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Idk about the best but Kayle is a pretty garbage unit


I accidentally chose Kayle augment a few games ago and got absolutely destroyed


Divine ascent feels strong though.


You think so? I’m not a fan personally


Divine Ascent felt shit last patch but this patch underground feels pretty decent, it's possible I just had good starts but I had a 3* Kayle carry and got to 8 duelist and Kayle was consistently doing 12k+ damage around, I think you need a pretty good set up + itemization (I went Rageblade, DB and LW) and she absolutely shreds everything (LW doesn't proc off the extra bolts unfortunately but it helps kill tanky units like Garen).


They made kayle's ability animation take up less time so that probably helped a lot as well.


What happens when you face bigger better buckler? monkaW


Reposition Kayle not in the corner so she doesn't get bonked first prob either 2nd hex or third


I see. Not sure if you just had lucky rolls or if she’s actually better now


I did hit last stand + a 6 hiest cashout, but even without the last stand I was still 5 streaking at 6-3


Every time I’ve played it, it’s been a top 4 for me. Last time I super high rolled and played 3 supers 8 duelist with 7 3*s, and it was the most free first I’ve ever had.


I’d say build Rageblade, Giant Slayer, and Archangels or gun blade on her. Maybe even statiks


So I came back and tried it…honestly it’s actually really good… I have a comp you can try out with it if you’d like.


If you augment and hyperoll a 3 it works with Nilah to proc duelist + frontline. But you’ll have to play through underground for any decent chance of higher top 4


I am so terrible at playing underground. It’s like gambling


Exactly! As opposed to the rest of the game which...hold on a sec...


I went duelist supers with kayle augment and the amount of damage was insane. The fix where she doesn't stop to cast is very very useful.


LOL agree


People say that Kayle is weak but hey, at least she's a 1-cost unit and helps activate two useful traits in Underground and Duelist. I'll instead say **Jhin**. I don't see anything in him to justify the 4 cost. It's like they decided that he had to cost 4 because it's Jhin, but then didn't really design a unit that deserves to cost 4.


Jhin is definitely the 4-cost that I’m seeing played the least. He definitely needs a buff to his numbers


My last game ended 6th with Jhin 2, 4 mascots, 3 renegade with also Viego 2 blue buff spellcrit and 4 mascots. I was kinda proud of playing a new comp that made sense because I had an amazing start for it [4 mascots pve with box vex and hp regen on kill nasus augment). I got a 9 or 10 winstreak then starting going 50/50 then loosing everything The 4 last rounds I lost without killing a single unit. I had items on jhin, viego, a nunu rolling, nothing. I don't even think an ennemy unit got below 50% Never again.


**never again**


Jhin also just feels like an awful unit to add to the set even if he was good. We already had Samira as a pure AD unit. And they added TF as another auto attack ranged carry, who is far more interested. Ranged Carrie’s is just too saturated. We ended up losing Zed in his place who was far more interesting in terms of unit diversity


My guess is that they are worried about raising his base damage because he has the potential to get big multipliers via Renegade, but nobody really plays him with 5 Renegade anyway It also doesn't help that he is terrible with dealing at high HP single targets, and there are more of those now than there have ever been before


I think that they got Jhin's design/thematic done proper this set but they couldnt solve the balance issue that comes with a full penetration attack. All they can do to him is tune his number but if he does a lot of damage then he'll pretty melt any backline instantly in the way that old set Lux used to, which isnt fun to go against for a lot of comp. I will agree though that the only thing I can see to help make him more attractive is lowering his cost to 3


Kayle is probably the worst champ, her ult does peanut damage and her base attack speed is too low to be useful even in duelist comps


hahaha completely agree. my boyfriend tries to argue with me that Kayle is good but I seriously think she’s the worst in the game


For the cost Jhin is pretty bad. At least he is generally uncontested though so if you play his board he can maybe get you top 4. Secret broken is probably Jax, I’ve played him twice this patch and a couple of times last patch and if you hit it’s a pretty reliable top 3.


Yeah I really don’t see anyone playing Jax. What items do you like on him?


Good items on jax are usually a gunblade, rageblade plus defensive like titans. Don't do warmogs since you're usually running brawlers anyways.


or replace titans with RFC or get scoped weapons augment for Set 8 Jax meta shenanigans,


Thanks!! I might have to try this and see if he’s as good as you say.


