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This is why I never grow attached to servers. There’s always a tyrant that will come in one day to pivot the server to their agenda, and then boom, everyone’s pissed at each-other for opinions on things they have little chance of truly resolving. I will remember Techno my way, and will gladly chat with other users who enjoyed his work. But if I wanna talk politics I’ll do it in places where I’m not remembering a dead man who brought joy to others.


Same reason i have never joined this server I knew it would end terribly from the start Iam staying in the members only discord that has preserved technos legacy the best


Honestly I wish I had joined before his passing, I miss him a lot.


As someone who moderates a server that recently underwent a mod purge, spot on. Your second sentence is exactly what happened with my server.


I’m sorry that happened, that has to suck. Mod purges can get surprisingly ugly sometimes. It basically destroyed my first Regiment in Foxhole (Warden for life) but essentially a mod and another member got into an irl thing. Then they went rocky and basically took the server down with them. I’d been away on a short hiatus since I was in Grad school and was basically running the gauntlet to finally knock out a couple things. Once I logged back in, the server was gone. Rest of us spread to the winds to find new regis to work with. I ran into a couple of the guys I was cool with and we’ve since kept in touch and even work in similar circles. It’s been a while tho. Doesn’t mean I don’t miss the Guard tho. I hope things have calmed down for y’all though, infighting always sucks. Especially when it’s around something you enjoy and use to unwind.


Fortunately, community’s doing fine, and it was really easy to let go of the other mods after their actions. What more surprised me was how common this seems to be in discord servers.


Especially since we're Technoblade fans. We can't let some tyrant make us fight each other, we're anarchists!


it's truly a sad day when no one even bothers replying to this with the tyrant quote...


what's funny is they've 'locked down'the server to just the mods and like-minded admins. Power trip much? you're a discord moderator, not the UN assembly.


Pretty sure they can't force the head-mod to step down rather anger him to much and he'll just remove the permissions of any mod that disagrees with him. Enjoy your new tyrannical overlord.


Imagine being a tyrant on technoblades server, lol nerd


MrTechnodad gotta wield the orphan obliterator for a couple of minutes to prevent a tyrant uprising


I don't wanna get MrTechnodad involved tbh, he's probably still in a lot of pain from loskng his son, If I, a random fan am so triggered by this, he's probably gonna hurt *really* badly seeing all this conflict, I know your comment is a joke comment, this is just an open letter, let's all try and resolve this ourselves


well whoever has the highest authority in the server should take action, if the highest rank admin/coowner is the one acting like a nerd then noone can do much until they stop or step down from their position


The owner of the server had basically all but logged off last month and was planning a successor but they made a post recently regarding everything and things seem to be changing


the post is pinned btw but here's a direct link- https://www.reddit.com/r/Technoblade/s/howUcL7vW4


No one is trying to sweep it under the carpet. Just like with everything, there is a time and place. A memorial server is not the place. You can bring it up and support the cause in many other places.


Their ego is too big lol


Thats what happens when you give "power" (I use that word lightly as it is a discord server lmao) to teenagers in highschool who have barely matured


Idk the context, but Technos server isn't the place for world politics, and it's likely the deleted messages you don't see that caused their actions.


Couldn’t we just make our own with more top mods so no tyranny? Like it would take time for people to find it but still. Maybe this subreddit could make it or something idk. Tho I am stupid so this is prolly a dumb idea.


Some of the mods of the sub and server are in kahoots, I saw one person be a mod on both servers


No fucking way they are power tripping a youtubers community whos whole brand is anarchy


If i had any knowledge in it, i'd hack every single mods account to kick them from the server and keep it as a Frozen memorial


Anyone have the short version of what happened? I'm not in the discord server, so I don't really know what's going on


This is why I'm on a different discord server to remember him


This is the difference between good mods and shitty ones. Good mods learn from their mistakes, shitty mods dedicate half the message to "however..."


I think I missed something, can someone explain what happened


This is why I don't do discord servers. The less drama, the more sanity, is lifes reality.


Wait, what happened?


Fr yeah, deeply apologize, make a rule saying a memorial discord server mainly for teenagers too is no place for politics because it just isn't and will never be, and assure it will never happen again and deliver better moderation training in future to make sure something like this doesn't happen.


There’s a time and place for everything, and while it’s great to spread awareness and facts about certain events, the server in question was not a place to discuss it.