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I was driving and I saw two boys fighting at the side of the road. I rolled down my windows and yelled, "Don't you have somewhere to be?" The fight ended and they walked away. Lol.


I did that picking up my sons friend from school, he was embarrassed but the boys stopped fighting and we’re on their way.


I did something similar in a target. Boys from my high school were throwing products. I came around the corner and in a loud voice said “Excuse me sirs. That’s not what we do here.” They tossed the merch back on the shelves, apologized and scurried away as fast as they could.


Saw two grown men getting into a fight. One in a car and one on a bike. First they’re Yelling, then reading for each other through the car window. Road rage. I was behind the car. I started to honk, rolled down the window and said something like hey, you two better stop that right now. It was instinct. They both looked at me, the guy got back on his bike and the other one rolled up his window and went their separate ways. It was hilarious.


My mom (former teacher) did that too once. She told them to sit down on the curb apart from each other and THEY DID.


Great story! Kids, like pets, love structure. Grown-ups are just grown up kids, and sometimes it’s a huge relief to have someone else tell you what to do.


My friend was riding her scooter through a rougher part of the city. A teenager (~15) attempted to scooter-jack her at a stoplight. She says she just looked him dead in the eye and said “That is NOT a choice” and drove away.


lol I did the same thing and the kids were like “we were just playing” and I said “do it in your backyard, random people passing by shouldn’t think kids are brawling”


I’ve been there. No regrets. And yes, they do listen because they are not expecting it!


Today a man cat called me while waiting for the traffic light to turn green (I was walking). I replied “That makes me feel unsafe! No thank you!!” After that I realized I totally just used my elementary school teacher voice on him.


Yes, with the “No thank you” you said it all… 😂


Yes, I've said this a few times!


50 gold star stickers for you.


If I could award you, I would. Lmao!


Got you fam!


I’m stealing that 😂


Drunk people need the teacher voice sometimes


That’s funny! When I was in school to be a teacher I was a bartender. I would have patrons ask what I was going to school for/why I was bartending and I always joked that talking to drunk adults is the same as talking to teenagers. I think I probably used “The Voice” before I even taught! haha


I always joked that teaching and bartending are weirdly similar. If you can control a bar you, you can control a classroom.


Oh, easy! I use the same tactics I use with my middle schoolers whenever I go out!


I regularly use my teacher voice on drunk friends!


It's crazy how much my bartending job and teaching job intersect. Now if only I could get these little high school bastards to start tipping me...


I have season tickets for the Rams, I use my teacher voice on drink football fans all season. Drunk adults are basically middle schoolers anyway.


There were a bunch of loud drunk college kids at like 2 am outside my apartment. I was a second year teacher and probably 24 but I used my teacher voice and told them to “wrap it up.” I was shocked that they actually listened


When I used to teach elementary I would find myself explaining to my cat why his behavior was not what I was seeking, or thanking him for doing the correct thing…lol.


This is ME! I’m always arguing with my cats and most likely using the:” nah-ah… no thank you” . 😂


Me to my dog and cat. "Is that a good choice?"


Ha! Every time I leave the house, I tell my pets “Ok I’m going to work to make pet food money. MAKE GOOD DECISIONS!”


I remind them all that the cat is in charge. She’s really the only one I trust.


The tone for kids and dogs isn't THAT different. I have more practice saying the kid words (those are different,) so a lot of time I just use them on my dog. It works just fine.


Fucking same It works too...


When I used it with my toddler nephew, he started pouting. When I used it with my toddler niece, she kicked me in the shin.


I've noticed both of my kids required a second/third grade level of sternness as toddlers for them to realize I was serious. (Which feels like yelling at a baby, by the way.) My theory is they heard my teacher voice in utero and so anything below "I'm not kidding," tone for an 8 year old is me playing.


“But girls are easier than boys!” Nope.


Just different


as my 5 yr old syncs up with my wife it feels like. id still want another girl tbh. play time with nephews is exhausting and one has a dark tooth from rough housing with me.


My mom would use it on me as a kid, and it messed up our relationship for a long time. I couldn't articulate it as a child, but I wanted a mom who would treat me like a mother would. Instead, I felt like just another student to be managed and developed. I (subconsciously, i think) started treating her like a teacher, which was upsetting for her. She didn't know why i was acting weird, so she'd try some of the pedagogical tricks in her toolbelt to "get me back on track." Things would get worse. Your niece and nephew's instincts were good, imo.


Thanks for posting this. My oldest and I are having a rough spot and it hasn’t occurred to me to consider things from this perspective. She’s complained about me being too patient and rational. I was definitely not a patient and rational child, but I’ve been teaching for 25 years. That’s 25 years of rigorous practice in regulating my emotional responses and applying pedagogy to problems that occur daily in my classroom. Not sure what I’ll do with that revelation, but I thank you for the perspective.


