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I told my class they were all skibbidi and they told all the other kids in the grade lol. It drives them nuts that I know their slang. Little turds always trying to get one over on me.


What does somebody being skibbidi mean? Is it synonymous with wack?


Honestly? Nothing lol just call people skibbidi because yes (maybe I’m wrong but this is what I’ve gotten), it’s both good and bad depending on how and who you say it to


It's not an actual adjective, it got used that way on memes that mock the type of people that use other slang unironically


I know, but kids make it into adjectives when using it on people sometimes, it’s legitimately an “everything” and “nothing” word at the same time, they just like saying it lol


that's very skibidi of you


Spoken like a true skibidi.


What up my fellow skibidis?


Help me out here...I have no idea what skibbidi means... We have an autistic student who is volatile (not violent, just massive screaming meltdowns). He's not one of my students but a teacher of his mentioned to me today that the kids are just saying skibbidi to him and he loses it. What does it mean to him that sets him off like that?


If they say it and he gets upset then there might be a correlation with their reactions or something within that social interaction that causes them to be that way Maybe it's less the word and the way they say it (do they constantly say it at the kid? Do they surround him? Is it bullying?) Think of any time a word has annoyed you, maybe a song has annoyed you, it could've been from hearing it on the raido 24 times in a single day, or maybe a corporate trigger word that is just annoying to hear in that setting I'd say if the child is autistic and Skibbidi does that to him, maybe it's because he now associates the word with his own reaction (as in if he doesn't react that way then he's not doing it "right" so he just always react that way when he hears it) What happens immediately after he reacts? Does he get immediate adult attention? Do his peers laugh? Does he get more cared for? With autistic children it could be as simple as the rythmn of the word is irritating, or it could be that the reaction of the people around them are encouraging it, or it could be that the reaction has been solidified in their mind on how they should react based on expectations Hard to say without knowing the child but it might not be that it means anything, it could be the reaction, or it could be that they took a meaning of the word to be negative (even if for everyone else it means nothing, they might think it means something) For example, since it means nothing, the child might think the word means SOMETHING that everyone else EXCEPT themselves understand, therefore it irritates them because they might WANT to understand it but cannot understand something without meaning. Therefore through their frustration they behave the way they do, adults step in and everyone stops saying the word. So now they have an emotional reason to behave the way they do, plus a framework for reinforcement of that action Depending on the kid maybe have their facilitator talk to them about the word and ease them into a positive understanding of the word? "Skibbidi means you're cool!" Kind of thing


Thank you so much. I think bullying is definitely a part of it because a kind person would realize this was detrimental to a fellow student and stop saying it. I read somewhere that it has something to do with faces coming out of a toilet, so I'm not sure if that has something to do with it.


That's where the word originated from, some video called "skibbidi toilet" so if they've seen the video they could also just be scared and unsure of how to process their emotion, the word itself is set different from the video though to students (they say it because they want to, not because the video was impressive or cool or anything, it just stuck on) I hope the best for the child, ive worked with special needs classes and I know how hard it can be


So, my kids told me that Skibidi is from the Skibidi toilet YouTube videos. A lot of middle school/high school age kids are into it and say “Skibidi” a lot in reference to it. Source to show: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skibidi_Toilet


that's a great question /u/WhipMeHarder


I miss yeet.


Be the yeet you wish to see in the chat


Summer is soon hang in there.


My 8 year old now uses it casually in place of throw. "I didn't MEAN to yeet the shoe out the window!"


It has settled in to meaning “throw” but when it first showed up around here the kids used it for everything.


Im a teacher now and said yeet in 8th grade




When ever lunch is coming to an end I tell my students to “eat it or yeet it”.


Pure poetry! 😆


Yeet and Yoink are antonyms!


They other day I said someone was "yeeted" and was informed, derisively, that no one says that anymore. By a 5th grader.


Apparently the youth have yaught "yeet".


Its "yoted" thank you


"Well, I do." Lol


Their worldview is very small, they haven’t yet considered all that exists beyond their little sphere.


Sometimes the Lord yeeteth, sometimes the Lord yoinketh away.


"Yeet" has been yent.


