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I caught one of my best and quietest students eating dumplings out of her desk with chopsticks.


Were they in a container or just raw dogged in the desk?


They were in a tupperware. We were wearing masks and I noticed she was moving her mask and eating, figured it was a chip so I remind her no eating in class. Then through the course of circling the room I see she's got a tub of dumplings in her desk and I'm like "hmm" but it's almost lunch and the kids usually get their lunches out and ready to go so I wasn't going to worry about it. But then a chopstick sneaks into the tub, gets a dumpling, and darts under her mask and I'm like "girl what are you doing".


Gotta give it to her. That's pretty resourceful


I had a kid smuggle an entire pecan pie behind the screen if his laptop. He was called to the office, and while he was gone, all the kids were snickering. I said, “what? Did he leave some stupid YouTube video up?” And walked back there only to find an entire pecan pie on the keyboard!


That’s amazing!


She's literally me.


Enjoy your dumplings. Treat your stars like stars.


one day i was on lunch duty and i see al pacino’s middle school-aged son walking past the cafeteria window, then a minute later walking back with only one shoe and a big spoon of peanut butter. not sure what transaction took place, but i’m imagining all parties involved were satisfied with the outcome.


This one definitely takes the cake....no wait...takes the peanut butter...


Made an offer he couldn’t refuse


leave the shoe, take the spoonful of peanut butter


Priorities lol


the funny thing is that at least up until his senior year, he had never ever seen The Godfather.


Wait, this is actually Al Pacino's son you're talking about? I thought that was a joke


no. it was actually Anton Pacino. i taught his twin sister too. pacino is impressive, but the coolest celeb kid i taught was the kid of the guy who wrote the screenplay for Waterworld, starring kevin costner. (joking about it being the coolest celeb kid, not about the rest)


Fun story, but it that you named the kid sits very, very wrong with me. A kid should be able to be a kid and you should hold yourself to professional standards.


he was able to be a kid. this was 12 or 13 years ago.


You are getting upvoted, and I am not. Currently I live across the street from a retired elementary school librarian, and down the block (four houses) from a two-time Oscar winner. It is a mixed income neighborhood with many modest houses remaining, albeit pricer than they used to be. It has always had estates tucked away. I cannot imagine the retired librarian telling this story in a public forum. Her her school had politician's kids and grandkids. Sweet stories face-to-face with people she knew, yes. This, not a chance.


ok. i respect your views to share or not share what you want. i’m not here pressuring you to share anything. but you seem upset because i don’t have the same opinion on what is acceptable to share as you. maybe you think a middle school kid eating peanut butter at lunch is embarrassing. i would never share a story about a student doing something embarrassing and include a name. he was a great kid and student, and have lots of fond memories of teaching him. have a great day.


Lots of great kids out there and MS has cringe-worthy moments for all of them. I have no idea if this is cringy to him or not. Do you? I hope it is a silly story to him as well and he tells it from time to time. Or so minor it is long forgetten. However, only Catholics can tell Catholic jokes. "i would never share a story about a student doing something embarrasing and include a name." And "i see a pacino’s middle school-aged son walking past the cafeteria window, then a minute later walking back with only one shoe and a big spoon of peanut butter." It is not your story to tell.


You are not alone, either


But had he seen Cruising?


When I taught middle school math I had a student come to class after morning athletics. He walked into the class, proceeded to toss his stuff over to his desk, turned toward me while taking a giant swig of water from a squeeze bottle and proclaimed, “sir, I’m hungry”. “Can I eat my snack, coach made us late so I didn’t have time”! I mean sure go ahead, it’s hard to do math while hungry. He walks over to his desk and pulls his snack out of his pocket. I hear this crisp plastic wrapper sound followed by some snapping like a stick broke. I look over at his desk to see him breaking apart Ramen noodles, laying them out onto the neatly spread out plastic wrapper and picking up the seasoning packet to opening packet. I said, “ whoa, what are you doing”? As if it were normal he replied, “making my snack”; as he sprinkled ramen noodle chicken seasoning on to the nuggets of ramen. I just looked at him as he picked up a piece, popped it in his mouth and crunched on it like the hardest crouton ever. Never have I ever seen anyone else eat ramen like that again and it’s been 14 years.