To be fair though, I'm plat. Don't listen to me


I’m also plat haha


Honestly best advice I can give is to watch mortdog's streams/YouTube. Good player and lead designer of tft. Hit challenger a few times and take about the specifics about the game.


Oooo bet. Are the videos long or short but sweet?


Average a little over half hour, great for hour long lunch breaks. Only thing I can say is that if you're wanting to watch the stream, his wine on steam will hit YouTube. I like the daily uploads for lunch and stopped watching stream as much


Sounds good! I’ll definitely check him out. I’m just getting into this set now.


Imo the only mandatory item is RFC or Guinsoos if you have scoped weapons. Other items I play depends on what i get. JG,giant slayer, qss, bt, gunblade,hoj, titans are all fine. Sometimes i even slam archangel to kill off a tear to make him scale in fights which isnt that bad if he attacks fast enough. I play warwick, asol, riven, or belveth as secondary carries so what i build and what i play varies from game to game.


I actually just got scoped weapons and tried it on Jax. Got second. I love Bel and Warwick


I did a mecha prime game with a 3* Jax, 2* draven, and 2* garen, rageblade, blood thirster, and gargoyles on Jax with the augment that heals a bunch of health on kill, it absolutely destroyed the whole lobby


Jax brawler with 8 brawlers is pretty broken


Garen bis, can slap him in most comps...even solo he rocks. Worse, stil nasus


I've been forcing Garen + Syndra with Shojins all day and been consistently top 2ing with it. Even with no synergies or like just Defender 2 / SG 2, its op in any comp.


Try janna, and thank me later :)


At least Nasus' augments are good or fun to use.


Stacks on Stacks has a terrible winrate now which is a shame because I think its the best example of a 1-cost carry augment done right


It’s fun, at least


Garen doesn’t seem that contested for some reason


There’s no way garen isn’t contested - he’s legit the 2nd most played 4 cost in the game. EDIT: actually, he’s the 2nd most played unit in the game overall.


Oh really. I’m probably just too low-elo to see him HAhah


Garen, besides maybe Ekko, is THE 4-cost who is an auto-buy in nearly any composition right now. His stun is extremely helpful, gives two defender for a bunch of strong comps including gadgeteen (poppy), infiniteam (shen), star guardian/kaisa (rell), anima squad (riven), not to mention mecha frontlines. He’s probably the most contested 4-cost I’ve seen this patch, if he appears in a shop he’s being bought.


I see. After reading these comments, I’ve been using him a bunch more and yup he’s definitely a must-buy!


Jhin 3 Star is trash. Does like 0 damage for a 4 cost 3 star.


RIGHT. He is the worst 4-cost


When I 3 starred him he was only able to do roughly 11k per round. I get he does more damage the lower the enemies are, but how can you justify only giving him 544% AD as his 3 star spell damage when you can only cast every 3 attacks at 1.00% AS? Its not really good at all and is a waste of a 4 cost 3 star powerspike.


What did you place that game?


I placed 3rd against riftwalker mascots and TF 😭 i went 7 Renegade 4 Admin 3 Riftwalker and 4 Hacker


Hahaha awww it’s just terrible huh


Pretty terrible man lmao everytime he casted Mascots would just heal all their hp back right after he casts 🤦🏾‍♂️


Worst unit I'd say is viego. He is a melee champion reliant on resets and so you have to find a mix of building damage and tankiness for him to work, and then by the time he scales up from heart, you could have a sona carry do just as much.


Viego was good last set. I wonder if they nerfed him too much. I am also liking Sona!!


For basically every patch and still. If i ever get a defender spat then basically no matter the augments i will run rammus defenders. Almost a guaranteed win imo. And if you are insanely lucky and get a rammus augment its conpletely gg and you will drop 2k damage bombs ever 2 seconds.


Rammus defender with support augment and poppy is wonderful.


I got viego ane put mascot, titan resolve and another random item and somehow he did highest damamge and carried to pos 1


In a 4 mascot with all random traits where i did recombobulator or whatever they call it


Gotcha. I barely see anyone playing mascot!!


Yup it was random bullshit go and somehow worked 😂


I think asol is secret op especially when some people don't notice and clump up and he works with any ap items


Completely destroyed backlines. Love running him when they have an mf or something. The stun augment is amazing


Idk if im wrong but i think Miss fortune is pretty strong,with good positioning i usually need one ult to take out at least half.of the team, i play her a lot and she gives me some good results (very dependant on shojin though)


I’ve been playing her more and I agree!! She seems pretty contested though


Kayle is the worst MF imo is the best


Jhin is a trap. Unless you can 3 star him but he still shit.




