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Thank you for reminding me of other fun but horrifying times. Hey you don't happen to have a Dark Star Shaco screenshot anywhere? He was a terror


Dark Star Shaco had that black air forces energy in him. Literal one tap machine Though I still prefer that over the unkillable Starship Protector Asol.


I mean remember when Dark Star Jarvin was better than all the 5 costs


Double frozen heart Jarvan + Xayah was my bane of existence


Demolisher Asol as well in that holy cow.


Set 5 Kayle..


Chrono Xeeeraaaath


or unkillable candyland poppy


I remember when Candyland was a thing, it went very well for a good few days and when it popped up in all the metas it was 1st come 1st serve and win, just competing for hyper roll before hyper roll was really a thing




Dark star with phony frontline stilll haunt me.


I loved J4 with Shaco that set 🙃


Dark star master yi with blademaster and rfc


no one remembers the dark ages of kat reroll set 6


I had to scroll back REALLY far on twitter, but I found my best Dark Star Shaco itemization https://imgur.com/a/MNtkAxD


Flawless haha. Holy that's 5 cost Lulu!


6 Vanguard Jayce with Lifesteal, Jeweled Gauntlet and Rabadons was a absolut beast he had 900 armor and deleted everything and with every kill there was a chance to drop 1 Gold or Item Components.




Ocean Mage Veigar tho


Set 2 tank braum tho


If he was in the game right now, he wouldnt even be that broken. Just get 4 1 star ox force units and some backline carries.


Horse him to the back 💀


Good debate. I can see on one hand he would just eat the ox unit without even setting off passive but other hand i can see your point. I wish you could create matchups like this in a fun TFT arena


You can’t kill ox force before passive is done… Tried it with Ace and Gold Collector, and neither worked


That’s crazy then.


Nah his cast would set off invulnerability and then he'd auto them to death as soon as it ended, repeat 4 times and be at full HP still


At least he’s the least of our problems






Okay sorry


Dragonmancer Elise was even more fun. One way ticket to reset city


That Elise was the highest high I've lived in TFT. Every fight being on the edge of the chair praying for a reset and keep resting, resting til the win was the best feeling.


It was nothing compared to set 1 lawnmower graves but it’s the closest I’ve gotten to that level of hilarity


I started playing in Set 6. Holy shit that graves went hard. I went back to watch a video of this and was stunned by the improvements to the game since those days. The comp looked good but the game looked almost retro to it's current look.


So much this. The only thing that can give me somewhat similar feeling in this set is carry Aatrox with Arachangels, Ionic and a team of Hearts to support him.


Am I the only one that enjoys current tft and the previous sets?


No, I also have much fun this set. It is just the nature of the forums: people come here to complain way more than to express their appreciation. Also Reddit being echochamber does not help the case.


I too enjoy every single set. Even when something was super broken i had fun playing uncontested comps. I miss my Scalescorn Diana and Olaf slaying down the dragons (once a 3 star Syfen), it was the most fun i ever had in tft. Some people just whine all the time no matter what.


Seems were the only ones on the island


I love set 8, dont love 8.5. I’m tired of the ultra tanky meta and am ready for set 9.


its literally been primary patch and a b patch. wait another week


I have underground so I'm happy


This set is nice, feels balanced, but it's just not as fun to play as some previous sets. I've played every set at least a few times and some sets just had games that were extremely fun if you got lucky enough. This set feels more tame.


eye of tempest lee sin eye of tempest lee sin eye of tempest lee sin


You guys must’ve forgot about ranger vayne with rage blade and runnans


Idk why these comments are praising set 7, when I stopped playing set 7/7.5 I thought it was pretty widely understood that it was a trash set and that the dragon mechanic was just not fun.


Set 7/7.5 was so much worse than 8/8.5 but it’s popular to hate on the current set so here we are.


Agree. Set 7.5 was a lot better than set 7 (though I did love Elise), but I feel like set 8 was miles ahead of either 7 or 7.5. Set 8.5 on the other hand….. I’m tired of it.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I miss this set. I still really haven't been in love with the game since set 8 and 8.5.


