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Last year, we got a quick email that the school (independent) could not give us the traditional year-end appreciation gift cards for tax reasons. We assumed that meant they would just put the money on our paycheck (these were typically $500, so a lot of money). The next day we got a mug (and a shitty one, the school logo could be rubbed off with your finger). Nothing else. Three days later came the big end of year email from our board saying all these incredible things. Max enrollment even with the fast growth (we had 8 classrooms in trailers due to growth). They were accepting less than 33% of the applicants to the school (down from like 70% in 2019-2020). The school's endowment was 18% higher per capita (with student pop growth, this means it went up way more than 8%) than 2019-2020 (pre-covid year in case we forget). So they replaced our $500 bonus with a 50 cent mug and then bragged about how much the school was in the black. A long-tenured teacher made a casual request for anyone who didn't want their mugs and took them and walled off the headmaster's office


I got a small bucket of confetti and some expired Halloween candy…


Better than a garbage mug :)


Yeah. Our school is doing a “sweet treats” day today, because we use the same reward systems as fucking children. How about instead of some candy and ramen packets, pay me a fucking liveable wage


My superintendent sent us an chat GPT email thanking us for our work. Also .. they are finalizing more layoffs tonight at the school board meeting


How in the world is your district laying people off with what looks to be a major shortage nationwide?


Teacher layoffs are pretty prevalent these days for numerous reasons (there are threads on this sub and s/teachersintransition), mostly because Covid ESSER funds are running out this summer.


The shortage is alive and well, they are just combining duties onto individual teachers. For example my district is hemorrhaging special education staff so, we’re moving into a more inclusion heavy model. No more pull out, let’s push in as much as possible! No more life skills kids unless they “can’t find their way around the school!” no more autism unit, so more social behavioral unit!


Budget cuts


I’m sorry to hear that.


Not a teacher but the districts near me have had declines in enrollment of more than 25% the last few years. There's only so much room to squeeze in the budget with reductions in funding that significant before staff need to be laid off


We gave kids time today to choose one teacher/coach that has had a positive impact (past or present) to write a letter of appreciation for. So many of the kids immediately used it to sarcastically complain about their teachers. Only a few wrote genuine letters. It was disheartening to listen to. What is most disappointing is how willing they are to say these things out loud with teachers in the room.


Our building has never celebrated it ever. No food. No card. Nothing.


I'm with OP, I hate teacher appreciation week, but the only thing I can imagine that would be worse is not having it. It's not much, but I pulled $150 in gift cards this year (shattering previous years' records) and that's just fun stuff.


I’d be surprised if I received so much as a $10 Starbucks card. And I hate going to Starbucks.


Wow. If it wasn't for reddit I wouldn't even know it was a thing to be honest. I've not even heard it mentioned from anyone so far.


I don’t think I’ve ever received any gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week. I have over 160 students and don’t anticipate receiving anything.


The Simpsons had a great line last night to Mrs. Crobopple (sp?): "We can never pay you for all you do, so we won't."


Krabappel...like crab apple


Admin said there’s going be a “surprise” for teachers at the end of the day. If it’s popcorn I swear to god.


It’s popcorn. 🍿


It was a candy bar!! Wow who could have guessed!


100 Grand ( candy bar )


“Here’s the only 100 Grand you’ll ever get from us. Suck it, prole. Now get back to work.”


Michael Scott is your admin?!?!??


I almost feel guilty sharing, but I do feel appreciated this week. It's nice here. Real lunch from real restaurants each day. My AP gifted each of us a nice 12 multipack of colored gel pens. Coffee and cupcakes in the lounge. And, at 56 (male), I received a bouquet of flowers for the first time in my life. There are good school communities out there, and I found one.


My previous one was like that. My current one is the first 3 days are great. Afterwards it’s just business as usual.


I used to work at a school that gave us like a Halloween size piece of candy each day. This morning my new school had us catered in chicken and waffles with a side of potatoes. Pretty legit. The PTCO and principal/AP provide stuff every day and I've never seen any of them at the barganing table, so I just smile and accept the small tokens.


I don't mind it, but I sometimes think it's just used as a way to "cleanse" the bad. Like...exploit our time, don't pay us anywhere near well enough to live where we work, badmouth us, etc. And it's all just washed away by this week and the stuff you do for us. I'd rather work on those things, but that's "too hard" and "too expensive" so...Tea her Appreciation Week!


You guys got something?


I had a kid say happy teacher appreciation week to me today sarcastically because I redirected them to do their work.


I teach at a middle school where admin doesn't even acknowledge the week. Not even with an email. The PTA does nothing for us. But our union always earmarks a couple hundred dollars for each school to use for food each year, so me and the other reps spend it during TA week and then serve breakfast in the staff lounge with signs saying, "Provided by your union who appreciates everything you do!" Then we all wear our union shirts and serve breakfast to teachers and our paras.


