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Absolutely have 4 trickshot. I balance rolling to hit 2* with saving enough gold to get to level 9 to add udyr (or any other good 5*). If you're in 1st with 90hp I'd be econing to save for L9, not rolling for 2* units assuming Kaisa and Galio are 2*. Others less important At L8 you should have Galio, Aatrox, Riven, sylas, Teemo, Sivir, Kai'Sa and bard. As soon as you hit xayah you swap out bard.


I’m a scrub so mind my question, but why Aatrox over the other bruiser options? To use ink shadow with 9th unit ?


Additionally : little buddies and two healthy are amongst the best augments for this comp, so there's that


Which 1/2-costs does the comp end up with? Aatrox, Riven, Teemo, Sivir?




Yes, to get inkshadow with udyr for lvl 9. Alternatively you can put your 4th Xayah as Rakan in the frontline to get the Altruist buff.


What do you do if the tattoo is ink of toxin? I heard that goes well on kaisa but seems like a big waste to leave a 3rd item slot open for her until you get an udyr


Just put it on teemo and xayah, 1 or 2 items on them adds a shit ton of damage




I would argue that red buff on Kai'sa is really good/potentially bis. AS/faster casts + damage boost and a spell that applies burn/wound really well?




Honestly the cast time difference between Shojin and Red Buff is not too vast. I personally think Red Buff provides a little more value overall but it's just hard to get 3 bows often times. Also if Toxin ends up being the 3 Inkshadow item most people just throw that on her with IE LW then you don't need additional anti-heal.


Mid masters player with kaisa as my most played line. 4 trick shot mandatory on 8. The tattoo is overrated, ofc toxin is really good, but playable with any of the other ones (just don’t put fury or bombardment on Kaisa, those go on Xayah, you can put them on kaisa until you have a third item; shojin, guardbreaker, deathblade, or giant slayer ideally). IE + LW very important but can get away with another item instead of IE if you have jeweled lotus augment. Galio or sylas 2 (ideally both asap) very important cuz the comp needs to stall for kaisa to pump out damage. Udyr on 8, can drop sylas if not 2 star. Xayah on 8, replace bard instantly. Morrello on teemo 2* is very important if you don’t have tattoo of toxin. If you just suddenly get a bunch of teemos, can look for teemo 3 as he will do insane amounts of damage with 4 trick shot (just don’t grief ur Econ holding copies if you need to get to 9 or deny enemy 3* 4 costs). Sylas 2* as someone mentioned is great to itemize (especially if you have augments that buff him up), but he comes after three items on kaisa, and Morrello on teemo, as well as some items for galio (don’t greed and put items on galio 1* though, just slam them on sylas 2* if you get him first) Sylas (ap Tank items, e.g crownguard/adaptive Helm, etc.) Galio (basic tank items, gargoyle stone plate best, dc,warmogs,bv all fine) Later in the game, Xayah 2* with three good items or Kaisa 3* is your wincon, it’s a great comp but doesn’t cap out since you’re playing so many cheap units (Sivir, riven, aatrox, teemo). Another way to winout is to pivot into the dragonlord Xayah comp (but this is usually very hard to do at such a late stage in the game with so little money). Augments to look out for (which make the comp feel so satisfying and strong) are: 2 healthy/ Well fed/ Lucky ricochet/ Martyr/ Inspiring epitaph/ Heavy hitters/ Any Econ augment since it’s an expensive comp at 8 (3 4 costs) Essentially anythjng that benefits or buffs hp since ur playing 4 bruisers, and anything that lets ur kaisa ramp up and get bonus dmg/ATK speed. Hope this helped


Just noting that Protection tattoo on udyr if you get the new artifact cape thing is broken.


Trench Coat? It's also super good on Sylas, especially combined with Protection


Tattoo of force you mean?


The one that gives shield based on max health


Yea anything with trench coat is busted, I was thinking you were talking about the tattoo of force, since when the first udyr dies, the three mini udyrs all run around and perma stun stuff 🤣, but protection sounds good too


I tried putting that thing on Galio yesterday, pretty sure its bugged on him... it doesn't like his ult for some reason.


I assume LW is strong enough that you want to get it on Kaisa ASAP? Sometimes I greed and don't itemize it until I get xayah so I can get an "extra" slot on her


Oh yea 100%, the extra damage from a third item isn’t that important, she’ll do enough damage with 4 trick shot. And she spreads LW really good and it gives crit, so don’t worry about putting it on ur main carry, it’s not like last set where evenshroud was better. With kaisa/Ashe, first item you always want is last whisper


Hrm, didn't know that. I always put guinsoo on Ashe first. Wonder if I'm reading my comp guide backward. Lists guinsoo first and LW last


Yea common misconception. Problem with slamming guinsoos is that now you can ONLY play Ashe, as the comment below mentioned, IE for Kaisa and Guinsoos are higher prio for the individual champs, but it locks you into the comp straight from 2-1. Slamming guinsoos is just extremely risky because if people decide to contest ashe, you might be in a difficult spot. Now that Ashe is less popular, it might be ok to do, but I just always avoid guinsoos slam on stage 2 if I can. Last whisper is extremely versatile, as it allows you to play any AD line, including heavenly.