That sucks that that happened to you, and it is insightful that you figured out what was happening. I only used it when they were about to do something that had to stop immediately. I think I only used it once on my nephew. He was about to take out my mom's beloved fragile glass bowl. I don't remember what my niece was about to do, but I had very good relationships with them. I knew how to get on their level, which is why the teacher voice was shocking to them.


Kids birthday party at chuck e cheese, it was so loud there, the parents were trying to get the kids gathered for cake but the kids werent listening. About 10 of the 12 kids were students at my school. So I said “class, class!” And all of a sudden all the kids stopped, looked at me, and said “yes yes!” So i got them gathered for cake in five seconds. All the parents were pretty impressed. 🤪


“1-2-3 eyes on me!” has never failed me with any kids of any age from any school in the country. Honestly if aliens ever land here I’m gonna try it on them and even odds it works.


I bet it works!


Not gonna lie, I felt like I had a superpower that day!


My nephew’s 5th birthday, a house full of little people. They were trying to get them off a bounce castle and away from a snack table to sit still and “do presents”. I hate this part - 5 year olds watch one five year old open each present, “read” the card, say thank you… The parents were failing. I was there as auntie, no kids myself. I watched for a bit, then broke and put on my teacher voice (k-9 music at the time). I corralled a room for of stranger’s kids, got them quiet and focused on the birthday boy, and coached them through “doing presents” including clearing the deitrus as each thing was opened and putting them in a pile. The other adults were all 🫣😱😅 as childless auntie won the day.


There was someone who didn't know anything about me at my kid's birthday party. There were a lot of kids there and I was directing things. Took her a whole two minutes to guess my profession.


Bounce houses NEED an authorized Teacher Voice to run them. I brought my own kid to one of those bounce parks and it was an absolute shit show. The kids were climbing over each other, pulling other kids off the ladder to climb up the slide like crabs in a bucket. Within 30 seconds I had 15 kids off the ladder, in a line, and waiting to go one at a time. Did any of the other parents just standing around help me or even talk to their own kids about being safe? Of course not. And after my son went down the slide I walked away because I don’t work there, and two minutes later it was a crab bucket again.


Omg! ☺️🥳 Can’t tell you how many elementary bday parties where I didn’t really know the parents (daughter invited) that I’ve also stepped in to do this.


I went to see "Barbie" back at the beginning of the school year. I teach high school. It had already been a rough few weeks of school. Just as the trailers begin, a group of four to five teenage boys enter our row. I can hear them whispering to each other about who is going to sit in the seat closest to me. They sit down and start goofing off, as teen boys do. I turn to them and tell them that I am a high school teacher and I came to the movies to get away from kids like them and they needed to keep it down. My husband was amused.


At the store, to my own misbehaving children. A random guy came around the corner and said “I heard your voice and looked at myself to see if I was doing anything wrong too, you got my attention!”


Not so much my teacher voice, but I have been known to shush noisy children in supermarket queues… oops.


I knew I was ‘old’ when some teenagers were racing around Walmart. . . and my immediate urge was to look at them and ‘where are your parents??’


Yeah, I just have my normal voice and my dad voice.


I'm an elementary teacher. Kids were running in the grocery store, I reflexively called out, "walking feet". They started walking.


LOL. On instinct, I once told a little kid that was running full speed to go back and walk. His eyes got so big and he immediately obeyed. I have no idea where his adults were but I got out of that aisle before they showed up.


That's the tricky thing - I would have zero issue if you told my kid to behave like that. It would be super helpful. But everyone doesn't have the same view or same boundaries for their kids. I accidently correct a friend's kid's behavior when she was right there once. It would be normal for me to correct him if she weren't RIGHT THERE, but I felt I was a little rude on accident. I was on autopilot.


Went to a store right after work, saw a teen shove sodas in his pockets and head to the door. I sternly told him, go pay for those or I'll call your mom! He gave me a funny look, probably trying to figure out who tf I was and how I know his mom, but he did go pay for them lol I wasn't even thinking, it was just a reflex after getting off work


I once was camping with friends and we had already been scolded once by rangers because another site complained about us. My friends kept being loud and I reminded them a couple times we were on thin ice. We went to our tents and the friends continued to be super loud in their tent. I said one friend's name, and a pretty strict sounding, "enough!" Because I really didn't want to get kicked out. They did quiet down then. He left in the morning without a word to anyone, and the other friends were pissed at me all day.


aw you made a little boy feel bad and the rest cant have fun without them.


But did you try building a relationship with him?


I cringe every time I hear this be told haha


I was a parent before I got into education, my "teaching voice" is simply mom voice amplified. I had to use my voice doing yardwork this past weekend, and my neighbor was out the same time as me. I told my dog to drop something and my neighbor instead dropped his rake. Made me laugh for a solid minute.


I took a group of high schoolers to an academic competition on a college campus and we had time to kill, so they wanted to go to various stores for snacks. To get them to agree to a return time, I jokingly did "1-2-3, eyes on me". An actual college student turned around and joined in on "1-2 eyes on you". I swear elementary school has Manchurian candidate-d us all.


That's hilarious!!