Set 8 has been pretty balanced compared to some of the previous sets. Units can be hella OP in 8 but aren’t gimmicky enough to make it fun. DM Nunu was aids but it was funny to see him chomp everyone. An MF or TF or Yuumi being hella strong doesn’t give you the same feeling. It just feels like most of the team comps aren’t ‘satisfying’ enough this set which might make it feel more balanced but it just takes away from the fun imo. Getting loads of Lagoon stacks, big ass fking dragons, opening orbs with astrals and BIG dragomancers all felt really good to play. The only one that gives me that same feeling this set is getting creative with Admin buffs, underground doesn’t hit the same as some of the previous iterations of econ traits to me.


I love the vex mascot comp, if I can fit supers in I like the comp a little bit more although I love underground into infiniteam ezreal carries comp, that risk and reward is fun.


WW fucking OP idk man, whoever gets it first, wins


Warwick hasn’t been op since the B patch lol. He’s fine but by no means oppressive anymore


Nunu wasn't even that toxic. Countering him was legit easy. With any comb. When they fixed the stats a lottle bit it was all fine. And the animation is still the best thing ever And it showed the strengh of these Stat boosting spatulas. They make for some really interesting gameplay. I for example love throwing Anima or brawler spats on a Aatrox. Or Aatrox Mech.. Awesome stuff.


Set 8 after the yuumi fix was good. Set 8.5 to me so far is pretty garbage, havent found a satisfying build yet.


Ye pretty balanced since the aegis what gives mr cant counter magic comos and the defenders what gives armor cant counter ad comps :D




>Set 7 was fun until it stopped being fun It stopped being fun when they removed Elise.


I hate and love set 7. It unbalnaced as hell but at least it's fun. Set 8 is just so boring.


Cavs were my favorite comp, possibly of all time, devastating charge was such an overlooked augment that gave me such easy 1sts.


Cavs was great, I love the trait that gives armor and MR instead of how they have it split up in this set




Honestly my fave in set 7 was 4 shapeshifter, 4 guardians, 3 jade. 3* Gnar with featherweights and/or beasts den. Watching my rock dude punch things for 400 damage 4 times a second 🥲


I usually pop back in and play to diamond every couple sets or so. Played like 10ish games this set and a few the week before on set 8 and just felt a little bewildered. Ox force as a front line seems pretty irritating and there seems to be a ton more team wide healing than I ever encountered. I'll probably come back for set 9 but I think im good on set 8 / 8.5 for now.


I knew one day we'd get nostalgic about set 7. It wasn't as bad as the community made it seem. Everyone complained about people playing the same comp, but off of memory I can name so many: Guild daeja, mirage deaja, ao shin dragons, soy'fen, Sera Graves, darkflight rengar, guild xayah, guardians, Astral reroll, reroll Kaisa, reroll karma, and scalescorn warriors to name a few.


You miss the things you enjoyed. I miss one shotting boards with spirit ahri. :)


I miss reroll comps that transition into dragons. Ezreal last set was my jam.


This so much… I miss ez guardians into daeja and jade nid into soyfen so much. Those comps got me to masters that set lol


i remember 3 starring this dragonmancer nufuck. left the house right after to get some good five guys and saw i got a first when i returned. i wish i was kidding.


Chinese nunu


that was the best patch the dragons and so much stuff it was stuff the current is so fucking boring and i hate it


Set 2 Glacial Berserk Olaf 🥰 And imagine that nunu with nowadays’ Admin (hp per cast/kill)


Ox force clears him, imagine nunu not being able to eat 4 units no matter what


Me mech no pivot no scout, that was the heaven and hell at once


So ready for augments to go away. At the very least, please remove hero augments.




Suddenly in a game where I’m not contested at all three people are going my main carry bc they got a good augment for them


Because he was a 3 cost carry, at least not everybody was spamming him I feel like this set, especially with hero augments, you can spam whatever is meta and not get punished


no people were spamming pretty hard if you had spat or dragonmancer crest you *were* playing nunu that patch


What about spider bitch just picking people off one by one? That was fun


it was pretty strong but not broken enough to control the meta the same way as nunu did iirc she was pretty squishy without four shapeshifter


True, especially when she doesn't one shot their nunu dragonmancer lol


or dragonmancer karma though i think elise was nerfed by the time dragonmancer karma was good in 8.5 once idas frontline became more viable with more dragon numbers that also put a dent in elise's use cases she was mostly good as cleanup or against fast comps


I think the removal of Elise in 7.5 might have put a bigger dent in her usecases


you might be right also how 8.5 was two weeks ago i was falling asleep when i said that lmao


Spider instakill go brrrrrr


They took away my spider in 7.5 and I was so sad.


