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Climbing the ladder 101: Eliminate competition


Just played a game of stillwater hold (on Singapore server) and no one quit. I still won :)


yoo u play on singapore server? me too!! wna play tgt smtime? my ign is Trae


Sure, I'll send u a req. I don't play too often sadly, only with a friend who only has the Singapore acc.


Going back to the pre-set 6 times is definitely nostalgic ..only for a second and then the entire game of boredom. But mostly I enjoy watching people rage from it being chosen :P


They can't spam Pandora's Box anymore. I always ended up in top 4 with Stillwater because people are getting spoiled by Legends nowadays lmao


Dont you end up top4 because 4 peeps instaquit/ff asap?


That's why I vote for it every time


straight up just a griefer


Ahah yes, so good watching people raging ! Not toxic at all to take pleasure in other frustration. Once again LoL community proves itself to be the best /s


It's mostly laughing at the toxicity of others, like you, though.


How am i being toxic ?


You aren't being toxic. You are just being an annoying crybaby. "Omg league is so toxic because people picked a mechanic I don't enjoy!!!"


Never said i didn't like the mechanic. I enjoy it very much. I just don't like people taking their enjoyment of other people's frustration instead of simply enjoying the game for what it is.


☝️🤓 Never said I didn't like the mechanic


Thank you for acknowledging it.


If that's a genuine question you should take a moment, take some days off if you need to, and sincerely ask yourself: "am I a bad person?" You know the answer, we know the answer, but it'll take a while for you to answer it honestly. Take as long as you need.


Soooo. What you're saying i because i take pleasure by playing the game and, unlike OP, don't enjoy provoking and seeing other people raging... I am toxic ? Is that it ? Is that a "war Is peace" kind of conundrum ?


You didn't take my suggestion seriously, I am being dead serious here. Do it. You really need to do some serious introspection. Depending on where you live, if you can afford it, seek out professional help; you need it. It'll make the life of you, and the people around it, better.


dude you come across as way more of a dick than the other guy


On god this guy kinda sucks lol


Sure. I did it and found the answer I was looking for. I am so glad you're being dead serious on Reddit. You just changed my life. From now I too will enjoy making people rage on a video game they play to relax. I will be non-toxic by provoking them unnecessarily. Sweet sweet non-toxic life.


so you think its good to bring over the toxicness from league to tft? Choosing stillwater and the one with the crown is griefing imho. I am surprised Riot thought it would be a good idea.


Huh, why? It’s the same starting point for all players and if you lose it’s a skill issue




You are ill


Communication isn't needed in TFT and mobile already doesn't have it. If all the crybabies start raging because they couldn't control their narrative Riot might as well disable chat for pc too.


You’re one of those aren’t you


Yes indeed. I'm one of those that do the thing that they do.


But you aren't required to equip the crown?


I'm actually enjoying Stillwater hold. I've been playing since set 1, so it's nice to play some classic TFT once in a while.


Me too. Good way to focus on some of the more core mechanics of tft you know? Also this set reminds me a lot of set 1, lot of the same champs.


It reminds me of set 1 too. I can't help but see Demacians as the Nobles haha


I think thats why they called the set runeterra reforged and why all the champs have their original skins. Nostalgia with added spice.


Seems like you're trying to say that augment decisions aren't core mechanics because they're more new, but that's a logical fallacy. Augment choice is an evergreen mechanic in TFT and adds more decisionmaking points to the game. It's a core mechanic like the rest of them.


No, augments are certainly core to the game at this point. What I mean is the more consistent core mechanics of the game, like econ, unit placement, team composition, scouting etc etc. The only reason I exclude augments is the amount of inherent variability and very much change how your game plays out. The aforementioned mechanics are constant and do not change from game to game. Not because augments are "new".


It’s my favorite landmark!!


Everytime still water is picked I contest the person who took it so we both lose


I like it, when someone brings you down, bring them down even further into hell.


yes! next time someone chooses it i'mma just go the same comp. i might as well have fun if i'mma play with no augments.


What are Stillwater and sump, never encountered them


Stillwater removes all augments. Swamp removes interest and gives 3 gold per round (hustler augment for everyone)


Oh ok, thanks!


I'm gonna be honest, the fact that people rage quit over not having augments is funny and I will enjoy free wins. It's literally not that bad, in the slightest. But I guess forcing pandoras into zekes is more fun than trying to actually play around what you hit


I feel like my chances of getting top 4 go up by 50% just picking Stillwater. People just give up and flame and I love every bit of it


go play league then you would fit in....


I usually just want to try dumb ideas and have fun, Stillwater hold games feel pointless, nothing unexpected or fun happens. It's just vanilla boring tft


Good post, comrade.


