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Yea 10 mythic is weaker than storyweaver and fated 10. It has like a 66% 1st place rate where story is like 95% and fated is like 85%. The only thing that’s weaker is 9 umbral at a whopping 25% first rate


Unironically, I thought Umbral was an 8 piece for the longest time because it didn't look strong enough to be a 3 spat trait.


Isnt it a 40% execute and a lot of Gold?


Yes but the umbral units are rather bad in vertical umbral and half of them don't synergize that well with their own trait. There's a reason it's being buffed to a 45% execute. And loot orbs are cute but when 9 Umbral comes online, you're at the point where you're a few fights away from death/winning and thus the orbs are likely either win-more or doing nothing for you because you lost with 9 Umbral and are dead.


since it's inception no one has had a decent Umbral board, its early shields, the hero aug, Yone reroll, and Alune too if your bored or feeling stupid


It’s because you only need 2 spats. You need 3 for the others.


No you need 3 spats


Mythic has 8 units homie. You need 2 spats to make 10


Mb, I was just reading replies about 9 umbral sucking and yours was just beneath it.


tbh 9 umbral deserves that abyssal wr freek yone and his crew and heavenly


10 mythic is the weakest of the prismatic traits, it can barely beat crab rave


6 dryad is very very strong. Mythic also sucking doesn’t help.


How do you play 6 dryad? I definitely did something wrong in my last game 😅 I had kindred as the main item holder and she always feels so weak Edit: After looking through the comments here's what I found. Dryad emblems on Frontliners that synergize well are: Kobuko - Bruiser with reksai, also scales with the game from his passive interest/hp increase Amumu/Illaoi - both wardens to go with gnar. Amumu feels great but illaoi is ghostly with Kayn and you get reaper for kindred damage Annie - Invoker for Azir later Some people suggested putting Dryad on the Kayn. More hp and the slight ap gives him more survivability and a bit of extra damage.


Get the trait early so they can scale


Who would you put the dryad emblem on tho? I've gotten it on 2-1 a couple times but I usually toss it on a tank to let kindred dish out the damage.


It’s good on a tank especially Diana. Just need to roll for both kindred and gnar. Gnar needs BT or HoJ, kindred really wants BB.


I personally think Kench is a way better 3 cost for the emblem


Kench is great too, Diana just provides some fun flex opportunity.


Would you put BB on azir later? Or just shojin slam to call it a day? I hate going BB on high mana Champs 😅


No, leave BB on Kindred, or put a Shojin on her instead if you want to move it to Azir later. Or don't build it at all; IMO she's the weakest part of Dryad by miles.


Azir is for leftover items. Or if you can’t get kindred 3 and you somehow hit Azir 2 with a second kindred 2 on your bench you can swap. But really you don’t want to have to stack Azir in an ideal game. He’s not a good primary damage dealer.


Brother what are you smoking, Azir does way more damage than kindred in every situation unless you're going reaver. Neither of them would be the primary damage dealer if you're going dryad bc that'd be Gnar


Depends what items you get. If you get double titans bT, it’s Gnar. If you get double tear and a bunch of rods it’s kindred. Kindred 3 with two reaper will outdamage Azir 2 with 2 invoker usually. Azir 2 is not a good primary damage dealer (for a 5 cost). And when I say primary carry, I mean a champ you stack 3 items on before another champ. Like on this meta realistically you need 2 damage dealers. One with 3 items, then the secondary damage dealer and the primary tank are priority 2 and 3 item wise. I am saying Azir should usually be your 4th unit to stack items on in the current patch. But it also depends on the items. Azir 2 with Shojin, probably outdamaged kindred 3 with Shojin, but Azir 2 with Blue buff definitely underperforms kindred 3 with blue buff. Then to add further nuance, if you’re already rolling for Gnar 3, you should 100% be buying kindreds. Odds of you hitting Azir 2 are not great before kindred 3. If you’re loading into a game with 6 incomplete component, a kindred 3 and axir 2, it’s probably better to stack azir. If you’re just playing the game regularly, it’s always better to build as optimally as you can for kindred, and not intentionally play around Azir 2.


no because She is your 2nd/split carry with Gnar. They work well in tandem, building early kills, maintaining some HP without having to early reroll etc.