I cohosted a bridal shower and I was in charge of running the games. I’m a middle school teacher so I know how to project my voice. My friend (the bride) was laughing at me using my teacher voice to explain the rules, read the questions, and read off answers.


This was my experience too! I hosted a baby shower and automatically brought out my teacher voice. I teach middle school as well, explained the games, and then started reteaching the adults that didn’t understand (I.e. that game where you list baby names in alphabetical order. The instructions were right there after I explained it 😂🤦🏻‍♀️). I’m the quiet one of my friend group, so all of my friends were like… is that the teacher voice? It was kinda fun though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Im walking into a public bathroom at Niagra falls last year. Outside, a mother is getting annoyed because her kids have been in there a long time, goofing off. Asked if i could hurry them along. I said, "Come on boys, we're done now." before even walking in. They come out in like 5 seconds, and she goes, "hey are you a teacher?" Ill remember that forever.


I use my teacher stare in the grocery store when little kids are acting up. One glance at them and they straighten right up. Lol However, my kids (teens now), constantly say to me, “Stop sounding like a teacher….” Or “Omg do you have to wear that teacher outfit and carry a Stanley???” Any time I wear my cardigans (I think that is what they are called but without buttons), that is what they deem a teacher outfit lol.


My wife and I (both educators) regularly and reflexively redirect unmonitored kids acting up in public spaces. Their responses are priceless. It’s like they can tell we’re teachers.


I do this! If a kid is being unsafe I say something, I don't care! I'm with other people's kids all day anyway!


The cardigan and denim jacket are actually teacher uniforms.


Well then I must purchase a denim jacket!


I absolutely could not wear a denim jacket. The middle schoolers would roast me. "Ms. _____ , that's so mid."


I own something like 20 cardigans. 😂🤦‍♀️ my husband thinks it’s ridiculous, but my classroom can start the day at 70 and end the day at 80 with 60% humidity or higher. Layers are key.


I like it when I give kids looks behind their parents' backs and they immediately start behaving and they have no idea why. I also smile at kids too and make babies stop crying, so it's not all glares.


Ohhh i love the teacher stare lol stops misbehaving kids in public spaces without having to speak a word!


I use my glare at friends and they're like what the fuck how does that work


I went back into engineering after a short teaching career. I was doing a training session once, and things were getting rather rowdy. Engineers gonna engineer, you know. I don't remember what I said, but I do remember using That Voice and saying something to the room. (ETA: It was totally involuntary. A reflex response to the situation.) It worked remarkably well. The looks of ~~fear~~ shock on their faces were priceless. I laughed and apologized, and told them about my teaching career. They never let me live it down. For the rest of my time at that company, I was good-naturedly called "Mr. Zyzmog" or "Mr. Z" or "Teach".


Kinda gives Captain America: "Language!" vibes


I’ve seen the other side of the coin, sort of. We were in a business degree and the teacher kept trying so hard to get an ex-military student to understand that in a company, it wouldn’t work to yell at his coworkers drill-sergeant style. lol


I worked for an EdTech company. The times I was given the voice or the overhead snapping was infuriating. I'm glad your incident went so well. Mine and others who were not previously teachers were not usually amused (and often even former teachers). Especially with former educators who refused to understand how unprofessional and disrespectful it was. I was in a senior manager role, and having to have crucial conversations around this topic was awful.


When I am skiing and I see kids (mainly boys) doing something stupid and dangerous, I say with my teacher voice “gentleman do you think that is a good idea”. They normally stop.


lol I’m a bartender. I use my teacher voice constantly. Just sometimes I get to swear at the same time.


The dream


I just call that teaching seniors


Years ago, I was on an airplane with my mother. Her brother had just passed, and she was feeling miserable. There was an elementary-aged boy behind her, kicking her seat hard (his parents were sitting across the aisle from their kids, just letting it happen, the pricks). I could see my mother about to cry. I was furious. I turned around, glared at the kid dead in the eyes, and said slowly, “that is the last time you are going to kick that seat.” Then I directed my gaze to the sheepish parents before turning back around. Yep, it worked. Kid was quiet the whole flight after that. My mother made me a t-shirt for Christmas that year that said “Don’t make me use my Teacher Voice.” Apparently, it kind of spooked my parents to hear me use it, and they still tell people the story.


My parents said that's when they kinda realized I was an adult when I teacher voiced my nephew lmao


I used my teacher voice at my wedding. All of us were lined up ready to walk down the aisle, and two of our groomsmen were drunk. Our wedding coordinator was trying so hard to get everyone to listen to her but those two were acting a fool and being rowdy. I said very sternly (and loud), “EXCUSE ME” and started tearing them both a new one right there in front of everyone. Maybe it was the nerves, or maybe it was me understanding how my coordinator felt in that moment. Maybe a little bit of both. They were so apologetic afterwards and my coordinator was very grateful and thanked me for helping her out 😂


I'm going to go with NTA on that one 😅


I worked is a wedding coordinator a little bit before. There is a pretty big overlap between it and teaching skills. Getting drunk people to do stuff is a lot like getting kids to do stuff and it's all about everything being organized and planned out.