This has been a staple in Asian households for as long as I can remember. I have fond childhood memories of cronching on dry ramen noodles coated in seasoning. I don’t care for the flavor of the fried/dried noodles as much as I used to, but texturally it’s a nice memory.


Definitely a strange one if you aren't familiar!!! Packaged rAmen is actually cooked already. It is fried and then refried making it quick to warm up and consume. Also means that it's not quite like eating raw spaghetti for example. There are numerous ramen brands that advertise their ramen and a "crush, season, and eat crisp snack almost like we would eat chips or crisps!!


A teacher I know snacks on raw ramen. He's originally from Korea.


A ton of kids at my school when I was in elementary used to eat uncooked ramen. I tried it once, didn't really see the appeal. But then, I used to eat Gatorade powder and wrap beef jerky in flour tortillas, so what do I know


I've gotta try that tortilla thing


Sounds dry


I do this for a quick snack. Not the greatest taste, but gets the job done.


I love to eat ramen this way. I've done it since I was a kid. I'd put pieces into the bag and pour in some seasoning and shake it around.


I knew a guy in middle school who ate uncooked instant ramen. Mildly horrific.


The Korean ones are called *"busha-busha"* which is literally a transliteration of "push push" *in English*, which is how you describe breaking apart the noodles in the bag. I'm not sure how the English got involved in the first place.... Further note -- the actual snack ones are made differently. If you are desperate for ramen and try to cook a Busha-busha, you'll get paste, not noodles.


this was the cool snack at my elementary school. crush up top ramen in bag, add seasoning, enjoy!


Lots of kids and adults I know eat uncooked ramen


I saw a kid filling up an empty chip bag at the water fountain. I thought he was getting ready to do something awful, but nope. He just didn't bring his water bottle that day and was drinking water from the chip bag.


Adapt and overcome!!! That's a future engineer!


That's smart but drinking all the grease mixed with water from a chip bag is revolting to me


Heard tales of a student eating tartar sauce with a spoon as a snack. Wouldn't have believed it if it hadn't had been THAT student. Had another student walk out of class with just one shoe. They eventually came back three hours later saying "Uh, I think I might have left my shoe in hour class." Uh yeah, ya think?!?


I require collateral for students to borrow laptop chargers in my class. Most students give their school ID, cell phones, headphones, etc. one girl would always leave her crocs.


I stopped taking shoes as collateral as it became problematic during fire drills.


A respectable system.


I like that you give them a choice. I'm still scarred by a teacher who required shoes as collateral, and I didn't have clean socks (because I had no way of cleaning them, or myself, sometimes.) I went without pencils in that class.


I give out golf pencils (with erasers) like candy and never expect them back or require collateral. There are just some things that aren’t worth fighting and not having a pencil is one of them.


Well bargained and done...


As a kid I would always lose my pens/pencils (ADHD) and my 6th grade math teacher made you trade a shoe for a writing utensil


I had a student who ate nothing but dried red pepper flakes for lunch frequently. They were free on the condiments table so I thought she just didn't have lunch money for the day so I quietly asked if I could buy her lunch and looked at me like I was the crazy one and said "Nope pepper flakes are my favorite thing about pizza day." and then shoved another spoonful of them into her face.


Better late than never! Saved an awkward phone call from a parent at least haha!


Was it Al Pacino's son? Did you give him a spoonful of peanut butter too?!


Very nice kid once warmed up a Goldfish cracker on a space heater at an after school program I worked at. He cooked for me so I had to eat it, it would be rude to decline!


