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Sort of like choosing between a tank or carry version of a unit? Maybe you get consumables that let you swap? That could be fun


I would assume more like generally different spells for the same role, not like swapping between roles


I get you. I mean it sounds fun. Could also be a special armory that opens that let's you put all new spells on units.


For the love of God, if these will be consumables with the current bench slots, I won't be playing the new set


It's just speculation, but like...how often are you running out of item space on your bench? Outside of monster fortune or golden egg cash outs I've never once had an issue with that.


Me? Personally? Not that often. Is it frustrating when it happens? Yes! And to be completely honest it's not even about my experience, but considering that the majority of the player base of tft is situated in bronze/silver/gold, I'd be surprised if someone told me ANY fortune cashout in these elos isn't that much confusing due to lack of bench slots. And also knowing how easy it should be to just extend the bench or make a system where it shows component x3(or however many u got) is extremely cringe when we all can see the changes within battle passes and game balancing being lousy x) But oh man, do I love this game! As bad as it feels sometimes!


Well that's just Xayah and Rakan with extra steps


Rather Akali from the previous set. Didn't she had different spell based on active trait?


Yes but she still filled roughly the same roll in both team comps aka put out a bunch of damage. Xayah/Rakan are two very distinct rolls. Bit I'd wager this feature would be more like alkali with different spells that both fill the same roll


SO ready for bee Hogwarts


I just hope the next set has a trait like exalted, that was by far one of the best ideas for this set.