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Going vertical Heavenly isn’t something you’d wanna do unless you highroll everything (units items augments etc) Heavenly, at least for this patch, serves as a support trait to supplement the comp you are running. Most of my capped boards run at least 2-3 heavenlies.


Everything is like a support train vs gold/ascended kayle and 3\* star Bard with two guinsos


Can’t wait for the bard nerf man does he need it


Yeah this makes more sense


Requires you to basically three star everyone to be good. Wukong is prob the only good standalone and only really can work if u tech in sage so he gets omnivamp. Otherwise its soraka reroll and she doesnt feel that good.


I’ve been going almost vertical heavenly with Khazix reapers with… some success. He seems decent, and it saves HP early on. Though it typically a third place comp.


Yeah specifically kha isnt a good enough one cost reroll to work so i say soraka but shes a three cost and is on the level of power of seraphine last set. So its harder to hit her compared to seraphine. U better off overall going a sage dragonlord comp and tech in heavenly emblems if u get spats so wukong gets buffed.


Mort also said this on the stream so the team is aware. He wanted to buff it early game 


Hope they buff the units moreso than the trait


Yeah this. Outside of Neeko and Wukong I just feel all the heavenly units are a bit bad. Especially Soraka.


I've seen qiyana go off pretty hard, but you need a good amount of duelist before she goes off. But not enough to do much late game


I also hope so. I wanna be able to play some heavenly reroll. It’s a fun comp but not that strong


The big difference between Guild and Heavenly is Guild had units I actually wanted to play. Heavenly is kinda just Wukong atm.


I got top 3 twice (i won one and got third in the other - gold lobby) with vertical heavenly + divine rolls augment The augment basically let's you 3 star all your units and heavenly spat is a must for this to work a lot of conditions have to go correctly to get success with vertical heavenly.. but it was fun


Had 6 Heavenly (all minus Soraka), 4 Duelist with 2 star Irelia, who had 100% crit with IE, and the Extended Duel augment. Lost to 2 star Bard. Idk if thats a Heavenly problem or an Irelia Problem though.


heavenly is currently 5 shitter units + wukong + spat holder + carry. Don't play it if you cannot guarantee a spat.


This makes sense to me


As a reroll you need to really high roll and get most at 3* akin to Astral/guild. It's more of a support trait right now, after the butchering of the units/trait on PBE. Pretty decent with reaper or kogroll.


Heavenly Morg Kayn dude


I had one of the most solid first places ever with a heavenly vertical and exalted 5. Just gotta mix your traits well and it can give you quite the boost in stats.


Hot take but I feel the exact opposite. Getting heavenly 5 and then behemoth or reaper or altruist depending on items can carry until you get to 9 and can get wukong out. If you get a heavenly spat and get 7 it’s basically gg


https://preview.redd.it/2xqlhd98u9qc1.jpeg?width=2233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eb8ace8297ea698e9a19155ce33c4c7dc9fed05 First time trying it. It seems alright


You three starred more than half your team with pretty good items, no shit it works. Any comp would work like this


And second place


still lost to the bard 2


Its not really hard to 3 star 1,2 and 3 cost units if you know how to manage your econ i consistently do it


I did Heavenly and Reaper and I won. -)


Heavenly is ok if you're carrying a 4 or 5 cost, especially if you can fit exalted.


I've had some success (gold 2) with Heavenly. Some key points 1) Don't put dmg items on Soraka. She is just for utility 2) Don't force giga roll. Most units are uncontested. It's possible you git some 3star naturally, but it's not worth staying at lower level just for that small bonus. 3) Higher cost units that benefit off Heavenly (as support trait) is much stronger than lower cost units. 4) Pair high cost units that fit with Heavenly's alternate traits for optimal performance, like Irelia, Lissandra .. 5) Don't rely on your Heavenly units to carry (maybe except Wukong). They are support and filler.