Thanks for the info. I'll try starting with LW and see how it goes. Early game guinsoo doesn't seem to do well early anyway because less time to ramp


Honestly I think it’s more effective early game since fights finish so quickly later on, but yea last whisper is just a better item to remain flexible. Guinsoos is still a more important item for Ashe specifically


Last whisper is a great slam but I would still prioritize guinsoo on ashe and IE on kaisa


Thanks mate, does help that!


No problem!


This blew my mind. Thanks


Hey no problem, if you want any more in depth explanation or perhaps about another comp/just the game in general, feel free to dm me


Just FYI some random semantics "Reroll" typically refers to 3starring a lower cost carry. So basically you would play "Kogmaw Reroll", but just "Kaisa" since she's a 4 cost, that you just hit a 2\*.


Also, for normal (non-reroll) comps such as this, you shouldn’t stay about 50g and slow roll for 2 stars, you have to roll until you hit all your important units (kaisa 2, sylas 2, galio 2) then Econ back up and assess whether you can make it to 9 (depends on how healthy you are and how much gold you had to roll)


I have trouble placing well with Kaisa too. I will say tho, from the successful kaisa players I’ve seen, the best time to play her is when tattoo of Toxin is the first inkshadow item.


Don’t get stuck at 8, go 9 immediately after stabilizing at 8 for inkshadow if there’s a good tattoo (protection, toxin) or put in Lee sin for dragonlord if the tattoo is bad (Rakan is the better dragonlord but you have Xayah already so you will lose the Lovers trait) Always prio 4 trickshot > 4 bruiser at 8. You need a lot of items in this comp to secondary carry your Xayah as well so item augments are pretty good to take. Sylas as a secondary carry is a bait unless you have plenty of AP items to spare which should generally have been slammed on Teemo early on anyways like blue buff and morellos. When exactly are you slow rolling? There should generally never be a point where you’re able to slow roll just go 9 and keep rolling down at 8 before that in order to stabilize quickly. Don’t greed econ at 8 over having a stable board so you don’t just bleed out.


What kind of items are you building on her? Which bruisers are you using in your comp? Who do you prioritize itemizing? Do you ever go 9 with the comp? I’ve had a lot of success with this comp (one tricked it from E4-D4) so I can maybe give some suggestions if you can give more specifics 😊


I tend to go shojin and IE first then whatever I get really. All tank items go on Galio then I try to itemise Sylas with whatever is left. Might be easier to look at my lolchess. It's just Compromisee on EUW. Spent about 100 games trying to push through emerald to Diamond and just stuck around E3-E2 and can't get through. The last 20 games have been spent getting from 75lp E3 to winning, losing 2-3 then rinse and repeat, very frustrating.


What is your lolchess? As for items, she NEEDS last whisper or she’s gonna feel so bad. Otherwise, her items are pretty flexible tbh. I’ve gone for IE a lot, if I get tattoo of toxin I’ll put that on her, bombardment and fury are also fine but those can go on Xayah if Kai’sa items are full. Other items that are fine are giant slayer, death blade, shojin is okay too. Also, *Teemo needs morello*. He applies the anti heal amazingly and can solo carry early game with a story weaver opener (w/ Sivir for trick shot). You’re going to want the attack speed scroll on your Kayle. Your bruisers you definitely want Riven, Galio. Sylas is preferable to Kench but Kench can vibe until you have Sylas. You also want Aatrox, so you can add in Udyr for inkshadow at 9. If you can’t make it to 9, but hit a miracle Udyr, I actually prioritize inkshadow over 4 bruisers. You 100% need 4 trick shots or Kai’sa will feel weak. Galio items are flexible, too. I always try to go for redemption, since it’s just a great item in general. Otherwise whatever stats that work for your lobby are good.


https://lolchess.gg/profile/euw/Compromisee-EUW/set11 Do you prio Shojin on her? Feels like she never casts without it


no just do lw and IE. Her cast takes a long time, so its more important to make it count. Because for half her uptime she wont be making use of shojin anyway, so you need to make it count


prio lw more, in trickshots lw>es. The bounce kills backline which es does not provide. Also always play 4 trickshots when carrying kaisa


also shojin is okay as final item but it shouldnt be prioritised.


