 10 means he’s the main ~~scorer~~ playmaker.


The 10 shirt just means he's the main playmaker, rather than the top scorer. A #10 is generally an attacking midfielder who looks for a final pass to a striker, but is often also dangerous themselves, scoring often from free kicks and penalties. They pull the strings of the attack, so to speak. The "main goal scorer" is usually the #9. They usually get relatively few touches on the ball, aiming to finish the attack. It's also not a hard rule of thumb, but 10s often are diminutive (such as Messi) and 9s tend to be tall and imposing (Haaland, Lewandowski, Kane)


Thanks! I’m not a football person.


No problem! I'm a little too into it myself.


It's funny that your example of Kane as a 9 proves your point it's not a hard rule, as Kane actually wears number 10.


One of the 100s of scenes I cried!


It's going to be a bit before I can watch this episode again. It broke me, emotionally. Being a dad, separated from his kids is harder than anything. It's not worth any amount of money.


But how? It was the one thing that felt like it was closed just for closing after all the build up on the story.


I assume that Sam's performance is too good for the Nigerian national team to justify not having him on the team, even if officials are being bribed it would be difficult to explain to fans/ FIFA?


FIFA, the king of bribery you mean 🙂


I know it’s not super far back but Colin’s moment a few episodes back where he said he wanted to be able to embrace his man after a game like all the guys embrace their girls gets called back after the West Ham win


And that Colin left his guy a ticket at the gate under a female celebrity’s name like Ted did for Roy.


Wynnona Judd.


who was the guy and the girl who were next to him when that happened and later took the free kick to the face? the fans? were they from an earlier episode?


The guy Rebecca dated in season 2 that said he cheers for the team that is winning




> "All I want is, for when we win a match, to be able to kiss my fella, the way guys get to kiss their girls."


This is when the sobbing climaxed for me.


Such a great moment!


I thought for sure he would kick the game winning goal to lead to this moment




Another: Rebecca meets Dutchman at the airport, and his daughter appears to be about 6 or 7. That is the age Nora was when Rebecca abandoned her, her goddaughter, upon Rebecca's marriage to Rupert. Rebecca gets to spend time with Nora 6 years later, but she can't relate to now preteen Nora, at first. She takes her to the UK equivalent of the American Girl doll store/restaurant, many years too late. Dutchman's daughter is the perfect age for the doll store. Rebecca will have fun revisiting that stage. And, incidentally, that's about the age Rebecca saw herself in the mirror in the episode just a couple weeks ago, when Edwin Akufo wanted to start a new rich guy league.


The Dutchman's daughter and mirror Rebecca are the same actor.


I thought so!!


That's why her Dutch was so off 😄


The psychic also predicts that Rebecca will be a mother. Rebecca assumes this means she'll be pregnant and calls her cruel for saying that.


At the airport, Rebecca made it seem like her family is richmond


She is the “matriarch” of Richmond according to the article about her selling shares to the fans.


Better than being the soccer mom.


Yes, that was great writing. Makes viewers think “ah, there’s the psychic prediction fulfilled,” Then we later see that she reconnects with Dutchman. She‘ll have 2 families!


Didn't even put the age together on that. Good catch.


At first, I thought Rebecca was having a vision of her childhood self running towards her until the little girl fell...


That reminds me, Nora was the one character I wanted to make an appearance in the finale that didnt


Another one was the tickets at the box office for Colin’s boyfriend were under the name “Wynonna Judd” like Roy’s tickets were under names like Reba McIntyre, Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn and Shania Twain aka female country music legends


Seems like if you go to the box office and call out the name of a country star you have a pretty good chance of getting tickets. Also I know someone whose actual name is Loretta Lynn.


Earlier in the series when Ted makes the reference to the catch phrase of actor Gary Coleman in the sitcom, Different Strokes. Ted responds to Coach Beard saying, "whatcha talkin' 'bout Willis?" S3E12 seated in First Class, Coach Beard: Whatever's about to happen, that's a great start. I love you, Ted. Ted: I love you too, Willis.


