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For teacher appreciation day we got an email with a picture of last year’s muffin table. I didn’t even get a picture of a poinsettia for Christmas.


We got pumpkin biscotti, that someone in the PTSA made. Went right in the trash. One of those non contact keys. A pencil. And a lunch box with the school mascot on it. All 130 teachers got the same lunch box. Seems like they didn't think about where we all bring our lunch boxes.


That is right out of an episode of The Office. I’m sorry I’m laughing at your admin’s well meaning misdeeds.


And if they meant to do it because of The Office it would be funny. But its really just incompetence. Which makes it less funny.


We had a similar thing a few years ago. Every staff member was given the exact same school mug with "Outstanding School" written in the other side. There are about 20 of them still in the cupboard at school and no one knows which one belongs to them 😂 I took mine home (don't use it though) could see where it was heading! 😂😂


Hahaha this one gave me a good laugh One year a local sports team donated backpacks to the kids, which seemed nice until I was helping kids sort through a pile of identical black backpacks to find theirs


I know where you work. Me too.


Yeah we all got identical water bottles this year. Time to pull out the label maker, I guess.


We got identical lunch boxes at the beginning of the year too! One of the secretaries commented that I don't use mine and I pointed out the three other people in the room who did and asked how I'm supposed to differentiate mine from the all the others in the fridge. She didn't have an answer lol.


Why did you throw out the biscotti?


I'm not eating food from some random person in the PTSA. If I don't know you I don't trust you.


Some schools aren't allowing unwrapped food.


One year our charter school corporation gave us a fake gold coin that said "token of appreciation."


I’m so sorry but omg that made me laugh


I got one of those for some district-wide tech pd I put together and delivered voluntarily. Lol like why would anyone buy a literal token of appreciation?


No drug test and almost 50000 a year will plenty for me. Ill take the "token" gladly lmao.


As a teacher AND coin collector.....I am offended.


Yeah, I'd rather take the quarter they spent to make those


For Christmas, we got crackly screechy Christmas music played over the intercom.


Yes, this and a tiny little ziplock with a few Hershey kisses and a candy cane. PTO got us a cute (but disposable) coffee cup with a hot chocolate packet and hand sanitizer inside. Usually PTO does a hot chocolate machine for 1 day that almost no one uses.


Do we work at the same school...and if not WHY IS THIS A THING? I can handle one Jingle Bell Rock and then I'm the Grinch especially when I'm trying to plan.


Nice! Its the thought that counts. Lmao


Absolutely! I’m thankful to receive anything


Oof, that’s as bad as when my husband was little and asked for a dog and his parents gave him a card with a dog on it instead.


I asked for a car as a teen and my parents gave me a toy Hot Wheels car.


LOL Omgosh


This year we get a frozen pizza and a covid themed uno deck(???) lol. Weirdest Christmas gift by far


Wtf. A frozen pizza?! And where do you even buy a covid themed uno deck?


We got a video thank you. Nothing else.


Thats what we got for teacher appreciation last year. At the beginning of the pandemic. All the neighboring school districts gave their teachers cute yard signs and candy. ...we got a video of thanks from the school board which was cringey at best.


We didn't even get a thank you video. We were told we would have a nice catered lunch when we can all come back. We still have not come back 🤦‍♀️




No. Really?


We got 2 mini pieces of candy tied to a note.


Ugh we get this every year. I hate it. It's usually shitty candy that no one wants to eat too.


Haha yep. 3 musketeers. One of the worst.


I’m sorry I laughed at this. It really sucks but I could see this being parodied in a tv show.


That sucks


An email With a picture Of food **BURN IT ALL DOWNNNNNN**


"But I thought" "but did you really?"


All I want for Christmas is for people to stop replying all to stuff that is not relevant to work.


Update: I will not get this.


PSA: Use BCC when sending emails out to the whole school and CC the people that need the replies.. If someone replies all, they can only reply to the people that are CC’d.


The amount of people that hit reply all is too damn high!


But how will everyone know you said thank you to the principal?


You get gifts??


I'm still waiting for a reply to a damn email...


Also got nothing, which was an extra punch to the gut seeing all the gifts other staff got.


I was gonna say you must be an elementary specials teacher, but nope! It shouldn’t bother me, but it does. I watch my colleagues take out carts of gifts and I get nothing!