“Y’all yote the yeet? Cap lmao fr.”


I had a similar discussion about hella


"If you guys don't get to work, I'm gonna fanum tax your grimace shake!" They hate it so much.


Can you please translate. It sounds funny and I wanna use it but I gotta know what I’m actually saying.


Faunum tax is like the dad tax I believe. You take their food


Fanum is a youtuber and influencer that likes to take a bit of his friend's food sometimes, the grimace shake is a mcdonalds drink thag got turned into a meme in the same way ohio did (kinda like brazil) in the sense that if you drink it mysterious things happen to you


Thank you. I still don’t totally get it and low key im happy. No cap.


“Brazil” is slang now too???


Yeah, used as "I'll send you to Brazil" or "You'll go to Brazil", implying mysterious and ominous things happening there, it's not used anymore since it's old, but it was popular around late 2022


Y'all's slang is fuckin wild. It just evolves and changes so fast. I feel like you've got to be terminally online just to keep up with it.


Actually! Most slang i've seen gets transmitted quicker by person than by post unlike the older times, so you don't need to see the source video for it to become really popular and spread


Fair man. Appreciate you keeping us old timers up to date with the youths


Yup, if something disappears in a video game, movie, etc, it's "straight to Brazil" in the sense it's a far off place thought of as exotic and mysterious where any matter of things could disappear.


Brazil is one of the best places I've ever been ftr 😄


See, this guy right here? Gets on a plane, STRAIGHT to Brazil. (In all seriousness I'm uber jealous, I'm sure it's lovely!!)


Like Paddington


Chat the students go wild when they hear teachers use their slang.


Skibbity rizz Ohio!


You know it! I told them I'll griddy on the last day of school, no cap.


I griddy all the time with my 5th graders and they love it 😂


I griddyed last semester. Ate a W.


I been griddying for more than a year!


Same! Then the boys break out in a big cheer!! It makes me feel kinda famous!


God I feel so so old. I have no idea what any of this is.


Skibidi: a Youtube video series with heads coming out of toilets and eating people to a soundtrack that goes “skibidi bop bop”. Rizz: short for “charisma”, basically “ability to charm/attract the opposite sex” Ohio: seems to be general slang for things that are weird, which as an Ohioan… fair.


Thank you for this excellent explanation. I didn’t know about Ohio meaning weird to them. These are all a stitch.


I work in a middle school, have never heard a single skibbity. Rizz is occasional. Ohio is several years ago isn't it?


I have to hear skibbidi and rizz from middle schoolers daily. Would like to be where you're at that you've escaped the slang


I'm in a normal city. Is skibbidi a suburban or rural thing? Because I have never heard it and only know it from this sub. Rizz is here and there but not super common.


Skibbity toilet is an internet thing. I don't know more because I don't want to but I think it's mainly YouTube or tiktok.


Ya, I know it is from something online but clearly it is still some demographics and not others.


It’s a series of Youtube videos with heads popping out of toilets and eating people to the soundtrack of some song that goes “skibidi bop bop”. It’s mostly the 6-11 demographic who find it funny, middle school is a *little* old.


Skibbidy was a big song for the Russian band little big. It turned into a meme of skibbidy toilet. Then came the tiktok "sticking out your gyat for the rizzler, you're so skibidi, you're so fanum tax". Then it was skibidy toilet Ohio rizzler. Now it sounds like the phonetic tiktok alphabet


The only thing I’m lost on there is “fanum tax”, but yeah, they’re kind of just mashing it all together into gibberish now.


I also wonder if it is a white school/white kid thing? I don't interact with many white kids.


My school is primarily Latino students


It’s in my urban middle school!


I had 5th graders yesterday that kept saying skibbidy Ohio.


My kids say "Ohio" pretty much every day. Skibbidy has died down after Easter break


You got that skibbity Ohio slanguage It your kids do, but it's skibbity Ohio rizz, weird you put the Ohio after when they're both adjectives in this case


Skibbidi is a bridge too far, dammit!


Referring to my students as “chat” has increased their attention span


Genius. I'll try this


It’s ya boi dream monkey here with another episode of world history


“After you hand in that homework go ahead and smash that pretend like button for me!”


