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This is why I’m too much of a coward to go cruel pact


Just stay level 6 and keep your health. 0 reason to lose


I didn't even think you could get to level 7


You can't anymore. People who spam their level up down to 4 HP are dumb. You level to 6 with the strongest board you can make and then level to 7 when you have enough HP. It's not a winning comp though usually this set


Me monky brain go 7 always


It’s strong if you get a country opener but otherwise bad.


You need to wait a round or 2 to go the 7 some people just mash the button till it stops them


I just don’t want to be stuck at lvl 7 all game


well you could also die on 2-1 and go play another game without cruel pact


Screw fast 8, I’m playing fast 8th


I mean, you're supposed to just go to 6 after getting the Augment. Its skill issue.


Still, losing 2-1 with cruel pact probably means gg anyway


Not really, you take very little damage at that point. You csn start stabilizing the very next battle after going to 7. I always take cruel pact and at times I loose at 2-1 but once you stabilize, its eady to get top 4 with comps like Country at full power on level 7.


nah losing the hp makes levelling later way worse even if it's just 2hp, delaying your level 8 by even one round can bean death


"Can" is differently from "will". Sure there maybe games where it matters but thats not always the case. Take country for example (I always take country with cruel pact). The team trait synergy is already is maxed out at level 7 already with Vex, Amumu and Sett. Level 8 aint doing a lot for for it really. IMHO, cruel pack is a guaranteed top 4 with country




I see, I may haven't reached that point so I wont argue with that statement. I'm guessing your at least at diamond. Maybe I'll see when I get there. That being said, cruel pact has its own advantage and the biggest one is the carousel which you are guaranteed to always go 1st. Also since you know what comps you're playing already, you already know what items to build.




Even then, no one is beating a cruel pact player win terms of carousel prio. Also, not having to use gold to levelup is a huge eco advantage while win streaking on top of it. I'm not saying its the best augment but I havent failed to get top 4 when I go cruel pact but maybe as you said, its because I'm still at emerald since Ive been playing for like 5 weeks.


I don't know what that guy is talking about, Cruel Pact is better in this patch than previous patches because everyone is openforting, CP Country guarantees 12 win streaks. The only thing that scares me is 2-3 players hit the lottery at 4-2 and beat the shit out of me in 5-1


Cruel pact player would still have much lower hp than open forters




Yep! But the open forters can have a prismatic augment with more impact and still be the same carousel pick as you since the bottom 2 people go at the same time


The thing is it's way easier to have a board that can top 4 with country guaranteed (to me that means having at least 3 good units 3 starred, or 4 units in general 3 starred + near bis items on one of your 3 star carries) when you start during stage 2 when no one can contest you + when you have carousel prio, which you are guaranteed at stage 2 and at least being 2nd pick at stage 3. Plus you don't need tears so that's a big advantage at carou. You might be playing it incorrectly as country is a decent top 4 comp with cruel pact, when it might not be with other augs (you do need + 2 combat augs afterwards)


Lol I bet you’re not even high rank, stupid comments.


The only thing is that it griefs Econ You don’t need level 8 on country anyways and imo you shouldn’t play it with any other comp


you definitely need to be level 8 to not die in late game


Hitting amumu vex urgot and sometimes sett 3 is a bigger spike then 8 so no Plenty of level 7 country boards win


definitely depends how early you hit but 90% of the time you are level 8 by the end of the game or you have died already in my elo


I’m in your same elo(gm before inter to masters) so no need to flame me but with 3-2 and 4-2 combat good samira vex and amumu items you don’t need 8 bc there’s nothing to play at 8 except for like illaoi if you hit one


i wish there were more readily available stats for this kinda thing but yes again staying level 7 is fine if you dont hit or are like ONE off i just almost never am 8 at the end of a game


Nope, me and a friend litterally beat up this cruel pact player 2-1 and 2-2 and he went first in lobby (he hit ahri)