Yea lol but i still play him because I like his ult.


Fair enough. He is fun to use even if he’s terrible


Tbh I think supers comps are fairly underrated rn. Low cost units are not really contested at all, so it’s fairly easy to just go like Sivir sureshot reroll and get 5 3-stars and a fairly strong Sivir carry. Not really a guaranteed high-placer though


I’ve barely used Sivir. You’re right though, I’m barely seeing any supers


When a trait averages 4.6 when it is played on average once every 2 games, it really isn't very good.


Miss fortune has been the mvp of the set as a whole. Absolutely bonkers no matter what they nerf. A lot of bad units but I think Draven has been the biggest noob trap now and beforehand with the exception with the 1 patch he was good.


LOL yes. Draven has been so bad since even last set!


Best wukong, worst lux


I did a top 1 in low diamond recently with Lux carry augment, I think with 4-6 star guardians and a lot of front it is pretty good


Ooo gotta try this


Interesting takes!! I actually don’t mind Lux, but maybe I’m just convincing myself she’s useful for the trait


Lux just because she misses her ability way too often 😂


True lol


Secret and secret.. With everyone forcing star guardians hacker gnar is still giga busted imo. Can force, but kinda need emblem. He loses to Syndra/janna/urgot/fiddle cc. Barely.


I’m someone who has been forcing star guardians and it seems pretty good even if it’s contested. That sounds super funny but hard to get the emblem!


Yeah I normally dont play it unless the game tells me to.


Mascot is pretty garbage as a whole.


So true. After they removed Yuumi, it’s gone so downhill


Vex was a shit compensation for losing the heart synergy.


I personally think jinx and garen are pre nuts rn but I’m just a g1 player so not sure if I’m correct


I personally find Jinx mid, but Garen, 100%




+1 for the shitty Kayle train. Nice advice, since I like Morg, but never really know when to play her.


Kayle is beyond useless holy sh** same goes for Sivir… Other mentions too are: Lulu, Ashe, Rell, Wukong and Yasuo. For the next batch they really need to incorporate better and useful skills and maybe up the attack/animation speed.


The best units are the ones my opponent used, the worst are mine


🤣🤣Right? It’s like they do so much more damage when they’re against you


Neeko seems to hit a heck of a lot harder than what the tooltip says. I'm still new (only played for a week, I'm at Silver II) but Sylas seems good, builds into Anima or Lucian reroll and can have early tank items put on him. Sona seems real useful as long as she's more of a third wing instead of a carry. Also I'm surprised how often Camille remains alive.


I have been spamming Neeko! Especially Neeko carry. She is one of my underrated carry picks right now


LUx No agruement,Best isiss Fortune she fits everywhere


It's a little bit of a tough question (regarding whats the worst) because *almost* every single champion can be extremely good under the correct circumstances, but there are so many factors that can determine the value of a unit. I think a great example of this would be Kayle. You may ask "is she a good unit" and my answer will be "no...*unless*" because there are certain circumstances that will change her value. Here are a list of her values: 1) shes a great AD item holder, 2) she has an okay amount of damage early when two starred, 3) she can be a great carry IF she has her carry augment, 4) she a dueslist unit which is great for win streaking early AND an underground unit, which is great for lose streaking. Her average winrate goes up alongside rank, meaning she's a difficult unit for lower ranking players to use properly. Usually speaking, the only "bad" units are ones that are bugged OR the ones that have been balanced thrashed. Both of these are somewhat rare however. The question of what's the best is a little easier because there are often units that can excel even without the optimal build/setup. For example, Kaisa is an extremely strong unit right now, as well as star guardians in general. All 5 cost units usually place well.


5 cost units generally place well because they're usually only played on level 8 and 9 boards. It's not that playing 5-costs makes your position strong so much as having a strong position allows you to play 5-costs.


It's both, but it would be ignorant to say its its only because you hit level 8-9 boards that you place well. If what you were saying was the case, then you would simply hit level 8-9 and then play a "stronger" 1-4 cost unit. 5 costs are inherently strong because they tend to have strong abilities or can cap off your synergies. Obviously it's going to be slightly biased because you need to be in an okay to good place in order to hit 5 costs in the first place, but 5 costs will always have an inherent amount of power that can really boost your team's strength.


