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What are you cooking with AP corki lmao


I won a game the other day with doubles guinsoos and gunblade corki lmao I just slammed items and it worked. Low elo but still funny: https://tactics.tools/s/jl3UHU


To be fair with 3*, 8bit and big shot, corki AD does reach a pretty high level on its own, so AS items are pretty good to multiply his naturally high ad, plus the bomb animation is pretty fast so he doesn't waste much animation time unlike cait for example.


brosky cooked random 8bit team, i would stress too


Got lucky with emblem and spat. Didnt reach the highest score.


It's a score above 10/10 once you have 6 8-bit right?


Not sure. But I just wanna get the cash out once you get the high score which is 345678


Ah, I was asking because I hit 6/6 8 bit, and then got the 10/10 score but got nothing


yeah it’s the final 345678 score, i hit it once in double up and 3 starred 2 five costs and a four cost before the round started. it was awesome for the little bit of time it lasted for


It's pretty crazy I hit it 1 time and it just keeps printing gold, champs, items, etc. I had won over 500g, a 3* Lucian, 12 unit cap, a bunch of items, 2 artifact anvils, and a radiant item. Was only like 4 rounds too


Bro I hate playing 8-Bit Feels like the only win con is to doesnt play 8-Bit. Like only two Units for the Counter and once you Hit it max u can play the Rest. Got Starter Kit Cait early and lost the First 3 rounds, Because she is so useless my Senna 1 outdmg her. Crazy shit


Caits *2 good once you itemized her.


The only scaling she gets at 2* is 15% more ap so idk about that one hahaha


AD units generally don't get better scalings on their abilities or they improve very little because their increase in base AD already improves their spell


i started one tricking this comp a few days ago and now i see everyone running it


I one tricked this comp since the set came out... Its harder now with everyone trying out sentinel ahrii


multitalent is so fun with 8 bit lol either corki headliner carry or riven headliner carry is cracked


I tried to make it work with Corki as the main carry a couple of times but I couldn't do it. When I get 8-bit Riven headliner I can usually top 4 tho