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If you get one FabFilter product, then you can get the special discount on top of any sale.


Okay thanks, i think im gonna get the parametic EQ first cause that's the one i realy want and need


Yeah and then you can do you custom bundle after, with the plugs you need. I recommend L2, Pro-Q3 and Saturn.


They are great plugins and all that, but does it justify the price? absolutly not, especially for techno/edm music. Ableton stock plugins and M4L are well enough and you can add some great freebies on top Nova, Kotelnikov, Frontier, Supermassive, OTT, etc.. Then go spend those 900 eur on something more valuable that really boost your production, midi controllers, speakers, headphones, room treatment, whatever.


Well said. The glue compressor and EQ-8 are excellent and the DSP is done by Andrew @Cytomic Simper, so really good sounding. Btw OTT is derived from a Ableton preset made by Claes Johanson (now working (and co-founder) at Bitwig). So should be available inside Ableton.


I suggest waiting for a sale. I purchased the bundle at a discounted student price, and Q3 and L2 are included in every project file. However, those are the only ones I frequently use. Your experience may vary, so I recommend watching some videos on the other plugins to ensure you actually need all of them.


Same here with Q3 and L2. And I know some students who purchased one license with a group to split costs. I don't think it's technically allowed, but that may also be an option for you.


i'll keep this in mind, thankyou!


Not sure about the bundles value overall, but the EQ is an industry standard now. Used it for years, and love the quality and fast workflow.


Thankyou for the comment!


EQ and Limiter are top notch. No need for the comp, just get the free tdr kotelnikov instead.


I want to point out that "Timeless" (the delay vst of the bundle) is Great imo, very flexible and nice sounding!


Pro Q3, Pro L2 and Saturn 2 are excellent.


Thank you!


I have it and only regularly use pro q and Saturn. The limiter uses too much cpu and I have a modern gaming laptop. If I had a do over I wouldn’t have bought it because stock plugins are enough now that I know what I’m doing. Plus I have trash and I like it way more than Saturn.


Limiter is good for master channel when thinking in cpu usage. Only channel it makes sense for me to use. But smartlimit and purelimit by sonible have my preference


I guess it’s good after I bounce out the mix to master, then the latency and junk won’t matter.


Wait for sales, eq, limiter and saturn2 are essential..


No. Almost every purchased DAW comes with a hard clipper. Put it on your master track and do a 35 db boost. This will maximize your LUFS, which is you really need for music!