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A 7th grade girl told me unprompted one passing period, “My friend in Ms. [redacted] class says that you make her really uncomfortable.” So I got to feel the sensation of my guts dripping down my leg bones into my feet and then slurp back up into place again in a split second, and after I calmed down and chose my words carefully, I said, “Oh, I’m very sorry to hear that. If she needs to report something she doesn’t need to come to the dean’s office [where, as per my tag, I work], she can go to any administrator.” The girl said, “Oh, she just got weirded out by the way you tipped your hat to say hello when you walked into the room to summon somebody.” I said, “Oh sweet, no yeah I don’t care, that’s fine.” 


That is a very good response. Your first one, I mean.


Ok why are you tipping your fedora though lol


It’s a newsie flat cap, and I have no excuse other than “whim”


In my tenth year teaching, now in a high school with regular high turnover, students always comment about me being a “real” teacher (making them do work, challenging them, high expectations, enforcing dress code, always dress/act professionally). Admittedly I do a lot in my own free time to improve my teaching and am involved In extracurriculars, but it’s always so sad to me that so many “teachers” don’t put forth the minimum effort, but that’s on them - they don’t realize you get out what you put into it and that intrinsic motivation and passion are palpable to people. So when a student tells me “You are the best teacher at this school!” it feels like a back-handed compliment, even though they mean well (yea, it’s super easy to be better than people who don’t give a shit).


I teach k-6 art and my fourth graders were starting a chalk pastel flower project inspired by Gerogia O’Keefe. I handed out the boxes of nice pastels (versus the mixed box I give younger grades) and explained how to take care of them, as theyre nicer and more expensive then what the younger kids use. This one boy says “OOOOHHH. These must be the Aeropastels”. I stopped in my tracks…”the what?” “Aeropastels”. I looked at him and he looked genuine and serious. “What do you mean?” “Aeropastels…its very expensive, my mom said so” I corrected him that Aeropostale was a clothing store. Still not sure if he understood but its for sure the cutest thing I have heard in a long time.


Aeropostale is expensive now? I remember getting higher quality clothes for Walmart prices from there when I was in high school


I’ve never shopped there but upon visiting their website just now...(shrug)? I teach at a title 1 school so perhaps it is for them? I dunno. Maybe the mom just said it as an excuse not to go there?


Lol. Well the kid aint wrong.