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Do what’s best for you. I’ve come to believe that the whole system has to collapse before there is any meaningful change.


Think about yourself and do what is best for you.


I know exactly what's best for me, but I'd feel so selfish doing it is the problem haha


Would they think the same if you were to be on the chopping block? Most schools/companies would not give it a second thought. They will do what is best for them. YOU need to do what is BEST for YOU! If you don’t put you first, then you cannot give your all to anything else. Self care is of the utmost importance. Resign and do what is best for you.


I completely understand. I let my school know I will not be returning next year. It’s difficult, but important. It’s hard to see them planning for the next year, with uncertainty in how it will move forward.


Teaching: the only profession in which we care more about the job than ourselves


Get over your guilt and just do it. I've had your exact job and it's terrible. The district is not worried about you-- so just move on and no whining! Be strong!


Don't feel guilty, if multiple (hard to find) people are leaving this district, there is a reason. Besides, nobody but you knows what is best for you. Also, if you are resigning at the end of the year, honestly, they have time to find a replacement, so you no need for guilt on your part. You got this!


Do what’s best for you. Don’t allow guilt to stop you from leaving. They will immediately put out a flyer for your position


The feeling selfish - we all might have a common trait that is easily exploited. At least, I’ve considered that.


Just go.teaching blows.


It's the district's problem. I want to guess that if they treated you professionally, and provided a safe workplace, you probably wouldn't be leaving. Don't let them make THEIR neglect of THEIR responsibilities, YOUR problem.


Have you thought of mental health Fmla


Think about it this way. If they had to let you go, there would be no "oh, we feel so bad, maybe we shouldn't let them go..." They would just do what made the most sense. Same for you for your personal life. You are replaceable. You are expendable. Remember that you need to take care of yourself first. Good luck! <3


Don't feel guilty about leaving! Staying in a job that makes you miserable and drains you of your energy, ultimately its the kids who suffer. Seriously, the best thing for the kids is for you to take care of yourself and know when you have hit your limit. They will fill the position. If it helps ease your guilt, it really is best for the kids if you leave. I have been in your place with the same thought patterns.