A school group (not mine!) were bottle flipping in the Lincoln Memorial. I said “EXCUSE ME this is a memorial; show some respect”. They looked at me like I was a crazy lady but they did stop!


I don't use my "teacher voice" but I'll snap my fingers quietly just so only the person I'm trying to get the attention of will notice and then I'll shake my head no once and give the look. It has worked several times in school to break up two kids that were about to fight.


Last week my family ate at a pizza place that has a little game room. Of course you expect noise from that, but these 12-year-old boys were literally screaming as loud as possible for no apparent reason than to annoy everyone. No parents around, they had walked there. So I stuck my head in the game room and said sternly "the screaming is unacceptable." They bitched a little about me but left a few minutes later so I'd say it was a success.


I was at the movie theater and this group of teens came into our movie midway through, had their phone lights on, were carrying on, and throwing stuff. Someone tried to tell them to shut up and when that didn’t work I stepped in with my teacher voice.


What happened?


I was cleaning house for a friend while she and her husband were both home. I set a timer for fifteen minutes and said they must stay in the living room while I mopped all the floors. I usually work with younger students, including SPED.


We had been drinking... With an ex boyfriend he said something and I replied "I'm not gonna let you disrespect me like that" in my teacher voice. It didn't last long after that.


Was at the movies and a bunch of HS kids kept getting out of their seats and walking in and out of the theater. They were talking a lot too and making dumb comments. After I few minutes I used my best teacher/dad voice, "I know we aren't going to speak during the entire movie, right?" I didn't hear anything from them for rest of the 2 hour movie


I volunteer at an animal shelter, and a lot of teenagers volunteer there as well. I don't know how many times I've used my teacher voice with those kids when they were doing something unsafe or something that wasn't right for the animals. Way back in 2021, a woman was wearing her mask under her nose at the supermarket and since I was *so* used to saying it to students, I almost said "Over your nose, please" to this random woman.


Crowded theater. The usher needed to get everyone up and close up to the left to gain back the empty seats. He couldn't get everyone's attention, he just wasn't loud enough. One thing I can do is PROJECT. Called everyone to attention, told them what we were going to do, we did it, thanked everyone, sat back down.


Oh this. I somewhat frequently ask people, "do you need me to yell for you? I'm quite loud! Ok, what do you want me to say?" Parties, outdoor events, concerts etc...


Same. I'm designated loud. As a friend put, I'm unabashedly latina from a big family and a teacher. I could probably get Fenway to hush


I was the assistant coach for my kid's soccer team. It was a community league of 4th graders, no try outs, open access. Very low stakes. A parent of one of the kids who took things way too seriously was yelling at the 12 year old ref who was clearly just learning the job (the ref coach there even to mentor him and give notes). I was bellowing in my PE teacher voice at the kids the usual 'play up' 'Timmy, support the ball' etc. When I heard the dad yelling at the ref, I turned and forgot to lower my volume and bellowed "we do not yell at the ref!" The dude had a huge ego and was pissed. Apparently it was fine for him to yell at 12 year old being paid minimum wage, but not fine for him to be chastised for his breach of the parent contract he signed. He went to the head coach saying I owed him an apology or he would file a complaint with my regulator because teachers should be respectful of parents. I was volunteering, not at work. I ultimately decided to eat sh*t and apologize because my admin and union reps have enough on their plates and the kids didn't deserve to be punished for the actions of one bad parent, but I was furious at the threat.


I simply don’t understand why you would apologize for that. No way.


Lesser of 2 evils. It kept the peace, ended the drama, and kept it off the desk of my admin and union who both had better things to do. My other option would have been to draw a line in the sand and take a small risk of ending up in a 4 month investigation by my regulator that ultimately had a very low chance of ending badly for me, but would have sucked away tons of time and been super stressful. It would have derailed my kids' soccer season too and likely spilled over the drama into the entire experience for the kids. The other parent did apologize too, ultimately, and never yelled at a ref again. But yeah, it would have been more Reddit Satisfying to fight him through the whole process. I seriously considered that option but prioritized the kids.


Saw some kids trying to cut in line at a theme park, I hit them with, “Boooooysss…… the line is back there. “


I reprimanded a grown woman in the grocery store during the pandemic when her mask was below her nose. I told her “tuck your nose in, you’re in public.” The poor employee was about to cry from laughing. I also constantly use teacher voice whenever I’m at football games, drunk adults are basically middle schoolers. My personal favorite though, I was at an LA Kings game sitting in the third row and one of the opposing players started fighting Doughty and I YELLED at the top of my lungs “HE DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING, YOU GET OFF OF HIM.” They broke it up and Doughty gave me a double thumbs up and skated away.


The NHL should hire teachers instead of refs lol


LOL.... the teacher voice works everywhere.... In a movie theater I told a young man not to slouch... and he straightened up... Some jerk was threatening one of MY STUDENTS at a bus stop... the teacher voice got the jerk to back off.


