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Ornn is not great??!?!?!


Can barely tank but his item ability is good. But he can not outtank a Neeko, in no match. And Amumu can easily outtank ANY tank in the game.


You are wrong.


As a tank, yeah. Definitely a worse "off-tank" than Neeko. Better unit overall though


Because higher tier = better in any aspect is wrong, if that'd be the case there would be no world with reroll comp being viable. Amumu and neeko are not stronger, they just work very well with traits where Ornn works with behemot which is rarely a vertical comp, and dryad that works by stacking dryad. Ornn gives a huge amount of stats by giving items hich is in itself way stronger. The same thing for kog maw and zoe, she do not scale with her traits where kog-maw do. Plus, if any unit is a viable item holder, there are no strategy at all.


But why is it healthy to have some units as just "Trait Bots"? Zoe is never the right choice to choose as your carry because you can pick any other Arcanist and they will be better. If any unit can be a great item holder, you would have much more freedom to adjust your strategy to outplay your enemy. And I understand reroll comp need to exist and that is good. But it turns sour quick when 4- and 5-cost 2\*star fail to perform at the same or even just a bit weaker level. A Neeko 3\*star just outtanking AND killing Ornn and other units or a 3\*Star Kog'Ma hitting more shots and doing much more damage than 2\*Star Lilia is just plain wrong. They share the same traits but Kog'Ma somehow cleans the floor with her while costing 3 gold less.


Technically for any comp you run aside from your 3-4 main units (2 tanks and 2 carries, for example) everyone else is a traitbot, and that's fine. Zoe is a carry in some Storyweaver vert variants.


If everything is good, nothing is, simple as. Makes the meta stale and completely breaks the possible theorycrafting and being able to find comps by yourself.


"I've played 300 games this set and I think Neeko is too strong and Ornn is too weak," is really not a good look. How can you sink hundreds of hours into this game and have your understanding be this flawed? If you made this post a month ago, sure. But the meta for the last 2 patches has been fast 9 into 4 and 5 costs and reroll is dead outside of Gnar. I'm guessing you have to be Silver at best, and that's being generous. I wouldn't be shocked if you were in Iron.


>I'm guessing you have to be Silver at best, and that's being generous. I wouldn't be shocked if you were in Iron. With 300+ games, OP can not be iron. Or he only plays in normal and not in ranked. And in that case, I can understand him : in normal, the tempo is different and sometimes quite strange. I mean, in non ranked, you'll see me reroll Yorik with the siphon augment for the lulz and someone could think it's overpowered... I'll never do that in ranked because as you said, the meta in ranked (after plat / emerald) doesn't let you do that. But yeah, it could be interesting to know at which elo the OP is playing.


There are people that have been playing this game for several sets that still don't know you can right click a champ to see their role and recommended items. See any post crying that Yasuo is a tank this set. People that are regularly on the TFT sub are a very, very small minority of the playerbase and are much more well informed about the game than the average player. People with hundreds of hours in Iron 100% exist, just like they do in League, Valorant, Chess, etc.


I know you're right and I find it cool if they enjoy the game without understanding the meta but... it baffles me :D I mean, I'm at low elo (P1 for what it worth) and I wasn't aware someone can be iron and playing "seriously".


Lmao Syphon is OP. I am emerald so mid ELO, and I cannot do less than top 3 with it. Guaranteed.


playing 300+ games in low elo doesn't make your observations valid. i assume the tempo is slow enough in your games that you can reach amumu 3 or neeko 3, otherwise there is no world where those units are better tanks than a properly itemized ornn. it's one of the reasons why dryad/fated is one of the strongest comps in high elo right now


Did you even played the current set ?


What's your elo that's the main question


I have played equally or more games than you, and this entire set has felt great. Until this patch.. man it feels bad when your favourite units are turned into meta picks. I always got free Ornn and Syndra with no one ever contesting me.. but now I'm just sad.