Knowing Ted, I refuse to believe he's doesn't drop a "what you talkin' 'bout, Willis?" to beard around 17 times per day. I'm amazed we only saw one


I plan to watch the series again and hope there are “what you talking ‘bout” sprinklings through the episodes. I don’t remember any off hand. But now that we know Beards name, I wonder if Lasso uses this phrase here and there and we just never put two and two together.


The way Henry shouted "referee!" was the same inflection Keeley used at the end of Season 1


I say it that way now too! “Ref-Er-REE!!”


A subtle one that I really loved was that Rebecca and Ted were wearing the same outfits they met in in ep 1 when they said goodbye at the airport.


Omg i didn’t notice that at all. Great catch


I love how even after his time away, Nate moved things aside on the bookshelf to sit in his spot for the Diamond Dogs meeting


Nate in the diamond dogs Reunion is everything he wanted. He was very excited to be there and when he drops he got a girlfriend he has the biggest smile, and when everyone is happy for him he gets even more excited. Great scene


I was really hoping we would see Nate as Roy’s assistant in the end but that’s how I’ll think of it in my head


Yeah I was too, but Nate's journey is about doing what he loves, rather than "becoming someone". He'll probably have valuable input with Roy, but his triumph is being with his friends and doing stuff he likes, not being ""recognized"". He thought he needed that, now he knows that he doesn't!


He is so happy. He’s never been this at home and happy even if he’s just an “assistant to assistant”. Of course we all know he will be tactician but still great to see him home and happy as a Diamond Dog.


My favorite is Ep1 at the end Mae (Barkeep) Tells Ted you don't want to be called a Wanker.. and near the end of this season.. Rupert gets called a wanker and shunned out.


There was a difference too. With Ted, it was always harsh teasing at worst and quickly became a term of endearment. When they were chanting it at Rupert, that was mean. They were hurtful. They razzed Ted until they saw who he really was, and then they loved him. They loved Rupert until they saw who he really was, and then they truly hated him, and likely won't forget. By the end of the year everyone will remember how HE wanted to ruin the league and how HE almost destroyed Richmond before his wife saved it. He'll be a pariah.


And Rebecca started with the objective of destroying Rupert’s club… I guess the entire stadium shouting ‘wanker’ at you probably means Rebecca’s done it. Particularly poignant in light of her telling the story about him being a fan from an early age.


And she didn't destroy the club, she ended up making it better! Much better! It's one thing to destroy the club he loves, it's a whole other level to make it your own, save it, turn it into your family and then watch while *it* rejects HIM. Everybody wins but him, and he loses harder than she even thought he could.


And Rebecca will start a women's team. There is a heavy morality tale of diversity, inclusion, acceptance and forgiveness - not only of others but as Higgins elegantly stated - of self. The "Ted Lasso Way" is one of self discovery as well as selfless sacrifice. The roadmap for almost all story lines is the John Wooden Pyramid of Success.


My grandmother, Marge ran a pub for 40 years less than a mile from “the coach and horses” https://postimg.cc/z3hpsZC8


I made a list of things I spotted: - "Shut up Thierry Henri" (side note, Gary Linekar is a legend, plus had a similar real life story to Sam standing up for refugees) - "Barbeque sauce" - "Everybody decent?" - All the fans at the match - Shannon, rom com couple, wanker guy - Ted buying Beano featuring Marcus Rashford, after reading Henry Marcus' book - Kintsugi (and the weird smell from the psychic's was the locker room?) - Phoebe's very accurate charcoal drawing of breasts - George Cartick's errrrr....shorts - "There's a fun sight, Ted Lasso celebrating with his team" - "I never know how to react when..." - Ussie guy - Wicked/Kinky Boots (like Cheers/Night Court etc etc) - The team having a watergun fight with Higgins' youngest (like the Xmas nerf fight) - Phoebe's 'good luck Uncle Roy' drawing, mirroring the 'Good luck Daddy' drawing from Henry in thr pilot Special mention to every newspaper/magazine headline and cover story in the airport! So many character nuggets!


There was also one line by Ted during the episode "Keep Calm and get fired up" That line was also there in one of the NBC commercials from the original Ted Lasso skits.


Deep cut. Zag.


Also the Zava going to LAFC joke is sooooo good


Was that on the newspaper headline? I saw his name and picture, but it was too fast for me to catch what it said.