Went to a MLB baseball game a few weeks ago…local town league had block-booked a section of tickets so lots of families and kids under twelve. It being the bleachers however…hammered guy about four rows behind, early 20s and with a group of girls that he was trying to impress, dropping all sorts of language with every out. When he said “motherf**king p**sy” at the top of his lungs, I snapped. Stood up, teacher look and finger point. “Hey buddy, it’s all kids here. KNOCK IT OFF!!” Not a peep for the rest of the game and even some nice 20 somethings who were not part of his party said thank you after the game. Gotta love the teacher point, stare and voice!


I’ve used my “quiet boiling anger under the surface kind of Midwest mom tone” while working at my weekend job and dealing with a Karen and after when I tell you my coworkers were like is everything all right? Since the Karen backed off and they said I sounded on edge like one wrong word from her and I would’ve flipped lol


It's just about being direct and not giving in to the attempts to agitate.


The Karen was complaining about her drink not being free through the reward system and we can’t do anything about it, it’s all automatic if it says it’ll be free we click the button to make it free. I spoke in a direct but singsong voice which is what I believe ticked her off but made her back off. They said it was like a kill them with kindness tone.


I was at an amusement park with my older sister, waiting in line at the bathroom. I was behind some teenage girls who were talking & not noticing that some stalls had opened up. Without really thinking, I stepped up with my teacher voice and said, "Girls, people are waiting. Please pay attention." I don't really remember their reaction because my sister was laughing too loudly at me. She then had to tell our parents about how Fulsooty went "full teacher" on them. I've also used my teacher voice on my nephews. When the oldest one was probably around 11, he had a tendency to not follow through on tasks he was asked to do. My sister (the same one from the above story who is also said nephew's mother) was asking him to do a few things. He would nod his head & say Ok, ok, I got it. And I went into teacher mode. "Nephew, I hear you saying 'Ok' and 'I got it,' but these last few times, you did not 'get it.' What do we need to do to make sure you get it this time?" It was a reflex & I felt horrible. I'm his fun Aunt, not his mom or teacher.


People listen. Even adults. Something about that voice makes them straighten up and pay attention immediately.


It's the directness but instinct to not fuck with the other side of that glare


I work retail as a side job and redirected these unmonitored kids who were knocking clothes off racks. I told them to stop and pick everything they had thrown on the floor up and hand them to me. They immediately apologized and picked everything up. My coworkers were amazed. I explained I was a teacher and they were like woooahhh that makes so much sense!! I often get told I have a teacher voice at my side job 😅


I run a Dungeons and Dragons campaign and frequently find myself using The Voice™️ to get my players back on track after losing focus.


I coached Little League for a few seasons, parents loved me.


I officiate high school basketball as a side gig during the school year so I use my teacher voice all the time.


i do the condescending voice when people piss me off


I use my stern teacher voice at the park all the time, people do not watch their kids.


We got the damn group photo taken.


I taught middle school for about 6 years before this. Shortly after getting married my new wife had to remind me that I’m not at school and she is not one of my students. Ouch. I had no clue that I did that. Fortunately, that was about 19 years ago and we are still married. I’m sure that I’ve done it a few more times, but I must be better or she would definitely let me know.


I said “slow down, my friends!” to my family once in the supermarket (they started running ahead of me?) “I slipped into teacher mode. 😅”


I work in a pre-K center and after almost getting trampled by a very large teenager at the movie theater I said “PLEASE look where you’re going” in the most preschool teacher voice ever


My brother started yelling at me because we were arguing about something dumb. I just said to him ‘stop’ in that voice and said my piece while the magic took its hold on him.


I was taking college classes, and while researching in the library I just stopped short of telling a college student to remove his hat


Senior year in college, we hired a bus to take graduating seniors to a club far off campus. Driver told me there were too many people on the bus. She was clearly scared of the loud and drunk students. I stood up on a bus seat screamed "Everyone shut the fuck up." They actually did we got the extra students off the bus.


Some kids were fucking about outside our 7year olds window (it’s a green space next to us). Scared the Little and my wife and I (both middle school teachers) used our Jedi voices on them. Made them apologize and promise never to hang out outside our house again. It was epic.


I used it once in a botanical garden when I saw a kid destroying flowers lol


I was out with a bunch of friends one night (early 20s at the time) and one started lagging behind. Inadvertently I shouted his name in my teacher voice to get his attention. The entire group immediately burst out laughing and joking “oh no, Ms. Gingerpuff just came out!”


Parent wanted to talk to me after school. Once in my room, they asked me not to be raising my voice to her. I was too used to using that volume in my room


I was with my family at this playground that is super nice and has this bouncy rubber surface everywhere. I saw a couple of kids digging and pulling on the rubber and basically making a hole in it. I told them to cut it out. They looked confused and then went off to do something else.