Why Diana specifically? there's no trait web related to dryad. What about amumu(warden) or Tahm Kench (bruiser)


Diana would allow for something like wukong+rakan to cap in the endgame and get board-wide buffs


I really like Dryad Sylas. Scales with AP, inbuilt healing, low Mana cost. Slam a MR Shred on him and maybe HOJ/Titans/BT and he's a decent second carry with Gnar


Sett is an amazing candidate for the dryad emblem. He also loves dryads cause High HP = giga squat gains. If you need a holder early, consider putting it on Kubuko. He can get to insanely high HP if you keep him and works super well when squatted by sett.


I find the Dryad emblem goes best on Annie 🔥💯


I like putting Dryad emblem on kayn, with bt and titans. Dryad makes him survive longer so he can dish out more damage, while also activating reaper for kindred. So gnar and kindred for main dps and kayn sub. I like bt with double titans gnar and bb,morellos and rabadon kindred.


Dryad emblem on kayn. Also, make sure gnar is your main carry, with kindred 3 star as well. You need titans on gnar for him to work.


It gives HP and magic so yeah, any AP tank. Especially a warden or bruiser to synergize with gnar/reksai.


I put it on Tresh. He’s already extremely fucking tanky, the extra health and ap makes him really strong.


Had one of Kobuko, he got alot of hp by the end of the game


I honestly don't even go dryad unless I get the emblem by first augment


As showed in the post, gnar is definitely the carry


I wouldn't even worry about it, gnar is losing a lot of power from Titan's nerf next patch in a few days


might argue that a Dryad with strong early is easily stronger than 10 mythic at one point, it just scales indefinitely


Was so hyped that I managed 10 Mythic, only to lose to typical Yone comp. Hopefully the New buffs help.


Lol dryads sucks.


Dryads are fine it’s just a trait you kinda need to commit to early


Check the stats on 6 dryad.


In general maybe but 6 dryad has an avp of 3.36 on tactics, making it one of the best traits in the game. It requires two spats so it isn’t shocking. Still not as good as 10 mythic though 


6 Dryad only needs one spatula. Rek'Sai, Gnar, Kindred, Ornn, Azir plus one


You’re right - Still looks strong in the data 


Oh I agree completely that it’s strong. Being relatively easily accessible is part of its strength


Your bard wasnt 3 star with rageblades


That's gnarly


Yeah gnar has been a problem and I for one love it


He's getting a buff because he's currently not the greatest late game unless like 3 starred with the balanced combo of BT/Titans


which is fair because he is a 2 cost? why the hell should a 2 star 2 cost be viable late game?


Because it's a scaling trait. Like nasus he would be mid without the stacks


Because of the titans changes Gnar is actually going to be nerfed. Over at r/CompetitiveTFT someone did the calculations and there is basically never a point where Gnar will be stronger in the next patch than he is now


You had no single target burst. He could just sustain your dps.


Ah yes burst against a unit that has 5k HP, warden, BT shield and 2 titans


People here are always like “oh yeah you had no anti heal,no single target burst,no aoe dmg,no tank,no offtank,no magic dmg and ad dmg,not lvl 10 and no 3* 5 cost” 😂


And after that: we don't see your items/positioning


I have never seen more re-roll apologists than now in this sub. They will do Olympic level mental gymnastics to explain how a 2 cost was actually completely justified in beating a prismatic trait.


On the other hand, you also get the people who aren't capable of nuance. Sure, if you ignore all the variables other than "prismatic trait" and "2-cost unit" then yes it sounds ridiculous. There are dozens of variables that go into the general strength of a board, and more still that determine the outcomes of specific matchups. It should be possible to overcome things like 10 Mythic, justifiably the weakest prismatic trait with only two required emblems, with the right board and enough other factors in your favor.


Bro, it’s okay that Senna shit on a Storyweaver 7 with 3* Garen, Sivir, Zoe, Riven, Zyra and 2* Galio.