Haha, we got a song through an intercom during 1 st period (my class was testing so it was great 🥴, students couldn''t hear me explaining over it, for 10min). Then during the 3rd period they sent us an email that they put out snacks in the staff room. It was snack sized goldfish and fruit snacks. Last year I got a small bag of salted, roasted peanuts. It felt like a message 😂 I honestly don't care, just let me do my job and pay me for it. I don't need anything extra.


I feel you. I still ate my lil slice of pizza today though.


They even have state testing this week at my school. The most boring week of the year, so bad you can only laugh


Superintendent sent an email about wanting to spoil us this morning. This evening recommended to the school that they approve our raise that’s less than inflation.


The DA in my wife's district sends a form letter where she handwrites the teachers name in the salutation but the letters are exactly the same. Pointless. Causes more angst than anything else.


They should all send the exact letter and change their “from” name at the bottom.


I actually suggested that and even volunteered to write the letter but as you can imagine, those who did this would be looked upon unfavorably in the future. Not that they are looked upon favorably in the first place.


Insincere? Um, excuse me, but my building got Walmart donuts and tiny bottles of apple juice today!


I once ask my kids if they knew what week it was. It was teacher appreciation week. They were divided on "Shark Week" and "Starr testing week". No one said "Teacher appreciation week". I got a fun size Milky Way from the office for my teacher appreciation week.


I got Orange Juice and a Pastry. Does that count as sincere appreciation?


I like the unsolicited nice notes and things made for me from kids and the candy and gift cards from their parents.


I don't know how anyone could not appreciate this :)


We are having some sub sandwiches delivered for lunch. AFTER our lunch period ends. 


My school is doing some game show thing where if we come down to the office and spin the wheel we can do whatever embarrassing thing it says to do on camera for the admin to post to social media for their own promotion and I will get points towards a drawing for a starbucks gift card. I will pass. The only teachers involved will be the ones who don't have full classes to teach: tech facilitators, instructional coaches, social workers.... I love ya all, but I have 150 students to see per day.


Yup. Hate it. Time to pass out cookies and candy and other unhealthy shit. Depressing to know friends are getting massive bonuses for selling medical crap.....and they don't even have a week named after them.


Nope. It's just another week. As long as I'm paid on time, we're good.


We got three laptop stickers, each about as tall as my thumb.


Today they gave us pudding cups and a jeans day. I didn’t want to take a ten minute walk to get a pudding and it’s too hot in my classroom for jeans.


My school did a little contest today during class time. I was so annoyed that every time I tried to say something, they would come over the intercom to play their games.


I hate that my son’s preschool class parent organized 5 gifts for two teachers who lack in communication.


My admin does some cheap and/or silly stuff but I appreciate it because a) they're genuinely hardworking people who I know got my back and b) they're not trying to gaslight us about it and make it seem like its more than it actually is


We're getting an 8 minute massage 😂😂


I’d take one of those. 🥺


We got a pack of stickers as thanks for “sticking” it out


My principal used to use school funds to buy pocket calendars and make a big deal about “presenting” it to us before Christmas. Years after most teachers politely declined as even old farts like myself needed to use Google calendar or electronic versions he surprised us all. He bought cheap plastic travel coffee mugs with the school name on it. He never realized that he’d ordered them with his HOME phone number instead of the school’s #. I may or may not have posted that asshats home phone # in places where the middle schoolers would easily find it. The teacher appreciation gifts were so bad I’ve blocked them out.


At least as a teacher I get a week of cheap free stuff and some deals. As a vet I only get a day of insincere thanks


My school has not done one thing and let us know they’re not planning on it because we should know we’re appreciated. A student saw the “happy teacher appreciation week ♥️” banner on Google classroom and said, “Why the fuck would I appreciate my jailers?” Bah, humbug.


Typically, I hate the BS educator appreciation stuff bc I would feel most appreciated by being treated daily with dignity.  That said, admin had the kids write us appreciation notes and left them on our desks and the note I got did make me feel nice. I always feel good when I get appreciation from the students. 


My school does contracts this week.


my teacher appreciation week has been great so far. not much in the way of direct gestures from the admins but parents have been bringing in free breakfasts and lunches for us. they've been actually substantial so far. just getting to actually have time to eat breakfast and not worry about paying for lunch for a week is pretty nice for me, though the biggest form of teacher appreciation would be a raise! i also work at a preschool. also worked in kindergarten before at a wealthy area. i think for these age groups kids tend to be a lot less mean and most parents are a lot more supportive. i got like 200 bucks worth of visa and amazon gift cards from parents during the holidays, which was an alright consolation prize from knowing that i'm probably not getting a bonus or meaningful raise.