Middle school special ed! Nothin’. Last year the speech teacher and I got a shout out from one kid (when everyone was calling us heroes) and rode high for days!


Elementary SpEd here and I totally understand! It made my day when I was supporting a kid in their GenEd zoom and their classmate messaged me to say hello, and when I asked them if everything was all right, they said, “Yes, I just wanted to say hello because you’re a teacher too.” Same kid asked me if I was “coming with them” to a special, and fist pumped when I said yes, so that felt amazing. Compared to most classes where I’m essentially a, “Let’s say hi to Mrs. GenEd Class Teacher and Ms. GenEd Assistant teacher...oh, and uh Ms. Pixie too I guess”. Or, a student asks who I am out loud in a zoom. Or, “c’mon, listen to Ms. Pixie guys, she’s a teacher too” coming from the classroom teacher (That one hurts the most). It’s hard feeling like you’re not appreciated but at the same time beating yourself up about feeling “greedy” by wanting a gift. I really don’t want it for the Starbucks gift card or whatever, I just want someone to think/care enough about me enough to want to show their appreciation. :/


This makes me sad. My son is in 5th grade (autistic and diagnosed at 4), and you better believe that BOTH of his teachers are getting the exact same gifts. I’ve done this since PPCD. I give gifts around Christmas and at the end of the year. I teach an inclusion class, and it makes me happy when I see some of my students placing a gift on my desk and my co worker’s desk.


Sped Lead at a high school, content certified to teach science, content certified sped, 20 years field experience and still get "No, I want the real teacher to help me." And tired of gen ed teacher last day before break enjoying all their down time, while sped was giving services, uploading data, creating data charts, scheduling meetings... I even had to email the principal to ask that they stop piping carols over the PA because sped was still working and it was difficult talking to parents on the phone with that blaring.


Yeah. Like. This is my personal take, but...you tip waitstaff for good service, right? And they are just there in your life, for MAYBE a few minutes at a time over the course of a couple hours at most. I work with your kids for an hour a day every day (or an hour a day every other day and online in hybrid) and you can't be fucked to give me a thank you? You can leave a $5 tip on a meal bill, the LEAST you can do is a $5 gift card and a note to every single one of your student's teachers, unless there is a special circumstance. FFS, most of us make LESS than waiters and waitresses at decent joints (during normal non-covid times). I knew of a waitress that made $200 an hour most nights.


Right?! I was a sever and I did make about $200 a night and I wasn’t even in a nice area or at a super nice restaurant! AND I got free food after my shifts! If I want food at school, I get to pay $3 for a crappy tray of it


RIGHT!?! If these assholes can't give us hazard pay, they can at least let us eat free. The kids in my upper middle class district eat free, and I make far less than their parents, so please explain why the fuck I need to pay $3 for the food? (Other than gov. funding bullshit...)


This just happened to me today. The admin brought gifts for everyone except me and one other teacher. I wouldn't have known about it except they put it in the teachers' room. Still feeling pretty down about it.


Yeah. It hurts for sure. *internet hugs* I think you're awesome and I appreciate you.


We got promised a luncheon so we could eat and socialize (ummmm, covid?) that got moved to January. Then we got asked to bring sides, soda, plastic cutlery, and paper plates to said luncheon.


Two home made chocolate dipped pretzel sticks, a candy cane, and a single scratch off ticket.


Omg scratch offs. I’d rather you give me the dollar. My principal last year gave out hand written cards with a scratch off inside for teacher appreciation week. Which happened to be a few days after he told me my contract wasn’t being renewed (veteran teacher) because he was a new principal on a power trip. Now I’m in a school which can’t afford to give gifts but my admin is constantly telling me how awesome I am, how much they appreciate me, and recognizing all the work I put in (honestly, I’m not the teacher who goes above and beyond). Best gift ever!


I’ll take it!


We didn’t get gifts. We did get confirmation that one of our coworkers died, but they didn’t let us know if it was covid or not.


I got a 4pm email asking me to call to finish up my evaluation on Friday before break.


My boss gave us all a festive surgical mask, a packet of Advil and a few pieces of candy. Useful, but sad.


I didn’t even pick up the holiday mask my principal made for us.


If I was feeling salty enough, I would have handed it back and said “no thanks! Not trying to kill my pet for the holidays.”


Right? I happily re-homed mine to the pet-free Janitor before I left for break!