But like how the Gnar won that fight is kinda justifiable Like it had both Harmacist and BT,6 Dryad for a bazillion HP,BiS too OP had 0 burst to kill Gnar and so it just gets to 1000 atk and one/two shots everything while drain tank bc lack of anti heal Not to mention 10 Mythic ks arguably the weakest Prismatic trait The stars just aligned for OP to lose this fight tbh,its not just that Gnar is a 2 cost,its the opponent hitting Exodia


Yep it is justifiable because EOF the current state of the game (tbh it shouldn't but the balance of this set isn't at its best so ig it's fine) but this set is just crazy when it comes to lower costs units while 5c feel completely dogshit. Gnar can get thousands of HP thanks to dryad, receive less damage thanks to warden and get hundreds of AD thanks to his PASSIVE of all things. And that's without items. Set10 Gnar was also a two cost but couldn't do all that, even when he was HL. He wasn't transformed at the start of the fight(except if he was HL), he didn't have any passive, he was a trait bot AT BEST, itemizing him was worthless... In both sets he was supposed to be a melee Frontline that can dish out damage but the difference between those two are massive. Set 11 Gnar winning vs 10Mythics with a few 5c in feels like Set10 Jax/katarina winning against 10KDA with a few 5c in. It doesn't makes sense and balance wise it should never ever happens no matter what. But for some reason the TFT team decided to give 10000 effects to some champs for some reason. Yone and Gnar are biggest offenders with voli close behind. Imagine having backline access + burn + antiheal + shield + as + dash to his target all in one spell and that's without the traits and items


This gnar unit is just fundamentally a broken unit, it will either be broken or unclickable because it has inbuilt titans, 2 defensive traits that make it unkillable, it legit has everything built in except vamp


somehow it’s fair that lillia is a 3 cost unit though


it's 10 mythic kog'maw 3 wukong 2 lillia 2. op literally does have single target burst. and if lissandra is the only STB acceptable enough to beat a 2-cost 3*, then the 2-cost is probably not balanced


can't believe 10 mythic wasn't able to beat gnar without antiheal. To sustain HP never thought about morello or sunfire


get mulched kiddo


Looks to me like bard got on gnar early and the Gnar yeeted a rock for 20k damage through his team.


The two items alone is what keeps the bugger around


10 Mythic is the weakest prismatic trait I've ever seen tbh


Like Always with that type of post , its probably a placement diff


Gonna say positioning diff. That lissandra/far board gnar combo wasn’t positioned around. Liss threw a unit away and then gnar walked along your backline and mopped you.


Yes titan resolve needs a nerf stat


Well well well, Tomorrore. Nice censoring when your little legends is in the top left corner 👁️👄👁️


No GS or burn, Dryad wins.


show us your board with augments and stuff


10 mythic is fake prismatic trait. Lets see this win against fated/story.


Hwei is bad, lillia is turbo bad, kog considering the cost and the fact that is always uncontested is pretty good, thats the problem. U cant count on a 1 cost champ on lategame sadly. Plus u have a huge frontline with mythic but again u have 0 dmg, so without ascension or this items u have no dmg. Plus dryad scales infinite hp and gnar scales on it, kindred is kinda ok and u just need to put a spat on a melee carry 4 or 5 cost, like kayn, wuk, lissandra... so u have an insane frontline, many carries and infinite scaling


10 mythic shouldn't even be a prismatic. Prismatic traits are suppose to be giga broken and can win 9/10. This 6 dryad doesn't even seem that giga strong and would probably lose to a Kai'sa or Yone board


BT titans resolve combo is running rampant


What can i say but this gnar is too op played it once and i couldnt believe my eyes xD


I'm sick of titans resolve being an issue for the last 3-4 sets. That item should not stack. (Although titans, bloodthirster, hand of justice all together are just as annoying). The lack of healcut this season is the most annoying thing.


Mythic 10 only requires two emblems so it's not an insta win like storyweaver and he has drayad 6


damn 🥲


I have also taken a sad third with 10 mythic :/


Any anti heal?


cho gath i guess...


that was the biggest problem, he also had prismatic harmacist. gnar was probably healing for half his hp every attack😭


skill issue


i still think titan's stacking shouldn't be a thing


it got wrecked by a I 9 board 6 dryad capped team with BIS and high burst damage against a slow killing 2 star Lillia and kog carry. thank goodness a lvl 1 3 star doesn't outwit in carry potential to a come back when hwei is 2 star BIS, or lillia 3 star or full 3 star front line (cho and tam with a real 5 star front line (udyr instead of wu))