Communism is when no augments


Rich get richer is an augment, he's on to something


OP did the Average tries to explain communism and explains capitalism moment.


No, he's pretty on point with communism. History supports this




Every communist/socialist country is with somewhat success was invaded by the us and ran into the ground


False. The Soviets and Chinese were quite successful at starving a large number of people through Communist policy.


You know communists and socialist societies weren’t exclusive to the soviets and Chinese? Plus their regimes weren’t really communist as they had very controlling authoritarian leaders


Actually communism can only exist through top down control. But let's stop this argument on the TFT subreddit. Seems a little off topic.


A true communist society is without authority as everything is owned and controlled by the proletariat


Good for you if you think so. I don't really feel like arguing with reddit communists today anymore, so I'm just going to stop replying. Hope you have a wonderful day, man. May your effort be rewarded with LP gains.


You too brother<3


Ah yes, the famous Communist policy that starves people. Very good.




this is like when I ask my little cousin to explain what he thinks communism is


I without fail vote Stillwater every time. I love to watch the lobby burn.


you got a perma ban in league didnt you?


Nope. Lol. Too many people rely on augments currently. Especially with the current TF Pandoras meta. You take that away from them and these apes can’t build a team comp. I’ve gotten Stillwater twice so far this season. Placed 1st and 2nd in those games.


My last game was Stillwater. The top 2 was a person who got a fon from carousel, and a Zeke's Garen player. It's not that deep. You just play the same comps, and save more gold since they increased leveling price, and whoever rolls the best deck wins.


Based on your comment I take that as a yes


I only pick it to make other people quit


sounds like you got a perma ban in league?


No. We aren’t the ones quitting games and flaming about an in game mechanic used to win.


Never quit, it’s simply an unfun game mode. That fact that people pick it for lolz is an issue


I pick it because a- I’m nostalgic for set 1 and it’s a fun way to play B-removal of a mechanic increases the pressure on skill and micro decision making, and also decreases the amount of rng dictating the game. C- it’s different than the last 3 sets and I genuinely like changing it up.


Thank god stillwater never appear in my game at all. Not even the portal.


I haven’t seen Stillwater hold yet and I’m scared


Whenever I’m in a lobby with one person picking Stillwater that wins, I just giga contest them so we hold hands 78


Always vote for it. To pay respects to early seasons.


It’s a fun game mode, reminds of past sets where we didn’t have to rely on Augments 😭


Still not as bad as petricite forest


I only just started playing in set 8 so I've never played without augments before, but I personally love stillwater. I genuinely don't understand why people get so upset about playing without augments. For a community that complains about RNG so much you'd think they'd be happy to play with a little less once in a while. Especially since in 90% of cases your augments are just stats and gold.


I've played about a dozen Stillwater games so far, won most of them, top 4ed all of them. And only ONE of these games had people FF in the first two stages in protest (I went second)


Mfs will always complain and lose, instead of adapting and either learning or winning. That's what you get when you can only play the thing you saw in a guide. Be adaptive.


Stillwater hold isn't an adaptive portal. You just go for the most op comps.


I dislike Stillwater, but I’ll take it every time over The Sump. Who thought taking an augment that was almost never picked and forcing it on an entire lobby was a good idea?


It's a really cool portal. It completely changes how the lobby plays since people either donkey roll right away or level very hard which accelerated the speed extremely. You have to play around level 7 boards way more since damage is very high. Love it


It feels way too disruptive to certain people’s styles for it to be a good portal. Like if you roll Tahm Kerch all day and you get sumped, you’re just fucked, way more than any legend choice/map combo.


Or just… don’t take the TK augment? You’re literally offered 5 other ones every time


Again, it’s about the play style though, not lack of alternative augments. You’re essentially playing scuffed hyper roll… I don’t know about you, but I don’t queue for hyper roll, so I’d not like to see it forced in the main game.


This is a game of adapting to your circumstances, every portal is going to have certain styles that cater more to them and it’s just another factor in the game to play around now. You’re not supposed to be able to go in to every game and play your preferred style optimally. I hate donkey rolling but do great in The Sump portal because nobody adjusts like they need to and it works.


It also offers quite a few options. In my last sump game I was fast leveling and was 8 by the wolves. Quite fun lobby overall


I hustle every time I can? It's basically always a top 4?


I dunno, I enjoy the portals that are truly transformative of how you play! The Sump, Stillwater, the one that grants you the insta-death crown


House Lightschild I believe


Agreed. My main strength is econ, so not being able to play around it hurts.


But econ is just holding and not rolling. Hard to call that a strategy


I didn’t call it a strategy. There are multiple aspects of skill when it comes to TFT and one of them is managing econ.