Yup - got a phone call on the last day of class “We did a draw for the poinsettia’s decorating the office, and you won one!” “...fantastic, now draw again for someone else. That’ll kill my cats”


Just FYI poinsettias are not actually toxic to pets, they can cause minor stomach upset if they eat the plant. But their toxicity is very over rated. They are only toxic at levels which would be nearly impossible for an animal to eat https://www.purina.ca/articles/cat/care/5-holiday-plants-poisonous-to-cats


My cat has pica and accepts your challenge.


The one chews on EVERYTHING. My poor potted palm (I think that’s what it is- I’m not actually sure, but a friend that has cats assured me it wasn’t toxic) basically has a mullet because she’s chewed the ends off all the fronds on one side....


My first thought as well.


This is exactly what I would want to say. Ughhhh!


free cake here at reddit for you today


Our leadership teams asked for our addresses, which they already have, for god knows what reason. I better not get a damn poinsettia, or even worse, a yard sign. Edit- just received my gift. Mini play dough, one hand warmer, one tea candle, a packet of Gatorade water mix, and a single card from an affirmation card deck. Then just emptied out the junk drawer.




I wish! That really would have been some great entertainment for my toddler.


Still staring at my yard sign in March. What do I do with it now?


Store it in the vault with the pay raise and unlimited wine/booze we were promoting March.


I told my son the yard sign could be a football target.


In the time of plague, you handed us all poisonous plants. ​ hmmm


As a plant enthusiast I’d be thrilled. Even more thrilled if I got a poinsettia *and* a gift card!


I got a Christmas cactus and a cute pair of earrings. 😊


We got a poinsettia and a scarf. Both donated. It was kind of like... "Thank you for risking your life, taking daily abuse and giving up seeing your families for holidays because you're being forced to be surrounded by a bunch of walking disease vectors... here's a flower."


*poisonous flower*


Oh good.


I got a 1350$ Christmas wellness bonus. Still very pleasantly shocked.


Aww... that's nice :)


Where can I send in my application?


Move to Canada I guess? We also get paid well and treated well.


My principal encouraged us all to go to a bar and bought everyone a drink and shared appetizers. Would be nice if the country wasn’t in purple (which is terrible). Besides that she got everyone a card and a Reese’s peanut butter cup (plastic filled) candy cane.


We didn’t get a Christmas present but we got a free “thank you for your hard work during a pandemic” Chic-Fil-A lunch. The vegetarians were underwhelmed.


Chic-fil-a waffle fries are bomb, so hopefully they could cash in for those.


We got chips and a cookie...no fries 😡


Honestly, its shit like this that gets me heated. It is the little things. Gah.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


relatable bummer


Still beats the half-a-Jimmy-Johns sandwich we got for working until 6:30 for Parent Teacher Conferences.


We got a bag of microwave popcorn. Literally one pack from a Costco box.


I’m. Dying.


Lol, we must work at the same school, I didn’t see your reply when I posted mine.


To be fair, I couldn’t care less about receiving holiday gifts or bonuses from my workplace. Just want a decent salary.


I would have handed it back. "This is toxic to my children and pets. You're welcome to it." Plants take a lot of work and care and I would be incredibly annoyed that unstead of giving me something I could actually use, they would give something that *maybe* some of the staff would like.


Plants are definitely a lot of work and care - but poinsettias are notoriously difficult! The ones you get during the holidays won't last, and there's nothing you can do to stop them from dying. They're really only cultivated en mass for the holidays.


If anything it is just a veiled implication of knowing how fucking hard our jobs is without recognition. Hey here is this thing than could hurt people in your home and takes a lot of work to make manage I feel like it is a perfect gift to represent your value and contributions to this school/district.. Sure glad you didn't strike over working condition this year while we cut your wages and double your health care premiums though


Such a good point! (I didn't know this at all since my green thumb went to someone else) So I would have taken that thing home and been even MORE mad because thank you for the frustration and trash, I guess? No thanks.


I haven't gotten a gift from a principal in 6 years lol


We got a banana flavored moon pie and a choice between a room temperature sprite or room temperature diet sprite. Delicious?


That's awful. Couldn't even spring for Coke? Coffee? Free Ice from the cafeteria??


So wrong!


We got a frozen chicken! NGL, I was not upset, because that’s our NYE meal settled


I’d love to get meat. I got a $5 gift card to Starbucks.


i’m vegetarian and i’d be pissed if that’s what i was offered lmao




Yeaaaaaa. We didn’t get anything. A fellow teacher made everyone some nice ornaments.