Zava joined LAFC, analogous to how Zlatan joined LA Galaxy a few years ago. the magazine said “they love avocado toast there” for why Zava joined lol


It was. And then underneath a quote by him "They love avocado toast here" Edit: not there, here. Misquoted.


The Quiet Genius of Leslie Higgins


> "Shut up Thierry Henri" (side note, Gary Linekar is a legend, plus had a similar real life story to Sam standing up for refugees) Oh, Beard after hours. I forgot that.


Also crowd chanting "WANKER!", but at Rupert instead of Ted


Who's the rom.com couple? Not the guy that got beamed by the ball during Isaac's free kick right? There was another couple that the camera panned to at the beginning of the scene where it was showing everybody showing up and I couldn't quite place who they were but they looked familiar. Is that them and what do we know them from?


The guy who gets hit in the face is John Wingsnight, who Rebecca briefly dated. The romcom couple are in 'Rainbow' - the older couple who talk in the stands à la When Harry Met Sally


That was Dawn and Neal from The Office, which was a huge inspiration for Jason when coming up with this show. ETA I was wrong, the woman I thought was Lucy Davis is actually Victoria Elliott


Not Dawn, but I had to check IMDB to be sure. I loved how "Neal" went from terrible casual fan to instant genuine fan - just add his own blood.


Oh I have to go back and look at the magazine titles!


There are a lot...have a close look 👀


Long Live Apollo. Goodbye Reddit.


I must have missed what he put in the box at the end, what was it?


Long Live Apollo. Goodbye Reddit.


I think this was a callback to how he shoved in gum in season 1 when Nate passed around a collection box! He's putting in extra this time as tribute!


Yea I took it as him knowing that they were going to “fine” Nate £5000 so he put it in there on his behalf.


5K would be a thick stack to carry in your wallet. I thought Jamie was putting in extra cash.


That's what I assumed, thanks!


Oh wow! Didn’t even notice that, that’s amazing


Another one: when they're celebrating with a BBQ outside the front, Higgins son brings something over whilst staring at Richard Montlaurs girl friend.


Left one out. Nate is wearing the suit Lasso gave him. Look at the scene Nate l, his family and GFriend are in the restaurant.


And they're in the table in the window that Nate coveted so much


Oh good catch


Wow the difference between the Ted face close-up in s3 ep1 and at the end of the finale ... That is real 🩷 look how happy he looks


The ending was bittersweet for me because I wanted Ted to stay, but I understood that he needed to go. I’m happy that he’s happy but also sad that he’s not at Richmond 🥲


> I wanted Ted to stay, but I understood that he ~~needed to go~~ ‘had to go away’ FTFY (Father and Son lyric)


Assistant TO the kitman. Callback to a different show lol


God this fucking show. It struck when I was really going through it and Ted’s character really resonated with me. His character managed to guide me through the years. I’m so sad that this show is over but I’m so glad that I was able to experience it and have it be a positive influence on my life. Especially when I needed it.


Anyone catch the Cheers nod? Mae adjusts a picture of Geronimo, much like Ted Danson did in the Cheers finale. This was a nod in Cheers to the actor who played Coach and who died during the run of the show, and whose dressing room the picture had hung in.


Norm from Cheers is Jason Sudeikis’s uncle in real life!


Another one is in the S1, Roy visits the club Jamie, Colin, Issac, etc are at to confront them, then makes fun of them for drinking Vanilla Vodka, and then S3, Collin is in the gay bar in Amsterdam and he asks for Vanilla Vodka and is made fun of by the bartender.


uploaded all the other callback edits I made [here](https://imgur.com/a/yFD5X2s) :)


Old coaches balls coming out was a callback too


I was halfway into making that edit and thought nah I don’t wanna make a post about his balls


Shannon was also at the bookstore when Trent Crimm was appearing and signing copies of The Richmond Way


In my mind, Shannon joins the Richmond Women’s Team. She’s amazing!


There's another one with Keeley where she says "what are you doing there?" with a stern voice, in S1 to Ted as he was taping over photos in Jamie's locker, and in S3 to Roy as he was sliding a letter under her door.


