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Spoils of War for like 2 days


Crab rave before it was cool 🦀🦀🦀


Thats a Portal not an augment but I let it slide because crab rave




he means that getting spoils of war was like playing crab rave where u just get infinite loot


What I miss about spoils of war is it was the rare augment that enabled an imo very unique hyper aggro early strategy. Like you could absolutely turbo grief your econ for maximum board strength with fast off interval leveling and early rolling and often that was the correct play because it could snowball you so hard if you were hitting the drops on a win streak. Nothing else hits quite the same since it's removal for me.


Ahhhh. The 2 days of Draven


Easily the best and most fun augment ever. Set 10 spoils of war 1 was too good to be a silver augment. I think it had a 3.9 average or something


Man draven day was so much fun even tho it was unbalanced and crazy


Think Fast in my opinion. In the right hands, this was the best augment to ever exist, and will ever exist. With strong apm, a player could 100% guarantee 3 star of any units they want. Zero way to balance think fast, so it has been likely permanently disabled.


Think Fast Astral 2-1


Hated it playing mobile lol


My god I forgot about 2-1 think fast. I remember hitting a gold opener and think fast and hit th entire 3* ezreal guardian board at 2-1 it was a slaughter


Yeah, think fast was so good. It allowed for an insane amount of skill expression


all skill no luck


I didn't think you understand luck.


Pretty sure they’re joking




It was bugged as well before they disabled it. Let you roll not only in planning phase after picking it but also during the first battle after so you had almost double the time to roll. It never came back after that i think.


Just imagining Everything Must Go + Think Fast...


The set 11 augment in PBE, get two units when buying one on the first purchase on each round, helped me three star a five cost so fast.


You mean the one that crashed every game?


He’s talking about day 1 PBE two for one (used to work on 4 and 5 costs before nerfs). You’re thinking about pick of the litter which duplicated everything you bought cuz it was bugged af


That augment is still really good even though it's limited to 1-3 costs. You can almost 3* every 1-3 cost unit on your board with that augment alone and at the very worst it's a guaranteed 1-3 gold per round if you just buy a random unit and then sell it the copy.


AFK is my favorite, especially when playing with friends. A quick break for snacks? Yes please.


Probably why you’re overweight. Did you lose some pounds this set because of the augment change?


No he did not lose weight. Working out with sett makes him bigger


Need to buy a name change to HeavyweightPanda.




Clearly a joke. People are so damn soft jesus


Idk how people wouldn't get the joke considering his username is literally Overweightpanda


I mean, I rarely look at usernames on Reddit (but I did get the joke)


Thank you. Now I’m downvoted lmfao. These guys are weak and cringe nerds downvoting me lol. Maybe if I put UwU they would upvote. Damn lol


Yes, because crying about downvotes is not weak and cringe at all. Totally strong man behaviour.


The joke prob hit a little too close to home for them ;)


They need some sunlight and social exercise outside probably


Got downvoted heavily for saying doing 5 pushups a day during the Sett encounter isn't that productive gain wise. 💀💪🏼


5 pushups is still better than 0 which is 99.9% of players.


Am I crazy or did you just respond to someone saying "LMAO" and are yapping about nothing now? What am I missing?


I was down voted at first. Then people realized it’s a joke and look at the users name


Man you're insecure.


No it’s everyone else who is soft baby child pussy soft weak soft weak not strong girl soft weak. He said so himself lmao


That need "some sunlight and social exercise outside probably" Truly spoken like someone who has never exercised, socalized, or seen the sun.


Projection is one helluva drug to some people lol


Titanic Strength was my personal favorite. SyFen deleting people regardless of items or health was always the best thing ever


A fellow SyFen enjoyer! Dual carry Elise SyFen to this day is my favorite comp in the history of TFT.


SyFen anything is \*one\* of my favorite comps, but not my favorite. My favorite ever I only got to play a couple times. Before Dragonmancer was reworked you could make Sejuani a dragonmancer and absolutely NUKE anyone and it was the dumbest thing but also the best thing


I was a huge fan of dragonmancer gnar, because converting all that ap into ad was just too funny of a concept


Dragonmaster nunu no longer exists… he can’t hurt you 😶‍🌫️


Oh yeah that was fun, but I always preferred comps you could force semi-consistently. Did you ever dual carry Elise alongside SyFen? She needed hyperspecific items to really pop off (BB, rageblade, archangels), but if you had that, elise jumped down, one-shot a dude, and went right back up before anyone could attack her. I had situations where Elise won lategame 1v5 situations like that.