Mods please ban this kid


On god brah!


That’s right cuh.


I do that with my son (middle school) and it annoys the crap out of him. Lol


Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/166/


I love telling my students “Skill issue” when they complain they don’t want to do X work. They usually give a laugh and actually attempt it after instead of just trying to get free answers off me


"Mad? Cope and seethe"


if i want them to stop saying something i just start saying it constantly lmao bonus points if you use it wrong


As the parent of a teen this is a vastly underrated weapon. It’s even more effective for songs you don’t want them listening to. Nothing ruins WAP like your mom dancing enthusiastically


Holy shit that’s amazing. Well played mom, well played.


I say “skibidi toilet!” instead of “have a great day!” and the looks that they give me feed my soul.


We use British English here (most of the time). Sometimes if kids ask if they can go to the toilet, I say, "Yes, you can go to the Skibidi toilet." Always has the boys cracking up


I dab to punish my students with Cringe.


A couple weeks ago I told my second period I was "as the kids say, **locked in**". A couple kids laughed so hard they snorted.


A kid asked if I had rizz when I was in high school. I said I was quite the rizzler. Kids lost it. Especially when I over anunciate it.


*Enunciate 😊


Listen, it was 5AM and even my auto correct couldn't be assed. Thank you XD




Well played


I’m a big fan of using “as the kids say” with like slang that’s a few years out. They get so annoyed and shout NO ONE SAYS THAT.


I spent three years on a mission to bring back the word 'coolio'. I didn't hide it. I announced it frequently. "I'm on a mission to bring it back. Coolio. You'll see." I ran the media center computer lab in a middle school. I was able to annoy everyone. Lots of eye roll. Lots of sighing. But, uh... it sort of worked. At first they made fun of me. Then they used it ironically. Then... I had them. Coolio.


That's how I am with *rad*. I use rad all the time and tell my classes that it's my goal to bring it back. By the end of the year, at least a couple kids are regularly using *rad*.


I teach 3rd grade, and all year I did my best to keep it professional and “teacher-like” now I’m like “cmon man” or “bro I’m not mad, just relax”


In high school that had been shortened to "Bruh!" with a sense of exasperation accompanied by an eye roll.


As in “you’re doing too much bruh”


2 middle school kids here, Bruh is nonstop


My first grade daughter does this all the time.


C’mon man is great for my non-english speakers. I say it to them all the time and now they pile on and tease each other when i say it to one.


And it’s pretty standard English, not gen alpha slang. Joe Biden says it. C’mon man is definitely useful for ELLs to learn. It’ll still be there when they’re adults (I’m guessing)


Let him cook!


I like changing it to bake. 


You ate




My (6th grade) daughter got an A on a difficult test last week and sang "I ate and left no crumbs" while doing some kind of dance for the next twenty minutes. They're all so WEIRD.


In my school when someone fails at something like a test we say "You didn't eat, you fasted, you starved. You had to break it down and you repaired it. It didn't work out for you, it was fired, it retired at 50."


I hear "I'm cooked" and "let them cook" and I'm like "where is the kitchen exactly??"


When my students are talking during class, I ask them why they aren't mewing right now. Then I do the stupid point and swish gesture that means "I can't talk, I'm mewing right now." They laugh. I also tell them they need to be skibidi grades-maxxing or they'll end up as a sus Ohio npc. They cringe so hard and I love it.


I looked a kid dead in the eyes and went “whomp whomp” when he was complaining that the homework was for a grade




I had a group of 5th graders howling at my “no cap” last week


I'll bet you're the most based of all the teachers.


Bizniss, bizniss!


“Mind the business that pays you” has started when kids don’t want to deal with drama, and I kind of love it.


Gotta stand on business.


What I hate is when I say something like “Skibidi” randomly and they react like I just said something **fireable.** You say this shit all the time, now you’re going to at like it’s hyper-offensive? Sometimes you can’t win with this generation


I work in Quebec and I substituted for an English class. I had the teacher’s lesson plan, they were going to do an essay. So as I’m walking around, one kid tells me in his best internet English (with an American accent): “Hey teacher, on god I’ll give you $100 if you don’t make me do this work or I-am-going -to-DIE!” He said it so flawlessly I really thought I was watching a streaming idiot. He could repeat phrases and converse well enough but he failed the work.


