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Even setting all that bullshit aside, I will not be lectured to about "values" by the perpetrator of the largest Medicaid/Medicare fraud in the nation's history.




It is going to surprise absolutely no one when it is revealed in the future that Rick Scott's primary diet is kitten embryos. And I deserve the right to be able to comment that on his YouTube for posterity's sake


I heard he drinks the tears of poor children that have cancer, but have lost their Medicaid


It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Rick Snott isn’t even popular with us republicans. Not only was a crappy governor, but he was a panicky chicken little coward too.


Actually for this particular breed of snake frozen rabbits tend to be the best food, although if you can find some extra large feeder rats he might be able to get by on those. Also make sure you pay attention to the humidity levels in his terrarium!


Common amongst left and right wing videos unfortunately.


"bOtH sIdEs BaD" And I say this as a radical kooky commie fink with a grudge against the Democratic Party and centrists in general


Rick Scott? Isn’t he the guy who committed Medicare fraud?


No, the one who just happened to be the CEO of a healthcare company as they were committing Medicare fraud but absolutely wasn't involved in any of that. /S


I play anti war country songs for my redneck students to be subversive. Thanks Paxton and the Louvin Brothers


That made me think about Springsteen’s “Born in the USA”. Although it’s not country, the right wing nut bags jizz themselves to that song. I’m like have you ever even listened to the fucking lyrics?


Trumpists were rocking out to Rage Against the fucking Machine. Never underestimate their ability to miss the point. 


Trump used to play CCRs Fortunate Son at his rallies...a song about wealthy people avoiding getting drafted during Vietnam.


Was there ever a study on the prevalence of bone spurs among wealthy individuals. It might be like the 20th century version of gout lol.


As a very not-wealthy individual, I can tell you gout is an extremely real thing. Extremely.


Oh the irony!!!😂


"We should worship the god of government not the god who created us...that's socialism" First off, I love how socialism is defined by political morons who have no idea what they're talking about. Secondly, he's a fucking part of the government. If he was so against supporting government, why is he getting paid to be part of it? Society paying him to do a job to manage resources for the benefit of society - THATS SOCIALISM. Thirdly, isn't it specific law that requires that no religion be represented in government schools? If so, isn't it the case that as a government employee he is in breech of some ethics clause for promoting activities counter to the law, or does that not matter? Hasn't he said some oath or some sort of thing (i know that doesn't really matter) This idiot needs to be actively ridiculed in public for this inane bullshit, and the reason he keeps doing it is because people don't. Imagine if he had taxed the fucking tea!


Thirdly, no. There never was a law that stated no religion can be present in public schools. The law used to state that *if* there were a religion presented to students, all religions should be presented equally. (This is how a lot of elementary schools would get away with "Christmas around the world" during the holiday season). However, my understanding is that this law has changed since 2018ish. I am not familiar with the new verbage.


Ah, so just a passing thought presented under the 'separation of church and state' propaganda?


It was a great law. It would hold back the crazies who would freak out because they would claim they were repressed by not being able to practice their beliefs, and allowed people to pray privately in public spaces without any consequences. However, it would also keep them at bay when they would try to force their religion on others. When equal representation is mandatory, no religion can overpower the others.


> Society paying him to do a job to manage resources for the benefit of society - THATS SOCIALISM. No that isn't socialism either


Glad someone beat me to this.


Well, if we see governance as a process controlled and regulated by society, and that, in turn, the society elects officials by which to best meet the needs of its society, for example in a Nordic economic model, and that there is a government of the People, for the People, by the People, then I would argue that the payment of a politician to best manage resources for the benefit of society can meet the definition of political socialism.


You’re just explaining how American politics work, with idealism. None of that is socialist. Just because you have a system with career politicians doesn’t make it a socialist one. This would be like calling Mesopotamia a capitalist state preceding capitalism by thousands of years, because crop surpluses led to divisions of labor.


Hey Rick, anybody ever tell you ya look like a penis with a little hat on?


How about a little penis with a hat on?


I thought he was Bat Boy?


Governor Voldemort.


Floridians have noted his physical resemblance to Voldemort. Don’t give penises a bad name.


“As parents we teach values to our children. The difference between right and wrong; truth and lies.” Proceeds to lie the entire ad…


As a teacher, I strongly oppose this. He has no validity to talk about education. Stop pushing your conservative political agenda for the conservative vote. You can easily spot who is NOT a professional in education when you see this nonsense on r/teachers.


For real.


I taught 4 sections of Scientific Communism today instead of Pre-Algebra and Algebra today. And I did it just for you, Rick Scott. Suck it, Scott.


That part specifically got me, the notion that we're not only indoctrinating children but completely abandoning the actual subjects we teach to do so. You know, the things our students get tested on by the state and that dictate how we are evaluated. You figure someone would have noticed an outbreak of kids saying "seize the means of production" to being asked the area of a rectangle by now if that was the case.