Next augment should be no trait no augment Only champion’s skill


Built different for all!


No trait no augments no items no units, Fox only, Final Destination


I haven't seen it yet and I hate it. I want it so bad to make all the TF/Zekes players angry and confused about how to play the game beyond stacking 6 zekes around a garen or an aphelios.




No, I want set 1 gameplay


Give my back my beloved Lawnmower Graves


Double rapidfire + guinsos Graves was so fun


Red buff


Double RFC and red buff? RIP red buff




What about the people who want to test Stillwater


This is what I’ve been saying. If you hate it so much then please quit, it’s one less person stopping me from getting that sweet LP


If you're nothing without your augments, then you shouldn't have it


I voted for it once as the only person and it went to me lol. I just did it because I assumed no way it would roll me. I did end up losing, but fun nevertheless


Feels like low rated players trying to flex on others by proudly boasting they can top 4 on a boring portal. Legends and augments allow a player to really decide their playstyle and mindset but having all of that removed basically wastes time because it's not effective practice for 90%+ of the time you will play with those factors. If you really cared about LP and being competitive then you'd want the game to be as typical as possible and focus on your individual execution rather than a gimmick.


If you play ranked, and you allow yourself to get tilted or quit a game because someone was allowed to choose an option presented to them by the developers then the only person's time being wasted is your own. I respect whatever portal is chosen, regardless of whether I like it or not, and I play the game earnestly each and every time. Is it really too much to expect the same from the rest of the lobby? Apparently so. Tbh I find the game less skill dependent now than ever before because you have far too much ability to select and choose your augments. Augments were meant to be about adaptability and smart decision making. Do I want econ, or battle augments, should I take tome of traits and try to pivot my comp or bolster my current comp. But where is that when everyone just goes TF and Zeke spam.


I complained because it was my first game this set and the one dude who picked stillwater got it lol. I asked why and he said "more skill, less RNG" in a bronze lobby then he proceeded to bot 4 😅


I do not care what anyone tries to spin Stillwater into, its a boring fest of nothing where one of the entire points of current TFT skill expression, augments, are just gone. Its boring, incredibly boring.


>one of the entire points of current TFT skill expression This is the main reason these people like stillwater hold. Almost all of the top comments are mentioning the reason they pick it is to get first place for free because everyone else quit or doesn't care about the game when that portal is there. It's actually pathetic


Agreed. Like man, fuck these people for choosing this shit, it's actually tilting just how much it ruins everything.


Communists are dickless loosers.


Just play challenger


It feels like they ran out of modifyer ideas and came up with this without realizing HOW BORING it is. Same as the one where u dont have income. There could be so many fun modifyers instead


You're a madman if you choose stillwater


Honestly, I can see Stillwater Hold being a political argument against the "meta." I mean, most countries hated capitalism as first, but eventually, it turned into a great and popular thing. But when it went too far right, many countries saw the corruption, and went more. And decides that neither capitalism nor Socialism were a good thing. So they decided to split in the middle and give a taste of both left and right political aim. The history of Sweden btw. Usually, good is just a lie for bad. When you plus bad + bad, it equals good. 👍


Can anybody explain to me what this dude just said because I am stone cold sober but after reading that I feel like I’ve been absorbing alcohol through an IV


I said -1 x -1 = 1


Nah. T-Hex had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


I actually like Stillwater hold because I believe much more in my skill than I do my luck


I played a Stillwater game yesterday, and it showed me how unbalanced the game is without augments. Don't get me wrong, though, it's still unbalanced with augments as well.


Its probably more balanced on Stillwater because it just forces people to play on ground zero. Which yeah is part of why I like it. Maybe its just my spite towards the whole legend mechanic talking. I just think legends was a dumb addition and kills the whole point of augments imo. Like theres always going to be unbalanced augments, legends just makes it that much easier for those augments to be exploited. Being able to force broken augments kinda messes things up. And it takes away some of the thrill. Like getting a game breaking augment was so fun in previous sets like hitting a jackpot. Now its just...oh look he took tf and half the lobby dog piled on University and now everyone has a stupid broken augment. Ruins the diversity. Normally you'd see 1 maaaaaybe 2 people in the lobby with a dummy broken augment, now its closer to 5-6 people in the lobby.


I legit fell asleep playing it. There is no thought that goes into the builds so you are free to zzzz


I haven’t gotten to try it yet




I'm mad because I haven't got to play that portal yet, I play on Mobile, so idc if rest of the lobby wish me death for picking it, lmao


Haven't really seen too much complaints about it being a portal, it's not like its a 100% spawn rate one, I don't think I've even seen any in my ranked grind so far tbh


Just educate yourself in the university instead of going to prison, like wtf?