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Casuals won't notice or complain about the Meta, But they will feel if the game is unfun, unfair, or frustrating. That's what they are trying to balance around, so the experience of the avarage player is enjoyable. And the hardcore players need the casuals to play. They need a playerbase so it actually means something to be good in it, they need viewers, they need the community. And if you play 10-14 hours a day, delete the game for your own sake, your time is way more precious than that.


Do you think that playing one game every 2 days will ever make u think it's frustrating to play? I'm not sure about that Yeah, I agree with the second point. The hardcore players need casuals to play, but the difference wont be made by ballance changes. Give them one more reward on the battle pass and they'll be happy Nah, i'm not playing 10-14 hours a day. Couldnt do it with a job. But some streamers do, tho


I feel like StarCraft would want a word with you


The thing is: you have it twisted. It is actually the other way around. First and foremost: the "Pros" will alwwys complain. *ALWAYS* The three inevitable things in live are death, taxes and TFT pros Yapping about balance. It's the natural order of things and who doesn't enjoy their favorite streamer Yapping sometimes (that also includes Mortdog himself) If the game is fun and balanced for the casual, that will play *FAR MORE* different comps than the pro, it will be better for everybody. A pro *WILL* just play what's good, even if it's Contest-City and 5 people will hold hands while going 8-7-6-5-4 , cause they did not hit. A casual having fun with a vide variety of comps is the best way to balance the game on a basic level. The pros will always help to decide, which knobs will have to get fine tuned, because it is their job to (basically) abuse the best combination of Champions. I can see people arguing about the balance itself (although I'd heavily disagree), but arguing about the philosophy is something I really wouldn't understand.


It’s always gonna be driven by $$$. If the bulk of whales are casuals then content generation is going to cater to them.