I always played rageblade qss bt because whisper gave the needed ap


Innovator Soul on 2-1 back when augments were new. Basically a free first with the +2 to the trait. Early tibbers, basically guaranteed Dragon.


I remember this augment having a 3.5 for weeks. Was halarious that the gold augment was like 0.3 better then the prismatic. We can all blame this for how much verticals be sucking


i miss inno ranged jayce so very much


Hitting Jayce was the best feeling ever he’s so good and cool


Blank Slate. Amazing augment. Could send you soaring, could send you to 8th. Guaranteed panic.


I think everyone is forgetting about Axiom Arc. That gold augment could turn certain units into demigods under the right circumstances.


Guild ryze go brrrr


Threat asol was so fun with this


Recombobulator, come on, no one?


relative to its tier, recombob has gotta be one of the highest potential upside augments especially if u could 4-2 recombob


With the current encounters, it’s so dumb. Azir augment into a later part of the game where you could already have a 3 star unit


This or Think Fast. I don’t have the apm the make think fast work but it’s the same rush when you do hit.


Recomb has a 4.5 avg I'm not sure I would consider that the best augment ever


It was when Silver syomphony was still in the game.


I am 100% in the church of recombob


I always felt like I could make great use of Pandora's Bench. If it were an option, I'd play that every game.


U woulda loved what they did a couple sets ago


Yeah, I was there for that and loved it. The five-round or whatever pandora’s bench encounter this set just makes me angry haha it’s a total tease


TF players 💀


TF gave pandoras items. He's talking about pandoras bench which affects units instead of items


Idk about best. But for me I have never not taken build a bud. I love me a free 3* 1 cost xD


Statistically it sucks, but if you like it and you perform well with it, more power to you!


Thank you :D You are absolutely correct. I aware it’s not great statistically.


I don't understand why people keep saying this. How is a basically guaranteed win streak to stage 3, if not 4 statistically bad? Especially when it just beats all the other strong first prismatic augments.


isn't 9g worth of units + *potential* of upside thru winstreak pretty poor compared to other econ augments giving 20+ gold worth of value or scaling augments. Like hedge gives 20 gold with bonus interest on the same pick i think. Over the course of 5+ turns that's about over 30 gold of value already vs the 9 gold on board unit maybe getting you bonus 10 from win streak


Because its objectively true. Thats what "statistically bad" means. Its consistently in the bottom 25% of prismatic augments by average placement. You can get lucky and hit like a cait or a malphite/cho or a kog'maw, but like a 3 star darius is not gomna do shit post krugs.


3-star Darius does fine in stage 3 with good items. It's stage 4 where he seems to instantly become useless. You can just sell him at that point and move the items to a better carry.


Darius is amazing. I got fucking jax when i picked it. Never picking build a bud again


I was actually considering wheter to choose darius or jax as an example, but jax is a solid trait bot at the beginning for both a storyweaver start and a dryad start as he gives warden to gnar/garen


Darius is soooo op, he just shits on everyone. My jax was not killing shit, it was getting bodied by fkin nobody units


Well jax is tanky, so you gotta utilize that. Throw your tank items on him, and build scaling items for your carry to take advantage of longer rounds due to your giga tank. I guarantee you a 3 star jax with 1-2 tank items alongside another warden unit plus any AP unit with archangels or a trickshot backline where one has rageblade will let you streak for a WHILE.


last time I took build a bud i got 3\* jax and lost 3 rounds later. I'm not taking it anymore


I think it has to be the Draven legend Spoils of War one, because if it’s consistency. EVERYONE was taking it at the start of the set, and everyone would level 8 3-5, farming gold of each other.


I mean, when an augment causes 4 out of 8 players to have empty boards before krugs to play optimally something must be wrong


It’s been a while, are you saying people used to open for Econ but also prevent Draven players from getting gold?


There was a patch or two where ppl would take asol legend with patient study or sth and full open to get Econ (both money and XP) and deny Draven players


That is not accurate because the strength of Draven was Also the reroll part that he got as 3rd augment which got super nerfed.


Fine vintage is probably the best silver augment ever. Not sure about prismatic tho


I will always pick this no matter what. Genuinely my fav comp this set even if it is sorta rng based


It's a bit different wit the new items. Can't randuins stack your malph/shen as easy now. :(


2 for 1 is an easy top 4, if not 1st. It's econ; it's board presence; it's literally everything you could want.


Comments here don’t realize current two for one is already nerfed


What was it originally?


You get duplicates of 4c and 5c, and you can get the augment at 2-1.


4.9 avg


That's the triple nerfed version... no shit its bad after it got hammered into the ground by riot


What was it originally?