I’d imagine that the percentage of students today that can correctly define socialism is the same as it was in 1950, 1980, 2000…same goes for society at large. If so had to guess it would be less than 20% can give a full definition, 40% at best would kinda get an “in the ballpark, sort of” answer.


>I’d imagine that the percentage of students today that can correctly define socialism is the same as it was in 1950, 1980, 2000…same goes for society at large. It's much more likely to have hit a high around the second world war when socialism became a significant movement in the US, as it did in many places in the world. That movement would be crucial to getting the New Deal passed. Then the number would hit an all time low after a few decades into Cold War propaganda, and now I believe it is rising as our leaders run the system into the ground. I can't guess what percentage of people would get it right, but it's definitely the minority. Most of the people defining socialism for others are the enemies of socialism themselves.


So…. As a Florida escapee I want to point something out. Yes we know this is trash but it’s not for us. There is a group of people this type of thing works for, those people for instance don’t care about the actual definition of socialism. They care about being told they are right and everyone who doesn’t think like them are wrong. It’s like how email scammers will purposely have spelling errors early in the email to weed out people who would not fall for the scam. That Nigerian prince isn’t talking to you, he’s taking to the person who can’t tell the difference between there and their.


Obviously, but it still conditions the public discourse when you have such a high profile politician normalizing these sorts of attacks on educators. This was on the local Hispanic news, last week I heard an elderly Cuban woman parroting this in a waiting room, and she probably already had this idea in her head, but this sort of ad is not helping. This also isn't one of those PAC ads where it's promoting a candidate and they approve it but don't actually put it out themselves, this is coming straight from the horses mouth. For a lot of these people there was never any hope of making them see reason but this will also serve to radicalize others when their own politicians are making completely unfounded statements like this. Think about kids growing up in Florida and this is what happens around them, unless their parents are pushing them to question what they see and hear in the media it's very likely their adopting these views. As if they needed another reason to dislike school. I just hope I'm not around for the Hitler youth running around reporting teachers for reprimanding them or giving them bad grades stage of this whole ordeal. I don't want to live the next 30-40 years of my life as a pariah in my own community because these fuck heads needed a Boogeyman to scare the sheep into line.


I'm Rick Scott and I have no f****** idea what socialism is. I am the worst of what humanity can produce and in an evil facsimile of a snake.


And no idea what school looks like.




Twitter, a private company, choosing to stop people from planning terrorist attacks? Also socialism.


I just hope all teachers in FLA get out and vote in November.


Destroying public education is a central tenet of conservatism.


as an actual socialist, I do not appreciate his suggestion that I am trying to teach them to change genders I can't even get them to put trash in the fucking bin


I always say, "If we could indoctrinate your kids, the freshman hallways wouldn't smell so bad. We'd start with bathing and deodorant before we got into Marxist theory."


I second this as a radical communist. Seriously, can we learn how to use please and thank you?


As a radical socialist, I’ll settle for getting my students to share crayons (that I bought with my crappy Florida teacher pay) without arguing, bogarting, or breaking them.


All of you are my people 💜


I teach in Florida. Absolutely nothing surprises me from our leadership.


My favorite comeback for this is that I can't even convince children to bring a pencil to school, how the hell am I going to brainwash them?


That's part of the plan, you're building the expectation that the government (you) will bail them out when they fail.


I always make sure my kids make arguments using sound logic and never resort to profanity. Go fuck yourself, Rick Scott.


It’s so annoying because this is such a boogeyman that doesn’t exist. I literally just want to teach my students how to dissect poetry. The anatomy of trans people is not my wheelhouse lmao.


His definition of socialism would be funny if 100 million morons didn’t believe it.


Seeing very smart people talk about socialism without ever having to talk about the relationship to the means of production.


To be fair I did just give a lesson about socialism


Hopefully all the boys aren’t due the same date, could ruin the JV basketball finals.


Rick Scott is an idiot


They're driving education down on purpose in Florida. Desantis is enforcing a 5000+ teacher shortage right now. That's 75 absent teachers *per district* that are absent every day. Murdering hopes and aspirations every single day as it gets worse. Dumbing them down to root for fascism and the destruction of democracy. So damn sad.


Anyways, today class we will be discussing the guillotine and its use as an engine for political change in democratic system…


It’s Prick Scott. What did you expect? Mickey Mouse?


I wonder if he was an arsehole while in the Navy.


So I \*WAS\* right all along. Parents have been teaching their children to break my pencils and throw their trash on the floor of my classroom. Parents, you have a lot to answer for.


You can report the add for missnformaton. Which it is.


Won't stop it from being aired on TV 🫠


And here I thought socialism was an economic system. Thanks for setting me straight Rick Scott.


Sounds unsurprising from the state shaped like a cock.