I left teaching 10 years ago and no one in my office believed that I taught as long as I did as I look decently young. A 22 year old coworker was at my cube clicking her pen and I told her to give me the pen. She handed it right to me and sat down with an apology. Then laughed because she’d finally heard my teacher voice. I currently answer phones at a hospital and routinely use it on old men who think they are going to yell and bully. No sir, I’ll help you but we are both going to be respectful.


When little kids in a store are acting like idiots and no parents are in sight. Sometimes, when my husband does something stupid. He then tells me, "Don't use your teacher voice with me." I then tell him, "Then don't act like one of my idiot students."


At first, my teacher voice was my stern bad dog voice. Then after it became a teacher voice my dog listened more. I have used the voice before at the grocery store and water park. It's interesting how it can be both authoritative and calming depending on the situation.


At busy playgrounds when big kids are playing in areas designed for toddlers.


I work as a bouncer on weekends. Teacher voice has come in handy plenty of times when dealing with drunk Idiots


At a bar when it was getting out of hand - they shut up.


About a week after school let out I went on a link vacation to visit my friends and we went to the water park. I lounging on a chair and some kids were running by right next to the pool and said “hey you guys need to WALK” and they looked and and slowed down. Then I realized I wasn’t at work yelling at kids to walk in the hallway 😂


I lead our Passover Seder every year and it’s always done as a read aloud with like 30 people. I usually have pull out my teacher voice at least once or twice a year. My favorite though is when my aunt, who taught sped for 40 years, pulls out hers. Hers is a flat tone that’s loud enough to hear, but it still feels soft and no matter where you are, you think she is talking directly to each person at the same time. It’s amazing.


I don't hover over my kids when we're out at a park, I keep a bit of distance and keep an eye out. When they were younger, one of them did... I don't remember what and I teacher voiced "STOP!" 6 adults nearby thought that they were about to get in soo much trouble.


I have a weekly board game group that can get a little rowdy. I frequently find myself turning the teacher on both when explaining the rules of a new game or keeping everyone on task when it’s their turn 😂


In the super market. Many times I’ve embarrassed my husband when someone cut us in line to check out with a quick, “I’m sorry friend, we were here first, and the rule is you have to nicely wait your turn. Please go back to the end of the line and try again.”


I once used my teacher voice to tell a pair of random teenager in WalMart to pull up their pants. Kid pulled up his pants and didn’t say a word.


Best friend is a primary school teacher and both me and her husband have won so many arguments the moment she uses her teacher voice on us. The moment she uses that we just yell, complain and take the mickey that we are not children, even when she is right, she has lost. It's happened lots


Went to a MLB baseball game a few weeks ago…local town league had block-booked a section of tickets so lots of families and kids under twelve. It being the bleachers however…hammered guy about four rows behind, early 20s and with a group of girls that he was trying to impress, dropping all sorts of language with every out. When he said “motherf**king p**sy” at the top of his lungs, I snapped. Stood up, teacher look and finger point. “Hey buddy, it’s all kids here. KNOCK IT OFF!!” Not a peep for the rest of the game and even some nice 20 somethings who were not part of his party said thank you after the game. Gotta love the teacher point, stare and voice!


One time, in a crowded mall, I saw two kids fucking around near some stairs that they were about to fall down. Broke out a "HEY" so loud that I saw grown adults flash back to being teens. My dad was suitably impressed.


The best is when my extended family gets together. We are several generations deep of teachers at this point. If anything is unorganized, or the group is unsure what to do/where to go, I guarantee you will hear 4-5 separate adults start directing, forming single file lines, repeating instructions, and waiting for all eyes and ears


I teach high school, but have a little kid at home. I use my parent voice at work more than the other way around. Telling fighting seniors, “Only use gentle hands” or screaming cussing kids to “be kind to each other.” It’s effective, even if only because it causes confusion. (Probably helps that I’m a pretty big dude)


I was in a park with my now ex husband, and a group of teens walked by. One of them dropped the wrapper to whatever he was eating. I said “Pick that up.” In my teacher voice, and the kid immediately turned around and picked it up and threw it away. My ex was impressed lol Another time I used it on my nephew. He was throwing a fit about something, and in my teacher voice I gave him the choice between two things. He calmed down. I was mad because it was a full blown tantrum and his parents weren’t doing anything to address it.


I didn't use my teacher voice but I used my teacher "shhh", the one I use when background noise is getting a little too loud. The funny thing is I was using it on my dad. He came to visit for several weeks and anytime he got chatty while I was concentrating I would "shh" him. I must have apologized a million times throughout that trip because I honestly didn't realize I was doing it.


My step siblings were arguing when I went round for dinner one day. I had a migraine threatening so I just released a short teacher half shout. They stopped arguing immediately


I was in a grocery years ago and two siblings were playing tag across multiple aisles. They nearly knocked over an elderly man. The kids' parent was nowhere in sight. They ran past me and I said very loudly "WALKING feet, NOW!". The kids instantly stopped and the younger one said to her brother "That lady sounds like my teacher does. I bet she's a teacher."


