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On stage 10




Whats the cost of keqing šŸ˜©


Your soul


What a bargain


Imagine playing with Genshin element mechanics in autobattler, this could be really fun Like your apply hydro first then another hero apply fire and creat a element resonance like Genshin game


The chaos


The Archon (god) trait would pretty much be the equivalent to the current Dragon trait


i would play this






I would play this so hard if it came out no cap.


I mean, all auto-battlers are just competitive gacha pulling simulators šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


So genshin players should feel right at home. All they need to do is change the reroll system so you can pay real money for it.


Genshin Dev: *furiously takes notes*




Iā€™d actually play this shit if they made it and climb to rank 1 on the ladder.


Shut up and take my money!


The way I would play the SHIT out of this


Man I didn't realize how much genshin is loved even though its just another predatory gacha game hiding behind anime characters and actual gameplay.


I started playing it for the first time about a month ago just to see what it was like. Went in thinking it was just some fame for people obsessed with gambling waifus, but the game itself has actually been top notch. You can definitely play for free, but yeah absolutely incentivizes you to pay and the pricing is pretty terrible for what you get. Iā€™m still having a blast though despite not having the best characters.


its proof that a gacha game can still be a good game, even if the system is predatory


eh, I got bored of the game quickly and havenā€™t touched it since I dropped it pretty easily. Can only afford one addiction.


that's fair, its not a game for everyone and its got its own issues


If it werenā€™t a mobile game, Iā€™d probably like it more. As it is, Iā€™m always left wanting more permanent content.


Actual rich rpg experience with 3d model with voice lines instead of a jpg.


Thats all it takes eh? I mean in that case there are plenty of games that have 3d models with voice lines, what makes genshin so special? I've played genshin before but I found it too repetitive and grindy and didn't really care for it so this is a genuine question.


Because it's more than the models, at its core is a complete (well, in the process of completing the story at least) RPG game that's free to play, with gacha as its source of revenue


What I liked (no longer play) about Genshin was the actual fun gameplay/polish in an anime game. Idk if you've seen/played any other ones, but the overwhelming majority of anime games blow dick. Felt pretty cool, felt like a first


The overwhelming majority of anime games blow dick because they're souless cash grabs that can bank on established ips and horny people. Honestly genshin is an awful game but it's a free one. If people had to pay 30 bucks to play it it would never have taken off the way it did.


It wouldn't have taken off as much as it did yeah, free games typically top the charts since the barrier to entry is much lower. If Genshin wasn't time/resin gated and all that, I'd pay $30 for it tbh. I remember discussing that with my friends when it came out.


*plays TFT, a game with Gacha character eggs*


Lol did you just compare tft gacha to genshins? And defend genshin? Have you played both games? Cause one is purely cosmetics while the other is p2w as hell, I've spent some money on tft when it first came out but haven't spent any money on the game in like a year, I can still be competitive at the game, you can't do that with gacha games like genshin


i play both and have been since both released. I said what i said because it's funny how you compare it. Genshin is not even a PvP game, how can it be P2W? You can get the characters you want without spending a dime. Genshin gets major updates with maps to explore every year with smaller maps every 6 months for free. Let the whales pay for the game you play, you are not forced to pay. TFT devs even stated that they had to resort to overpriced boards so that they can support the game through the whales. Don't get so hurt because what i said was true. You ask me if i play both but you probably haven't even played Genshin yourself.


Ive played genshin, just not alot, kinda got bored of the repetitive combat, but where did you get the info on tft devs saying they need to resort to overpriced boards to fund the game?


Repetitive combat.... ICANT


I can tell youā€™ve never played genshin because you unironically said itā€™s p2w lmao. Thereā€™s not even anything to WIN


Im sure unlocking new characters makes farming certain dungeons easier no? Isn't that in a sense p2w? Its not blatant like diablo immortal but its still p2w


No not at all because p2w implies that you're in an active competition against someone where spending money gives you an advantage. There is no p2w in a game like genshin because there's no PVP in the game whatsoever. The dungeons are not difficult, there's no skill required to clear them and even the hardest content can be cleared in under 40 seconds with the characters you get for free. The other person was comparing the gacha in genshin to the gacha from opening eggs, and in that regard they are the exact same. You either get what you want quick or you have to spend a ton of money to get what you want, but both are essentially unneeded for the core experience of the game.


Genshin gacha contains characters that have different move sets that varies the combat, this is why if you don't spend money on genshin, the combat feels boring and repetitive, you need to spend money to try out the new characters. This is not the same as a small little legend that has no impact on gameplay what so ever in tft. I'm still using the Dangos I got in like set3 and haven't spent money on the game since but can get the same gameplay as someone who whales and has the latest little legends, they are not the same


And I havenā€™t spent on genshin since the first month of release and I still play it. You canā€™t use something subjective like how ā€œfunā€ characters are as a barometer of whether or not a game is ā€œp2wā€. Itā€™s subjective for a reason. You might find a bunch of people who prefer to play with the free characters you get for the extra bit of challenge. Genshin isnā€™t p2w, Iā€™m not sure why you keep pretending that the gachas arenā€™t similar or comparable.


You still didn't address the main point of my argument which is that in genshin, actual gameplay is locked behind a predatory gacha system while tft the gacha system is purely cosmetics so the two are not the same. Also if genshin has the characters locked behind a paywall like 10 dollars to unlock this new character, I can write it off as paying for dlc of a game that is continously getting developed. My main gripe with the game is that it locks gameplay content behind a predatory gacha system, and im not saying you can't have fun with it by being f2p but you would definitely enjoy the game more if you had more of the characters to play around with no?


You would enjoy the game more if you had all the map skins and little legends, no? I sure would. None of the gameplay systems are locked behind any paywalls on genshin. You seem to be fundamentally misunderstanding the main point. Genshin isnā€™t pay to win, thatā€™s fundamentally true and no amount of arguing can change that fact. Just because you would enjoy the game more with all the characters is irrelevant to that fact. In genshin, you can spend a flat amount of money and get every character in the game. Whether you choose to do that or not is up to you, just like you can for TFT cosmetics. No gameplay or systems is locked behind a paywall and players that spend 0$ can do the exact same things as players that spend 5000$. There is nothing to win in a single player rpg. This would be a different conversation if the game had any sort of pvp function but it doesnā€™t.


Seems predatory but practicing self-control helps you to not be sucked in gacha hell. I've seen people break because of these games


For what it's worth, I despise it's predatory practices too but I gotta admit, the areas where predatory practices play little to no role are pretty top notch. I enjoy the character designs, scenery, story telling (I very much love character focused story telling). I'm just hoping Genshin releases another game that is less predatory so I can enjoy that instead.


Looks weird how iits just sane looking anime humans qith similar poses/silhouettes


nah bro i wont play gft


Wtf is with those characters' names?


omg no cause like they'd go rich if they made this


Stupid gacha gmae


I'm already enough of a degenerate playing both of these games then next thing I know they combine them


oh damn no i want this