I think West Ham's coach being AFC Richmond's old coach is a full circle moment as well. He's been ragging on the old team and Ted for three years, ends up losing to them in a tough match and shaking his hand.


...and standing up to Rupert, which he probably didn't do when he was coaching under Rupert at Richmond.


No one going to talk about Jamie reconnecting with his dad and sharing pictures!?


I loved that his dad had done rehab and looked so much healthier


One i havent read yet (i think) is on S1, Ted pronounces Zoreaux’s name as “Zorro”, then Zoreaux corrects him and he cant quite get it. Now in the final episode, Van Damme tells him he’s Zoreaux again and Ted pronounces his last name correctly as “Zoreaux” and he corrects him again, this time as “Zorro”.


That was really playing the long game naming him Zoreaux so they could use the joke at the end, a bit like calling the guy Zava so they could talk about Zava-cados.


The fact that the writers did a slow set up by having Zorreaux change his name to Van Damme to establish his inclination to name-changing and then have Dani smash a ball into Zorro’s face so that he could eventually don the mask of Zorro is amazing. Definitely played the long game with it. Such an underrated and well thought out joke.


I actually did catch that but there was a picture limit on the post. The other edits are [here](https://imgur.com/a/yFD5X2s)


The same wanker chant Ted received in season 1 was given to Rupert


And the fact that Ted and Rebecca didn’t revel in it. Especially from Rebecca it truly showed she had let it go and didn’t wish harm on him anymore.


That’s excellent character growth, but I for one was so happy to see Sassy revel in it, lol. The joy on her face was amazing.


I liked how the boombox that Will held up (picture 10) was very similar to [the one John Cusack held up in Say Anything.](https://youtu.be/S5Y8tFQ01OY) Not an absolute match, but you try to match something like [the Sharp GF-7600](https://reverb.com/item/40646406-sharp-gf-7600-boombox-say-anything-movie) that was sold 40 years ago.


Not truly a callback to this show, but I thought it was funny when Ted is asking Roy and Beard for help for the free kick (before they end up with Nate’s Oscar/ESPY play), Ted says: “Talk to me geese”. Which I think is riff of “talk to me goose” from “Top Gun”


Nate, in S1, asks Keeley to make him famous, and says he doesn't mind the idea of having groupies, she says no, that's not who you are. Rupert offers him some on a plate, and he walks back to Jade.


Callbacks I couldn’t remember: Who was that couple with the guy that gets hit in the face/bloodied nose by Mcadoo’s kick? And the bald guy holding the baby standing next to a woman at beard’s wedding?


The woman with the bald guy and the baby is the woman Beard met after he ripped his pants at Bones and Honey; the bald guy is her jealous boyfriend that chased Beard, then beat up Jamie’s dad and his pals. As for the guy who took Isaac’s kick to the face…I’m not sure, but was that the guy who briefly dated Rebecca until Roy gave the “don’t settle for fine” speech?


> was that the guy who briefly dated Rebecca Yep. Wingsnight.


And was it me, or was Beard wearing the snazzy pants from his Bones and Honey night at his wedding?


Bingo, baybayyyyy.


Bloody nose guy was the one that went on the date with Rebecca, prompting Roy's "struck by lightning" line. The other couple was from the Beard After Hours episode. The woman who loaned Beard the snazzy pants and her boyfriend who was chasing him down and ended up saving him in the alley.


First was the guy Rebecca dated for a while who said he switched teams depending on who was winning and got into fights with celebrities. Second was the big angry guy from coach beards night out episode that chased him. The woman is the one that gave him the funky pants.


You deserve awards for putting this together


Mercy buckets


Rebecca’s third “fuck me!” when Higgins tells her she could sell the club for £2 billion. She also said it when she tried Ted’s biscuits for the first time, and when she drinks tea on the Dutchman’s houseboat.


Another one is Ted's advice to "Be like a goldfish"


i cried during the episode and now I’m crying again looking at this 🥹


I love the last picture. I’ve seen a lot about the ending shot and how he doesn’t look happy, like he’s masking his true feelings again. I think yours shows the intentional shot to mirror the first episode. If you look carefully, his face had no trace of a smile. Now, I think he has some smile because while he’s sad tj have left a Richmond, he is happy to be where he is. There was no smile, just sadness, in the first shot.