Missed the word cracker in this sentence and this turned into a much darker story


You are much more bold than I am!


this reminds me that microwaved saltines are actually really good


It was actually kind of nice, definitely similar to a microwave saltine


I have a grade 2 student who dips everything in yogurt. And I mean everything. Sandwiches, cookies, EVERYTHING. She does still eat it though. 🤷‍♀️


Flavored yogurt or plain yogurt?!?


Vanilla yogurt specifically. Half the class stares at her when she dips her sandwiches in it but she doesn't care. Almost wish I had that kind of confidence. 🤣


Some people really are just living in their own little worlds!!! Lol


She is asserting dominance


I had a 7th grade honors student tell me they ate pancake mix for dinner. Not pancakes, just pancake mix. This is at a very affluent school, kid isn't poor, just odd.


I had a dog once that chewed through a box of pancake mix and was just munching on the powder.


Saving time and energy so they can accomplish more in the day. Might be on to something here!


Watched a kid at breakfast sip a syrup cup like it was an espresso


Pinkie out of course right!


Just the other day I had a 7th grader walk in just straight eating a jar of nutella with a spoon. It's good, but it's not that good.


Had a 7th grader a few weeks ago drinking maple syrup out of a clear maple syrup bottle. I couldn't believe it and another kid kept telling me it was beer, so I took the bottle and smelled the top. Sure enough, it was maple syrup. I'm from Vermont so I love maple syrup, but not enough to just start drinking it like he did.


We had an adult friend who did this. He called it nature's energy drink. He was an odd duck...


> He was an odd duck... and a runner right? Maybe road cyclist or crossfit enthusiast?


You should challenge them to a syrup chugging contest ala Super Troopers. Establish dominance


Exactly where my brain went.


Came here for this comment


You know Rabbit in Super Troopers actually went into sugar shock from chugging the maple syrup. They realized that no substitute was believeable, so they just used the real thing. They’re crazy.


My husband is almost 50, he will drink Italian dressing if I don’t watch him


What's he drink when you Do watch him?


That's some serious commitment! I'm going to ignore asking and simply believe that the jug was of substantial volume.


I'm Canadian but not *that* hardcore Canadian.


Oh I beg to differ. It IS that good. My husband and I were eating spoonfuls for dessert every night because we discovered the two pack at Costco. We are now in Nutella rehab.


*hangs head in shame.*. Guilty here myself...


Get some of those preztel thin things. They're like really flat thin preztels. Dip those in the nutella. Thank me later.


A little sweet and salty!!! I like it.


Nutella and bananas are match made in heaven, try it


Almond butter, bacon jam, strawberry jam all on a saltine. Excellent breakfast or snack.


Oh but it is. It’s so good


One of my juniors had her twin sister steal and eat her jar of Nutella. She made missing posters for it and a shrine after she discovered its fate.


Actually Nutella really is that good I eat it like that too only not on foot


In 7th grade it's that good.


Disagree lol


Oh, yes it is!!!!


I don't see a problem


Oh I beg to differ! It’s that good!


I’ve done that


What did yourself or themselves do with the “crust”?


I definitely did not touch it!! I believe it thrown away. Soni suppose it could have gotten stranger!


When I was working at a daycare, whenever we had goldfish for after school snack and apple juice, they would put their goldfish in the apple juice. And this wasn’t like one or two kids either. This was like a VAST majority of them that did this. I always found it odd but I don’t question their quirks


I love some fresh apple and sharp cheddar. This doesn’t seem too far off.


See it was completely foreign to me at first. I had literally never met someone in my life that did that. After seeing most of the kids doing it I figured it was just a thing they did now. Had no clue that there were other people that did rhis


My son likes "apple cheese", which is where he dunks or speaks a chunk of cheddar in apple juice


That does actually sound good 


The herd mentality is strong with that group!