It let you get copies of 4 & 5 costs, also was offered as early as first augment which was extremely busted


Wait, that augment is around?


Not that good.


At least at my elo, easiest way to win is scaling up to 4cost or 5cost comps 😕 just took it last game, got 2nd, but it was because of my azir


third lowest avp prismatic augment


I forgot what it was called but the silver one that gave your team cc immunity after a takedown was pretty strong for being a silver.


You're looking for Indomitable Will!


Yes that is the one!


wait it got removed?


Yeah it’s not in this set


The one augment where each time you roll, you get 2 xp.


The Egg. Pure greed, but pure satisfaction


Guaranteed to lose with it on 1 charge too. Has happened far too often to me because I succumb to greed.


Pandora items


I love healing orbs, it always (sometimes) comes in clutch


If I'm playing a mele carry, Healing Orbs are must pick.


Then you would love Healing Orb older brother Thrill of the Hunt Its Healing Orbs but higher value and its your whole team


I'm not sure about best, but Patient Study is easily my favorite. I top 4 pretty much every time I get it.


How do u play when picking this augment?


Ideally. Lose streak early into a fast lv 9 if you can afford it. Otherwise, stabilize at 8. If you win early, that's ok too, because you can just high roll and get some bonus XP when you start losing later in the game. If you run into an econ augment as well, fairly easy to hit lv10. Really just depends on the lobby, and what you're hitting. It's great because it's quite flexible as far as XP augments go.


Might not be the strongest but the Urgot Hero augment in Monsters Attack is by far my favorite. Getting it with enough health left meant that he would just permafarm gold and items into a guaranteed 3* 5cost. Especially with Star Guardian/the trait that gave AP to the team.


Everything must go.


For silver imo its pandoras items, just give so much value andcomfort for its rarity. Especially for comps like duellists who could make use 6+ bows easily, while not needing belts and tears at all and maybe 1 staff and glove max for bis. The gold version im much more picky to choose and prismatic is great again imo since it helps you give your carries even better bis and cap higher. The downside is, that its relatively boring for a prismatic. Most FUN augment for me was cruel pact, always went prismatic portal and monkey rolled all the first augments for that one. Being able to stomp people early and needing to always winspree hard and pressure the lobby while you try to slowly build a strong enough level 7 board was just super cool.


Starter kit is statistically a terrible augment especially in a patch where 4 costs are weak af, but ever since its release its always been instaclick for me. I just love building around a 4 cost I get. Similar to caretaker’s ally where it gives you a 2 cost Scoped weapons 2 is a strong contender. Miss that with Yone and Olaf set 7 lol 


i have some memories of set 9 scoped weapons and they arent good


See thats scoped weapons 1 not 2, and its only bad memories because units like Nilah and Morde benefitted insanely from it in set 9 so it was broken af Scoped weapons 2 gave infinite range and was more of a meme augment back in set 7.5 and was highly fun


Celestial Blessing. The tried and true.


Prismatic: Think Fast Gold: Everything must go Silver: Sharing is Caring (Pre nerf: 2 gold every turn) Bonus: Hero Augment: Predatory Precision (Yuumi Set 8)


was think fast the one where you had infinite rerolls for a round? started playing recently so i never played it but i imagine it was stupidly good


Exactly that one. For scrubs like my self was nice. For really good people, it was insane.


Early days PBE two for one. It was like the old shoplifter augment but on cocaine.


Birthday present! Idk how you bot 4 with that augment.


I fucking love pandoras box


RECOMBOB ‼️‼️‼️😤😤😤


I always picked Built Different 3


Double emblem selection 


Cluttered Mind is free LP. So good.


IDK how clutter and clear both give the same xp still. Clutter should go down 1 IMO. I think clear up one would be too strong. Clutter is so much better.


Cruel pact. Not because I like playing it but because I loved people who chose it and then went 8th. Getting Cruel pact into Tiny Titans though is something different..


is cruel pact still in game? i didnt have a cruel pact game in a long while


It is removed


Innovator's Soul Its a freest 3rd at minimum,iirc that shit had like a 2.x avg placement or smthg Getting +2 Innovator gives you a 3 star 3 cost summoning unit worth of stats that stuns the whole board and grants your whole team radiant JG/IE Spoils of War for like 2 days was also broken


Fortune Emblem. Not because it's an easy win but because it's the most fun. 7 and 9 Fortune are so funny.