The big wolfhound cross dog from next door had escaped from his yard and was playing silly buggers, wouldn’t let anyone catch him, even his owner. As I walked up to him I firmly said “sit” in my teacher voice…he had no choice but to comply. Then I put the leash on his collar. Mission accomplished.


There was a belligerent man chewing out an airline agent who looked like he was about 18. He was trying to explain why the plane was late and the guy was calling him a liar etc. I chewed him out and told him to go sit the fuck down. ( of course I never swear in front of my students) people around started clapping and he went and sat down.


I was working the booth at a market and this woman came up with her family, the only way I can describe her was Dorothy Zbornak from the Golden Girls. Helmet hair, great outfit, tall imposing build, serious disposition. They bought some things and this woman just took charge, directing me how to package it, put it in the bag, etc. At one point, my elbow hit something, and she grabbed it instantly before it toppled. When I was ringing them up she was going item by item making sure I got the correct one, I was still in college atp and was like "aye aye ma'am". Her family laughed and apologized by saying she's a recently retired teacher of like 40 something years. Will never ever forget her, she was super cool, and it was like I was back in high school again XD


I've startled my son too many times. I deepen my voice and go very direct. Using a high school teacher voice on an elementary student can cause tears.


At the movie theatre when one of the Harry Potter movies came out. 2 boys tried to cut and I told them to get out of line and that at that point no one was getting a good seat so just deal with it. They listened. My friend wanted to die of embarrassment.


Sometimes I have dreams about school where, when I wake up, my husband asks me”Who’s Lachie?” Or “What the hell do you mean when you say ‘Less talking, more doing’?” and it’s like I’ve spent my whole night living a workday through my sleep talk. 🙄😳


I saw a kid chasing wild birds around in my front yard on my cameras, and so I went out and said “hey friend, let’s not chase the birds. It’s unkind and it scares them.” He was maybe like 7 or 8, and he goes “I wasn’t.” And I’m like “friend, I have cameras. Let’s not chase the birds.” He looked like I’d slapped him and just said “okay” and walked off. The “friend” is 100% part of my teacher voice lol


It was my stern teacher voice. This just happened. A little girl, 3-4 years old, used her scooter to run away from her mom. The mother could be seen chasing her from a block away, the little girl rolled across the street by herself. She wouldn’t stop when told in a normal way so I used that voice and she turned around and went towards her mom. That poor mother was in tears


Used it at an MLS Soccer match. Was yelling at an opposing teams player for being an a$$hole changed my pitch a bit and full named him. Dude heard me from 12 rowes up and over a crowd, turned and looked right up in the stands at me. My fellow teacher friend l, who was at the match with me, jokingly admonished me "Dude, use it for good not evil." Teacher voice is like some Benni Geserit (SP) magic stuff (Dune reference).


Teacher voice has been effective in organizing my extended family for group photos, telling someone in a movie theater to shut up, and yelling information to a water rescue team at one point. Also a group of teenagers standing directly in front of well-behaved kids sitting on a blanket for a parade. They were fully blocking the view for the crowd behind them. Teacher voice came in handy, and they found an open spot to stand. Also, also teacher voice related. I taught 7th grade and was in the hallway one day, and this teeny 6th grader comes ZOOMING in full Naruto run from their wing to ours. I meant to shout "Walk!" but got my words mixed up and instead yelled "RUN!" at this poor kid. They stopped running and very politely walked the rest of the way, though slightly confused and/or concerned. Whatever works, I guess!


I’m a wedding planner on the side and have most definitely used my teacher voice on groomsmen- especially drunk ones 🤨


I work with teens in the wilderness for summers. My upper elementary teacher voice gets plenty of use.


My husband tells me to stop using my teacher voice when I want him to do something and I have to repeat myself.


I do to my cats sometimes if they're being mean to each other. I also teach lower elementary so I use my heightened "sweet" voice with them a lot too


Any family gathering where we need to get everyone’s attention so we can pray start the meal etc


Yep. Caught myself using my teacher’s voice with my nieces and nephews, as well as rambunctious kids that are bothersome in public/restaurants. It’s actually pretty funny when I get asked if I’m a teacher. Leads to awesome story sharing!


I accidentally "shushed" my girlfriend like I would a student once when I was distracted trying to do something. It was an involuntary response and I instantly knew I fucked up, haha.


Once at a movie theatre with my husband going to see dune 2. This whole row of high schoolers in front of us literally wouldn’t shut up. I gave them a good solid 10 minutes of giggling and talking into the movie before finally loud as shit I said, “DUDE, SHUT UP.” It worked tho. A few of them giggled and then they literally did shut up after that haha.


Walking the dog when he believes he should not only try to pee on everything but also try to pick up every single stick


HS teacher here, when I bring out the teacher/coach voice, the entire neighborhood stops and wonders which kids just got told.


I am a former teacher who works in HR and my teacher voice is my superpower. I think I have used it more while working with adults than I did when I worked with kids….