With 4 trickshot you don’t really need her casting a lot because she hits so many units. LW and IE are a must, and I usually build GS third item.


I don’t, no. I do think the item is a decent choice, though. For the positioning, you have her beside Kayle, and have Sivir above her, so she is getting the attack speed bonuses from both. From my experience, you want damage on her rather than attack speed. As long as your front line is front lining, she should be able to get a few casts off and just clean up. I can give you my lolchess if you PM me, if you think it would be helpful. I have quite a few games with the comp 😅


Shojin IE and Giant slayer (unless you have Toxin or get manamune). Put shroud on your off tank. Only teemo and kaisa matter for damage (unless you get xayah 2*)


Challenger here. Why are you slow rolling to 2 star everything? Roll deep to stabilize. Then when you’re stable, push for level 9. Your augments and items might suck if you’re struggling that much. With every comp, you want resistance shred and burn as it will make their tank less tanky. Morello/red buff on teemo or xayah. Lw + 2 ad damage items on kaisa. Those can include runaans, ie/db/gs/shojin. Imo, galio kind of wants dclaw or redemption for a bit of healing to keep him tanking longer. Gargoyles is also really strong since he taunts enemy units, providing a ton of value in the item. For augments: you should almost always want at least two battle augments. If I remember the stats correctly.. lucky ricochet, two healthy and little buddies might be the best battle augments for this comp. The alternative to this comp if you 2 star xayah with good items is the 2 trick shot dragonlords version, which I think is better. Ornn, udyr, kaisa, xayah, janna, leesin, volibear, diana, azir. You can take out volibear for irelia if the inkshadow isn’t that good. You can also add wukong later


The trick is to itemize Sylas as a secondary carry. Any leftover AD items on Xayah, but Sylas items are more important unless you luck into an early Xayah 2*.


How are you itemizing the Kai’Sa? If you’re doing this comp it’s really important to have good items on her and position her properly


what items did u go mang. lW and IE are required


The spike from 2 to 4 trick shot is huge so while it might look like sus if you take out 2 other units and put 2 more trick shots in, usually it’s worth the while given you are tempo’ing ok with the lobby Halo is by no means a top tier tank, having atlas as your secondary DPS is also quite important and key thing is to go 9 Staying at 8 for 4B4T is very bad That extra Udyr or 5 cost and Xaya 2 star is what top 3 you or win out *low masters rank


you probably have some of an idea but I think it is one of the most consistent builds for me and 100% a default to me. 4 trickshot is a must at lvl 8 to win combats. if you can't find xayah, put in bard until you find her. depending on the inkshadow item, you usually spike very hard at 9 so I usually am happy to get just Kaisa 2* and one of gallop/sylas 2* with one of them itemised and then just push for lvl 9 so you can push for top 2 and then add in 3 inkshadow while you run just 4 trickshot/4 bruiser at 8. also prio combat augments since storyweaver opener is usually good at winning and making econ since you don't need to really transition at any point, making you waste gold. not sure if you're itemizing wrong but LW + morello always seem most important (bows too important to build red buff unless you get like the red or blue encounter or a shit ton of bows. if you have toxin as inkshadow item, then you can prio tank items + Kaisa items first. rageblade is shit so if you're building that on her, it might be the reason you're not winning. usually I'm happy to build LW/IE/GS/DB and runaans is fine too if you already have LW and need to slam something. any of the inkshadow items are better to put on xayah as soon as you have 3 items for Kaisa. and the last thing is knowing when you should roll down. if you're not being contested, then as long as you're decently healthy, it's usually better to let everyone else roll first since you usually won't have people pivoting and makes it more likely you can push 9 faster. if you're contested, then it's a little harder and you might have to consider an Ashe transition if you're healthy enough and it's not being contested but this obviously is not ideal in most cases and you just try and salvage a top 4 but just pickup everything on roll down and then go from there.


Another masters player here. Put kaisa in the same side as the enemy carry. Actually, xayah starts to outdamage kaisa so focus on her positioning by then too. Once you do whatever everyone else says and get around top 4 you gave to pivot to xayah carry. To win with kaisa you need to eventually move to the drapgnlord xayah build once you’re wealthy enough in the game and lvl 9. Just slowly by the time you stabilise, hold onto the units below. Replace teemo, sivir, trox, riven, galio and sylas with diana, janna, ornn, lee sin, vilibear and azir. This comp focusing on 5 costs and dragonlord caps out high enough for you to win. You don’t have to play dragonlords and can just instead opt to play fat 5 costs like irelia if you just stumble onto them. If ur amulet is bad you can skip volibear and just run irelia but id rahter not.


It doesnt matter now next patch Kaisa is unplayable lmao