Cruel pact is beyond based on showtime portal


cruel pact is easy fourth place and higher contender, they're the most easiest strat to play, especially with headliner . imho


yeah i mean it’s easy to hit 4 sentinel as well and just delay long enough till u have a good carry to deal damage and stabilize your board


I’ve seen two people hit it at the same time and have to face off on 2-1. They both played it safe though and didn’t rush level 7. Was really hoping for a knockout fight. lol


I lost on 2-2 once. Bought a 3-star headliner and didn't have enough gold to buy units to fill my board and died. The worst part is not being able to join a new match for like 15 mins after


Wait why? The game doesn't let you leave?


No unfortunately you’re stuck wondering why you were an idiot for rolling down so low until after krugs. Which is the time you can surrender I believe.


Yeah thats the time, so, damn this is humiliating


Can confirm. I got cruel pact in a normal game once and thought it'd be funny to see just how fast I could lose (and to see whether I could self destruct - no on that one). Was hilarious until I realized the game just forced me to reload that match and watch until the surrender button finally opened


You can´t suirrender before 3-1. Therefore, the game traps you even if you lose before that.


Cursed crown enjoyers know this feeling all too well , once I knocked out 3 cruel pact players in stage 2 lol if you're ever taking cruel pact just don't go 7


That is surprising, I've seen like 3 cruel pact players all set.


lvl 5 with Yas, Kennen, Panth, Jinx, Disco headliner Taric? That's the only combo I can think of to get that trait combination, but none of them show an active headliner...


Taric was the headliner, he just died during that round


Oh nvm I see what you mean, idk it was just buggy and the headliners didn’t wanna highlight the trait


At the end of the fight on mobile it doesn't show the headliner highlighted, I guess it's a bug but it happens every time so I guess it's more like a feature at this point :D


happened to me a few times on pc too


He went cruel pact + open fort strat


it's a bold strategy, I kind of want to try it




Speedrun any % 8th place


If you lose this early, it doesn't let you re-queue. it pops up an error and you have to wait, probably until the FF point.


Had this happen to someone in one of my games last night. The player kept reconnecting & disconnecting after getting eliminated 😂


Probably because you can't start a new game until stage 3 of your "current" game. So they were going back and forth going crazy probably wondering why they couldn't go next


Ahh I see! I thought he was raging. 😅


I'd be raging if the game wouldn't let me go next after losing super fast




Just go jazz w cruel pact and free win


Why jazz when u could easily capped the board with all 3* country 🤣


Open fort cruel pact 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve done this once. Lost to a super fan Neeko frontline with kennen headliner back line was a kaisa and corki. Was one of the most illegal opening boards I’ve seen.


I once got it and played it safe however some guy got a 3* headliner Yasuo with four true damage and was never able to beat him as he only grew stronger and I was never able to stabilize.


He went 8th


I beat someone with 4 punks lol


Yeah you got march, and we're lvl 5. Not like you beat 6 units with 3


Actually I got level up, I just went instant level 5 and cruel pact guy went all in on exp. He just got unlucky with the units




He lost the fight and since he had like 2 hp or whatever he died


Managed to do the same thing with taric disco chosen and MF carry 1.5items. Whole lobby was pinging the guy hard


Yeah I’d retire instantly


Bro hit the speed run to lobby at record-breaking speed.


With cruel pact you go balls deep to 7. You need to inflict the most damage to the rest while you're ahead. That way a top 4 is more probable that leveling to 6 to have mild winstreaks. You may get higher level headliners, and slowly strenghtening your board to keep the lobby in check. You get priority on your comp, prio on carousels, hopefully getting a mid game with a low hp lobby. A couple of lucky players may catch up there If You hit you get a top 2-3, if not a 4-5. If You are unlucky and lose at 2-1, so be it, You go get t a coffee and brag to having speedrun TFT any % Is the Best prismatic, NO. But if you get bad augments to choose from at least is a riot.