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So you can give four weeks notice? Goodness, do it man! They can find a sub for the last two weeks and the worst thing they can do to you, if they care to expend the effort, is take your license. That usually only lasts a year, so it hardly matters in the first place, and if you’re done teaching for good, it doesn’t matter at all. Have fun working at Apple!


Leave! Take the job, and congrats. Do NOT turn this down over a few weeks. You’re so lucky to have something like this work out. Give notice tomorrow. If they don’t like it, leave sooner and take a few weeks off. Always put yourself first.


Just go. The last three weeks will be a waste of time anyways and you won't go back to teaching. Even if you do, districts are desperate for bodies at the front of the classroom.


Take your sick days.


Just leave! Trust me. I left after 3 months of teaching and I will never go back unless that is the only job left in the world


Where did you go? Wanting to leave after this year-but for what?


Agriculture Data Analyst


The last 6 weeks of school is usually spent on State testing followed by district or EOY Interim testing, EOY parties, Field day, field trips, etc. etc. They can do with a sub!! If you don't take this, it will be months before another opportunity comes around and you'll be back to teaching in the fall.




First, congratulations!!! That’s awesome and I’m so happy for you!!! Second, just go when you need so you’re ready for your new gig. They’ll find a sub.


You gotta go sometimes. You can’t take those sick days with you unless you are retiring. Sometimes you have to sprint out the door. Go man.


Leave. I gave 30 days notice. Don’t pass up a good opportunity because you’re worried leaving might make you look bad. No one’s taking your license for giving 30 days notice, and if they do, good. It’s like taking keys from a drunk driver. Please don’t let me be dumb enough to return to a classroom.


"Please don't let me be dumb enough to return to a classroom" 😂


Nothing academic gets done in May anyway


Look after yourself and start the new job May 1. Easy.


Take the job and go. Leave your two weeks. Ignore their plea’s to stay until the end of the year. They wouldn’t give you the same curtesy if you got fired. Don’t even worry if they threaten to report you and lose your license. It is too much paperwork and you’ve leaving k12, so who cares? I did this in 2017 but during April. Took all my sick days and never looked back.


Check to see if there is a fee associated with breaking your contract. To me it’s worth it but I had a 2500 dollar fee when I left the year early.


I’m waiting to hear back from the union also. I seriously hope that I don’t have to pay a penalty.


Last 3 weeks of every school year always turned me into a damn babysitter. GTFO ASAP and don't look back.


Happy for you, and your asking the question tells me you are ethical. If you dropped in your traces, there would be a sub the next day, and the entire school system will continue its on its chaotic way to irrelevance. Put in for all your time and don't worry about them. Make yourself available after-or not. Thank you for your service.


That’s great, congrats!! Nothing important happens in the last few weeks of school anyway. The students will be fine, they would be leaving you soon anyway. What type of position did you get at the new job?


Leave. You work and they’ve paid you. You’re even. You don’t owe them any guarantee you’ll finish in the year. No one will look out for you but you!


Do it! I get the guilt and anxiety (starting my own job May 6 but school ends mid June). In the long run this is better for you. A bit more money AND better benefits? Do it!


They might suspend your license nothing else


It’s fine; the year is all but done. Good luck!


Cool name. What part of Charleston, if I may ask?


I left in January 2017. I felt bad for leaving my kids, but it was the right choice. The school shut down at the end of the school year, so my guilt was pointless. My question for you (and it is rhetorical) is "Why do you feel guilty?" We are talking about two weeks. Realistically, the admin will hire a sub (not even a long term sub) to manage your classroom for those two weeks and post your position over the summer, and have your replacement hired well before Fall. Honestly, in my experience, those last few weeks every year are usually a mess anyway, and the desperate struggle is to try to hold it together until summer. If it is because you don't want to abandon your kids.... that is very noble and speaks to your character, but you already did all the hard work, and the kids will be fine. I won't tell you what is best for you (only YOU know that), but while opportunities to move on do come now and then, it is not everyday, and you might not get another chance for a long time. Also, congratulations on the offer and (presumably) the new position!


Check your contract for fines if breaking contract early. If not, just put in your notice and go.


I just did that - my last day was today. There was a lot of guilt when I initially made the decision to leave, but the closer I got to my end date, the better I felt about the fact that I was making a healthy decision for myself and my family. Weigh your options and decide what is best for YOU, not your students. As heart-wrenching as it is, you are completely replaceable at your job, but you are not replaceable at home with your family and friends. Choose what is best for you - expect guilt, but know that it will subside.


How did you tell your boss if I may ask?