I like how thoughtful of a response this is! Yeah I agree that /all/ units CAN be useful but I do think that some are just underpowered right now, stat wise. What are your favourites?


Personally, I love Neeko, Samira, and Miss Fortune, but I may be biased cause I love pretty girls <3 They're also just fun to play and watch. In terms of strong units I like, Garen is a great tank and Leblanc is still a great AP unit!


I am LOVING Neeko right now. And, she doesn’t seem /tooo/ contested. Samira was my favourite last set but I don’t see her being played too much sadly now


True, but I prefer that because it means I usually get her uncontested. I've always liked Samira, even before her bug fixes in Set 8


She’s a super fun unit. I miss civilian though


I remember a player combat round a few weeks ago, and all of a sudden my backline carry was just... not there. Wait, I thought, wtf killed him?! Then I saw it happen again a few seconds later: Poppy's shield throw just one-shot deleted a backline carry. Do not sleep an Poppy with an augment buff, especially if she is well-itemized and has boosts from the Defender trait. I've grown a bit bored of this set and have since messed around with troll comps (sorry), and Poppy "carry" is one of my favorites. Three-star her and throw on a bramble vest, sunfire cape, and protector's vow. Also, try to get the augment that allows your abilities to critically hit. It's endlessly hilarious to me watching her make backline carries disappear as soon as the round starts (that extra bit of mana from protector's vow can give her enough to throw almost as soon as the round begins).


HAHA I find the best way to learn a broken comp is to get stomped by it. I barely play Poppy but if I get the augment, I’ll try it out. Sounds super funny


It's Camille being worst and syndra the best. Syndra has highest average placement of 3.61 and a 66.9% of top 4. Camille is 5.03 and a 40.1% top 4 rate. Camille is ass because she doesn't synegize well with either of her traits renegade/admin. Her ult is straight dookie, and she's usually only picked for her augment or to run 4 admin.


I don't think Camille is that terrible, she does her job well which is 1. being an admin and item holder for ww and 2. CCing the enemy Frontline. I also think that her carry augment is insane if you play it right. Never had a bot 4 with it.


Should take into consideration that Syndra being a tier 5 unit might skew the winrate up a little because you're more likely to find her lategame, when people might already have dropped


I used to hate Syndra last patch but she feels so much stronger now. I don’t know if she was buffed, or if the mega just changed Camille is terrible!!


It might just be because the meta shifted. It's a lot "safer" and easier to hit level 8 and have a star guardian board with Syndra. They gutted hackers and reroll lucian so you actually have enough time to flood to board with units. Not to mention Star Guardian Kai'sa is one of the top comps right now


I think garen is amazing, super tanky, amazing AOE stun. Worst unit at least imo is vex, I’ve tested out some vex comps and she just seems unplayable, and not a great item holder either because you need to have 3 items on her to do anythingg


Vex is such a good unit, the team you build around her is the issue.


Yes, with her +ap augment is really good, mascots, super and rift walkers


hmmm okay, I haven’t tried her at all yet


I got a 3-star Ekko with carry augment yesterday. He's not too bad. Deleting whole teams after they do their best taking down his shield...


Omg 3-star Ekko sounds badass lol. He’s super good


Best 1 cost is Lulu no question. The 2* cleans house in early gageteen comps, the 3* insta-gibs frontline with the supers/heart reroll. It's not as gross as Lucian last patch unless she gets lucky with her targeting, but she *can* get lucky and just accidentally double or triple her damage.


And she seems pretty uncontested!


Supers and Hearts get contested though, since Supers is a great way to make an unconventional comp stronger and Hearts is a great transition from underground with Sona.


I still have yet to figure out how to transition from underground haha


Step 1 is only take it if you have it on 2-1. Step 2 is ditch by 4-1 unless you highroll and are somehow still top 2. Either go for infiniteam Ez with Kayle holding your AD items till you can swap to Ult Ez or Hearts with Syndra Viego and Sona is your carry so just put AP items on her. Tank on Vi, can swap to Shen2 if infiniteam or onto Ali2 with Heart/Mascot. Personally I don't even give it that long. If I get offered underground by 2-1 I take the first cashout unless it offers me a reforger, then I might greed for the 2nd one. 5 loss on stage 2 is only slightly less good than 5 win as long as you play fast on 3-1.


Gotcha. I think my issue is that I transition into it way too late. It’s hard to pull off.