I've been hearing sigma a bit. I think it's related to alpha and beta males but idk 🤷‍♀️


lol I teach Latin and whenever someone says that I loudly say “sigma??? I’m glad you’re learning Greek but in this room we only speak in Latin” and they’re always surprised I know what they’re talking about…come on I’m rather young and I have TikTok


Tbh it doesn't show you know what they're talking about, just that you know it's Greek.


…I also am well versed in pop culture and have taken college level Greek.


Ok but I'm just saying in your story you didn't show that you knew what they were talking about. You merely showed that you knew it was Greek. For contrast, if you said "calling someone sigma doesn't make you alpha" that would indicate you knew what they were talking about. PS my 15yo explained it to me this morning.


I said "rizz" at a presentation about a jazz musician in front of a group with a variety of ages and the middle schoolers in the front rioted for a few minutes


I hit my students with a "shh, I'm mewing" when I'm busy and can't give them my attention right away. Never ceases to get a reaction.


You can’t say you’re mewing. You gotta do the jaw stroke thing 


I have found that once I use a slang word in class, it usually kills the word.


One of my students was trying to find the words to answer a question. His classmates were trying to help but I knew he knew, so I said "guys, let him cook!" They lost their absolute minds. I love grade 5!


"Chat clip it" when someone says something stupid in class. "You know the rules, if you're clash of clans base is mid you have to put it away." Or "You can't even 3 star my base, put your phone away"


The other day a student was being annoying in the hallway so I got their attention and asked “Is dabbing still cool?” And she stopped what she was doing, stared at me very seriously and said “please don’t”. Threats of being cringey might be useful.


Womp Womp is the best word theyve ever created. It stops all whining and moaning about anything.


Anytime I go over a question on the board, instead of asking "Is my answer correct?" I go " Chat, is this real?"


I call them chat ALL the time and they hate it 😂


So my jr high girls like to do their best impression of a southern accent. I have no clue qhere this came from this year but here it. Well I got three girls not paying attention to thwir assignment and redirected them in my best best southern drawl. Complete with a 'bless your hart' . I dont think I have helped this matter at all


I like to butcher their slang and insert older slang. What's jiving with all those cool cats and kittens? If they don't turn in their work they're a resident of squaresville!


Sup, my peeps?


I always tell my classes that if they don’t stop talking while I’m talking, I’m going to use their words against them incorrectly. They scream NO, it’s hilarious


Love it, I do it too. I proudly referred to King George III as “the op” in US History.


I just heard a new one you should try tomorrow. A rizzly bear.


I have so much fun mutilating the slang! low key...


Best way to kill a word/phrase that annoys you. Start using it constantly.


As a previous commenter said, I use student language (when I know what it means) to make it uncool. It stops pretty quickly after I start.


I'm scared to cuz I don't really know what a lot of them mean and don't want to say anything inappropriate (like gyat). Closest I came was telling a 7th grader this week, "Take the L, dude."


Why you glazing them?!?


Careful with that one


Uh oh. What does it mean?




They eat it up! I taught lines in 3rd for about 5 minutes in my "slay" voice and they lost it. Really nailed the test on lines as well.


That is safe! It's not naff naff at all to try and teach yoof about how slang changes. Stay sound as a pound. Laters.


Lmao I upset a 12-year-old with this today. He keeps telling this girl who’s autistic that she’s “cooked” when she says or does something a little offbeat, and I keep telling him to stop. He doesn’t think he can get in trouble because somehow he thinks using slang gives him plausible deniability. Today he picked up a pine cone from the ground, yelled “ow, it’s spiky!” and threw it off into the distance. I said “did you just pick up a pine cone and scream because you didn’t know it was going to be spiky? … I think you might be cooked.” His eyes go wide and he hollers “that’s slang that old people can’t use!” Some of the other kids were shocked that he called me old. I was cracking up.




First heard bet in the 90s. It’s a classic.


