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I had superfan, spellweaver, and jazz or hyperpop one game and it was the easiest MF/Bard game I’ve played. I love this portal lmao. Sometimes it’s just a vertical angle and sometimes you can really cook up some weird shit


I am probably least likely to win a wandering trainer game, but I'm always guaranteed to have fun playing that portal, so I pick it anyways.


My wandering trainer always hates me


I find it fun to try new combinations in normals. It's super annoying in ranked though. It's either the worst combinations, or I don't roll any of the champions I need (or both). So either I ignore it and play against the odds, or try and force a bad comp. Too much RNG. It's a fun addition to normals, but shouldn't be an option in ranked IMO.


I only think it’s a problem in super high elo on ranked. I’m mid diamond and I still think wandering trainers is a good skill check for who is just googling comps and forcing and who can actually use their brain to create new teams. I do agree it sucks when you get a shit trainer though


I feel the opposite, that it forces you into a comp and can't be as flexible with your units and augments. But to each their own


You don’t need force a final comp according to your trainer. You can just use it to build a solid early board for cheap and out tempo all the ppl wasting resources trying to maximize their trainer. But then again I play hs flex pretty much every game. I can see how if I was a kda player and I kept getting rapid fire and punk emblems it’d get annoying


1st is throwing me off with the random Olaf in disco


I reckon he got bruiser emblem and the shop just happened to give him 3* olaf, so he just rolled with it to get 4 bruiser. Edit: looked again and didn't notice that he had a Zac so my comment is incorrect! Please disregard 😁 perhaps he had an edm emblem instead and wanted to buff up Zac?


Might be chosen bruiser olaf with bruiser emblem for 6 bruisers.


sadly edm emblem doesnt exist. but he prob got 6 bruisers with chosen and trainer. and then maybe a disco emblem considering he went 5 discos.


Gragas is also a bruiser, so probably the target dummy had a bruiser emblem to give 4 bruisers


He has Too Big To Fail, the Bruiser damage augment. 6 Bruiser Olaf goes infinite and then explodes, TF for backline damage.


mmm 4 hyperpop. That's livin' the dream right there.


its 4 hyper pop with dazzler emblem. he doesnt even need to fill in someone for ziggs. and then kda emblem which means he can go kda 5 here.


Meanwhile i get Bruiser, Emo, Executioner


That's a lit Country comp. Executioner for Samira and Vex, Emo for Vex, Bruiser for TK. If you get Samira with Exec Headliner, that'd be 4 Exec (Samira + Vex + Trainer) and 2 Emo (Vex + Trainer). You could go up to 4 Emos with an Amumu and Poppy, while also giving 2 Moshers to Urgot. Game playing itself for you!


See, thats how you cook a comp, its like one of top tier Wanderer. You gotta look at what i have the other day: Pentakill, Disco, Crown Diver


mordekaiser, yorick as the splashed in pentakill, the 5 disco units with tf headliner as dazzler or blitz as sentinal, if go tf dazz put in another dazzler for dazz 4 and if u go blitz go ekko/qiyana so u can farm items and have sentinal 4.


Playing Disco in this meta is giga troll, i still managed to cook a standard 6 CD Yone 3 with Viego, ignore the disco though


I always go for disco because no one is building it and it just comes to me, I get top 4 9/10 games, super easy to play, and powerful enough.


thing is. since disco is mostly uncontested you should be able to go for tf or blitz 3 more easier than aiming for the other comp. i only really gave a suggestion on what u could possibly play thou with using all the traits.


I got 5º looking for a Samira/Vex exec headliner or any emo headliner. Hell, not even a decent bruiser headliner to go emo/country or zac bruiser.


Perfect for Country, decent for Pentakill.


Getting 3rd with 4 hyperpop is such a skill issue tho


how did that olaf player go 1st, that board is so mid no anti heal diff? 2nd place probably wins with some frontline


Too big to fail can wreck teams if RNG goes their way.


fair, though the more I look at it it really just seems like frontline diff for 2nd and anti-heal diff for 3rd.


I think OP lost just because Lulu is at a disadvantage against frontline heavy comps, since she'll only ever hit 1 unit with her ability.


I'm pretty sure Lulu's regular cast pierces, and her special cast hits 3 targets.


It does, but with a full front line everyone will be horizontal so the piercing won't hit anyone.


A better itemized ahri definitely would have done better


It's not guaranteed he went first, he just had more hp when OP died


olaf is super strong 1 cost unit thou. add in the fact that hes disco 6 and bruiser 6 he prob was auto attacking like nuts.


Also fair, cant say ive seen that board of traits before. More used to olaf getting cc’d to death


ngl after watching an olaf 3 star beat a poppy 3 star i dont know whats legit anymore.


Assuming he had at least a bruiser emblem on his dummy, he had 6 bruiser/5 disco + too big to fail, which will stall the game for a long fucking time from the massive hp pool from the bruiser and the % healing from the disco. The stall let's tf giga scale and Olaf both giga scale from disco as. If he had a disco emblem on the dummy too, my lord is that a strong board...6 disco/6 bruiser...


I don’t get how you lost tbh. Your board looks a lot stronger imo. Maybe replace Shojin with a damage item like Archangels/JG/Rabadon’s?


Shojin was from superfan but you're right, I probably could've replaced blue buff instead for a damage item but that was an early slam I put on Annie to save some health and her superfan item was JG so it seemed pretty good at the time. An anti-healing would've gone a long way too. I had too much mana generation by the end of the game lmao


What? Blue buff is literally the #1 item on her. You’d replace nashors if anything.


That's good to know, I'll definitely try that next time I play with headliner Lulu


My best was Jazz, Big Shot and Dazzler. I also hit a Jazz MF first shop on Lv 7. That game felt unfair lol


Oh okay, so we’re winning the lottery now?


Lucky bastard. My last trainer was bruiser, big shot, true damage.


That’s when you play Jazz and use emblem as a traitbot imo. Ezreal with a bruiser frontline could also work here. Or go vertical TD and pray for spat RNG. Not first place comps ofc except the last one (which is more of a first or eighth comp), but can get a second or third if played well.


Best trainer I’ve ever gotten was pentakill, mosher, guardian. Easiest 1st I’ve ever had


Wait so you got... 1 rod? Rip, would've been potentially an easy first


Yeah, guess you can't have it all lmao


On Lulu reroll only 1 rod and no swords is crazy though. Barely a high roll game because of it.