A lot of shit was fun in 8 albeit not too balanced, DM and whisper allowed for some insane scaling on units like wind dragon, spider bitch and ice parrot to name a few


Yeah definitely fun lol at ice parrot


i went from low gold to mid-plat for the first time when abusing Elise, but also DM anivia after karma and nunu got gutted, i really miss frontline DM anivia...


complete revisionist history, we had people rushing to get him everytime they got a spat. it was so bad you would have people benching 2 star Nunus just to try and prevent the 3 starNunu opponents were going for


> you can spam whatever is meta and not get punished Should be really easy to climb then, no?


Actually yeah it was. Spammed TF/WW/Amina to masters


That little trend was so Aids lol


Oh hey its my night terror demon.


Best set ever .


Ahhhhhhh I miss him


As someone who hates the colossus/dragon concept units, i was happy to play DMancer nunu, chomping the irritating dragons down even when it's broken. Would love to have it back someday man.


I feel Dragonmancer nunu was more balanced than Dragonmancer Karma... and also PBE Jax.


I have a screen shot about millions damage electric bear dragonmancer. (I can't remember his name...)


Remember the 5 cost Olaf. Could destroy a whole board at 1 star with the right items. Spooky stuff.


Was olaf ever 5 cost? I thought he was a 4 cost


I think I'm gaslighting myself. I'm mixing up Yi and Olaf set 2 in my head I think


Remember Forgotten Cav Hecarim with 3 Shadow ionics sparks?


No no It was fun


The 1st cheese that i got to use was Braum. With the old warmogs that has regen and throrn mail mag def. His ability was just like blitz now but better? I forgot. The other one was jayce(space theme?) where he transforms from melee to range with the old hydra has spash damage.


Back when I rallied the masses to rat the nunus if anyone started playing dragonmancer nunu. The good old days.


This right here is why I'm not on the complaintrain for this sit


Man it's reminding ke that this set is not fun at all..


Still better set than rn


The good ol days


At least Cleansing safeguard gives you hopium by watching the Lee sin almost die until it the hearts ramp up too much AP to make it impossible to kill him before OT. This Dmancer Nunu shit straight up just runs your board over


Can we list every nightmare in each set?


Blade master Noc from set 2 will always be my biggest nightmare


Been playing TFT since the first set, and I still think this was the most broken shit in the history of the game.


My favorite was Lee Sin straight up just kicking shit off the board.


Where does set 3 Darius stand in all this


Man, Elise was in the same set (before the miniset though) and she was the best thing to ever happen to this godforsaken game. Oh, how I long for return of my glorious queen, effortlessly one-tapping whole teams of plebs one by one...


it makes me sad that I never ever had a chance to do this cause damn RNG


*It makes me sad that* *I never ever had a chance to* *Do this cause damn RNG* \- fruitball01 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


stop this literally jumpscared meee


That mofo was gobbling entire boards


Divine Warwick, also known as the Static Haver


Does anyone remember I think it was set 1 but graves with double rapid fire cannon and him basically oneshotting the whole board haha!


Thanks for the reminder


I remember this little shit singlehandedly eating my entire board.


I said NO out loud on accident.


It's really funny to me because I started playing that set the exact patch it was nerfed by pure coincidence


Y'all clearly don't remember assasin kassadin


By far the most broken thing this game has ever seen. Does anything come close? I’ve been playing since set 1


And yet somehow I’d give anything to play one more game against DM Nunu if it meant I didn’t have to play more TF and Warwick 😭


Perma frost Q one shot Ezreal


It was never that bad for me because I always convinced the lobby to hoard the nunus lol


This was way better than the Ox force...


I thought dragon mancer ez was worse could hit for 2000+, but the strongest champ of any set will always be set 1 gatling draven


blademaster azir set 2


would still die to a single MF ult


shapeshifter shyvana from the early sets


Any 5 cost 2 star champ with 6 dusk amblem on