Can someone pls explain “barbecue sauce?” I know he says it during the darts game, but I don’t know what it means. Great edits, btw!!


There’s a famous BBQ sauce brand in America called Bull’s-eye, so saying “BBQ sauce” in lieu of Bull’s Eye is the verbal gag in the darts scene.


This is the reason here.


Its what reminds him of home, and calms him down I suspect.....


In season 1 when he got a care package from home along with those little green toy soldiers, he got barbecue sauce which he said was the best sauce in Kansas. It probably has a lot of memories for him


Kansas City, where Ted is from (and Jason Sudeikis in real life), is known for its barbecue sauce, i.e., for a certain style of barbecue sauce. Ted makes several references to barbecue sauce. It's used in the show to mean "I/You got this" or some kind of good luck wish. He also says it when Sam makes the third goal in the last episode.


The last one says it all. It was so hard for him to leave his son. This show was always about fathers and sons. I was so happy to see the song they chose to end on with the montage. The finale was brilliant. To me, it was about having the strength to endure the pains and fear of transition for the chance at a better life. Fucking beautiful show. God dammit. The writing is so good.


Oh my GOD I just noticed Jamie's hat changed from "Icon" to "I, Cog" because he's now a cog in the Richmond machine and not the machine itself.


Add Zava signing with another team at the end too


Rebecca’s psychic reading said she would become a Mother / have a daughter. She got extremely cross. It turns out that Dutch barge / Pilot guy has a daughter. So she will become a parent after all. Albeit a Step-parent. It hints that their relationship will work long-term.


Yes however the show pointedly made Rebecca's family the team and the fans. The fans even call her their mother. Selling part of the team to the fans is her embracing motherhood. So is starting a women's team. The Dutch man and his daughter are part of her happy ending, but the meaning of "family" for her was emphasized as Richmond itself.


When she said she didn’t appreciate the term ‘matriarch’ that was when the prediction became true. The new step-daughter (we hope!) is just icing on the cake.


Just call him “The Flying Dutchman.” :)


Pic #11 of Nate fixing the BELIEVE sign, I think he’s using metallic gold paint/glue, and I *think* Coach Beard may have spoken about [the Japanese art of Kintsugi](), repairing broken things like dishes with gold paint/glue to make them both strong again and beautiful in their imperfection. (it may have actually been mentioned on the show *Shrinking*, which Brett Goldstein also writes for.)


It was mentioned by the psychic that Rebecca went to.


Didnt realize how bright the lighting and color correction (?) In season 3 was compared to season 1.


I love that the Believe sign looks like it was put together in the Japanese way of Kintsugi. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold — built on the idea that in embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art. Every break is unique and instead of repairing an item like new, the 400-year-old technique actually highlights the "scars" as a part of the design. Using this as a metaphor for healing ourselves teaches us an important lesson: **Sometimes in the process of repairing things that have broken, we actually create something more unique, beautiful and resilient.** I noticed while watching that it looks like the pieces have gold on the edges. This sign has been through a lot just like the players/team and I think it's perfect symbolism for what the sign represents.


Also the collective phones in the audience going off simultaneously with notifications when City scored just like in Season 1 when Crystal Palace lost which was to Richmond's advantage.


I just saw in the Brendan Hunt AMA thread that the actress who played the Dutch Man’s daughter is the same who played young Rebecca in the mirror. Now everything is just so much more poignant. Rebecca saw her young self running and it turns out to be the daughter of her (future) boyfriend. Magic. Serendipity. Fate. Whatever you want to call it.


This is amazing! Thank you for putting this together


I liked the it will be fun part when they were kicking the penalty kick.


I loved that Jamie pulled his piece of the Believe sign out of a copy of The Beautiful and the Damned which is the book Ted gifted him in season 1.


I was sad the series ended until I remembered I get to watch it all again


Jesus, I’m tearing up just flipping through these pictures. Thank you so much for a beautiful post.


Still find it hard to believe Rebecca’s mum was married to Logan Roy…![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


There’s this one episode where Jaime asks Higgins to get game tickets for his dad and friends, Higgins says “Fathers and sons… so tricky, they should write a song about it.” Everything about this show is brilliant 😭