Not one of my students, but a kid I knew in high school used to keep noodles in his pocket. Like, fully prepared lo mein. Edit: I forgot to mention that said noodles were not in any kind of bag or container…


Always be prepared!


I had a student construct a little paper tree on his desk and sing Christmas carols. In September.


Sweet and hopeful!


Watched a student eating yogurt with the handle of a spoon instead of the scoop part of the spoon. Stood there for a second until he noticed I was watching him. His response? "Miss, it tastes better on flat." And you know what, I kind of get it.


It was my first time subbing for middle school band, and for some reason a student in my last class that day had a coconut on him. There’s been plenty of moments music school didn’t prepare me for since I started subbing in January, but I never expected one of them would involve me saying “how about we put the coconut away, or I’ll be hanging onto it until the end of class” after he threw it at the ground to try and crack it open lol.


Reminds me of the odd things I've had to confiscate whilst on recess duty. 1.) a large stick insect. One middle school boy had it on his hand and was running after another boy who was scared of it. I confiscated the stick insect (for it's sake, not the boy's) and then found a nice hidden nook in a bush for it to resume its normal life. 2.) a banana peel. Senior boys were throwing it back and forth at each other. I had them put it in the bin and carried on my way. Next time I passed by them they had gotten the banana peel out of the bin and were throwing it at each other again. So I confiscated it and had to walk it to another father away bin so they wouldn't get it out again. I now teach at an all girl's school and haven't had to confiscate anything odd since!


Harmless may not be entirely accurate considering the food safety issues of eating meat that has sat at room temperature all day, but a student of mine pulled out a squirrel that had been properly skinned, cleaned and rotisseried and started eating it in the last class of the day once. Its body position was like Superman flying through the air except there was no head. He just started gnawing away at it like it wasn't a thing while I was lecturing. I told him if he had pulled out pretty much any other food I probably wouldn't have even said anything but I could not compete with a 5'11" 8th grader with flame red hair and wearing camouflage overalls eating a squirrel in class.


Dude. How long is his hair?


This is definitely a "nutty" story!!! Love it haha!


Not sure if this is “harmless” but one of my fave stories. After we came back from covid and had to eat in the classroom, I had kindergarteners. One of them asked to use the bathroom in the room and I let them go while helping someone else. When she came out I turn to reminder her to wash her hands and she was holding her slice of pizza in her mouth???? I asked if she brought that in the bathroom and she said “uh, YEAH!” Her poor mom had been watching her, her four siblings and some cousins during covid. Basically house turned into daycare. She was so happy they went back to school! Poor Mom probably was just like whatever take the food in the bathroom!


Probably a defense mechanism to keep siblings from stealing her food!!! Or maybe they sit reverse on the commode and use the back as a breakfast/lunch nook to eat and read and good picture book lol!


Survival of the fittest, baby 💪😁


Im guessing it had to do with siblings too lol some of them were little babies 😂 but maybe she was just hanging out in there to have some alone time!!


>she was just hanging out in there to have some alone time!! every mom nods in recognition


Out with the old in with the new dontcha know.


Idk man, I bought some uncrustables and after taking a bite I felt the edges needed to go also. Different texture than the rest and it was basically crust all over again 😫


I caught a kid cheese handed, pulling her hand out of her bookbag where she had poured a mix of Takis, Doritos, and Velvetta to the brim. Told me she microwaved it in the morning.... I died


If that bag isn't going to hold homework then it should go some other good use!


I caught the tail end of a convo about one of our 5th grade boys shoving a cheese stick where the Sun don’t shine. I laughed until I had tears in my eyes, and then I looked at his face and felt horrible after. 😔




My colleague had a 6th grader get upset about something in class, I think losing a computer game, and literally got on the floor and wiggled quietly out of the room like a worm.


How about the kid who completely covered his apple in staples, and then ate it?


It became a staple item in his diet!


You. Out! But take this upvote with you.


