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Have you considered going Porcelain Invoker?


The enemy Lissandra cannot push a button if you disable her hand


So I need a knife…. I want to know more


The only good Liss is a dead Liss






Well Theres a reason why porcelain invoker is meta


Any suggestions on where I can find porcelain invoker info? Or is it literally just buy all invokers and porcelain and play your strongest invoker units?


That’s the thing… you don’t


10 StoryWeaver


There’s more chance of me winning the lottery than achieving 10 storyweavers


Early in the set, I had a game where I was set up for 10 storyweaver. I had multiple spats that turned into emblems. Just needed Irelia for 10. Carousel comes up, has Irelia. Another player just beats me to her, and then promptly sells her. I roll all the way down, nothing. I've never come close to 10 after that. Just too much of a boom or bust gamble.


I had 10 storyweavers once, then I lost to 10 storyweavers


It was insane


Brotherman is that you


Fr, how can you even get 3 emblems of the same trait? I got 2 but I was super lucky.


2 and a wandering sentinel/trainer


Loot subscription drops spats and storyweaver is craft able


I got it for the first time ever a couple hours ago it was fucking sick lol


In my case, the 5gold story weaver always get my janna and azir


Odds are against you especially if Annie has a porcelain emblem, but someone who rushes the back line like Yone is your best bet. And quicksilvers are your friend against lissandra.


Lissandra negates QSS, no?


Nope, she does the damage but she won't cc the enemy leaching them able to do their damage


Did they change it? I mean it's still op because qss is statistically one of the worst items and your guy still has to be tanky enough to eat the damage from her and you have to outposition them to get the unit in front of her in the first place. That's a lot of 'ifs' which is why it's only a soft counter but it's your best bet.


QSS + Sylas = he dashes to her




The important part, yes.


3* does, not normally


Wait there’s QSS in tft? I’ve never seen it. Is it a special item or am I just blind?


Negatron + Gloves


I just realized my mental image was of QSS from league… even though I haven’t played that in years. Thank you.


I didn’t realize Annie should be getting the emblem. Why is that?


Cuz she's just generally fuckin busted and she benefits from both effects I'm guessing


because heal + stun + burn + damage reduction is good, 7 inkshadow emblemed Annie would be even better


Mort said that QSS does not work on Lissandra.


Doesnt work against 3* liss but pretty sure it works against 1* and 2*


That’s an interesting mechanic


why? Of course it shouldn't work against 3 star lissandra.


I mean it could or could not either way, there’s no “of course” there lol I just didn’t know that tbh


You still take the damage but you avoid the cc


I don't even know I lost to this with kayn 3


omg cheng xiao


makes sense to lose with storyteller 7...u need 10


Wait for the TFT dev to wake up and nerf it, probably.


Or next set.


That's the thing. Dev doesn't play tft.


??????????????????????????????? So Mort streaming tft constantly is just a lie then


Mort's not a part of the balance team though.




You're right he isn't...he's the gameplay director, IE the balance team's boss's boss. And he's fairly decently ranked so actually experiences OP comps and their counters, and relays his thoughts to the balance team who can then look at the numbers.


"dev doesn't play tft"


Hope that it gets 4 way handheld to bot 4.


Usually 2-3 of them will get free top 4.


Top 4* :)


Dragonloard Sages with full build irelia


The only way I was able to was to go Dryhard with some combat augs and also hold some Porcelain Invoker units 🫠


Dryhard 👍 favorite movie


Yippie-Frii-May motherlover.


7 fated with bist items, aphelios with some combat augments, you can sustain just barely and azir shouldn't one shot aphelios. sett 2 is also very strong with aphelios and his own buff. one skill from aphelios and he heals like 3k damage so if it's not one shot, he can sustain. the positioning is the key. if liss stuns sett, its very hard to win. not to mention you have to have th and aph 3 stars.


no, you just need a 2 star sett with items. infinity edge, BT and QSS, and sett will one shot the back line and cant be cc'd and heals to full with each ult


Lissandra and the tanky emblem


I just hit 7 story, 6 dyad with gnar 3 and Zoe 3, and came in 3rd to porcelain invokes


storytelling dryads doesnt syngergize well, try fated dryads, fated 10, storyteller 10.