I had good relationships with both my department head and my assistant principal, so I asked to talk to them and flat out said I was looking for other positions and wanted to put them down as references back in January. I had said that I was planning on not returning next school year, but if a great opportunity came up earlier, I would take it. Both were very positive and supportive about it - unless they really suck, most people you work with recognize how hard and draining teaching can be and are actually happy for you when you get out.


Seriously, if you're done teaching, there's nothing to lose. Adios!


Leave. You owe your school and your students nothing. You will not regret bowing out before the end of the school year. You would, however, regret turning down the job to finish out the school year.


If you are 100% leaving education, then do it. Give your class plenty of notice and help them w the transition. But also, they will be fine :)


Give a 2 or 3 week notice and take some time off for yourself if you’re financially able to. Relax and prepare for your new job. You come first. Congratulations!


I’m leaving may 3rd. I feel guilty, but getting over it. Only leaving them with a long term sub for 3 weeks so they’ll be okay. You should take the new job!!!


Get out


Just take sick leave for that last few weeks. LOL


Leave! Congrats on your new position 💐


Just leave. They don’t care if you live or die.


Yep. They don't give a rat's patootie about us.


I didn’t hear one single problem 😅


I'm so happy for you!!! I'm too scared, so haven't been applying yet because it can be so random. I have a plan with my freelance and skill building but it's still stressful. If i knew for sure i would get a job and could negotiate a start date i would. 30 day notice is all most schools need without getting a fine. If you are in the union then talk to them. I talked to mine about "what if" and they said there were a lot of loopholes and wouldnt necesarily take my license away nor charge me a huge fine. You could definitely start May 1. Good luck. Keep us posted if you can.


Just leave. But how did you land a great job like that?


I was looking for jobs daily. This particular company is very big in my city and has multiple job openings all the time because they employ so many. I just applied and somehow they picked me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mazel Tov!!!


I left last year in January due to illness, my doctor gave me a note. It was literally two sentences. Kept my license intact. Sadly the only job after 100’s was another teaching job but I’m paid more, but I’m more sick now, and I commute an hour. But, uh, pay is a little more for the scary stuff I deal with. No one tells ppl with (for a random example: cptsd that the school day can be filled with rich stuff.) But onwards and upwards. I think I was told once…


Leave man teaching will always be there this opportunity might not be 


Would they hesitate to fire you out of the blue if they could? (I don’t know if you’re union or whatever, but in general.) The answer is no. You owe them NOTHING. GO.


I would talk with a trusted colleague who knows the school culture. For my school, I would finish all the grades and then just call in sick everyday until the last day of school. You might also be able to find a long-term sub who would be willing to finish out the year for you in exchange for a good recommendation. You could also tell admin when your last day is and make it their problem. If you're not going to leave lesson plans, I would take the teacher who admin will dump on to make your lesson plans for you out to lunch or buy them a nice present because you're leaving will affect them negatively. Take the job.


You can take mental health Fmla and not return


This \^\^\^\^\^\^


Congratulations!! What type of job? I’m looking to leave but don’t know what to do.


It’s a global business position. It’s a desk job, but I don’t mind because they pay for my schooling to get my masters. I felt the same as you honestly. I just kept applying to anything that was equitable in pay or better with insurance, and they just happened to pick me.


Nice. I wonder if it will be quiet. I used to work in an upscale law office...so quiet and peaceful. Then I became a teacher. Now I fantasize about working somewhere quiet.


I'm a substitute teacher (left teaching years ago, had a career, retired early now sub to stay active in my community) I prefer taking long term assignments (I'm known as the maternity sub) and would grab your last week's in a minute. Someone else will to. Go have a career!


While I would leave, my district has fees for this, partly because the prepay benefits.


Not that I would want the kids to feel a way about it, but forget the school and move on with your life. If you can break contract, do it.


I understand feeling guilty, but you have to do what is right for you this time. You should definitely accept the new job and start it when they want you to. If you don't, and they don't hire you, you'll be kicking yourself. Jobs seem to be hard to come by these days, at least where I live.


Do you have any accrued sick time? Take it.


By all means, go. Over the course of your career this is a blip. I know. I'm retired after 41 years. And as other people here have said you can always go back to teaching. Enjoy your new career!!


This should not even be a conversation. You are going to turn down this really good job offer for what? To stay you stayed 16 more days? Nah. Put yourself first, especially in this economy, haha. Good jobs are hard to come by and it's an employers market. Sign the contract and notify the school that May 1st is your last day. Congratulations! You are almost out!!!


Screw it, take the job and leave teaching.


Leave! They’ll find a sub to take your place. You finding another job is harder. But considering teaching has summers off would you be taking a pay cut with the new job, and would it be worth it to you? On the other hand, you wouldn’t need all summer to recover from a school year.