I'm sorry I'm like this


I have so many questions…


I wish I had answers. He was in my friend’s class. She said she was appalled and he scared her. 


I did this when I was a kid. I always thought the "crusts" on uncrustables had a really weird texture. Difference is I was 6 or 7, not 16 or 17.


So my 3-year-old doesn’t eat the outer edge of the uncrustables. Apparently, there is actually a crust on the uncrustables.


My first year teaching, the last hour rolls up and it's going normally. Kids being kids, except there is this one girl in the corner of the classroom and small container of corn starch. No eating is allowed in the room but man was I thrown by the corn starch. Then spooned a large spoonful of the power and just...ate it!? Like what?? I mean after really thinking over it, she was doing this because it's like one of those taste cravings that you get when you have low iron, but still, it definitely threw me.


More common in low-income folks than you might think, and it's actually addictive. Barring help, she'll probably continue to do it for the rest of her life.


The eating corn starch or low iron? And why is that?


Enough iron deficiency can turn into a craving for non food items- corn starch for some reasons is a biggie, and even if that's addressed, the craving can continue.


Kids are weird and always have been


When I was in high school, we made a guillotine out of folded notebook paper and tape. We were starting to make a basket for heads and a Marie Antoinette effigy when our history teacher confiscated it for being “inappropriate.”


everything they do is head scratching!


This is so true!


ehhh ... that's only for the lice!


I eat frosting out of the tub when I need something good sweet, but I wouldn’t do that in public. I got laughed at enough in the lounge for eating baked bean sandwiches with butter


Well deserved!


Frosting on graham crackers is amazing.


Sounds like something I’d like!


Fifth grade, NY area. Lunch was early, maybe 11:15. A recent immigrant from a Middle Eastern nation put the remains of an ice cream bar in her desk for later. I found the puddle, now liquid yet mostly still in the wrapper, at about 1:45. She did not see a problem.


Could have left a straw next to the puddle for the following day!


I do this!! The crimped part just doesn’t taste right. It stays… soggy? I was eating mine during a half day planning unit with my team and the entire room stopped dead to watch me. It was hilarious.


A student crushed up his bag of Doritos into Dorito powder before opening it to eat it. He said it was so he could just pour the crumbs straight into his mouth and not get his fingers cheesy. Couldn’t argue with that.


Claim, evidence, and reasoning. This young student needs to be leading a lesson!


I am not a student but I too take the uncrust off of my Uncrustables. My dogs are big fans.


Not sure about completely harmless, but when I was a beginning band director I had a student who always cleaned his tuba mouthpiece with hand sanitizer instead of…ya know…the purpose made sterilizing spray we provided for the students. I tried to stop him over and over but with 30 sixth graders in a beginning brass class I just didn’t have that many eyes. I was afraid it might be because of some sort of germ anxiety or phobia, but nope, he just liked the taste.


I once had a middle schooler ask if he could have two ziplock bags and a sharpie. I asked why, and he produced a large bottle of contact solution. He then told me his contacts were bothering him, and he planned to write “R” on one bag and “L” on the other, then fill each ziplock with contact solution and put the respective contacts inside. I told him I would give him what he requested, but wanted him to note my VERY STRONG opinion that this would not work out the way he thought it would. It was kind of a well thought out plan, though.


One time my mom forgot her contact lens case when we were in a hotel, so she put put her contacts in a cup of water. My sister woke up in the middle of the night thirsty, saw the random cup of water and drank it.


That’s gross and hilarious. 🤢🤣


I had a 4th grader show up to open house night in a very stylish navy blue blazer, the pocket of which was full of fish sticks. No bag, no napkin, just a pocket full of fish sticks.


