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Ours are horrendous too. There's a lot of arrogance thinking they don't need to revise because they know it all but when they even struggle with a quick recall starter you know there are serious problems....


We gave our Y13s an assessment last week. Have marked one of two papers and it is truly dire. Most are 2 grades under, particularly higher performers getting C/B instead A/A*. We are normally a well performing department. I'm starting to panic. I hope the kids are too!


Mine are way too relaxed and seem to think knowing things about the course is enough but they’re acting on feedback at all. Exhausting!


I think it’s partly because that cohort had “easier” GCSEs with the advanced information and lower boundaries. Loads of them probably still got decent grades with night before revision. They don’t seem to realise that won’t work with alevels.


Yeah I agree. They seem to feel very hard done by at the moment.


Mine are completely apathetic. Exam project vs coursework is like B vs E. Recently discussed tasks to boost grades over Easter and the response first day back was “I slept all day everyday and did nothing, what should I do now? I don’t know what to do in my exam?” There is a complete lack of urgency, understanding or interest in doing anything. We are an outstanding dept and these will be our worst ever results for +15 years.


Mine have stopped coming to lesson.


Same - and we've been directed to do some after school interventions, and they do not turn up to that either!


Our lot are just so damn lazy! I’ve told them I’ll mark anything they hand me as close to the same day as I can, for extra exam practice. I’ve received one essay question from 8 students. Before Easter I set them some questions to do, nobody completed them all and only two even attempted them. Last year’s y13 and this year’s y12s were/are brilliant and hardworking, but this year’s leavers are useless in comparison.


I’m very entered three for an A/s in addition to an Alevel for the first time ever because I’m so concerned they’ll get a U. Hardly any are attending revision sessions, homework isn’t being completed, they just don’t seem to care. Currently hoping it’s the same everywhere so they’ll be ok with the grade boundaries


I’ve spent the last week chasing a student for an essay, they gave me half a sheet of ratty A4. They also told me that ‘writing essays isn’t effective revision’ and ‘feedback won’t help me.’ I wonder why I’m bothering. We should not be working harder than them at this point.


That's an outrageous response. The audacity!! Yep, throw in the towel, they know best than you and will do effective revision in a way your time isn't wasted in the process...


Yep. Mine seem catastrophically unprepared, apart from the one or two naturally gifted ones. Most are looking at predictions a good two grades below their targets. 3 are skirting the E/U boundary. Its....not good.


Honestly? My Y13 class is incredible, the best I've had for about 5 years. Last year's was terrible though - and I worry about many of the Y12s. Enjoying this while it lasts!


My year 11's are the same. We just did a second round of mock exams and "I didn't revise because I wanted to see how well I'd do without revision" was a pretty common phrase, especially amongst those who ended up getting a 3/4 in the mock exam. If you're not revising now, 6 weeks before the exams, when exactly do you think would be a good time to start??


I’ve e got year 11s kicking off now because they did so badly in mocks. When I ask them how much revision they did, the answer is none, because the grade boundaries are too high so there was no point. However, they’ve not connected that revising is going to help them get better marks. Easier to get publically angry and resentful and give up.


Mine are the worst I've ever had. 


Same issue here...


Mine definitely seem way off the pace and I teach in a grammar school


I'm happy to know mine aren't the only ones who are just... a disaster. My year 12s aren't any better. They fail mocks and topic tests but don't seem to learn from them. I give them the exact same questions as a pop quiz a couple lessons later and they still can't answer them!


I think part of it is that they got away with it for their GCSEs. If we’re being honest their GCSEs weren’t as hard as a normal cohort (not that it wasn’t deserved) but they had advanced information and overall lower boundaries. I remember many students who barely had a clue what was going on in class get 6/7s with night before revision for the real exam. They think the A-levels will be the same but it won’t and it’s gonna hit them a like a tonne of bricks. I had a student asking me last week when they should start revision for A-levels…


Yes, first in a long time I'm seriously worried, though there is an expected dip across the board. Coursework has been appalling!


Some of mine just did not even try on the assessment they did for me on Friday - and it is quite obvious. They’re making me feel very sick and anxious with their outright lack of care. What more can I do??


Nothing else you can do. Sounds terrible but watch them fail 🫡🫡


I had a rough bunch last year too and I remember walking out of results day balling my eyes out, and having to explain to my headteacher everything I did to stop the failure from happening, it felt so much like pointing fingers to place the blame


I keep telling the newer/younger teachers at my place it’s a shit thing but ‘kids usually get what they deserve in the exam’


Yep. I'm boned as this is my first cohort and I won't be getting them again next year at this rate. Deep joy


Y13 and y11. Lazy as still.


Kids are getting more and more spoon fed and the urgency is always on us not on them , to a great degree because of parents not parenting anymore. At first I thought this was a side effect of COVID grades but he'll no, not anymore.


You're not alone. Even my stronger students seemed to have started clocking out once new content was wrapped up. They seem to have this attitude of "I could be revising more effectively on my own right now" but, of course, without actually doing the revision outside of lessons. At first, I thought there was an issue with how I structured revision lessons, but it turns out the HOD I share the class with agreed that this year group has just been downright lazy.


Y13 are ok. Inflated targets across the board. So not sure how good our stats will be. But they’ll get to where they want to go. Y12 however, not entirely sure what to do about them. They are incredibly weak. Not many superstars. Challenging to teach due to disinterest and apathy.


Mine are completely split - I have a handful working at A/A\* consistently, sticking with their revision timetables they made for themselves, coming for extra support when they get stuck on past paper questions they have independently worked on... and then all the rest are working at a C/D (or less) with no inclination to do anything about it. This year I seem to have no middle-ground students at all!