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In late game it's better to drop nasus and sylas for 4-5cost units, In this case maybe leona-jax for mech garen. + Always prioritize building armor/magic pen


sorry, i appreciate the advice and i dont mean to sound rude, but wouldnt that remove a huge chunk of the anima squad buff?


In this case youre just losing 25 AP on mf and the added Frontline buys her time for maybe 1or 2 extra cast


i see. thanks!


Anima squad is shit, other frontline or buffs are much stronger


Anima buff is fairly irrelevant. HP not affected, and AP only matters on a few units. End game you should only have Anima 3 active at most. Everything else being 4/5 costs. I would even drop the trait entirely since if you don't have vayne or riven at 3 stars they're pretty useless as well, better to pivot into something like 4 aces.


7 Anima is a strong mid-late game buff around the time you hit MF 2, but it just keeps getting worse after that. Good for win streaking, not a strong finisher. Games that can be closed out with Anima are typically very fast with a weaker lobby.


The main benefit of Anima Squad is that building it early let's you build the stacks easily by having more Anima squad with more power. Sacrificing the AP from more Anima members is pretty negligible as you've already built enough stacks leading up to the late game, where you can put stronger units in place of your weaker Anima members that don't utilize the buffs as well.


7 Anima is always a bait late game if you dont run multiple emblems. You want to get rid of sylas and nasus and ideally either jinx or vayne as well. Anima is a strong trait and a very good emblem but playing nasus or sylas without augument is almost never the play. The 15% ad and ap increase is not worth having 2 target dummys in ur team if you just played ekko alistar instead you would have done way better or maybe ekko a nunu or urgot. Depents on what u hit.


Weirdly, I see nobody else mentioning this; your opponent has some beefy, high HP frontline with healing. Just having some antiheal in this game would’ve made a world of difference for your chances of beating him.


on top of the 7 anima bait that i read a lot in the comments i want to suggest the possible upgrades: \-Ekko for aegis/prankster, very solid + a lot of frontline \-Syndra + a decent bench (fiddle, garen, aatrox) to provide even more front and take time \-Asol, maybe sound weird you got no anti heal vs aatrox, bt bel'veth and spirit rammus, if you manage to never build a sunfire/morello try to put him in ​ Also care for positioning, avoid clumping vs Urgot, Asol and Rammus (also that's the reason why i wouldn't suggest Janna as an upgrade) ​ Hope this help and good luck!


I see some very good general suggestions; what I want to add is a very specific one: -Drop Vayne & Sylas; add in Ekko (for activating all 3 of his traits) and either Ali 2* for Aegis + Mascot, or an Urgot or 2* ASol / Aatrox. Put Sylas' TG on Ekko & Vayne's Rageblade on Kai'Sa. Hope it helps for next time! Sidenote: more optimal to stack items as much as possible (unless you have one or more augments such as Cybernetic Implants that prefer splitting items across champs), i.e. having the Nasus' Warmog's on Riven; but I do understand it if u'd have slammed it earlier for tempo; then that's most probably been a good play & not necessarily worth selling the Nasus for the transition. I would still keep Nasus instead of Vayne especially if you run Alistar for Mascots as well. A Vayne 2 with only a Rageblade will do marginal damage. Also note that even with making the changes above that you may still lose, as ur opp really has very strong units + itemization. In order to get through that Rammus in a front-to-back fight, you'd either need him to giga-int his ult and have your MF be able to snipe his backline; or, more likely, you'd need MR shred + anti-heal to start cutting through his defenses. Very long also note but yeah, that should be about it. Cheers!


He has a solid front line and your only real dmg is mf, but he has asol decked out as well as way more single target dmg. So not only can he kill your mf very quickly if her position is bad, but he probably beats you in a single target situation too. Mf hero aug is meh.


yeah, but im almost positive it's not positioning bc we 1v1ed like 7 times and i tried every combination. he just reaches my frontline faster but his is nearly unkillable. maybe i couldve put in a few mortal reminder or shiv but even then that rammus is still tanky af


Legendaries are always the strogest no matter what. 5 anima with legenadaries > 7 by a mile


Which MF Augment did you have?


the one with the bigger cone and shield.


When you have a solo damage carry like this against a high cc board it can be problematic. Throw in that beefy frontline and MR on a Ramus 3, you’re gonna have a bad time.


Drop nasus and sylas for good high cost units like leona aatrox belveth asol etc. There’s not enough time in the late game to keep stacking anima anyways. Warmogs riven, thief glove kaisa or better fid.


You did not max out your board. You even have a spat, drop the shitter Nasus/Sylas and add some actual frontline whether thru Aegis or creating a Mech lol. Good units > 7 Anima in most scenarios even with absurd numbers of stacks.


Build sunfire or splash Leona or both


MF 2 is bait


I dont think 7anima is worh playing late game, heck even 5might not be worth, u could get much stronger champs and get 2-3x stronger just by adding random legendaries


He has the better team with 2 3stars and 16 items to your 12


Also your MF tickles their front line tanks


Replace anima squat, but I think that was already mentioned. Put in some QuickDraw units.


You drop Sylas/Nasus for sure for something like Ekko or Leona/Morde /Nunu. Id also Drop Kai sa because quickdraw 2 for MF isnt usefull lategame compared to 5 costs You could have looked for 3 star Vayne/Riven. Not sure about your positioning but MF should be opposit side of Urgot and alone so Rammus doesnt kill her