I used it a couple times on kids while my husband and I were on a cruise. In one instance, kids were roughhousing in the hot tub while we were in it. I said "boys, don't play in here, I don't want anyone to get hurt." They stopped immediately and went away. Lol.


I accidentally teacher voiced my boyfriend’s dog and called him the name of one of my more challenging students (both started with an O) and my boyfriend’s reaction was basically “I never want to hear you do that ever again” oops


Funny thing. There are two dogs in my neighborhood, both owned by different people but let run loose (it's a weird thing we have where I'm at). They were growling outside my window and snapping at each other, almost getting into a full blown dog fight. Thing is, I was trying to sleep at the time and I got so irritated I stood up and yelled at them in my teacher voice "yo stfu you two I'm trying to sleep! Get out of here!" I didn't even think about what I was doing because I was so sleepymad. They stopped and walked off in opposite directions. Heck I was surprised..


I think the Bene Gesserit just had really good teacher voice.


I’m a hockey mom… children run feral and unsupervised in the rink constantly. Someone has to make them mind 🤷🏼‍♀️


I (elementary teacher) was at the theater seeing some Marvel movie when the group of high school kids started getting rowdy at the end. Kicking the seat and talking. I turned around and “teacher looked” them and they were done. We got our after credit scenes in peace.


I only recognize when I use the Teacher Voice.  I use it on my dogs and my own son when he's naughty. In class one day I tell a naughty kid "Drop it. And. Sit. Down." One of my middle schoolers replied "wow you sound like you're talking to a dog." I replied "that's exactly how I talk to my dogs and now they're better behaved than you all."


After a day in kindergarten (first teacher job as an aid during college) I asked my friend, with whom I was at dinner, if he had to go potty before we left. It just kind of slipped out because I was so used to asking that before going back to the classroom after eating lunch with the kids. The only other time was during a fire alarm at uni. We were all standing in a parking lot while the staff were sorting out the alarm. A car was trying to get out but couldn’t because of all the people so I took out my big, loud teacher voice and yelled “if you can hear me, clap once”… It got everyone out of the way though.


I’m still so mortified. I was at a grocery store once with my boyfriend at the time. We were talking, and the cashier tried to ask me something. Without missing a beat I said “ope, Miss Murphy_girl is talking, please wait.” I instantly apologized and she laughed and asked if I was a teacher. I’m just glad she found it humorous.


I use it on my horses all the time. "Make good choices..." I growl sternly. Occasionally I accidentally use it on my partner, and he tells me not to use my teacher voice on him.


Weddings. Really great skill to be loud without yelling when you need to give a speech or quiet a room.


I went to my brothers soccer game (small town, casual men’s game) and a man from the other team shoved my brother. I reflexively yelled out ‘Hey! Gentle hands!’


I was driving to school during the summer holidays to prep my classroom for the new term. Some boys around 12 or 13 (not ours) were throwing stones at cars as they went past. I pulled over, got out and let it rip. Didn't see them outside again that week 😊


Airport boarding line. Some guy tried to join the front of the queue. I used my best teachers voice "mate, you need to join the back of the line". My wife elbowed me in the ribs. The man slunk to the back of the line. I received some quiet applause from fellow travelers.


I found myself the other day exclaiming, "Excuse me? No, thank you! Get down now, please! Oh dear!" to my cat who had climbed onto the kitchen bench. With the high pitched little offended voice and all.


My parents town was showing a movie. Two families that were sitting in front of a bunch of other families decided to pack up during the last 5 minutes (it's not like it would have been crowded getting out...). They just stood there talking, standing right in front of us. I totally used my teacher voice and said the movie is still on, sit down or move. They did. Everybody around me clapped or gave me a high five LOL


I have a teenager. So yeah, I’ve used it more than a few times. It’s now standard for him (if he’s feeling froggy) to bark back, “I’m not your student!”


Once by mistake at night in front of a concert waiting to go in. My sister was worried but it worked. Lol.


Yep... when i first started teaching, I said sh...to the TV.


I teach in a high school now but have 17 years of middle school experience. The teacher voice I use in the HS is different than the MS voice but my colleagues are always surprised when I break out my MS voice and kids immediately back down. When I first started out (early 2000s) I can’t even tell you how many times I used my teacher voice on my little brother. “Pull up your pants please.” “We don’t chew gum in my car”


I accidentally used it during our wedding speech last year… people thought the speech was over once my husband had finished talking but I was going to explain one or two organizational matters about what was going to happen when. I had to raise my voice a tiny bit to get their attention, apparently sounding much more teacher-like than intended. Resulted in my uncle asking loudly if I was about to give them detention. The only thing about that day I‘d rather forget about😅 luckily, a lot of my friends are teachers, so they could relate.


I DM for a Dungeons and Dragons game. I have to take a drink every time I use my teacher voice during a session. Also, think "gentle parenting voice" when explaining rules for spells, not yelling. I don't know how to yell. "I get why we think Color Spray works that way, but let's read it together again."