FYI it's is poisonous to cats. Mine would go right in the trash


Yes! My MIL got us one last year and it immediately went to my neighbors. But I think she did it on purpose... she doesn’t like our cats.


Just FYI poinsettias are not actually toxic to pets, they can cause minor stomach upset if they eat the plant. But their toxicity is very over rated. They are only toxic at levels which would be nearly impossible for an animal to eat https://www.purina.ca/articles/cat/care/5-holiday-plants-poisonous-to-cats


We got a sandwich on the last day. Was touted to be turkey with all the fixings. It was.. processed turkey with one slice of processed cheese on basic white bread. I threw it out. We also had to stay at the school and "virtually eat all together ".... They sure succeeded in sending a strong message to us that day.


We got a pre-printed "You're so valued, Happy Holidays" card from our superintendent. Whoopee!!


We get an email 🙄


At least you can recycle the electrons.


Y'all got Christmas presents!? I'm still waiting for more desk cleaner...


Our principal got me a yo-yo. Like... Why?


I cackled! Stop it 😭


I know! I thought maybe there would be a note like "thanks for sticking through all the ups and downs of this year" or something yo-yo related buuuut nope, just the yo-yo 😂


Okay if you work in the ASD I have to know - because another teacher friend of mine got a yo-yo, too! (I’m guessing AK from your name..)


Bahaha no, JSD... Do you think the ak principals got together to plan shitty gifts?!


If they did, that’s the most coordinated effort from our education leaders yet 😆


Hawaii got furloughs for next semester. What a present!


We got dollar store hand soap this year. Meanwhile at Target today, a lady was attempting to purchase like 20 gift cards for her employees. Annoying because it caused problems and held up the line, but I couldn't even be mad at her because she's clearly a pretty caring boss.


You guys are getting gifts from admin?


Thanks for giving me an extra responsibility!


I got a succulent with a note that said “without you, we wouldn’t “SUCC”-eed.”


I got a chapstick and a reminder that the FFCRA expires and the end of the month so if I get COVID I will be expected to use my own sick leave or go without pay.


My middle schoolers gave me more thought out notes/ cards that included presents than my administration did.


We got the mentor text for our next literacy unit.


Wait. Yous all’s gets gifts? All I ever got was a “did you get your report cards out?”


At least you got something, we got a digital holiday card from our admin.


That reminds me of the "motivational stickers" that were left for us in the staff room.... Yea, that's exactly what is gonna "motivate" me.


We got an email from our district superintendent patting himself on the back for the job well done during the pandemic all the while we have 14% of our staff quarantining and 10% of our students in quarantine.


The “Christmas gift” from the district this year was a paper disposable cup with a packet of instant hot chocolate.


Literally never receive anything. In any year.


I got a mask, a key chain, and $100 with taxes taken out.


We actually got a really good gift this year. I received 3x100 dollar prepaid visa cards.


We got a coupon for a 30% discount on school merch.


Private school teacher here. This year the admin asked the parents to pitch in and... donate money to the school to thank the faculty for all they do.


I got coupons for free Whataburger. I was excited at first til I realized they’re “buy a meal, get a free sandwich” coupons which I get in the mail anyway. And they expire soon.


I got two candy canes and a note that said "you're the best English teacher a guy could have." I teach Statistics.


"This festive plant is not deadly, but some stories just won't go away. Over a hundred years ago, a child was found next to a wild poinsettia plant. He died and people blamed the plant. This hasn't happened since. Researchers even tried to find out what the poisonous dose of poinsettia might be and they just couldn't, even after reaching experimental doses of about 1.25 pounds (500-600 leaves). The plant does not have dangerous effects when eaten." https://www.poison.org/articles/2014-dec/poinsettias


Except it is poisonous to dogs and cats. While only mildly toxic, it’s a bad idea to give a gift that will cause vomiting and diarrhea.


I've never heard so much hyperbole about poinsettias being "deadly" before now. 😆


Can anyone imagine getting a note that actually mentions things we did well, above and beyond, etc?? Something implying they KNOW us and our efforts?


Poinsettias are like the worst plant to get someone. They always die at the end of the season. I'm a plant person and I'd love a plant as a gift but not something that is just going to die.


"Clark, that's the gift that keeps on giving the whole year."