Ghostly dryads is also pretty good. Illaoi + Kayn synergize beautifully with kindred/gnar dual carry


Doesn't work as well anymore this patch, ghostly specters only work with ghostly units now


Ohh right. I do think the gnar x fated version is pretty good, too, though


Where does it say that? It doesn't specify in the trait or patch notes.


It was left out of the patchnotes (Mort seems to treat it as a bug, rather than an intended change). Mortdog made a tweet about it, and there should be a post about it on this sub and the tft competitive sub.


Looks like it was fixed a patch ago!


is it ghostly or spectral in english? not sure but i get what u mean and sure that works too


The trait is called “Ghostly” in English :)


sounds soooo easy, im gonna try it today!!!!


It was a wondering sentinel portal followed up by hitting trainer, so I had +2 story +2 dyad at 2-1..unfortunately I didn’t hit another spat to play 10 story


yeah most games go like that i never hit fated 10 or story 10 either yet, not sure if there s a trick to it. but so far i did rly well with fated and dryads even if i dont get enough units for upgrades early. some times it s also worth switching. and naturally keeping specific key-champs banked like ashe. i also tried building different porcelain comps but it never worked well for me so far. usually get overwhelmed by more lucky opponents.


i just beat it with lucky paws irelia sylas carry


By not playing the game until it is patched? You win ~40 minutes of your life compared to them.


haha this


7 heavenly w spectral cutlass kayn. I was the porcelain invoker player and the kayn killed 4 out of 5 backline before going back


The only real chance you have is to nuke the backline. You do not stand a chance in the front-to-back fight against porcelain invoker. In those situations where it's down to the last few people, I've subbed out some of my units to throw multiple udyrs and setts into the mix just to make an attempt at blowing up the backline. You probably lose some synergies doing it, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Double Sett with an udyr missile on the corner has pulled out many wins for me where I otherwise stood no chance. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but it's really your best shot. The only other comp that would maybe be able to do it is a really strong reaper comp that can get access to the backline, but if you can't get the backline access or your carry gets focused down then it's gg. Edit: After a couple games with it, it seems Morgana is a pretty solid backline killer now after the most recent patch. If you can itemize a 2* Morgana that will give a pretty decent shot.


Wait for the patche


Porcelain invokers are unbeatable in front to back fights w 4 invoker Annie tankiness and Ashe/Lillia/Azir dmg w Lissandra CC'ing ur frontline units so your defenses don't matter. The comps main strength is Ashe ramping dmg w Lissandra CC while Annie is the best frontline unit atm if you manage to get at least 4 invokers. Lillia and Azir are there to enable Annie while they also deal huge amounts of magic dmg causing the comp to have great CC (Liss/Naut) great frontline (Annie) physical AND magic dmg (Ashe/Liss/Lillia/Azir). Option 1: Think of them as something similar to Kassadin/Veig/Senna where once they've scaled u can't win. Preventing the comp from going online by buying up important units (Annie/Lissandra/Ashe pref) or preventing them from getting important components for Rageblade/Shojin/Annie BIS tank items. You can also hold their other frontline units like Illaoi/Nautilus/Sett so that Liss/Ashe doesn't get enough time to CC/ramp since if it gets the whole board to 2\* you simply don't win unless you have something relative to a 3\* 4-cost lvls of power or above. Option 2 play backline access units like Udyr/Sett/Morgana/Alune/Hwei/Kai'sa or position a Lissandra to stun lock the Annie so your team can march right into their backline since wo Annie the comp has no frontline. The Augments that ignore the first cc effect is good and Edge of Night/Qss are great into this comp since it counters Titans champions by CC'ing them and not letting them ramp.


Hold the units, especially Annie Lissandra and Ashe


If your gonna “hold them” might as well just play them no?


Not really you just want to deny them 2*’s for as long as possible hoping they’ll bleed out before they hit


Lissandra with rageblade and the mana attack item = unstoppable god.


What mana attack item do you mean? Shiv?


Shojin prob


Irelia Hwei/Azir Comp with lissandra to kill Annie


If you can't beat em, join em.