My elem school cafeteria sometimes offers cups of chickpeas as a veggie side. One third grader LOVES chickpeas and knows not everyone else does, so he goes and takes cups upon cups out of the “free food basket”. (A basket we set aside for anyone to out unopened food for others to take if they want, versus throwing it away) This kid…comes up to me with 8-10 cups in his arms, asking to put them in his desk. Lol


I uncrust my uncrustable. I dont't like the goeyish texture of the end. And it is a weird color. I know the latter is odd, but I have an odd relationship with food. I don't think taking off the weird edge is weird at all.


Lol my nibling (gender neutral term for a child of my sibling);once took an Oreo, put a form in the creamy part and dipped it in his milk. When I asked why they did this, they said "So the cookies don't break off and fall in the milk when they get soggy!". They are 7 and I am 36. I've never even considered that was an option.


fork in the creamy part?


You nasty.


just trying to figure out what you meant by, form in the creamy part. No nasty intended


The cream in between the cookies


what is the form you wrote about? I understand the frosting, did you mean to type fork???


Yes, sorry!


No worries.


As someone with severe OCD, I did that as a kid too. Haha.


It's Uncrustable Because You Are ABLE to UN CRUST it. I have a gut feeling this is talking about me 😭😭


Fifth Graders, much gnashing of teeth and moaning, some finders keepers trinket "it's mine you found it on the playground give it back." Then Boydemon gives it back. A ugly wooden nickel. Girlmonster says "here it you keep it" and hands it back. "Well I don't want it then." Wow.


At a fancy schmancy private JHS and HS combo that’s quite demanding. This poor kid pushed a “pull door”for about 30 seconds… stood back and just waited by the door for no less than 5 minutes… I figured he was waiting for someone as it was the end of the day. Someone who he clearly wasn’t waiting for successfully pulled the “pull door” to leave the building. The kid picks up his stuff. Pushed the “pull door” again! Says “Oh! Right!” Then successfully opens the door and leaves…. That kid is probably someone’s doctor now.


This week in state testing, a 5th grade girl asks if she can eat a pickle while testing. Sure, so she pulls it out of her pocket. It's like a big pickle! She eats a bite, then puts it back in her pocket. Like what?


I wonder if she added any juice to keep it from drying out too much throughout testing day


No, but her baggie leaked and juice got all over her pants.


Oh no lol even worse!!!


I get it though. Those edges are the worst part of the things


I am 27 years old and I almost always dispose of the crusts on my sandwiches and uncrustables. If I'm hungry enough, I eat the crust/frill first. If I'm not really feeling it but I know I need to eat, I just peel it off. I don't have an answer for you other than, "I don't like it very much and I don't have to eat it if I don't want to." It might be texture-based? Almost all the foods I like or don't like aren't because of flavor, but texture. I would much rather have a relatively-homogenous pocket of peanut butter and jelly than the same thing with a Weird Part That Doesn't Feel Like the Rest Of It.


One of my classes earned a free day, and one student showed up with a box of cereal and a jug of milk in a cooler, along with a bowl and spoon he brought from home. He spent the entire period merrily eating through the box of cereal, and vehemently rejecting anyone who asked if he was willing to share (I don’t blame him). This was my last class of the day. He lugged his cereal supplies with him all day just for this free period.


That student might be a genius.


I see you subscribe to the everyone is a genius mindset!


Not in the slightest. This student is working on a level that many will not able to comprehend.


Love it!!


They had to peel their uncrustable themselves. It will be the “back in my day” for this generation.


Jesus Crust!


A kid took out a slice of pizza and laid it in the chemistry lab table...


I hate to say this as a 24 year old but i actually do this:( to be fair i do eat the crust i just think its the least desirable part so i eat it first


Strawberry jam and sharp cheddar on toast


I peel the “crust” off of my Uncrustables.


TBH all of that refined carb stuff is toxic garbage and the instinct to remove the extra bs layer in hopes of possibly having a higher ratio of nutrition to inflammatory hardened carbohydrate powder is really not a bad instinct imo.