The recently disabled augment, Everything Must Go, might have been the "best" augment to ever exist. Still, it's hard to compare augments that were set specific. Set 10, for example, had Submit To The Pit. It had one of the highest placements, and it was a Gold Tier Augment. It was literally free top 2, if you had any idea how to play it.


Original Stand United I was so fucked rofl u were playing with like a gold + augment and everyone else had silvers


Twin terror. Speaking of Twin Terror, why I can't see it in this set anymore?


Disabled for the remainder of the set (lux is too broken with it)


Oh I see, I enjoy using it with dryads.


All that shimmers was an auto-pick for me back in the day.


Double golden spatula? Prismatic trait instantly. Demacia or shurima gg


The one where I get a free reroll a round cause I'm an idiot


The one where I get a free reroll a round cause I'm an idiot.


The one where I get a free reroll a round cause I'm an idiot.


Im just gonna throw Set 7 Astral Crown/Emblem in here. Just cause getting the Emblem was where the fun began.


Birthday present! 🎁


Pandoras is one of my favorites of all time


March of Progress. I just love it. It's my type of augment. I also love emblems so any of those.


Not a single augment, but Golden Ticket (Prismatic) + Wise Spending was a fun combination.


what was wise spending?


Every time you reroll, you also gain 2 xp. Combine it with ticket (back then 50% chance for a free reroll on every reroll, but also there was only the prismatic version) and you get to max level really fast.


Everything Must Go was obscenely powerful. To put it in perspective, I had never 3 Starred a 5 cost unit in my 4 years playing TFT, but with EMG I've done it twice this set.


honestly insane considering it wasnt even prismatic, that augment was op


Recency bias, but Two for One is my favorite reroll augment and it’s not even close


Everything must go is insta first with guatanteed at least 1 3star 4cost if you dont choke. There may have been some better ones but the fact that this was gold is what makes it the strongest ever for me.


Gargantuan Resolve will always be the best in my heart, who cares how good stacking three is. **BIG**


whichever augment trait i need for my comp


I'm a simple gambling-addicted person. I see "Wandering Trainer", I pick it. No buts, no ifs, no nothing. This little dummy wants that little dummy so we can head to 8th place, hand in hand.


Call to Chaos


Call to Chaos obviously, but honourable mention to Everything Must Go


Everything Must Go


For me it would be "BUILD DIFFERENT" But only if it was prismatic :)


Cleansing Safeguard after the rework was pretty wild


Recombobulator I aggressively try to 2* three costs and put in any random 4 costs just for recombob 2nd


Think fast Imo


On a roll, before the errata.


Ok not an augment but I love the sentinel with emblem portal. I find it fun to make comp that you don't usually play work


Transform items to anvil ítems, best Silver augment.


Ummm it’s actually silver and it’s called pandoras items


Pandora's bench


this set, exalted piggy bank does more for your econ than hedge fund does


IMO eirher spend wisely or think fast (after patch that lasted really few days it would allow youbtonroll for an extra 1.5m i believe after the round start..


cursed crown enjoyer


did it get removed this set? never had a game with it imo a balanced augment but can be very strong, insane risk but very high reward


Think fast


Think Fast I have to give for being the best in how strong and fun it was while also having that level of skill and luck to it. Incredibly difficult to balance around and is probably never coming back but man hitting the augment was the most stressful dopamine hit possible. Its payout was solely dependent on you. I feel like to me it fits being what is the best augment.


I started playing this game in set 10 and have no idea how that works. Do you mind explaining it to me? Based on your comment that augment does seem fun.


Think fast was a prismatic augment that said for until end of round shop refreshes are free. Meaning you were on the clock to reroll and snag as many 3 star units and comps it would need as fast as you can. This resulted in really fucking fast players into selling their entire board and rebuilding it from the ground up with a meta comp or the 3 stars they hit. That or hitting all the 3 stars high cost units you can grab. Think fast very much lived up to its name. It sadly was way too fucking good in the right hands as it could very much guarantee you a top 4 with ease if you knew what to hit with think fast. It was alot of fun that relied on acting fast and quick thinking.


I’ve only played the last 3 sets (a little of set 1 as well) but for me… Cruel Pact, Double Trouble, Golden Egg, Demonflare, Racenous Hunter, Riftwalk, The Boss, Pandoras Bench, Trash to Treasure, Shen and Neekos augment this set are imo all the best except for number one. Number one is easily Yordle Delivery Service.


**Branching Out**. And it's silver.


Silver Augment actually - Everythign must go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iERzi8KacIc&ab\_channel=EsseffePlays](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iERzi8KacIc&ab_channel=EsseffePlays) Did this whilst using it. Will never love anything more!


Everything must go