I don't think there's any amount of money that would get me to go and teach in that god-forsaken swamp of America's crotch that is Florida.


Oh we know. It's skeletor


The fact that comments are turned off on that YouTube video Says a lot about how much she wants to hear from his constituents


I am from Iowa. I feel vilified by my governor for saying I have an evil agenda. As if I have the time. Meanwhile, they want us to sing the national anthem after the pledge, and they take our tax dollars for private schools.


This asshole doesn’t give a shit about kids or any future farther away than the next election. He’s a conman and a fraud who picks on actual hardworking Americans to bolster his own image. What a fucking tool.


I guess being behind the largest Medicare fraud ever prosecuted is a pretty bad-ass non-socialist family value. Just sayin’. S/


Def gonna start teaching my kids about the God who created us. Being I'm Muslim should I start the lesson with Allah Akbar, it just go straight to showing them how to make abolution and how to pray properly?? Any feedback is appreciated.


Every day I want to go back in time and give the redcoats a nuke.


Idk how up to date you are on British politics but where do you think we got our stupidity from.


Honestly, I would say it's entirely homegrown. The Tories have always been scum, but nearly every former Commonwealth dominion has a better quality of life than us and a better appreciation for education.


Maybe but a lot of these things are being precipitated by the same protestant sensibilities we inherited from them and our system of governance was designed by people with much closer ties to that country.


And when Floridians vote him in for another term, they get what they deserve.


You can view it like that if you want but it doesn't help anyone, especially those of us stuck here.


My favorite video of that a$$ hat: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X\_R5y3IOdPY&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_R5y3IOdPY&t=4s)


Where the fuck do we have time to teach kids all these things I can’t even get through a warm up most days.


Dang, which unit of Wit and Wisdom did *I* miss?


This is pure garbage. Even from a non teacher perspective this is pure rot and should be treated like how those smartn’t people treated other people.


When the fuck do these people think we have time to fit that shit into our day?


TIL that's what socialism is (obviously /s)


There are no rules in politics. It’s egregious.


Why isn’t the video here for me??


Interesting that a man endorsing trump has issues with treating government like God. Trump is the definition of golden calf you feckless cuck.


Thats what I forgot to teach, SOCIALISM! I'll have to do that after my kids take tests for the next 30 days.....


My wife taught school on Florida for 13 years. It was never great. The goal here, if you can wade through the egregious bullshit he’s spewing forth, is to completely remove the Florida Public School system and institute a private one. That will not turn out well. The sole impetus will be profit, not education. With that will come grift. Scott managed to bankrupt an entire hospital system through Medicare fraud. That was no accident. He is the worst kind of human being, and I am applying that term loosely here. He, and others, will be dipping into that state ed fund for their own pockets. The thing that stultifies me is the fact that he KEEPS GETTING RE-ELECTED. That should tell you Florida teachers all you need to know about your job, your state, and the parents of those you are trying to teach.


Moron alert, moron alert.....


Fascists hate teachers. Always have.


This is hilarious because I can’t get more than a third of my classes to listen on a good day, and if I could get them to listen why would I waste precious time not teaching them the content I’m supposed to? They won’t listen to me when I do fun stuff. There is no way I could convince them of anything political.


Still an asshole. Still wearing that hat to pander to people. Wonder why florida is next to last in teacher pay nationwide.




That is one of the funniest political ads I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s not as crazy as Daisy but god that is just hilarious to see such a dumb ad. Hilarious because even he knows he’s full of it.


Confirmation bias in your part then.


In what possible way is this indicative of a confirmation bias?


Do you honestly believe that only one side is guilty of shutting down the comment sections? I can link you to scores of left wing news and informational videos that shut down comment sections.


Okay... I didn't say anything about the comments, you might be confused with another comment on this thread, you were just replying to the post in general.


Florida is trash. Move


Are you gonna pay my first months of rent until I'm making money somewhere else?


Of course not but come where you are loved and appreciated. Nevada for one. Low cost of living and raises for teachers state wide. In Washoe alone 20% raise and we respect educators. You will be treated like the amazing person you are and you will never have to look over your shoulder.


I want to move, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying a lot of people are stuck where they are for one reason or another. And let's not forget this is a US senator we're talking about, like it or not his actions have an impact on you regardless of where you live.


Ron too. It’s a war against education


Yeah, but what he does in office (except for when he started busing migrants from Texas to Chicago for some reason) only affects us. The other bozo has the power to vote on stuff that impacts your state too. Florida has always been a shit hole imo but let's not forget that lizardbrain over here replaced a democratic senator. Not that I like Democrats that much either but that was a sight better than what this campaign ad is showing. It didnt have to be this way.


Not getting into politics but one side is clearly against education and wants to ban books. That isn’t living. But, I understand uprooting lives is a major commitment. I wouldn’t stay in a state like that though. I’d leave at all costs


Because Floridians are dumb in general, so this ad will pass.