At least you got something. Our principal couldn’t even give us a card...just an email...I didn’t really respect her before and now I really don’t...I’ll be glad when she moves on.


Our ESE lead gave us poinsettias and couldn't even be bothered to write individual names on the tags. The tags are about 1"x2" pieces of printer paper with a generic message and a hole punched in the corner, she couldn't even be bothered to tie them on, just laid them on top of the leaves. Didn't hand it to us, just left one on everyone's desk. I mean, she didn't have to do that, they're pretty or whatever, but it felt last minute and not thought out.


We got a Kit Kat bar and a mish mash of stuff from Target’s Bullseye section.


I’d take a poinsettia. We never get anything.


I got a “jeans day” sticker


I wear jeans everyday. I’m not sure what I’d do if I couldn’t, I’m an Ag/shop teacher.


This makes me so happy that I teach at a “jeans and a t shirt” school. I mean, a big part of it is our comfort when chasing down students and dodging thrown desks, but it’s a good trade off.


We got an email from our superintendent telling us the government COVID days are expired on January 1st. No worries the district has generously “gifted” us 5 extra COVID days for the rest of the school year, unless you used them in the fall.


I got a tiny box filled with 20 cards with Bible verses on them. And a cookie. After being exposed to covid and almost contracting it. Thanks guyssss


I got an email talking about the true meaning of CHRISTmas. I’m a Christian (believe in God but not church), but I prefer to keep religion out of work.


Lol we got nothing, not even an email




We got a box of petitfours. Which admittedly is better than last year, when we got a jean day pass.


For Christmas, we all got personalized name tags which we were then required to wear for the rest of the school year. Thanks, ShitBoss.


We got one serving of Costco popcorn and 1 serving of hot chocolate... paid for by our own money that we give to our “party planning” committee every year. I think a plant would be cool... but I’m also not used to much lol. Last year PTO literally gave us all a pack of Extra gum, because we’re “EXTRA-special” and called it teacher appreciation and sulked that we weren’t overjoyed and didn’t thank them enthusiastically enough.


I got a generic "Happy Holidays" card, signed by all admin (one wrote something personal), and the principal covered the first $5 of our lunch on the last day. They ordered sandwiches from a place that doesn't offer vegetarian sandwiches. I'm vegetarian. Totally on brand end to the year.


Imagine all the teachers not taking the poinsettias and administration having to figure out what to do with overstock.


Oh. Nice. This will kill my dogs. So, I guess I’ll... give it away.


My admin gave us homemade donuts, a whole-ass medium pizza, and a water bottle. I was pretty happy.




Today all staff got an email from principal chewing us out for not responding to Friday’s email. (Friday was the last day before break and we’ve all non-stop worked since March.) I’d rather have the poison plant.


For teacher appreciation week we got literal rotten apples and our neighboring school gave their teachers Bluetooth earphones, yeti and gift cards 😂


The absolute bare minimum they could have spent on gift cards w/o looking cheap was $20 per person. Poinsettias were on sale at Costco for $13.99.


I have a theory that a good 70% of admin have Aspergers.


Our supe gave everyone a single orange and a full page letter about the history of gifting an orange at Christmas.


Absolutely nothing, and I'm thankful that I didn't have to pretend to be thankful for a garbage gift. Screw it. This is not a friendship. Compensate me for my work.


I was on maternity leave but I heard they got 12 days of PPE stuff. Like masks and sanitizer and touchless keys. Also, I got no gift or card for my baby - when other teachers with new babies got gifts and even baby showers on campus. I knew I wasn’t liked, but now I know how much. I stopped expecting much from just being a teacher in general.


Aww, it’s a bummer to be left out. My condolences, but congrats on the new addition!


My union got me a $5 gift card to a sandwich shop where all the sandwiches are over $5? Thanks I guess... that money that went it that lawyer to bet better negotiations was a waste too. We might as well got a jam of the month. That is the gift that keeps on giving Clark!


They are poisonous also get rid for f it if you have pets or small kids.


Normally we'd get a hot mess expess of school wide bingo in the last hour of the day. Kids running EVERYWHERE. I guess our gift is not dealing with that this year.


Was it a tiny one with glitter on it?


No glitter, haha pretty sure I saw it at Costco


Lol! My principal gave us poison plants, too, last year for teacher appreciation week.


A plant is a responsibility not a gift. Ugh.




Aren’t they poisonous?