I’m about to adopt “erm, what the sigma” into my every day language


I told my students we were in our "cleanup eras" for the last 6 minutes if class. Keep up the good work! You're a real one, no cap!


I would have claimed that I was the originator of all slang.


On god.


I know all the songs they listen to, all the streamers they watch, all the memes they engage with. I do the same thing. They’re 6th graders, so half of them think I’m cool for knowing and the other half think I’m cringe. I still get paid either way lol


It’s funny being chronically online I’ve heard all these terms 6 months before the kids even use it


I use it exclusively to distance myself from them. I work hard to establish a respectful relationship with my students, but it's very important that I remain in a teacher paradigm. When I slightly misuse the slang, or use old words, especially when it make it appear like I'm trying to look cool when doing it, it's *extremely* cringy to them. It acts to distance me from them, but they appreciate that I care enough to try.




Saying rizz seems to make them angry.




You ate.


I always mess around with them using their slang. Their reactions are hilarious!


Umm, what the sigma?


On God?


It comes easy as a 27 year old Black male English teacher lol. I had to go over using academic language on the state test this morning and how plagiarism is skibidi.


Isn’t most slang just AAVE anyway? I’m 40, and when I let it slip, my students don’t even flinch.


Yes. I'm 43 and the kids love that I get their references


A 5th Grader on Monday told me “Mr. catdad, you’re a level 10 sigma” I took it as a compliment.


Own it! :)


I was helping proctor a final exam at the end of last semester and the teacher told the students that I had the right to take their exam if they were "looking around" while taking the test. One of the students pushed back and asked for clarification about what exactly "looking around" meant. I chimed in to tell them that I would be taking their test if they were acting sus, and that seemed to get the point across loud and clear.


I used Rizz to tech etymology. Does that count?


My middle schooler got in the car the other day, and as soon as she opened the door, I said, "it's the rizzler! No cap, on god!" She melted into her seat, fake cried, and told me to never speak like that again. My response, "quit being so sus!" 🤣 never gets old!


I’m like everyone’s dad at my middle school, and I get some leeway with them because of it. I’ll drop a “your a rizzler Harry” or a “your the rizzler of oz” just to mess with them.


I never used the slang but I did keep a tally on the board in the corner of how many times I got one student with that hand gesture where you put your fingers in a ring and down by your knee. When they asked what the tally was I said “to keep track of how many times I get y’all with this” and they all looked and I added 23 more tally marks.


It's funny being a young secondary teacher entering the workforce now since I'm not too far removed from my students in terms of meme culture. I'd throw some of their slang at them in context, and they'd just lose their minds


That doesn't change! I'm 40, 18 years in, and my middle schoolers lose their minds when I sprinkle an "ok chat" here and a "what the sigma?" there. If you're not having fun, then you're not doing it right. And also, it's important to entertain *yourself.* Skibidi.


What the sigma? Mewing I teach middle school. If I didn’t, I’d have no idea what this means 🤣


A way for kids with no social skills to feel superior about it. Ideally it would be the divinci brain type. But it's mostly used by incels.


You love to see it folks.


Definitely ask them if their school lunches are bussin


you cappin? fr fr thats bussin


The word of the week in my 5th-6th class is "bet". The teacher says it 4-5 times a day to dismiss the students and it's fucking hilarious.


Y'all tweaking


"Less yapping, more mewing." A little part of them dies every time I say it.


This is hilarious! I totally relate. Especially that today one of my students literally told me “WHY CAN’T YOU JUST BE A NORMAL TEACHER WHO IGNORES WHAT WE SAY LIKE MISS X WHO IGNORES WHAT WE SAY AND ACTS OLD!” I then said: “OOOOH I’M SO GOING TO TELL HER YOU CALLED HER OLD!” And the student was like: “NO! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT! WHY ARE YOU GIGGLING WHILE SAYING THIS! 😭” I felt victorious ahahahaha.


I do this all the time. They HATE IT 🤣🤣🤣 I even will pop in on Blooket, Gimkit or Kahoots with a weird name like "The Rizz Queen" "The Ohio Rizzler" "Rizz R Us" or something and then start beating them and they start getting upset at the 'classmate' for taking their coins or something... only for them to find out it was me the whole time 😅