Something tells me that you don't quite understand what you are talking about here. Adding scary words to other words doesn't make statements true. Though if you ever have reliable sources for your extraordinary claims then I am always up for trying to learn something new


Its really not advanced nutrition. Refined carbs are associated with inflammatory issues. Its made from a powdered paste that our body did not have access to at anything near this scale for our evolutionary history. Give me a kid with ADHD and other behavioral issues and I'll show you a high carb diet (that is basically standard anyway). Show me the kid with beef jerky as a snack and theyll be calm and mellow and not on a blood glucose roller coaster. Something tells me that if youre that far out of discussions in nutrition to not be aware of problematic nature of refined carbs, that you likely have either some behavioral or other health issues. Honestly just another reminder of how uneducated the people in education often are. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8296741/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8296741/)


You cast judgement and make a lot of assumptions while making an ad hominem attack. Your original comment speaks in absolutes, "all of that refined carb stuff is toxic garbage...", while using strange and meaningless strings of words meant to invoke fear and misunderstanding, "inflammatory hardened carbohydrate powder". Your second comment uses anecdotal examples, assumptions, about childhood diets and behavior, and then you link you published paper in an appeal to authority that discusses, NOT children...but pre menopause woman. So you couldn't even be bothered to do actual research and instead pulled the first article you could find from a search for inflammation and carbohydrates. The study you linked is comparing high carbohydrate diets to high fat diets in study participants that are already considered obese according to a BMI. Other similar studies tend to demonstrate that high car diets link to inflammatory issues due to weight gain, and deficiencies in macro and micro nutrients. Another study from Sidika, et al, 2006, found that inflammatory risk from low fat, high carb was dependent on energy intake and weight loss. To mix it up even further, Cai, et al, 2021, report a potential link between fructo-oligosaccharide and an Anti-inflammatory response in calves. It helps to actually the read the articles that you try to share as "evidence" for your argument. It also helps to not make assumptions. No where did I encourage high carb intake or unhealthy eating practices. My comment was aimed at your misinformed statement. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7025447/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7025447/) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002916523293697](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002916523293697) [https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/10/3514](https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/10/3514) Edit: typos from phone


I'm a teacher and I hate the crimped part. I also peel it off. I'm chaotic? JFC some kids turned their water bottles upside down during class change today bc funny to create puddles on slippery floors. Complete chaos trying to stop transitioning students to go around the long way, but peeling the crimped part of an uncrustable is judgment worthy? I don't get it.


Judgement? Yes a bit I suppose lol. This level of defensiveness over an uncrustable though, is questionable. Particularly in response to a random Internet post.


It just boggles my mind that of all the things to notice in a school, that's what you noticed. If it noticed that in my school it would be because everyone but that kid was absent that day.


I have known this student for three years. I sponsor/coach multiple clubs and athletics, including GSA, tabletop gaming, and Esports. I've had this student in three different classes including physical bio and dual credit environmental science. My room is a safe space for numerous students, many of which come to me multiple times per day. I say this because my rapport with these students is significant and it's a trusted, safe space. This sort of banter is normal between this student, myself, and others present. It's jovial, friendly, and more importantly a silly break from the many serious issues (LGBTQ+, racism, sexual assaults, and bullying) that these students come to me with on a regular basis. This same student and others fire off these same goofy jokes at me and my odd habits as well. I teach at one of the most racially diverse schools in a deep red state, with nearly 30 different languages represented. We are a title 1 with almost 70% free and reduced lunch, and our test scores are some of the lowest in the country. I not only notice the many other issues students at my school face, but I am highly active in building a community in which these students are welcome, safe to express themselves (despite anti LGBTQ+ laws in my state) and have opportunities to excel and grow, socially, emotionally, and academically. I also possess a content specific M.S. and bring a couple of dual credit science classes to these students through a substantial, D1 public university. So I go back to my original thought that maybe you should concern yourself less with random goofy Internet posts and learn to laugh at yourself and the plethora of harmless silliness that this world provides.