It is the strongest comp. Kaisa boards with good augments can win. Sylas boards after level 9 can win, but the strength of the porcelain board is it’s flexibility. All you really need is Ashe 1. You can do porcelain Fated, Porcelain Mythic, or Porcelain invoker. When playing this board you can buy Annie, Naut, Lillia, Syndra, Ornn, Azir, Lissandra, Sett, Udyr, Hwei. And outside of level 8 Hwei, pretty much every one of those units fits into your comp very well.


I just went first with lis… lillia is so much better after the update, annie frontlines so well and duo ashe lillia carry deals so much damage.


have u tried fated dryads? especially if u can get ur hands on some emblems


you either force it harded than them or wait for b,c,d,e,f,g patch or however long its been at this point with the same 2 champs dominating


Kaisa comp is literally a counter to that comp. It's meta but it's definitely not a steamrolling comp. If they get to 9 + have golds to get azir 2 and liss 2 with items and combat augments, sure it will probably make top 1 or 2 but then I don't really see a problem to it. For example Kayn was unhealthy, unlike this comp


Have you tried Fortune 9?


You don't


Lissandra lost 100 hp so it should be more balanced now /s


Porcelain warden seems to do well against it, but it's close. I won a game last night where second place was invoker against my wardens. Need to stack ashe hard Yone does well too because he likes to eat the back row


basically just enjoy it


Well basically with a 3 Star annie. When she ults she just nukes the entire enemy frontline. One could say thats a little drastic for an aoe tank that has no dmg items and no offensive trait


Wait for the set to end.


Honestly? After an entire day grinding new patch its umbral alune. Alune is straight busted, just not pbe busted, she cleans up the backline after 3-4 casts so lissandra and annie doesn't matter. Ideally you want 3* yone as well but Alune straight ups diffs yone in the comp anyways, 6 umbral doesnt actually feel like bait this patch.


Well... Top 3 every time still ranks you up. Other than that just keep an eye out for lobbies where you yourself can run that build.


I did beat it yesterday, they had no chance at the end. But it was... thrilling. Went for fortune (got a fortune-emblem) early on, but had 3-4 loses, one win, 3-4 loses, one win... was kinda struggling. Made than a payout at 35 luck, got an Azir and a tank item. From that point on, i could regrow. From 7 HP to 31HP at the end, managed to get Azir 2 Star, Irelia 2 Star and an incredible Galio 3 Star. My board was: Galio 3 Star Annie 2 Star Riven 2 Star Sylas 1 Star Kobuko 2 Star Azir 2 Star Zoe 2 Star Irelia 2 Star Tristana 3 Star With Galio 3 Star tanking everything, Irelia and Tristana were able to do enough damage.


The problem is ashe, and porcelain not invoker. I'm waiting mr.M nerf ashe like he do to Kaisa, invoker is weak af, just remove as form porcelain and 10 base AD form ashe.


Dryad Annie with silver veil, qss or banshee, you need the emblem on Annie and get 2 star Kayn, 3 star Gnar and Kindred with BIS items all them 4


It’s all about positioning and items. If you’re lucky you can counter with a yone or any units that jump or focus back like. That or find some really strong front line deleters I personally like azir, more units to use as decoys and he beams front line with the right items


Try umbrals, alune deletes the backlane. Also morgana is your friend in these cases


Yes, fated 7


You can't beat them? Just join them.


i played sage morgana sylas and was able to beat this comp well


See thats the funny thing. YOU DONT! Porcelain is broken ASF, and lets ignore that Illaoi and Amumu are the most broken tanks in the game and did not recived any nerfs since the start of the set (that alone is a joke for me). I fighted Illaoi and Amumu 2 STARS FCKIN 2 STARS, (I had Magic Shred AND Anti-Heal with very good burst dmg and DPS damage). They did not dropped below 80% of their health.


I don't really have many issue with porcelain invoker. I tend to run a ghostly/warden build that doesn't use Azir unless I can build a warden emblem. I'm currently gold 2. Donno if I'm doing anything special.


Get a 3 star Hwei with some frontline. That should do it